コード例 #1
        /* Function: AddAllFiles
         * Goes through all the files in the <FileSource> and calls <Files.Manager.AddOrUpdateFile()> on each one.
        override public void AddAllFiles(CancelDelegate cancelDelegate)
            bool forceReparse = EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |

            Path path = (FileSource as FileSources.ImageFolder).Path;

            // Using a string stack instead of Path stack because the I/O functions will return strings and there's no need to normalize
            // them all or otherwise use Path functions on them.
            Stack <string> foldersToSearch = new Stack <string>();


            while (foldersToSearch.Count > 0)
                string folder = foldersToSearch.Pop();

                status.AddFolders(InputType.Image, 1);

                string[] subfolders = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder);

                if (cancelDelegate())

                foreach (string subfolder in subfolders)

                string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder);

                if (cancelDelegate())

                foreach (string file in files)
                    Path   filePath  = file;
                    string extension = filePath.Extension;

                    if (Files.Manager.ImageExtensions.Contains(extension))
                        status.AddFiles(FileType.Image, 1);
                        Manager.AddOrUpdateFile(filePath, FileType.Image, System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(file), forceReparse);

                    if (cancelDelegate())
コード例 #2
ファイル: Manager.cs プロジェクト: flibX0r/NaturalDocs
        /* Function: Start
         * Dependencies:
         *		- <Config.Manager> must be started before using the rest of the class.
        public bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errors)

            SQLite.API.Result sqliteResult = SQLite.API.Initialize();

            if (sqliteResult != SQLite.API.Result.OK)
                throw new SQLite.Exceptions.UnexpectedResult("Could not initialize SQLite.", sqliteResult);

            Path databaseFile = EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/CodeDB.nd";

            connection = new SQLite.Connection();
            bool success = false;

            if (!EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                          StartupIssues.FileIDsInvalidated |
                                          StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated |
                    connection.Open(databaseFile, false);

                    Version version = GetVersion();

                    if (BinaryFile.IsCompatible(version, Engine.Instance.Version, "2.0.2") == true)
                        success = true;
                catch { }

            if (!success)

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(databaseFile))

                connection.Open(databaseFile, true);

                EngineInstance.AddStartupIssues(StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated |
                                                StartupIssues.CommentIDsInvalidated |
                                                dontNotify: this);

            started = true;
コード例 #3
        public bool Start(ErrorList errorList)
            bool reparsingEverything = EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh | StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles);

            unprocessedChanges = new UnprocessedChanges(reparsingEverything);

            // Watch for changes

コード例 #4
ファイル: Manager.cs プロジェクト: flibX0r/NaturalDocs
        /* Function: Start
        public bool Start(ErrorList errorList)
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues = StartupIssues.None;

            // Load SearchIndex.nd

            bool hasBinaryFile;

            if (!EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                          StartupIssues.CommentIDsInvalidated |
                                          StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated |
                SearchIndex_nd binaryFileParser = new SearchIndex_nd();
                hasBinaryFile = binaryFileParser.Load(Target.WorkingDataFolder + "/SearchIndex.nd", out prefixTopicIDs);
                prefixTopicIDs = new StringTable <NumberSet>(KeySettingsForPrefixes);
                hasBinaryFile  = false;

            if (!hasBinaryFile)
                // If we don't have the binary file we need to reparse all the source files to rebuild the index.  However, setting NeedToReparseAllFiles
                // isn't enough because it will reparse those files, send them to CodeDB, and then CodeDB won't send topic updates if the underlying
                // content hasn't changed.  So f**k it, blow it all up and start over.
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh;

            // Add watchers


            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)
                EngineInstance.AddStartupIssues(newStartupIssues, dontNotify: this);

            started = true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Target.cs プロジェクト: loafbrad/NaturalDocs
        public override bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errorList)
            int           errors           = errorList.Count;
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues = StartupIssues.None;

            // Validate the output folder.

            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(config.Folder) == false)
                errorList.Add(Locale.Get("NaturalDocs.Engine", "Error.FolderDoesntExist(type, name)", "output", config.Folder));

            // Load and validate the styles, including any inherited styles.

            string    styleName   = config.ProjectInfo.StyleName;
            Style_txt styleParser = new Style_txt();

            if (styleName == null)
                style = EngineInstance.Styles.LoadStyle("Default", errorList, Config.PropertySource.SystemDefault);

            else if (EngineInstance.Styles.StyleExists(styleName))
                style = EngineInstance.Styles.LoadStyle(styleName, errorList, config.ProjectInfo.StyleNamePropertyLocation);

            // Check if it's an empty folder we want to generate a default Style.txt for
            else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + '/' + styleName) &&
                     !System.IO.File.Exists(EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + '/' + styleName + "/Style.txt"))
                style = new Styles.Advanced(EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + '/' + styleName + "/Style.txt");

                // Inherit Default so everything still works before it's filled out.
                style.AddInheritedStyle("Default", Config.PropertySource.SystemGenerated);

                if (!styleParser.Save((Styles.Advanced)style, errorList, false))

                // Now we have to reload it so it loads the inherited style as well.
                style = EngineInstance.Styles.LoadStyle(styleName, errorList, config.ProjectInfo.StyleNamePropertyLocation);

                errorList.Add(Locale.Get("NaturalDocs.Engine", "Style.txt.CantFindStyle(name)", styleName),

            stylesWithInheritance = style.BuildInheritanceList();

            // Load Config.nd

            Config_nd             binaryConfigParser = new Config_nd();
            List <Style>          previousStyles;
            List <FileSourceInfo> previousFileSourceInfoList;
            bool hasBinaryConfigFile = false;

            if (!EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh))
                hasBinaryConfigFile = binaryConfigParser.Load(WorkingDataFolder + "/Config.nd", out previousStyles, out previousFileSourceInfoList);
            else             // start fresh
                previousStyles             = new List <Style>();
                previousFileSourceInfoList = new List <FileSourceInfo>();

            // Compare to the previous list of styles.

            bool inPurgingOperation = false;

            if (!hasBinaryConfigFile)
                // If we don't have the binary config file we have to purge every style folder because some of them may no longer be in
                // use and we won't know which.
                PurgeAllStyleFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseStyleFiles;

            else             // (hasBinaryConfigFile)
                // Purge the style folders for any no longer in use.

                foreach (var previousStyle in previousStyles)
                    bool stillExists = false;

                    foreach (var currentStyle in stylesWithInheritance)
                        if (currentStyle.IsSameFundamentalStyle(previousStyle))
                            stillExists = true;

                    if (!stillExists)
                        PurgeStyleFolder(previousStyle.Name, ref inPurgingOperation);

