/// <summary> /// Encrypts a string using a password to generate an alphabet character array. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Encrypt(string text, string password) { var alphabet = new Alphabet().GenerateAlphabetFromPassword(password); var manager = new EncryptionManager(); return manager.Encrypt(text, alphabet); }
public CryptographyService(EncryptionManager encryptionManager, HashManager hashManager) { this.EncryptionManager = encryptionManager; this.HashManager = hashManager; }
public static RelicManager LoadRelicManager() { return(EncryptionManager.DeCrypt <RelicManager>(rPath)); }
public static void SaveGame(Player p) { EncryptionManager.EncryptFile(path, p); }
public List <Claim> ValidateUser(string userName, string password, string ipAddress) { return(this.loginDataAccess.ValidateUser(userName, EncryptionManager.Encrypt(password), ipAddress)); }
protected void ImgBtnRegister_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (TxtCaptcha.Text == CaptchaCodeWithImage[0]) { FileManager fm = new FileManager(); string ValidationState; bool UploadState; if (FUPhoto.HasFile == true) { fm.MaxFileSizeInMB = 3.0f; fm.MyFileUpload = FUPhoto; ValidationState = fm.ValidateMyFile(); if (ValidationState == "SUCCESS") { UploadState = fm.UploadMyFile("UserPics"); if (UploadState == true) { cm.YourCommand = "INSERT into Tbl_profilePic(file_name,folder,user_id,filetype,filesize,isdel) values('" + fm.MyFileName + "','UserPics','" + TxtEmail.Text + "','" + fm.MyFileType + "','" + fm.FileSizeInMB + "','0')"; cm.ExecuteInsertOrUpdateOrDelete(); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Sorry! we are unable to upload picture.');</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ValidationState + "');</script>"); } } if (FUIDProof.HasFile == true) { fm.FileSizeInMB = 5.0f; fm.MyFileUpload = FUIDProof; fm.AllowedExtention = new string[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".pdf" }; ValidationState = fm.ValidateMyFile(); if (ValidationState == "SUCCESS") { UploadState = fm.UploadMyFile("UserIDProof"); if (UploadState == true) { EncryptionManager em = new EncryptionManager(); string EncryptedPass = em.EncryptMyData(TxtPass.Text); bool Gender; if (RdbMale.Checked == true) { Gender = true; } else { Gender = false; } cm.YourCommand = "INSERT into Tbl_Registration values('" + TxtName.Text + "','" + Gender + "','" + DdlConType.SelectedValue + "','" + TxtAddress.Text + "','" + int.Parse(DdlState.SelectedValue) + "','" + int.Parse(DdlCity.SelectedValue) + "','" + int.Parse(TxtPinCode.Text) + "','" + TxtEmail.Text + "','" + TxtMobNo.Text + "','" + EncryptedPass + "','" + fm.MyFileName + "','" + FUIDProof.FileName + "')"; bool b = cm.ExecuteInsertOrUpdateOrDelete(); if (b == true) { LoginManager lm = new LoginManager(); lm.UserID = TxtEmail.Text; lm.UserPass = EncryptedPass; lm.UserStatus = true; lm.connectionType = "Consumer"; lm.LoginCount = 0; b = lm.SetLoginDetails(); if (b == true) { Response.Write("<script>alert('You are registered successfully.');</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('You are registered successfully.But we are unable to set login details.');</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Unable to register.');</script>"); } } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ValidationState + "');</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Please upload 1 ID proof.');</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Invalid Captcha Code.');</script>"); } }
