コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// reset the weapon to go into cooldown
        /// </summary>
        public void Reset()
            //resets the weapon's damage and timer as we are not focused on the same enemy anymore
            TimeThatHasPassed  = 0;
            damageIncrease     = 1;
            enemyBeingAttacked = closestEnemy;

            //set the cooldown when the player was shooting an enemy but missed or a new enemy get in the way
            if (engaged == true)
                //triggers cooldown which will stop the weapon from firing next update cycle
                timerUsedForCooldown = timeToUseForCooldown;
コード例 #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the weapon's location and where it faces
        /// Calls up the Attacking method used for dealing damage
        /// Needs to be called in update loop in Game1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="characterPosition">the player's location as a rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="mouseXCoordinate">the X coordinate of the mouse needed for determing what direction the weapon should face</param>
        /// <param name="gameTime">the timer to be used to keep track of cooldown time</param>
        public override void Update(List <EnemiesAbstract> listOfEnemies, Player player, GameTime gameTime)
            //stores how much time has passed since last update and stores it in a variable
            TimeThatHasPassed += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            //checks to see if the weapon should go into attacking phase
            if (IsAttacking)
                // change weapon's direction

                if (timerUsedForCooldown >= 0)
                    IsAttacking          = false;
                    CooldownTime         = timeToUseForCooldown;
                    timerUsedForCooldown = timeToUseForCooldown - (float)TimeThatHasPassed;
                    CooldownTime = -1;
                    //progress through attacking sequence
                    Attacking(listOfEnemies, player);
                //keeps everything set to default value when not attacking anymore
                enemyBeingAttacked = null;
                damageIncrease     = 1;
                engaged            = false;

                if (timerUsedForCooldown >= 0)
                    CooldownTime         = timeToUseForCooldown;
                    timerUsedForCooldown = timeToUseForCooldown - (float)TimeThatHasPassed;
                    CooldownTime      = -1;
                    TimeThatHasPassed = 0;

                //If player is null, then this weapon is dropped and is not being held by the player.
                //Thus does nothing to weapon's position
                if (player != null)
コード例 #3
        //Attack() method is defined in WeaponAbstract and can be called elsewhere to make this weapon attack

        /// <summary>
        ///                 ATTACKING METHOD FOR Disintegrator Ray WEAPON
        /// creates a rectangle in a straight line and checks if hit enemy.
        /// If they do, calls up the enemy's TakenDamage() method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listOfEnemies">the list of enemies to check for collusion with</param>
        /// <param name="player">the player to use for location of weapon</param>
        protected override void Attacking(List <EnemiesAbstract> listOfEnemies, Player player)
            closestEnemy = null;

            //creates a path going in direction that the gun is facing

            //make beam in direction that is is facing
            if (WeaponFacing == WeaponDirection.Up)
                //shoots up
                beamPath.X      = location.X + faceUp.Width / 2 - 5;
                beamPath.Y      = 0;
                beamPath.Width  = 4;
                beamPath.Height = location.Y + 5;

                //loops through list of enemies and see if it hit one of them
                //if so, damages the enemy
                for (int b = 0; b < listOfEnemies.Count; b++)
                    if (beamPath.Intersects(listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox) && listOfEnemies[b].Health > 0)
                        //stores enemy in closest enemy variable if it intersects the beam.
                        //replaces that stored enemy with the new enemy if the new one is closer to weapon
                        if (closestEnemy == null)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];
                        else if (listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox.Y > closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Y)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];

                //checks to see if we are staying focused on the same enemy and increase damage if we stayed focused long enough
                if (closestEnemy != null && enemyBeingAttacked == closestEnemy)
                    if (TimeThatHasPassed > timeTillRampUp)
                        damageIncrease += 1;

                    closestEnemy.TakeDamageButNoKnockback(Damage + damageIncrease);