                // Reparse styles on anything new.  If a style is new we can't assume all its files are going to be sent to the
                // IChangeWatcher functions because another output target may have been using it, and thus they are already in
                // Files.Manager.

                foreach (var currentStyle in stylesWithInheritance)
                    bool foundMatch = false;

                    foreach (var previousStyle in previousStyles)
                        if (previousStyle.IsSameFundamentalStyle(currentStyle))
                            foundMatch = true;

                    if (!foundMatch)
                        newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseStyleFiles;

            // Compare to the previous list of FileSources.

            if (!hasBinaryConfigFile)
                // If we don't have the binary config file we need to rebuild all the output because we don't know which FileSource was
                // previously set to which number, which determines which output folder they use, like /files vs /files2.
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToRebuildAllOutput;

                // This also means we have to purge every source or image output folder because we won't know which changed or are
                // no longer in use.
                PurgeAllSourceAndImageFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);

            else              // (hasBinaryConfigFile)
                bool hasDeletions = false;
                bool hasAdditions = false;

                // Purge the output folders of any deleted FileSources

                foreach (var previousFileSourceInfo in previousFileSourceInfoList)
                    bool stillExists = false;

                    foreach (var fileSource in EngineInstance.Files.FileSources)
                        if (previousFileSourceInfo.IsSameFundamentalFileSource(fileSource))
                            stillExists = true;

                    if (!stillExists)
                        hasDeletions = true;
                        Path outputFolder;

                        if (previousFileSourceInfo.Type == InputType.Source)
                            outputFolder = Paths.SourceFile.OutputFolder(OutputFolder, previousFileSourceInfo.Number);
                        else if (previousFileSourceInfo.Type == InputType.Image)
                            outputFolder = Paths.Image.OutputFolder(OutputFolder, previousFileSourceInfo.Number, previousFileSourceInfo.Type);
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                        PurgeFolder(outputFolder, ref inPurgingOperation);

                // Check if any FileSources were added

                foreach (var fileSource in EngineInstance.Files.FileSources)
                    if (fileSource.Type == InputType.Source || fileSource.Type == InputType.Image)
                        bool foundMatch = false;

                        foreach (var previousFileSourceInfo in previousFileSourceInfoList)
                            if (previousFileSourceInfo.IsSameFundamentalFileSource(fileSource))
                                foundMatch = true;

                        if (!foundMatch)
                            hasAdditions = true;

                // If there were both additions and deletions, force a rebuild.  This covers if a FileSource was simply moved from one
                // number to another, in which case the rebuild is required to populate the new folder.  This also covers if a folder
                // FileSource is replaced by one for its parent folder, in which case a rebuild is required to recreate the output for the
                // files in the child folder.

                if (hasAdditions && hasDeletions)
                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToRebuildAllOutput;

            // Load BuildState.nd

            BuildState_nd buildStateParser        = new BuildState_nd();
            bool          hasBinaryBuildStateFile = false;

            if (!EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                          StartupIssues.FileIDsInvalidated |
                                          StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated |
                hasBinaryBuildStateFile = buildStateParser.Load(WorkingDataFolder + "/BuildState.nd", out buildState, out unprocessedChanges);
            else             // start fresh
                buildState         = new BuildState();
                unprocessedChanges = new UnprocessedChanges();

            if (!hasBinaryBuildStateFile)
                // If we don't have a build state file we need to reparse all the source files because we need to know sourceFilesWithContent
                // and classesWithContent.  We also need to rebuild all the output because we don't know if there was anything left in
                // sourceFilesToRebuild from the last run.  But those two flags actually aren't enough, because it will reparse those files, send
                // them to CodeDB, and then CodeDB won't send topic updates if the underlying content hasn't changed.  We'd actually need
                // to add all files and classes to UnprocessedChanges, but the Files module isn't started yet.  So f**k it, blow it all up and start
                // over.
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh;

                // Purge everything so no stray files are left behind from the previous build.
                PurgeAllSourceAndImageFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);
                PurgeAllClassFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);
                PurgeAllDatabaseFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);
                PurgeAllStyleFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);
                PurgeAllMenuFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);
                PurgeAllSearchIndexFolders(ref inPurgingOperation);

            // We're done with anything that could purge.

            FinishedPurging(ref inPurgingOperation);

            // Resave the Style.txt-based styles.

            foreach (var style in stylesWithInheritance)
                if (style is Styles.Advanced)
                    var  advancedStyle = style as Styles.Advanced;
                    bool isSystemStyle = EngineInstance.Config.SystemStyleFolder.Contains(advancedStyle.ConfigFile);

                    // No error on save for system styles.
                    styleParser.Save(advancedStyle, errorList, noErrorOnFail: isSystemStyle);

            // Save Config.nd.

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(WorkingDataFolder))

            List <FileSourceInfo> fileSourceInfoList = new List <FileSourceInfo>();

            foreach (var fileSource in EngineInstance.Files.FileSources)
                if (fileSource.Type == Files.InputType.Source || fileSource.Type == Files.InputType.Image)
                    FileSourceInfo fileSourceInfo = new FileSourceInfo();

            binaryConfigParser.Save(WorkingDataFolder + "/Config.nd", stylesWithInheritance, fileSourceInfoList);

            // Always rebuild the scaffolding since they're quick.  If you ever make this differential, remember that FramePage depends
            // on the project name and other information.


            // Load up unprocessedChanges if we're rebuilding

            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToRebuildAllOutput) ||
                (newStartupIssues & StartupIssues.NeedToRebuildAllOutput) != 0)

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseStyleFiles;


                // We'll handle search prefixes after starting SearchIndex

            // Create the search index, watch other modules, and apply new StartupIssues

            searchIndex = new SearchIndex.Manager(this);


            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)
                EngineInstance.AddStartupIssues(newStartupIssues, dontNotify: this);


            // If we're rebuilding everything, add the search index prefixes now that that's started

            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToRebuildAllOutput))
                var usedPrefixes = searchIndex.UsedPrefixes();

                foreach (var searchPrefix in usedPrefixes)

            return(errors == errorList.Count);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Manager.cs プロジェクト: loafbrad/NaturalDocs
        /* Function: Start
         * Loads and combines the two versions of <Comments.txt>, returning whether it was successful.  If there were any errors
         * they will be added to errorList.
         * Dependencies:
         *		- <Config.Manager> must be started before this class can start.
        public bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errorList)
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues = StartupIssues.None;

            List <ConfigFileCommentType> systemCommentTypeList;
            List <ConfigFileCommentType> projectCommentTypeList;
            List <string> ignoredSystemKeywords;
            List <string> ignoredProjectKeywords;
            List <string> systemTags;
            List <string> projectTags;

            List <CommentType> binaryCommentTypes;
            List <Tag>         binaryTags;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > binarySingularKeywords;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > binaryPluralKeywords;
            List <string> binaryIgnoredKeywords;

            // The return value, which is whether we were able to successfully load and parse the system Comments.txt, and if it exists,
            // the project Comments.txt.  The project Comments.txt not existing is not a failure.
            bool success = true;

            Comments_nd commentsNDParser = new Comments_nd();

            // We need the ID numbers to stay consistent between runs, so we need to create all the comment types and tags from the
            // binary file first.  We'll worry about comparing their attributes and seeing if any were added or deleted later.

