public void testDayNameFromConvertedDateToAD1()
            EnglishDate english_date = new EnglishDate();

            string nep_date = "11/10/2070";

            Assert.AreEqual("saturday", dc.ToAD(nep_date).dayName.ToLower());

            nep_date = "01/01/2013";
            Assert.AreEqual("friday", dc.ToAD(nep_date).dayName.ToLower());

            nep_date = "12/10/2000";
            Assert.AreEqual("wednesday", dc.ToAD(nep_date).dayName.ToLower());
        public void testDayNumberFromConvertedDateToAD()
            EnglishDate english_date = new EnglishDate();

            string nep_date = "11/10/2070";

            Assert.AreEqual(7, dc.ToAD(nep_date).dayNumber);

            nep_date = "01/01/2013";
            Assert.AreEqual(6, dc.ToAD(nep_date).dayNumber);

            nep_date = "12/10/2000";
            Assert.AreEqual(4, dc.ToAD(nep_date).dayNumber);
コード例 #3
ファイル: HebrewDate.cs プロジェクト: zeroxist/Libraries
 ///<summary>Converts this Hebrew date to its string representation using a custom format string.</summary>
 ///<param name="format">A DateTime format string.</param>
 ///<returns>A Hebrew date string.</returns>
 public string ToString(string format)
     return(EnglishDate.ToString(format, culture));
コード例 #4
ファイル: HebrewDate.cs プロジェクト: zeroxist/Libraries
 ///<summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
 ///<returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
 public override int GetHashCode()
コード例 #5
ファイル: HebrewDate.cs プロジェクト: zeroxist/Libraries
 ///<summary>Checks whether this Hebrew date is equal to another Hebrew date.</summary>
 ///<param name="other">The Hebrew date to compare to.</param>
 ///<returns>True if the dates are equal.</returns>
 public bool Equals(HebrewDate other)
コード例 #6
ファイル: HebrewDate.cs プロジェクト: zeroxist/Libraries
 ///<summary>Compares this Hebrew date to another Hebrew date.</summary>
 ///<param name="other">The date to compare to.</param>
 ///<returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and the value parameter. </returns>
 public int CompareTo(HebrewDate other)
コード例 #7
        public EnglishDate ToAD(string gDate)
            int def_eyy     = 0;
            int def_emm     = 0;
            int def_edd     = 0;
            int def_nyy     = 0;
            int total_eDays = 0;
            int total_nDays = 0;
            int a           = 0;
            int m           = 0;
            int y           = 0;
            int i           = 0;
            int j           = 0;
            int k           = 0;

            //split nepali dates to get its year,month and day

            System.String[] userDateParts = gDate.Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            int             mm            = int.Parse(userDateParts[0]);
            int             dd            = int.Parse(userDateParts[1]);
            int             yy            = int.Parse(userDateParts[2]);

            //check if day and month in user input value is valid or not
            if (mm > 12)
                throw new Exception("Month value cannot be greater than 12.");
            if (nepaliDateData.getLastDayOfMonthNep(yy, mm) < dd)
                throw new Exception(dateFunctions.GetNepaliMonth(mm) + " of the year " + yy + " doesnot have " + dd + " days.");

            //get starting nepali and english date for conversion
            //Initialize english date
            Tuple <int, int[]> initializationDates = conversionStartDateData.getClosestEnglishDateAndNepaliDateToAD(yy);

            int nepali_init_date = initializationDates.Item1;

            int[] english_init_date = initializationDates.Item2;
            //Initialize english date
            //def_eyy = 1943;
            //def_emm = 4;
            //def_edd = 13;

            def_eyy = english_init_date[0];
            def_emm = english_init_date[1];
            def_edd = english_init_date[2];

            //Equivalent nepali date
            // def_nyy = 2000;
            def_nyy = nepali_init_date;

            total_eDays = 0;
            total_nDays = 0;
            a           = 0;
            m           = 0;
            i           = 0;

            //  k = 0;
            k = nepali_init_date;

            int[] month = new int[] { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

            int[] lmonth = new int[] { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

            while ((i < (yy - def_nyy)))
                j = 1;
                while ((j <= 12))
                    total_nDays += nepaliDateData.getLastDayOfMonthNep(k, j);
                    j           += 1;

                i += 1;
                k += 1;

            j = 1;
            while ((j < mm))
                total_nDays += nepaliDateData.getLastDayOfMonthNep(k, j);
                j           += 1;
            total_nDays += dd;

            total_eDays = def_edd;
            m           = def_emm;
            y           = def_eyy;

            while ((!(total_nDays == 0)))
                if ((dateFunctions.IsLeapYear(y)))
                    a = lmonth[m];
                    a = month[m];

                total_eDays += 1;

                if ((total_eDays > a))
                    m          += 1;
                    total_eDays = 1;

                    if ((m > 12))
                        y += 1;
                        m  = 1;
                total_nDays -= 1;
            EnglishDate eng_date = new EnglishDate();

            eng_date.engDay         = total_eDays;
            eng_date.engDaysInMonth = a;
            eng_date.engMonth       = m;
            eng_date.engYear        = y;
            eng_date.dayName        = new DateTime(y, m, total_eDays).DayOfWeek.ToString();
            //1 is added since we consider first day to be 1 while it is actually 0
            eng_date.dayNumber = (int)new DateTime(y, m, total_eDays).DayOfWeek + 1;
            eng_date.setFormattedDate(y, m, total_eDays);
コード例 #8
 public void setup()
     englishDate = new EnglishDate();