public void loadSOMData(string connection, string consultaApi) { Log log = new Log(); List <autosgrsm_SOM> jsonSOM = null; if (consultaApi != "") { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(consultaApi); request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Accept = "application/json"; try { using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse()) { using (Stream strReader = response.GetResponseStream()) { if (strReader == null) { return; } using (StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(strReader)) { string json = objReader.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); jsonSOM = js.Deserialize <List <autosgrsm_SOM> >(json); } } } } catch (WebException ex) { log.insertLogGeneral(3, "Falló Api SOM: " + ex.Message); } if (jsonSOM.Count > 0) { try { foreach (autosgrsm_SOM item in jsonSOM) { item.cadena = EncryptionManager.Decrypt(connection); item.CREATED = DateTime.Now; item.STATUS_FLOW = 2; item.insert(); log.insertLog(item.CRMNO, item.STATUS_FLOW, "Cargue Tabla SOM"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.insertLogGeneral(4, "Falló Inserción en tabla SOM: " + ex.Message); } } else { log.insertLogGeneral(1, "La consulta SOM no trajo resultados"); Console.WriteLine("La consulta SOM no trajo resultados"); } } }
private static string GetLanguage() { instance.userLanguage = EncryptionManager.GetString("userLanguage"); if (instance.userLanguage != "") { return(instance.userLanguage); } switch (Application.systemLanguage) { case SystemLanguage.Chinese: case SystemLanguage.ChineseSimplified: return("Chinese"); case SystemLanguage.ChineseTraditional: return("ChineseTraditional"); case SystemLanguage.Russian: case SystemLanguage.Belarusian: return("Russian"); //俄语 case SystemLanguage.Arabic: return("Arabic"); //阿拉伯语 case SystemLanguage.French: return("French"); //法语 case SystemLanguage.German: return("German"); //德语 case SystemLanguage.Indonesian: return("Indonesia"); //印尼语 case SystemLanguage.Japanese: return("Japanese"); //日语 case SystemLanguage.Korean: return("Korean"); //韩语 case SystemLanguage.Ukrainian: return("Ukrainian"); //乌克兰语 case SystemLanguage.Afrikaans: case SystemLanguage.Basque: case SystemLanguage.Bulgarian: case SystemLanguage.Catalan: case SystemLanguage.Czech: case SystemLanguage.Danish: case SystemLanguage.Dutch: case SystemLanguage.English: case SystemLanguage.Estonian: case SystemLanguage.Faroese: case SystemLanguage.Finnish: case SystemLanguage.Greek: case SystemLanguage.Hebrew: case SystemLanguage.Icelandic: case SystemLanguage.Italian: case SystemLanguage.Latvian: case SystemLanguage.Lithuanian: case SystemLanguage.Norwegian: case SystemLanguage.Polish: case SystemLanguage.Portuguese: case SystemLanguage.Romanian: case SystemLanguage.SerboCroatian: case SystemLanguage.Slovak: case SystemLanguage.Slovenian: case SystemLanguage.Spanish: case SystemLanguage.Swedish: case SystemLanguage.Thai: case SystemLanguage.Turkish: case SystemLanguage.Vietnamese: case SystemLanguage.Unknown: return("English"); } return("English"); }
public TestNode(RoutingManager routingManager, TcpConnectionManager connectionManager, DataManager dataManager, EncryptionManager encryptionManager) { this.routingManager = routingManager; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.dataManager = dataManager; this.encryptionManager = encryptionManager; }
public ActionResult UserName(User newUser) { string newEmail = newUser.EmailAddress; string newName = newUser.Name; newUser = (User)Session["user"]; if (newUser == null) { return(View("User", "ChangeUser")); } string salt = EncryptionManager.PasswordSalt; if (newEmail != null && newName != null) { User Users = new User { Id = newUser.Id, Name = newName, EmailAddress = newEmail, Salt = salt, HashPassword = EncryptionManager.EncodePassword("abc123", salt), IsAdmin = 0, Status = 0 }; bool result = UserPersistence.UpdateUser(Users); if (result) { ViewBag.message = "User Updated"; } else { ViewBag.message = "That user could not be Updated"; } } else if (newEmail != null && newName == null) { User Users = new User { Id = newUser.Id, Name = newUser.Name, EmailAddress = newEmail, Salt = salt, HashPassword = EncryptionManager.EncodePassword("abc123", salt), IsAdmin = 0, Status = 0 }; bool result = UserPersistence.UpdateUser(Users); if (result) { ViewBag.message = "User Updated"; } else { ViewBag.message = "That user could not be Updated"; } } else { User Users = new User { Id = newUser.Id, Name = newName, EmailAddress = newUser.EmailAddress, Salt = salt, HashPassword = EncryptionManager.EncodePassword("abc123", salt), IsAdmin = 0, Status = 0 }; bool result = UserPersistence.UpdateUser(Users); if (result) { ViewBag.message = "User Updated"; } else { ViewBag.message = "That user could not be Updated"; } } return(View(newUser)); }