            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                binaryCommentTypes     = new List <CommentType>();
                binaryTags             = new List <Tag>();
                binarySingularKeywords = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                binaryPluralKeywords   = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                binaryIgnoredKeywords  = new List <string>();

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

            else if (commentsNDParser.Load(EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Comments.nd", out binaryCommentTypes, out binaryTags,
                                           out binarySingularKeywords, out binaryPluralKeywords, out binaryIgnoredKeywords) == false)
                // Even though it failed, LoadBinaryFile will still create valid empty objects for the variables.

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

            else             // Load binary file succeeded
                // We use a try block so if anything screwy happens, like two things having the same ID number and thus causing
                // an exception when added, we can continue as if the binary file didn't parse at all.
                    foreach (CommentType binaryCommentType in binaryCommentTypes)
                        // We don't add the binary comment type itself because we only want those for comparison purposes.  We want
                        // the types in commentTypes to be at their default values because the Comments.txt versions will only set some attributes,
                        // not all, and we don't want the unset attributes influenced by the binary versions.
                        CommentType newCommentType = new CommentType(binaryCommentType.Name);
                        newCommentType.ID = binaryCommentType.ID;
                        newCommentType.Flags.InBinaryFile = true;


                    foreach (Tag binaryTag in binaryTags)
                        Tag newTag = new Tag(binaryTag.Name);
                        newTag.ID           = binaryTag.ID;
                        newTag.InBinaryFile = true;

                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |


                    // Clear them since they may be used later in this function.

                    // Otherwise ignore the exception and continue.

            Path systemFile     = EngineInstance.Config.SystemConfigFolder + "/Comments.txt";
            Path projectFile    = EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + "/Comments.txt";
            Path oldProjectFile = EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + "/Topics.txt";

            Comments_txt commentsTxtParser = new Comments_txt();

            // Load the files.

            if (!commentsTxtParser.Load(systemFile, Config.PropertySource.SystemCommentsFile,
                                        out systemCommentTypeList, out ignoredSystemKeywords, out systemTags, errorList))
                success = false;
                // Continue anyway because we want to show errors from both files.

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(projectFile))
                if (!commentsTxtParser.Load(projectFile, Config.PropertySource.ProjectCommentsFile,
                                            out projectCommentTypeList, out ignoredProjectKeywords, out projectTags, errorList))
                    success = false;
            else if (System.IO.File.Exists(oldProjectFile))
                if (!commentsTxtParser.Load(oldProjectFile, Config.PropertySource.ProjectCommentsFile,
                                            out projectCommentTypeList, out ignoredProjectKeywords, out projectTags, errorList))
                    success = false;
                // The project file not existing is not an error condition.  Fill in the variables with empty structures.
                projectCommentTypeList = new List <ConfigFileCommentType>();
                ignoredProjectKeywords = new List <string>();
                projectTags            = new List <string>();

            if (success == false)

            // Combine the ignored keywords.

            StringSet ignoredKeywords = new StringSet(KeySettingsForKeywords);

            foreach (string keyword in ignoredSystemKeywords)
                if (keyword != null)

            foreach (string keyword in ignoredProjectKeywords)
                if (keyword != null)

            // Combine the tags

            foreach (string tagName in systemTags)
                Tag tag = tags[tagName];

                if (tag == null)
                    tag = new Tag(tagName);
                    tag.InSystemFile = true;
                    tag.InSystemFile = true;

                    // In case it changed since the binary version.

            foreach (string tagName in projectTags)
                Tag tag = tags[tagName];

                if (tag == null)
                    tag = new Tag(tagName);
                    tag.InProjectFile = true;
                    tag.InProjectFile = true;

            // All the comment types have to exist in IDObjects.Manager before the properties are set because Index With will need their
            // IDs.  This pass only creates the types that were not already created by the binary file.

            // We don't need to do separate passes for standard entries and alter entries because alter entries should only appear
            // in the project file and only apply to types in the system file.  Anything else is either an error (system file can't alter a
            // project entry) or would have been simplified out by LoadFile (a file with an alter entry applying to a type in the same
            // file.)

            foreach (ConfigFileCommentType commentType in systemCommentTypeList)
                if (!Start_CreateType(commentType, systemFile, true, errorList))
                    success = false;

            foreach (ConfigFileCommentType commentType in projectCommentTypeList)
                if (!Start_CreateType(commentType, projectFile, false, errorList))
                    success = false;

            // Need to exit early because Start_ApplyProperties assumes all the types were created correctly.
            if (success == false)

            // Now that everything's in commentTypes we can delete the ones that aren't in the text files, meaning they were in
            // the binary file from the last run but were deleted since then.  We have to put them on a list and delete them in a
            // second pass because deleting them while iterating through would screw up the iterator.

            List <int> deletedIDs = new List <int>();

            foreach (CommentType commentType in commentTypes)
                if (commentType.Flags.InConfigFiles == false)
                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles;

            foreach (int deletedID in deletedIDs)

            // Delete the tags that weren't in the text files as well.


            foreach (Tag tag in tags)
                if (tag.InConfigFiles == false)
                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles;

            foreach (int deletedID in deletedIDs)

            // Fill in the properties

            foreach (ConfigFileCommentType commentType in systemCommentTypeList)
                if (!Start_ApplyProperties(commentType, systemFile, ignoredKeywords, errorList))
                    success = false;

            foreach (ConfigFileCommentType commentType in projectCommentTypeList)
                if (!Start_ApplyProperties(commentType, projectFile, ignoredKeywords, errorList))
                    success = false;

            if (success == false)

            // Make sure there are no circular dependencies in Index With.

            foreach (CommentType commentType in commentTypes)
                if (commentType.Index == CommentType.IndexValue.IndexWith)
                    IDObjects.NumberSet ids         = new IDObjects.NumberSet();
                    CommentType         currentType = commentType;


                        if (ids.Contains(currentType.IndexWith))
                            // Start the dependency message on the repeated comment type, not on the one the loop started with because
                            // it could go A > B > C > B, in which case reporting A is irrelevant.

