コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// method called when a enemy should be spawn,
    /// -create the enemy with the enemy factory
    /// -call the method "CreateEnemyBehaviorFSM" for create the enemy state machine with the spawn info data
    /// -set the FSM to the enemy
    /// -add the FSM to the list
    /// -remove the spawn info from the level spawn info
    /// </summary>
    private void processEnemyInfo()
        // create the enemy
        EnemyEntity enemyBeingSpawn = FactoryEnemies.CreateEnemy(_enemiesSpawnInfo[0].EnemyPrefab);
        // create the FSM for the enemy with the spawn data
        FSMachine machine = CreateEnemyBehaviorFSM(enemyBeingSpawn, _enemiesSpawnInfo[0]);

        // set the behavior var for the enemy
        enemyBeingSpawn.GetComponentInChildren <EnemyBehavior>().Behavior = machine;
        // adding the enemy to the FSM
        // remove for the info
コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Method call when the FSM Start. Creating the behavior for the FSM
    /// -Setting the plane to the initial position
    /// -Creating the state to go to the shot position and his transition to know when reach the position ( setting acctually by time)
    /// -Create the state shot with a always true transition ( converting the shot state in a one frame state )
    /// -Create the state to go to the final position and his transition to know when reach the position ( setting acctually by time)
    /// </summary>
    public override void Create()
        // getting the plane and getting the speed for easy time calculation
        EnemyEntity plane               = (StateMachine as FSMEnemyBehavior).Plane;
        float       planeSpeed          = plane.GetComponentInChildren <EntityMovement>().Speed;
        float       timeToReachPosition = 0;

        // setting the plane in the initial position
        plane.GetComponent <EntityMovement>().Position = _initialPosition;

        // calculate the time to reach the shop position
        timeToReachPosition = (_shotPosition - _initialPosition).magnitude / planeSpeed;
        // creating the state go to position
        FSMState stateGoToShotPosition = new FSMStateMoveToScreenPosition(this, _shotPosition, timeToReachPosition);
        // creating the transition to inform when reach shopPosition
        FSMTransition onReachShotPositionByTime = new FSMTransitionTime(this, timeToReachPosition);

        // creating state shot
        FSMState stateShot = new FSMStateShot(this);
        // creating one frame transition
        FSMTransition onShot = new FSMTransitionTrue(this);

        // calculating the time to reach the final positions
        timeToReachPosition = (_finalPosition - _shotPosition).magnitude / planeSpeed;
        // creating the state go to final position
        FSMState stateGoToFinalPositions = new FSMStateMoveToScreenPosition(this, _finalPosition, timeToReachPosition);
        // creating the transition when reach final position
        FSMTransition onReachFinalPositionByTime = new FSMTransitionTime(this, timeToReachPosition);

        //creating the states flow
        // fist state go to shot positions
        // go to shot position with transition on reach position by time
        // on reach position go to state shot

        // set transition on shot for state shot
        // set next state as go to final position
        // set transition for state go to finish positoin as reach final position