public void AESEncrypt_ReturnsCorrectCipher_AnyTextAndKeyGiven(string plainText, string key, string expResult) { EncryptionManager instance = new EncryptionManager(); Assert.AreEqual(expResult, instance.AESEncrypt(key, plainText)); }
public void CalculateHMAC_ReturnsCorrectHash_AnyTextAndKeyGiven(string text, string key, string expResult) { EncryptionManager instance = new EncryptionManager(); Assert.AreEqual(expResult, instance.CalculateHMAC(text, key)); }
public void CalculateHMAC_ThrowsException_EmptyStringOrKeyGiven(string text, string key) { EncryptionManager instance = new EncryptionManager(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => instance.CalculateHMAC(text, key)); }
public void CalculateSHA512_ReturnsCorrectHash_AnyTextGiven(string text, string expResult) { EncryptionManager instance = new EncryptionManager(); Assert.AreEqual(expResult, instance.CalculateSHA512(text)); }
public void AESDecrypt_ThrowsException_IncorrectCipherLength(string cipherText, string key) { EncryptionManager instance = new EncryptionManager(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => instance.AESDecrypt(key, cipherText)); }
protected override PlainText GetText() { var result = new PlainText(); var txt = new StringBuilder(); var encryptedData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Path); var data = EncryptionManager.DecryptData(encryptedData); using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var input = new ExtendedBinaryReader(ms)) { var messageCount = input.ReadUInt16(); var dummy = input.ReadUInt16(); var messageOffset = new uint[messageCount]; var messageSize = new uint[messageCount]; for (var i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { messageOffset[i] = input.ReadUInt32(); } for (var i = 0; i < messageCount - 1; i++) { messageSize[i] = messageOffset[i + 1] - messageOffset[i]; } messageSize[messageCount - 1] = (uint)(data.Length - messageOffset[messageCount - 1]); for (var i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { input.Seek(messageOffset[i], SeekOrigin.Begin); if (i > 0) { txt.AppendLine(); } txt.AppendLine(messageOffset[i] < data.Length ? $"StartMessage({input.Position});" : $"StartMessageExtra({input.Position});"); while (input.Position < input.Length && input.Position - messageOffset[i] < messageSize[i]) { var offset = input.Position; var type = input.ReadUInt16(); if (type < 128) { var op = GameOps[type]; var args = new string[op.ParamCount]; for (var j = 0; j < op.ParamCount; j++) { args[j] = string.Concat(input.ReadUInt16().ToString()); } txt.AppendLine($"{op.Name}({string.Join(", ", args)});"); } else { var sb = new StringBuilder(); while (input.Position < input.Length && type >= 128) { var c = type - 128; sb.Append((char)c); type = input.ReadUInt16(); } var value = sb.ToString().ToHalfWidthChars(); var text = string.Concat("Text(\"", value, "\");"); txt.AppendLine(text); if (input.Position < input.Length) { input.Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.Current); } } } } } result.Text = txt.ToString(); result.Translation = txt.ToString(); result.Loaded = txt.ToString(); result.PropertyChanged += SubtitlePropertyChanged; LoadChanges(result); return(result); }
