public ChordRealNode() { engine = new Engine(this); //engine = Engine.createEngine(this); engineMgr = EngineMgr.createEngineMgr(10000, engine); ChordDataStore dataStore = new ChordDataStore(); /* * NOTE: THIS FUNCTIONALITY GOES INTO ENGINE * finger[0] = this; * need to fill up the rest * am avoiding filling them up with empty ProxyNodes * because I want to keepProxyNodes immutable * no need to create now * for(int i=1;i<160;i++) * finger[i] = blah blah blah */ }
public ChordRealNode(IChordNode joinNode, AsyncCallback joinCallBack, Object appState) { engine = new Engine(this, joinNode, joinCallBack, appState); engineMgr = EngineMgr.createEngineMgr(10000, engine); ChordDataStore dataStore = new ChordDataStore(); }