                            int         repeatedID    = currentType.IndexWith;
                            CommentType iterator      = commentTypes[repeatedID];
                            string      repeatMessage = iterator.Name;

                            // We want the error message to be on the repeated type only if that's the only one: A > A.  Otherwise we
                            // want it to be the second to last one: C in A > B > C > B.
                            CommentType errorMessageTarget = currentType;

                            for (;;)
                                iterator       = commentTypes[iterator.IndexWith];
                                repeatMessage += " > " + iterator.Name;

                                if (iterator.ID == repeatedID)

                                errorMessageTarget = iterator;

                            Path errorMessageFile;
                            List <ConfigFileCommentType> searchList;

                            if (errorMessageTarget.Flags.InProjectFile)
                                errorMessageFile = projectFile;
                                searchList       = projectCommentTypeList;
                                errorMessageFile = systemFile;
                                searchList       = systemCommentTypeList;

                            int    errorMessageLineNumber   = 0;
                            string lcErrorMessageTargetName = errorMessageTarget.Name.ToLower();

                            foreach (ConfigFileCommentType searchListType in searchList)
                                if (searchListType.Name.ToLower() == lcErrorMessageTargetName)
                                    errorMessageLineNumber = searchListType.LineNumber;

                                Locale.Get("NaturalDocs.Engine", "Comments.txt.CircularDependencyInIndexWith(list)", repeatMessage),
                                errorMessageFile, errorMessageLineNumber


                        currentType = commentTypes[currentType.IndexWith];
                    }while (currentType.Index == CommentType.IndexValue.IndexWith);

            // Simplify Index With.  So A > B > C becomes A > C.  Also A > B = no indexing becomes A = no indexing.

            foreach (CommentType commentType in commentTypes)
                if (commentType.Index == CommentType.IndexValue.IndexWith)
                    CommentType targetCommentType = commentTypes[commentType.IndexWith];

                    while (targetCommentType.Index == CommentType.IndexValue.IndexWith)
                        targetCommentType = commentTypes[targetCommentType.IndexWith];

                    if (targetCommentType.Index == CommentType.IndexValue.No)
                        commentType.Index = CommentType.IndexValue.No;
                        commentType.IndexWith = targetCommentType.ID;

            // Everything is okay at this point.  Save the files again to reformat them.  If the project file didn't exist, saving it
            // with the empty structures we created will create it.


            if (!commentsTxtParser.Save(projectFile, projectCommentTypeList, ignoredProjectKeywords, projectTags, errorList, true, false))
                success = false;

            if (!commentsTxtParser.Save(systemFile, systemCommentTypeList, ignoredSystemKeywords, systemTags, errorList, false, true))
                success = false;

            // Compare the structures with the binary ones to see if anything changed.  We only need to bother if we weren't already going to reparse
            // all the files.

            bool changed = EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles) ||
                           (newStartupIssues & StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles) != 0;

            if (changed == false)
                // First an easy comparison.

                if (binaryCommentTypes.Count != commentTypes.Count ||
                    binaryTags.Count != tags.Count ||
                    binaryIgnoredKeywords.Count != ignoredKeywords.Count ||
                    singularKeywords.Count != binarySingularKeywords.Count ||
                    pluralKeywords.Count != binaryPluralKeywords.Count)
                    changed = true;

            if (changed == false)
                // Next a detailed comparison if necessary.

                foreach (CommentType binaryCommentType in binaryCommentTypes)
                    CommentType commentType = commentTypes[binaryCommentType.ID];

                    if (commentType == null || binaryCommentType != commentType)
                        changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (Tag binaryTag in binaryTags)
                        Tag tag = tags[binaryTag.ID];

                        if (tag == null || binaryTag != tag)
                            changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (string binaryIgnoredKeyword in binaryIgnoredKeywords)
                        if (!ignoredKeywords.Contains(binaryIgnoredKeyword))
                            changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> binarySingularKeywordPair in binarySingularKeywords)
                        // We can use ID instead of Name because we know they match now.
                        if (singularKeywords.ContainsKey(binarySingularKeywordPair.Key) == false ||
                            singularKeywords[binarySingularKeywordPair.Key].ID != binarySingularKeywordPair.Value)
                            changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> binaryPluralKeywordPair in binaryPluralKeywords)
                        // We can use ID instead of Name because we know they match now.
                        if (pluralKeywords.ContainsKey(binaryPluralKeywordPair.Key) == false ||
                            pluralKeywords[binaryPluralKeywordPair.Key].ID != binaryPluralKeywordPair.Value)
                            changed = true;

            if (changed)
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles;

            commentsNDParser.Save(EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Comments.nd",
                                  commentTypes, tags, singularKeywords, pluralKeywords, ignoredKeywords);

            groupCommentTypeID = IDFromKeyword("group");

            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)

コード例 #7
        /* Function: AddAllFiles
         * Goes through all the files in the <FileSource> and calls <Files.Manager.AddOrUpdateFile()> on each one.
        override public void AddAllFiles(CancelDelegate cancelDelegate)
            bool forceReparse = EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |

            Path path = (FileSource as FileSources.SourceFolder).Path;

            // Using a string stack instead of Path stack because the I/O functions will return strings and there's no need to normalize
            // them all or otherwise use Path functions on them.
            Stack <string> foldersToSearch = new Stack <string>();


            while (foldersToSearch.Count > 0)
                string folder = foldersToSearch.Pop();

                if (Manager.SourceFolderIsIgnored(folder))

                status.AddFolders(InputType.Source, 1);

                string[] subfolders = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder);

                if (cancelDelegate())

                foreach (string subfolder in subfolders)

                string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder);

                if (cancelDelegate())

                foreach (string file in files)
                    Path     filePath  = file;
                    string   extension = filePath.Extension;
                    FileType?fileType  = null;

                    if (EngineInstance.Languages.FromFileExtension(extension) != null)
                        fileType = FileType.Source;
                    // We also look for images in the source folders because "(see image.jpg)" may be relative to the source
                    // file instead of an image folder.
                    else if (Files.Manager.ImageExtensions.Contains(extension))
                        fileType = FileType.Image;

                    if (fileType != null)
                        status.AddFiles((FileType)fileType, 1);
                        Manager.AddOrUpdateFile(filePath, (FileType)fileType, System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(file), forceReparse);

                    if (cancelDelegate())
コード例 #8
ファイル: Manager.Start.cs プロジェクト: flibX0r/NaturalDocs
        // Group: Initialization Functions
        // __________________________________________________________________________