private byte[] BuildPdf() { AlertData pageData; baseApplicationUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + ResolveUrl("~/"); if (Request.QueryString["pcid"] != null) { string query = Request.QueryString["pcid"]; query = query.Replace(" ", "+"); string pcid = EncryptionManager.Decrypt(query); pageData = PopulateByProblemCaseId(Convert.ToDecimal(pcid)); } else if (Request.QueryString["iid"] != null) { string query = Request.QueryString["iid"]; query = query.Replace(" ", "+"); string iid = EncryptionManager.Decrypt(query); pageData = PopulateByIncidentId(Convert.ToDecimal(iid)); } else { pageData = PopulateAlertDataTest(); } string customerLogo = ""; customerLogo = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CustomerLogoLarge"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerLogo)) { customerLogo = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CustomerLogo"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerLogo)) { customerLogo = "MetricsoftLogo.png"; } string logoUrl = baseApplicationUrl + "images/company/" + customerLogo; Font textFont = GetTextFont(); Font headerFont = GetHeaderFont(); BaseColor darkGrayColor = new BaseColor(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); BaseColor lightGrayColor = new BaseColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); BaseColor whiteColor = new BaseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); BaseColor blackColor = new BaseColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Create new PDF document Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 35f, 35f, 35f, 35f); using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream()) { PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output); document.Open(); // // Table 1 - Header // var table1 = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 162f, 378f }); table1.TotalWidth = 540f; table1.LockedWidth = true; table1.DefaultCell.Border = 0; table1.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT; table1.DefaultCell.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE; table1.SpacingAfter = 12f; iTextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(logoUrl); img.ScaleToFit(162f, 81f); var imgCell = new PdfPCell() { Border = 0 }; imgCell.AddElement(img); table1.AddCell(imgCell); var hdrFont = new Font(headerFont.BaseFont, 38, 0, darkGrayColor); table1.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase("EH&S INCIDENT ALERT", hdrFont)) { HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, Border = 0 }); // // Table 2 - Information block // var infoFont = new Font(headerFont.BaseFont, 14, 0, whiteColor); var table2 = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 240f, 300f }); table2.TotalWidth = 540f; table2.LockedWidth = true; table2.SpacingAfter = 12f; table2.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(pageData.incidentDateTime, infoFont)) { BackgroundColor = darkGrayColor, Padding = 10f, Border = 0 }); table2.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(pageData.incidentNumber, infoFont)) { BackgroundColor = darkGrayColor, Padding = 10f, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, Border = 0 }); table2.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(pageData.incidentLocation, infoFont)) { BackgroundColor = darkGrayColor, Padding = 10f, PaddingTop = 0, Border = 0 }); table2.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase(pageData.incidentType, infoFont)) { BackgroundColor = darkGrayColor, Padding = 10f, PaddingTop = 0, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, Border = 0 }); table2.Complete = true; // // Table 3 - Description and details // var detailHdrFont = new Font(headerFont.BaseFont, 14, 0, lightGrayColor); var detailTxtFont = new Font(textFont.BaseFont, 12, 0, blackColor); var table3 = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 135f, 405f }); table3.TotalWidth = 540f; table3.LockedWidth = true; table3.DefaultCell.SetLeading(40f, 40f); table3.SpacingAfter = 12f; PdfPCell cell; cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("DESCRIPTION", detailHdrFont)) { Padding = 12f, Border = 0, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT }; cell.SetLeading(17f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(pageData.incidentDescription, detailTxtFont)) { Padding = 8f, PaddingBottom = 12f, Border = 0 }; cell.SetLeading(20f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("ROOT CAUSE", detailHdrFont)) { Padding = 12f, Border = 0, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT }; cell.SetLeading(17f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell() { Padding = 8f, PaddingBottom = 12f, Border = 0 }; foreach (var lineItem in pageData.incidentRootCause) { cell.AddElement(new Paragraph(lineItem, detailTxtFont)); } cell.SetLeading(20f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("CONTAINMENT", detailHdrFont)) { Padding = 12f, Border = 0, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT }; cell.SetLeading(17f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell() { Padding = 8f, PaddingBottom = 12f, Border = 0 }; foreach (var lineItem in pageData.incidentContainment) { cell.AddElement(new Paragraph(lineItem, detailTxtFont)); } cell.SetLeading(20f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("CORRECTIVE ACTIONS", detailHdrFont)) { Padding = 12f, Border = 0, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT }; cell.SetLeading(17f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell() { Padding = 8f, PaddingBottom = 12f, Border = 0 }; foreach (var lineItem in pageData.incidentCorrectiveActions) { cell.AddElement(new Paragraph(lineItem, detailTxtFont)); } cell.SetLeading(20f, 0f); table3.AddCell(cell); // // Table 4 - Photos // var table4 = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 180f, 180f, 180f }); table4.TotalWidth = 540f; table4.LockedWidth = true; if (pageData.photoData != null && pageData.photoData.Count() > 0) { table4.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Photos", infoFont)) { BackgroundColor = darkGrayColor, Padding = 10f, Border = 0, Colspan = 3 }); var captionFont = new Font(textFont.BaseFont, 11, 0, darkGrayColor); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < pageData.photoData.Count; i++) { var photoCell = new PdfPCell() { PaddingLeft = 0, PaddingRight = 4, PaddingTop = 8, PaddingBottom = 8, Border = 0 }; iTextSharp.text.Image photo = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(pageData.photoData[i]); photo.ScaleToFit(176f, 132f); photoCell.AddElement(photo); photoCell.AddElement(new Phrase(pageData.photoCaptions[i], captionFont)); table4.AddCell(photoCell); } // pad remaining cells in row or else table will be corrupt int currentCol = i % 3; for (int j = 0; j < 3 - currentCol; j++) { table4.AddCell(new PdfPCell() { PaddingLeft = 0, PaddingRight = 4, PaddingTop = 8, PaddingBottom = 8, Border = 0 }); } } document.Add(table1); document.Add(table2); document.Add(table3); document.Add(table4); document.Close(); return(output.ToArray()); } }
public override void Rebuild(string outputFolder) { var outputPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, RelativePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath)); var subtitles = GetText(); byte[] outputData; var outputMessageOffset = new List <uint>(); var outputMessageExtraOffset = new List <uint>(); using (var msOutput = new MemoryStream()) using (var output = new ExtendedBinaryWriter(msOutput, FileEncoding)) { var outputOffset = 0u; var lines = subtitles.Translation.Split(new [] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var line in lines) { var pattern1 = "(?<op>\\w+)\\((?<params>.*)\\)\\;"; var pattern2 = "(?<op>\\w+)\\(\"(?<params>.*)\"\\)\\;"; var pattern = Regex.IsMatch(line, pattern2) ? pattern2 : pattern1; var matches = Regex.Matches(line, pattern); var opName = matches[0].Groups["op"].Value; var opParam = matches[0].Groups["params"].Value; if (opName != "Text") { if (opName == "StartMessage") { outputMessageOffset.Add(outputOffset); continue; } if (opName == "StartMessageExtra") { outputMessageExtraOffset.Add(uint.Parse(opParam)); continue; } var op = GameOps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == opName); if (op != null) { output.Write(op.Code); var split = opParam.Split(','); foreach (var s in split) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { output.Write(ushort.Parse(s.Trim())); } } } } else { var outputText = opParam.ToFullWidthChars(); foreach (var chr in outputText) { var c = (ushort)(chr + 128); output.Write(c); } } outputOffset = (uint)output.Position; } outputData = msOutput.ToArray(); } byte[] unencryptedFile; using (var msOutput = new MemoryStream()) using (var output = new ExtendedBinaryWriter(msOutput, FileEncoding)) { var totalMessageCount = outputMessageOffset.Count + outputMessageExtraOffset.Count; output.Write((ushort)totalMessageCount); output.Write((ushort)0); foreach (var offset in outputMessageOffset) { output.Write((uint)(offset + 4 + totalMessageCount * 4)); } foreach (var offset in outputMessageExtraOffset) { output.Write(offset); } output.Write(outputData); unencryptedFile = msOutput.ToArray(); } var encryptedFile = EncryptionManager.EncryptData(unencryptedFile); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath, encryptedFile); }
private void btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (tbFromMail.Text == "") { throw new Exception("From E-Mail is Blank ! Please Fill."); } if (tbFromMailPass.Text == "") { throw new Exception("From Mail Password is Blank ! Please Fill."); } if (tbSmtpHost.Text == "") { throw new Exception("From Smtp Host is Blank ! Please Fill."); } #region SaveEMailSettingsToXML DataTable dtEmail = new DataTable("dtEMail"); dtEmail.Columns.Add("FromEMail"); dtEmail.Columns.Add("Password"); dtEmail.Columns.Add("SmtpHost"); dtEmail.Columns.Add("SmtpPort"); dtEmail.Columns.Add("EnableSSL"); if (!File.Exists("dtEMail.xsd")) { dtEmail.WriteXmlSchema("dtEMail.xsd"); } DataRow dr = dtEmail.NewRow(); dr["FromEMail"] = tbFromMail.Text; dr["Password"] = EncryptionManager.Encrypt(tbFromMailPass.Text); dr["SmtpHost"] = tbSmtpHost.Text; dr["SmtpPort"] = spnSmtpPort.Value.ToString(); if (cbSSL.Checked == true) { dr["EnableSSL"] = "1"; } else { dr["EnableSSL"] = "0"; } dtEmail.Rows.Add(dr); dtEmail.WriteXml("dtEMail.xml"); #endregion saveEMail(tbFromMail.Text, tbFromMailPass.Text, tbSmtpHost.Text, Convert.ToInt32(spnSmtpPort.Value), Convert.ToBoolean(cbSSL.CheckState)); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageManager.ShowErrorMessage(ex.Message); } }
public static void SetDouble(string key, double val) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(EncryptionManager.GetHash(key), EncryptionManager.Encrypt(val.ToString())); }
public void loadSIGRESData(string connection, string consultaApi, CAIs CAI) { Log log = new Log(); List <autosgrsm_SIGRES> jsonSigres = null; if (consultaApi != "") { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(consultaApi + CAI.CAI); request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Accept = "application/json"; try { using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse()) { using (Stream strReader = response.GetResponseStream()) { if (strReader == null) { return; } using (StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(strReader)) { string json = objReader.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); jsonSigres = js.Deserialize <List <autosgrsm_SIGRES> >(json); } } } } catch (WebException ex) { log.insertLogGeneral(3, "Falló Api Sigres: " + ex.Message); } if (jsonSigres.Count > 0) { try { foreach (autosgrsm_SIGRES item in jsonSigres) { autosgrsm_SOM som = getSomDataByCRMNO(connection, CAI.CRMNO); som.cadena = EncryptionManager.Decrypt(connection); som.STATUS_CAI = item.ESTADO; som.STATUS_FLOW = 5; som.queryUpdate = "WHERE CRMNO = @CRMNO"; dicParameter = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicParameter.Add("@CRMNO", CAI.CRMNO); som.update(dicParameter); log.insertLog(CAI.CRMNO, som.STATUS_FLOW, "Actualización del Estado CAI"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.insertLogGeneral(4, "Falló Actualziación en tabla SOM (Estado CAI): " + ex.Message); } } else { log.insertLog(CAI.CRMNO, 3, "No se encontró data para el CAI: " + CAI.CAI); Console.WriteLine("No se encontró data para el CAI: " + CAI.CAI); } } }
public static void SetString(string key, string val) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(EncryptionManager.GetHash(key), EncryptionManager.Encrypt(val)); }
