コード例 #1
        public static bool EndiannessRequiresReversal(Endiannesses currentEndianness, Endiannesses requiredEndianness)
            // We need to reverse the byte arrays if the required endianness of the bytes is different from
            // whatever order they are currently in
            // Current   | Required | BitConverter.IsLittleEndian | EndiannessRequiresReversal
            // System    | System   | N/A                         | false
            // System    | Little   | true                        | false
            // System    | Little   | false                       | true
            // System    | Big      | true                        | true
            // System    | Big      | false                       | false
            // Little    | System   | true                        | false
            // Little    | System   | false                       | true
            // Little    | Little   | N/A                         | false
            // Little    | Big      | N/A                         | true
            // Big       | System   | true                        | true
            // Big       | System   | false                       | false
            // Big       | Little   | N/A                         | true
            // Big       | Big      | N/A                         | false
            switch (currentEndianness)
            case Endiannesses.Little:
                return(requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.Big || (requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.System && !BitConverter.IsLittleEndian));

            case Endiannesses.Big:
                return(requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.Little || (requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.System && BitConverter.IsLittleEndian));

            default: // System
                return((requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.Little && !BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) ||
                       (requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.Big && BitConverter.IsLittleEndian));
コード例 #2
        public static byte[] GetBytesFromNumeric <TNumericType>(TNumericType value, Endiannesses requiredEndianness) where TNumericType : struct
            Func <object, byte[]> getBytesFunction = GetBytesDictionary[typeof(TNumericType)];

            byte[] byteArray = getBytesFunction(value);
            if (EndiannessRequiresReversal(requiredEndianness))

コード例 #3
 public static bool EndiannessRequiresReversal(Endiannesses requiredEndianness)
     // We need to reverse the byte arrays if the endianness of the bytes is different from the system
     // Specified | BitConverter.IsLittleEndian | EndiannessRequiresReversal
     // System    | N/A                         | false
     // Little    | true                        | false
     // Little    | false                       | true
     // Big       | true                        | true
     // Big       | false                       | false
     //return (requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.Little && !BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
     //    || (requiredEndianness == Endiannesses.Big && BitConverter.IsLittleEndian);
     return(EndiannessRequiresReversal(Endiannesses.System, requiredEndianness));
コード例 #4
        // TODO: Later .Net allows using Enum as a constraint
        public static byte[] GetBytesFromEnum <TEnumType>(TEnumType value, Endiannesses requiredEndianness) where TEnumType : struct, IConvertible
            Type underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(TEnumType));
            Func <object, byte[]> getBytesFunction = GetBytesDictionary[underlyingType];

            byte[] byteArray = getBytesFunction(value);
            if (EndiannessRequiresReversal(requiredEndianness))

コード例 #5
 public static TNumericType GetNumeric <TNumericType>(byte[] array, Endiannesses currentEndianness) where TNumericType : struct
     return(GetNumeric <TNumericType>(array, 0, array.Length, currentEndianness));
コード例 #6
        //public static TNumericType GetNumeric<TNumericType>(byte[] fullArray, int startIndex, int length, bool requiresReversal) where TNumericType : struct
        //    Func<byte[], object> parseFunction = GetNumericFromBytesDictionary[typeof(TNumericType)];
        //    return GetNumeric<TNumericType>(fullArray, startIndex, length, requiresReversal, parseFunction);

        public static TNumericType GetNumeric <TNumericType>(byte[] fullArray, int startIndex, Endiannesses currentEndianness) where TNumericType : struct
            int length = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TNumericType));

            return(GetNumeric <TNumericType>(fullArray, startIndex, length, currentEndianness));
コード例 #7
        public static TNumericType GetNumeric <TNumericType>(byte[] fullArray, int startIndex, int length, Endiannesses currentEndianness) where TNumericType : struct
            Func <byte[], object> parseFunction = GetNumericFromBytesDictionary[typeof(TNumericType)];

            return(GetNumeric <TNumericType>(fullArray, startIndex, length, currentEndianness, parseFunction));
コード例 #8
        //public static TNumericType GetNumeric<TNumericType>(byte[] fullArray, int startIndex, int length, bool requiresReversal, Func<byte[], object> parseFunction) where TNumericType : struct
        //    byte[] subArray = GetSubArray(fullArray, startIndex, length, requiresReversal);
        //    TNumericType numericValue = (TNumericType)parseFunction(subArray);

        //    return numericValue;

        public static TEnumType GetEnum <TEnumType>(byte[] fullArray, int startIndex, int length, Endiannesses currentEndianness) where TEnumType : struct, IConvertible
            Type underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(TEnumType));
            Func <byte[], object> parseFunction = GetNumericFromBytesDictionary[underlyingType];

            return(GetNumeric <TEnumType>(fullArray, startIndex, length, currentEndianness, parseFunction));
コード例 #9
        public static TNumericType GetNumeric <TNumericType>(byte[] fullArray, int startIndex, int length, Endiannesses currentEndianness, Func <byte[], object> parseFunction) where TNumericType : struct
            //return GetNumeric<TNumericType>(fullArray, startIndex, length, EndiannessRequiresReversal(currentEndianness), parseFunction);
            byte[]       subArray     = GetSubArray(fullArray, startIndex, length, EndiannessRequiresReversal(currentEndianness));
            TNumericType numericValue = (TNumericType)parseFunction(subArray);