        /* Function: Start_Stage1
         * Loads and combines the two versions of <Comments.txt>, returning whether it was successful.  If there were any
         * errors they will be added to errorList.
         * Only the settings which don't depend on <Languages.txt> will be loaded.  Call <Start_Stage2()> after
         * <Languages.Manager.Start_Stage1()> has been called to complete the process.
         * Dependencies:
         *		- <Config.Manager> must be started before this class can start.
        public bool Start_Stage1(Errors.ErrorList errorList)
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues = StartupIssues.None;
            bool          success          = true;

            // Comments.txt

            Path systemTextConfigPath  = EngineInstance.Config.SystemConfigFolder + "/Comments.txt";
            Path projectTextConfigPath = EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + "/Comments.txt";
            Path oldTopicsFilePath     = EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + "/Topics.txt";

            ConfigFiles.TextFileParser textConfigFileParser = new ConfigFiles.TextFileParser();

            // Load the system Comments.txt.
            if (!textConfigFileParser.Load(systemTextConfigPath, PropertySource.SystemCommentsFile, errorList, out systemTextConfig))
                success = false;

            // Load the project Comments.txt.  We want to do this even if the system Comments.txt failed so we get the error messages
            // from both.
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(projectTextConfigPath))
                if (!textConfigFileParser.Load(projectTextConfigPath, PropertySource.ProjectCommentsFile, errorList, out projectTextConfig))
                    success = false;
            // If the project Comments.txt doesn't exist, try loading Topics.txt, which is what the file was called prior to 2.0.
            else if (System.IO.File.Exists(oldTopicsFilePath))
                if (!textConfigFileParser.Load(oldTopicsFilePath, PropertySource.ProjectCommentsFile, errorList, out projectTextConfig))
                    success = false;
            // If neither file exists just create a blank config.  The project Comments.txt not existing is not an error.
                projectTextConfig = new ConfigFiles.TextFile();

            if (!success)

            if (!ValidateCommentTypes(systemTextConfig, errorList))
                success = false;
            if (!ValidateCommentTypes(projectTextConfig, errorList))
                success = false;

            if (!success)

            // Merge them into one combined config.  Note that this doesn't do keywords, ignored keywords, or tags.  Only the comment
            // types and their non-keyword properties will exist in the merged config.
            if (!MergeCommentTypes(systemTextConfig, projectTextConfig, out mergedTextConfig, errorList))
            if (!ValidateCommentTypes(mergedTextConfig, errorList))

            // Comments.nd

            Path lastRunConfigPath = EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Comments.nd";

            ConfigFiles.BinaryFileParser binaryConfigFileParser = new ConfigFiles.BinaryFileParser();

            // If we need to start fresh anyway we can skip loading the file and create a blank config
            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                         StartupIssues.CommentIDsInvalidated |
                                         StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated) ||

                // though if that wasn't the case but we failed at loading the file, the result is the same
                !binaryConfigFileParser.Load(lastRunConfigPath, out lastRunConfig))
                lastRunConfig = new Config();

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

            // Create the final config

            config = new Config();

            // We go through the comment types present in the merged text config files and convert them into the final config.  We
            // need the contents of Comments.nd so we can keep the comment type IDs consistent from one run to the next if possible.

            IDObjects.NumberSet usedCommentTypeIDs        = new IDObjects.NumberSet();
            IDObjects.NumberSet lastRunUsedCommentTypeIDs = lastRunConfig.UsedCommentTypeIDs();

            if (mergedTextConfig.HasCommentTypes)
                foreach (var textCommentType in mergedTextConfig.CommentTypes)
                    var finalCommentType = FinalizeCommentType(textCommentType);

                    // We still need to set the ID.  See if a comment type of the same name existed in the previous run.
                    var lastRunCommentType = lastRunConfig.CommentTypeFromName(textCommentType.Name);

                    // If there wasn't one we can assign a new ID, but pick one that isn't used in this run or the last run so there's no
                    // conflicts.
                    if (lastRunCommentType == null)
                        int id = lastRunUsedCommentTypeIDs.LowestAvailable;

                        if (usedCommentTypeIDs.Contains(id))
                            id = Math.Max(usedCommentTypeIDs.Highest + 1, lastRunUsedCommentTypeIDs.Highest + 1);

                        finalCommentType.ID = id;

                    // If the type did exist but we haven't used its ID yet, we can keep it.
                    else if (!usedCommentTypeIDs.Contains(lastRunCommentType.ID))
                        finalCommentType.ID = lastRunCommentType.ID;

                    // However, if the type did exist and we assigned that ID already, then we have a conflict and have to tell the engine
                    // that the IDs from the last run were invalidated.  We can just assign anything unused at this point since it no longer
                    // matters.
                        finalCommentType.ID = usedCommentTypeIDs.LowestAvailable;

                        newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.CommentIDsInvalidated;

                    // Now that we have a final ID, set the simple identifier for any type that still needs it.  Some types may have it null if
                    // it wasn't manually defined and the name didn't contain A-Z characters.

                    if (finalCommentType.SimpleIdentifier == null)
                        finalCommentType.SimpleIdentifier = "CommentTypeID" + finalCommentType.ID;

            // Now do the same thing for tags.

            List <string> mergedTagList  = null;
            int           mergedTagCount = (systemTextConfig.HasTags ? systemTextConfig.Tags.Count : 0) +
                                           (projectTextConfig.HasTags ? projectTextConfig.Tags.Count : 0);

            if (mergedTagCount > 0)
                mergedTagList = new List <string>(mergedTagCount);

                if (systemTextConfig.HasTags)
                if (projectTextConfig.HasTags)

            IDObjects.NumberSet usedTagIDs        = new IDObjects.NumberSet();
            IDObjects.NumberSet lastRunUsedTagIDs = lastRunConfig.UsedTagIDs();

            if (mergedTagList != null)
                foreach (var tagString in mergedTagList)
                    // Just skip it if it already exists
                    if (config.TagFromName(tagString) != null)

                    var tag = new Tag(tagString);

                    // We still need to set the ID.  See if a tag of the same name existed in the previous run.
                    var lastRunTag = lastRunConfig.TagFromName(tagString);

                    // If there wasn't one we can assign a new ID, but pick one that isn't used in this run or the last run so there's no
                    // conflicts.
                    if (lastRunTag == null)
                        int id = lastRunUsedTagIDs.LowestAvailable;

                        if (usedTagIDs.Contains(id))
                            id = Math.Max(usedTagIDs.Highest + 1, lastRunUsedTagIDs.Highest + 1);

                        tag.ID = id;

                    // If the tag did exist but we haven't used its ID yet, we can keep it.
                    else if (!usedTagIDs.Contains(lastRunTag.ID))
                        tag.ID = lastRunTag.ID;

                    // However, if the tag did exist and we assigned that ID already, then we have a conflict and have to tell the engine
                    // that the IDs from the last run were invalidated.  We can just assign anything unused at this point since it no longer
                    // matters.
                        tag.ID = usedTagIDs.LowestAvailable;

                        newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.CommentIDsInvalidated;

            // That's it for stage one.  Everything else is in stage 2.