public override void SetDefaultContentHeaders(Type type, HttpContentHeaders headers, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType) { headers.Add(RestfulServiceConstants.RqModelTypeHeaderKey, EncryptionManager.Encrypt(type.AssemblyQualifiedName)); base.SetDefaultContentHeaders(type, headers, mediaType); }
public static bool HasKey(string key) { string hash = EncryptionManager.GetHash(key); return(PlayerPrefs.HasKey(hash)); }
internal SocketClient(Uri uri, EncryptionManager encryptionManager, ITcpSocketClient socketClient) : this(uri, encryptionManager, null, socketClient) { }
public static void DeleteKey(string key) { string hash = EncryptionManager.GetHash(key); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(hash); }
public static void SaveRelicManager(RelicManager rm) { EncryptionManager.EncryptFile(rPath, rm); }
/* * Recreate and reinitialize the database. * The return value is true iff the initialization succeeds. */ public bool Initialize() { bool openResult; if (File.Exists(databaseFile) && new FileInfo(databaseFile).Length > 10) { openResult = Open(); return(openResult); } bool success = true; Close(); try { SQLiteConnection.CreateFile(databaseFile); } catch (IOException e) { success = false; } openResult = Open(); if (success & openResult) { string salt; string sql = "CREATE TABLE user (UserId VARCHAR(50), Name VARCHAR(50),Salt VARCHAR(50), HashedPassword VARCHAR(50),Email VARCHAR(50),IsAdmin BIT,Status VARCHAR(1),Gender VARCHAR(6),BirthDate VARCHAR(10), Location VARCHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY(UserId));"; DoCommand(sql); sql = "CREATE TABLE car (carId INTEGER, Brand VARCHAR(50), Model VARCHAR(50),Owner VARCHAR(50),YearOfProduction INTEGER,KM INT,Url VARCHAR(200),TransmissionType VARCHAR(15), Fuel VARCHAR(15),TopSpeed INT, Acceleration Float,UrbanConsumption Float, WheelDrive VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY(carId),FOREIGN KEY (Owner) references user(UserId));"; DoCommand(sql); sql = "CREATE TABLE comment (CommentId INTEGER, carId INTEGER,UserId VARCHAR(50), Text VARCHAR(300),FOREIGN KEY (carId) references car(carId),PRIMARY KEY(CommentId),FOREIGN KEY (UserId) references user(UserId));"; DoCommand(sql); sql = "CREATE TABLE favourites (UserId VARCHAR(12), carId INTEGER,FOREIGN KEY (carId) references car(carId),FOREIGN KEY (UserId) references user(UserId));"; DoCommand(sql); salt = User.CreateSalt(); sql = "insert into user (UserId, Name,Salt, HashedPassword,Email,IsAdmin,Status,Gender,BirthDate,Location) values ('" + "crysispeed" + "', '" + "Caglar" + "', '" + salt + "', '" + EncryptionManager.EncodePassword("123456", salt) + "', '" + "*****@*****.**" + "'," + "1" + ", '" + "A" + "','" + "Male" + "', '" + "1995-08-26" + "', '" + "Ankara" + "');"; DoCommand(sql); salt = User.CreateSalt(); sql = "insert into user (UserId, Name,Salt, HashedPassword,Email,IsAdmin,Status,Gender,BirthDate,Location) values ('" + "gurko32" + "', '" + "Gurkan" + "', '" + salt + "', '" + EncryptionManager.EncodePassword("123456", salt) + "', '" + "*****@*****.**" + "'," + "1" + ", '" + "A" + "', '" + "Male" + "', '" + "1996-10-16" + "', '" + "Ankara" + "');"; DoCommand(sql); UserPersistence.PrintAllUsers(); } return(success); }
public void setStatus(int status) { EncryptionManager.SetInt(saveKey, status); EncryptionManager.Save(); data.SetNumberValue("musicStatus", status); }
public void RemoveAds() { DataManager.Instance.getData("RemoveAD").SetIntValue("popAdStatus", 1); EncryptionManager.SetInt("RemoveAD", 1); EncryptionManager.Save(); }
public string Encrypt(string serializedObject, string salt) { return(EncryptionManager.Encrypt(serializedObject, salt)); }
/// <summary> /// Encrypts a string using an alphabet character array. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="alphabet"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Encrypt(string text, char[] alphabet) { var manager = new EncryptionManager(); return manager.Encrypt(text, alphabet); }