                //modify beam path for the draw method later on
                if (closestEnemy != null)
                    engaged          = true;
                    beamPath.Y       = closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Y + closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Height / 2;
                    beamPath.Height -= closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Y + closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Height / 2;
                    engaged = false;
            else if (WeaponFacing == WeaponDirection.Down)
                //shoots down
                beamPath.X      = location.X + faceDown.Width / 2 - 5;
                beamPath.Y      = location.Y + faceDown.Height / 2 - 2;
                beamPath.Width  = 4;
                beamPath.Height = 650 - location.Y;

                //loops through list of enemies and see if it hit one of them
                //if so, damages the enemy
                for (int b = 0; b < listOfEnemies.Count; b++)
                    if (beamPath.Intersects(listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox) && listOfEnemies[b].Health > 0)
                        //stores enemy in closest enemy variable if it intersects the beam.
                        //replaces that stored enemy with the new enemy if the new one is closer to weapon
                        if (closestEnemy == null)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];
                        else if (listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox.Y < closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Y)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];

                //checks to see if we are staying focused on the same enemy and increase damage if we stayed focused long enough
                if (closestEnemy != null && enemyBeingAttacked == closestEnemy)
                    if (TimeThatHasPassed > timeTillRampUp)
                        damageIncrease += 1;

                    closestEnemy.TakeDamageButNoKnockback(Damage + damageIncrease);

                //modify beam path for the draw method later on
                if (closestEnemy != null)
                    engaged         = true;
                    beamPath.Height = closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Y - closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Height / 2 - location.Y;
                    engaged = false;
            else if (WeaponFacing == WeaponDirection.Right)
                //shoots right
                beamPath.X      = location.X + faceLeft.Width / 2 + 12;
                beamPath.Y      = location.Y + faceLeft.Height / 2 + 15;
                beamPath.Width  = 800 - location.X;
                beamPath.Height = 4;

                //loops through list of enemies and see if it hit one of them
                //if so, damages the enemy
                for (int b = 0; b < listOfEnemies.Count; b++)
                    if (beamPath.Intersects(listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox) && listOfEnemies[b].Health > 0)
                        //stores enemy in closest enemy variable if it intersects the beam.
                        //replaces that stored enemy with the new enemy if the new one is closer to weapon
                        if (closestEnemy == null)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];
                        else if (listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox.X < closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.X)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];

                //checks to see if we are staying focused on the same enemy and increase damage if we stayed focused long enough
                if (closestEnemy != null && enemyBeingAttacked == closestEnemy)
                    if (TimeThatHasPassed > timeTillRampUp)
                        damageIncrease += 1;

                    closestEnemy.TakeDamageButNoKnockback(Damage + damageIncrease);

                //modify beam path for the draw method later on
                if (closestEnemy != null)
                    engaged        = true;
                    beamPath.Width = closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.X - closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Width - location.X;
                    engaged = false;
                //shoots left
                beamPath.X      = 0;
                beamPath.Y      = location.Y + faceLeft.Height / 2 - 10;
                beamPath.Width  = location.X + 11;
                beamPath.Height = 4;

                //loops through list of enemies and see if it hit one of them
                //if so, damages the enemy
                for (int b = 0; b < listOfEnemies.Count; b++)
                    if (beamPath.Intersects(listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox) && listOfEnemies[b].Health > 0)
                        //stores enemy in closest enemy variable if it intersects the beam.
                        //replaces that stored enemy with the new enemy if the new one is closer to weapon
                        if (closestEnemy == null)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];
                        else if (listOfEnemies[b].EnemyHitBox.X > closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.X)
                            closestEnemy = listOfEnemies[b];

                //checks to see if we are staying focused on the same enemy and increase damage if we stayed focused long enough
                if (closestEnemy != null && enemyBeingAttacked == closestEnemy)
                    if (TimeThatHasPassed > timeTillRampUp)
                        damageIncrease += 1;

                    closestEnemy.TakeDamageButNoKnockback(Damage + damageIncrease);

                //modify beam path for the draw method later on
                if (closestEnemy != null)
                    engaged         = true;
                    beamPath.X      = closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.X + closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Width / 2;
                    beamPath.Width -= closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.X + closestEnemy.EnemyHitBox.Width / 2;
                    engaged = false;