            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)

コード例 #9
        // Group: Initialization Functions
        // __________________________________________________________________________

        /* Function: Start_Stage1
         * Loads and combines the two versions of <Languages.txt>, returning whether it was successful.  If there were any
         * errors they will be added to errorList.
         * Only the settings which don't depend on <Comments.txt> will be loaded.  Call <Start_Stage2()> after
         * <CommentTypes.Manager.Start_Stage1()> has been called to complete the process.
         * Dependencies:
         *		- <Config.Manager> must be started before this class can start.
        public bool Start_Stage1(Errors.ErrorList errorList)
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues = StartupIssues.None;
            bool          success          = true;

            // Languages.txt

            Path systemTextConfigPath  = EngineInstance.Config.SystemConfigFolder + "/Languages.txt";
            Path projectTextConfigPath = EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + "/Languages.txt";

            ConfigFiles.TextFileParser textConfigFileParser = new ConfigFiles.TextFileParser();

            // Load the system Languages.txt.
            if (!textConfigFileParser.Load(systemTextConfigPath, PropertySource.SystemLanguagesFile, errorList, out systemTextConfig))
                success = false;

            // Load the project Languages.txt.  We want to do this even if the system Languages.txt failed so we get the error messages
            // from both.
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(projectTextConfigPath))
                if (!textConfigFileParser.Load(projectTextConfigPath, PropertySource.ProjectLanguagesFile, errorList, out projectTextConfig))
                    success = false;
            // If it doesn't exist it's not an error.  Just create a blank config.
                projectTextConfig = new ConfigFiles.TextFile();

            if (!success)

            if (!ValidateLanguages(systemTextConfig, errorList))
                success = false;
            if (!ValidateLanguages(projectTextConfig, errorList))
                success = false;

            if (!success)

            // Merge them into one combined config.  Note that this doesn't do file extensions, aliases, or shebang strings.  Only the
            // languages and their other properties will exist in the merged config.
            if (!MergeLanguages(systemTextConfig, projectTextConfig, out mergedTextConfig, errorList))
            if (!ValidateLanguages(mergedTextConfig, errorList))

            // Languages.nd

            Path lastRunConfigPath = EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Languages.nd";

            ConfigFiles.BinaryFileParser binaryConfigFileParser = new ConfigFiles.BinaryFileParser();

            // If we need to start fresh anyway we can skip loading the file and create a blank config
            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                         StartupIssues.CommentIDsInvalidated |
                                         StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated) ||

                // though if that wasn't the case but we failed at loading the file, the result is the same
                !binaryConfigFileParser.Load(lastRunConfigPath, out lastRunConfig))
                lastRunConfig = new Config();

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

            // Create the final config

            config = new Config();

            // We go through the languages present in the merged text config files and convert them into the final config.  We
            // need the contents of Comments.nd so we can keep the language IDs consistent from one run to the next if possible.

            IDObjects.NumberSet usedLanguageIDs        = new IDObjects.NumberSet();
            IDObjects.NumberSet lastRunUsedLanguageIDs = lastRunConfig.UsedLanguageIDs();

            if (mergedTextConfig.HasLanguages)
                foreach (var textLanguage in mergedTextConfig.Languages)
                    // First we need our base language object.  If there's a predefined language matching the name we'll use that so
                    // we get its settings and parser.  If not we'll create a new object.  We shouldn't have to worry about more than one
                    // language using the same predefined language object because validation should have taken care of that.
                    var finalLanguage = FindPredefinedLanguage(textLanguage.Name);

                    if (finalLanguage == null)
                        finalLanguage = new Language(textLanguage.Name);

                    // Apply the properties.  Keep going if there are errors since we want to find them all.
                    if (!FinalizeLanguage(ref finalLanguage, textLanguage, errorList))
                        success = false;

                    // We still need to set the ID.  See if a language of the same name existed in the previous run.
                    var lastRunLanguage = lastRunConfig.LanguageFromName(textLanguage.Name);

                    // If there wasn't one we can assign a new ID, but pick one that isn't used in this run or the last run so there's no
                    // conflicts.
                    if (lastRunLanguage == null)
                        int id = lastRunUsedLanguageIDs.LowestAvailable;

                        if (usedLanguageIDs.Contains(id))
                            id = Math.Max(usedLanguageIDs.Highest + 1, lastRunUsedLanguageIDs.Highest + 1);

                        finalLanguage.ID = id;

                    // If the language did exist but we haven't used its ID yet, we can keep it.
                    else if (!usedLanguageIDs.Contains(lastRunLanguage.ID))
                        finalLanguage.ID = lastRunLanguage.ID;

                    // However, if the language did exist and we assigned that ID already, then we have a conflict and have to tell the
                    // engine that the IDs from the last run were invalidated.  We can just assign anything unused at this point since it
                    // no longer matters.
                        finalLanguage.ID = usedLanguageIDs.LowestAvailable;

                        newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.CodeIDsInvalidated;

                    // Now that we have a final ID, set the simple identifier for any type that still needs it.  Some types may have it null if
                    // it wasn't manually defined and the name didn't contain A-Z characters.
                    if (finalLanguage.SimpleIdentifier == null)
                        finalLanguage.SimpleIdentifier = "LanguageID" + finalLanguage.ID;

                    // Also create a generic parser object if one wasn't inherited from a predefined language.
                    if (!finalLanguage.HasParser)
                        finalLanguage.Parser = new Parser(EngineInstance, finalLanguage);

            if (!success)

            // Apply file extensions, aliases, and shebang strings now.

            MergeLanguageIdentifiersInto(ref config, systemTextConfig, projectTextConfig);

            // That's it for stage one.  Everything else is in stage 2.

            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)

コード例 #10
ファイル: Manager.cs プロジェクト: flibX0r/NaturalDocs
        /* Function: Start
         * Validates the configuration and starts the module if successful.  This can only be called once.  If it fails, scrap the
         * entire <Engine.Instance> and start again.
         * Dependencies:
         *		- <Config.Manager> and <Languages.Manager> must be started before using the rest of the class.  Also
         *		  anything that could possibly set <Config.Manager.RebuildEverything>.
        public bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errors)
            int           startingErrorCount = errors.Count;
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues   = StartupIssues.None;

            // Validate FileSources

            if (fileSources.Count == 0)
                    Locale.Get("NaturalDocs.Engine", "Error.NoFileSourcesDefined")
                foreach (FileSource fileSource in fileSources)

            // Make sure no source folders are completely ignored because of filters

            foreach (var fileSource in fileSources)
                if (fileSource is FileSources.SourceFolder)
                    FileSources.SourceFolder folderFileSource = (FileSources.SourceFolder)fileSource;

                    if (SourceFolderIsIgnored(folderFileSource.Path))
                            Locale.Get("NaturalDocs.Engine", "Error.SourceFolderIsIgnored(sourceFolder)", folderFileSource.Path)

            // Load Files.nd

            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh))
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.FileIDsInvalidated |
                Files_nd filesParser = new Files_nd();

                if (!filesParser.Load(EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Files.nd", out files))
                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.FileIDsInvalidated |
                else                 // Files.nd loaded successfully
                    if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles))

            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)

            bool success = (errors.Count == startingErrorCount);

            started = success;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Manager.cs プロジェクト: loafbrad/NaturalDocs
        /* Function: Start
         * Loads and combines the two versions of <Languages.txt>, returning whether it was successful.  If there were any errors
         * they will be added to errorList.
         * Dependencies:
         *		- <Config.Manager> and <CommentTypes.Manager> must be started before using the rest of the class.
        public bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errorList)
            StartupIssues newStartupIssues = StartupIssues.None;

            List <ConfigFileLanguage> systemLanguageList;
            List <ConfigFileLanguage> projectLanguageList;
            List <string>             ignoredSystemExtensions;
            List <string>             ignoredProjectExtensions;

            List <Language> binaryLanguages;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > binaryAliases;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > binaryExtensions;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > binaryShebangStrings;
            List <string> binaryIgnoredExtensions;

            // The return value, which is whether we were able to successfully load and parse the system Languages.txt, and if
            // it exists, the project Languages.txt.  The project Languages.txt not existing is not a failure.
            bool success = true;

            // First add all the predefined languages, since they may be subclassed.

            foreach (Language language in predefinedLanguages)

            // We need the ID numbers to stay consistent between runs, so we create all the languages from the binary file
            // next.  We'll worry about comparing their attributes with the text files and seeing if any were added or deleted later.

            Languages_nd languagesNDParser = new Languages_nd(this);

            // Don't bother going through the effort if we're rebuilding everything anyway.
            if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                binaryLanguages         = new List <Language>();
                binaryAliases           = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                binaryExtensions        = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                binaryShebangStrings    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                binaryIgnoredExtensions = new List <string>();

                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

            else if (!languagesNDParser.Load(EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Languages.nd", out binaryLanguages,
                                             out binaryAliases, out binaryExtensions, out binaryShebangStrings, out binaryIgnoredExtensions))
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |
                // Even though it failed, LoadBinaryFiles will still have created valid empty objects for them.

            else             // LoadBinaryFile succeeded
                // We use a try block so if anything screwy happens, like two languages having the same ID number and thus
                // causing an exception when added, we can continue as if the binary file didn't parse at all.
                    foreach (Language binaryLanguage in binaryLanguages)
                        // We don't add the binary language itself because we only want those for comparison purposes.  We otherwise
                        // want the languages to be at their default values because the Languages.txt versions will only set some
                        // attributes, not all.

                        // Check for predefined languages of the same name.  If any of the binary languages' IDs collide with the
                        // predefined languages' ones, it will be taken care of by the exception handler.
                        Language existingLanguage = languages[binaryLanguage.Name];

                        if (existingLanguage == null)
                            Language newLanguage = new Language(this, binaryLanguage.Name);
                            newLanguage.ID           = binaryLanguage.ID;
                            newLanguage.InBinaryFile = true;

                            existingLanguage.InBinaryFile = true;

                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

                    foreach (Language predefinedLanguage in predefinedLanguages)

                    // Clear them since they may be used later in this function.

                    // Otherwise ignore the exception and continue.

            Path systemFile  = EngineInstance.Config.SystemConfigFolder + "/Languages.txt";
            Path projectFile = EngineInstance.Config.ProjectConfigFolder + "/Languages.txt";

            Languages_txt languagesTxtParser = new Languages_txt();

            // Load the files.

            if (!languagesTxtParser.Load(systemFile, Config.PropertySource.SystemLanguageFile,
                                         out systemLanguageList, out ignoredSystemExtensions, errorList))
                success = false;
                // Continue anyway because we want to show errors from both files.

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(projectFile))
                if (!languagesTxtParser.Load(projectFile, Config.PropertySource.ProjectLanguageFile,
                                             out projectLanguageList, out ignoredProjectExtensions, errorList))
                    success = false;
                // The project file not existing is not an error condition.  Fill in the variables with empty structures.
                projectLanguageList      = new List <ConfigFileLanguage>();
                ignoredProjectExtensions = new List <string>();

            if (success == false)

            // Combine the ignored extensions.

            StringSet ignoredExtensions = new StringSet(KeySettingsForExtensions);

            foreach (string extension in ignoredSystemExtensions)

            foreach (string extension in ignoredProjectExtensions)

            // Add the languages.  We don't need to do separate passes for standard entries and alter entries because alter
            // entries should only appear in the project file and only apply to types in the system file.  Anything else is either an
            // error (system file can't alter a project entry) or would have been simplified out by LoadFile (a file with an alter
            // entry applying to a language in the same file.)  Start_AddLanguage() also prevents inappropriate properties from
            // being set on languages, like Line Comment on one with full language support.

            foreach (ConfigFileLanguage configFileLanguage in systemLanguageList)
                if (!Start_AddLanguage(configFileLanguage, systemFile, true, ignoredExtensions, errorList))
                    success = false;

            foreach (ConfigFileLanguage configFileLanguage in projectLanguageList)
                if (!Start_AddLanguage(configFileLanguage, projectFile, false, ignoredExtensions, errorList))
                    success = false;

            if (success == false)

            // Now that everything's in languages we can delete the ones that weren't in the config files, such as predefined
            // languages that were removed or languages that were in the binary file from the last run but were deleted.  We
            // have to put them on a list and delete them in a second pass because deleting them while iterating through would
            // screw up the iterator.

            List <string> deletedLanguageNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (Language language in languages)
                if (language.InConfigFiles == false)

                    // Check this flag so we don't set it to changed if we're deleting a predefined language that wasn't in the binary
                    // file.
                    if (language.InBinaryFile == true)
                        newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles;

            foreach (string deletedLanguageName in deletedLanguageNames)

            // Everything is okay at this point.  Save the files again to reformat them.  If the project file didn't exist, saving it
            // with the empty structures will create it.


            if (!languagesTxtParser.Save(projectFile, projectLanguageList, ignoredProjectExtensions, errorList, true, false))
                success = false;

            if (!languagesTxtParser.Save(systemFile, systemLanguageList, ignoredSystemExtensions, errorList, false, true))
                success = false;

            // Generate alternate comment styles.  We don't want these included in the config files but we do want them in the
            // binary files in case the generation method changes in a future version.

            foreach (Language language in languages)
                if (language.Type == Language.LanguageType.BasicSupport)

            // Compare the structures with the binary ones to see if anything changed.

            if (binaryLanguages.Count != languages.Count ||
                binaryAliases.Count != aliases.Count ||
                binaryExtensions.Count != extensions.Count ||
                binaryShebangStrings.Count != shebangStrings.Count ||
                binaryIgnoredExtensions.Count != ignoredExtensions.Count)
                newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles;

            // Only bother to do a detailed comparison if we're not already reparsing everything.
            else if (!EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles) &&
                     (newStartupIssues & StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles) == 0)
                bool changed = false;

                foreach (Language binaryLanguage in binaryLanguages)
                    Language language = languages[binaryLanguage.Name];

                    if (language == null || binaryLanguage != language)
                        changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (string binaryIgnoredExtension in binaryIgnoredExtensions)
                        if (ignoredExtensions.Contains(binaryIgnoredExtension) == false)
                            changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> binaryAliasPair in binaryAliases)
                        // We can use ID instead of Name because we know they match now.
                        if (aliases.ContainsKey(binaryAliasPair.Key) == false ||
                            aliases[binaryAliasPair.Key].ID != binaryAliasPair.Value)
                            changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> binaryExtensionPair in binaryExtensions)
                        // We can use ID instead of Name because we know they match now.
                        if (extensions.ContainsKey(binaryExtensionPair.Key) == false ||
                            extensions[binaryExtensionPair.Key].ID != binaryExtensionPair.Value)
                            changed = true;

                if (changed == false)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> binaryShebangStringPair in binaryShebangStrings)
                        // We can use ID instead of Name because we know they match now.
                        if (shebangStrings.ContainsKey(binaryShebangStringPair.Key) == false ||
                            shebangStrings[binaryShebangStringPair.Key].ID != binaryShebangStringPair.Value)
                            changed = true;

                if (changed)
                    newStartupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles;

            languagesNDParser.Save(EngineInstance.Config.WorkingDataFolder + "/Languages.nd",
                                   languages, aliases, extensions, shebangStrings, ignoredExtensions);

            if (newStartupIssues != StartupIssues.None)

コード例 #12
        /* Function: AddAllFiles
         * Goes through all the files for all the loaded styles in <Styles.Manager> and calls <Files.Manager.AddOrUpdateFile()>
         * on each one.
        override public void AddAllFiles(CancelDelegate cancelDelegate)

            IList <Style> styles       = EngineInstance.Styles.LoadedStyles;
            bool          forceReparse = EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                                                  StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |

            // String stack instead of Path stack because the IO functions will return strings and there's no need to normalize
            // them all or otherwise use Path functions on them.
            Stack <string> foldersToSearch = new Stack <string>();

            foreach (var style in styles)
                if (style is Styles.CSSOnly)
                    Path cssFile = (style as Styles.CSSOnly).CSSFile;

                    status.AddFiles(Files.FileType.Style, 1);

                    EngineInstance.Files.AddOrUpdateFile(cssFile, Files.FileType.Style,
                                                         System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(cssFile), forceReparse);

                else if (style is Styles.Advanced)
                    foldersToSearch.Push((style as Styles.Advanced).Folder);

                    status.AddFolders(Files.InputType.Style, 1);

                    while (foldersToSearch.Count > 0)
                        string folder = foldersToSearch.Pop();

                        string[] subfolders = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder);

                        status.AddFolders(Files.InputType.Style, subfolders.Length);

                        foreach (string subfolder in subfolders)

                        if (cancelDelegate())

                        string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder);

                        foreach (string file in files)
                            if (style.Contains(file))
                                status.AddFiles(Files.FileType.Style, 1);

                                EngineInstance.Files.AddOrUpdateFile(file, Files.FileType.Style,
                                                                     System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(file), forceReparse);

                                if (cancelDelegate())

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #13
        private static bool BuildDocumentation(ErrorList errorList)

            EngineInstance.AddStartupWatcher(new EngineStartupWatcher());

            executionTimer.Start("Engine Startup");

            if (EngineInstance.Start(errorList, commandLineConfig) == true)
                executionTimer.End("Engine Startup");

                // File Search

                executionTimer.Start("Finding Source Files");

                var adderProcess = EngineInstance.Files.CreateAdderProcess();

                using (StatusManagers.FileSearch statusManager = new StatusManagers.FileSearch(adderProcess))

                    Multithread("File Adder", adderProcess.WorkOnAddingAllFiles);



                executionTimer.End("Finding Source Files");

                // Rebuild notice

                string alternativeStartMessage = null;

                if (EngineInstance.Config.UserWantsEverythingRebuilt ||
                    alternativeStartMessage = "Status.RebuildEverythingByRequest";
                else if (EngineInstance.HasIssues(StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh |
                                                  StartupIssues.NeedToReparseAllFiles |
                    alternativeStartMessage = "Status.RebuildEverythingAutomatically";

                // Parsing

                executionTimer.Start("Parsing Source Files");

                var changeProcessor = EngineInstance.Files.CreateChangeProcessor();

                using (StatusManagers.Parsing statusManager = new StatusManagers.Parsing(changeProcessor, alternativeStartMessage))
                    totalFileChanges = statusManager.TotalFilesToProcess;

                    Multithread("Parser", changeProcessor.WorkOnProcessingChanges);



                executionTimer.End("Parsing Source Files");

                // Resolving

                executionTimer.Start("Resolving Links");

                var resolverProcess = EngineInstance.Links.CreateResolverProcess();

                using (StatusManagers.ResolvingLinks statusManager = new StatusManagers.ResolvingLinks(resolverProcess))

                    Multithread("Resolver", resolverProcess.WorkOnResolvingLinks);



                executionTimer.End("Resolving Links");

                // Building

                executionTimer.Start("Building Output");

                var builderProcess = EngineInstance.Output.CreateBuilderProcess();

                using (StatusManagers.Building statusManager = new StatusManagers.Building(builderProcess))

                    Multithread("Builder", builderProcess.WorkOnUpdatingOutput);
                    Multithread("Finalizer", builderProcess.WorkOnFinalizingOutput);



                executionTimer.End("Building Output");

                // End



            else             // engine did not start correctly
                executionTimer.End("Engine Startup");
