private void EncoderErrorLog(EncoderErrorCode error, EncoderStatus?encoderStatus) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(LOG_FORMAT, "Error Occured of type: " + error + (encoderStatus != null ? " [Error code: " + encoderStatus + " ]" : "")); }
private void AudioErrorLog(EncoderErrorCode error) { Debug.LogWarning("AudioCapture Error Occured of type: " + error); }
private void EncoderErrorLog(EncoderErrorCode error, EncoderStatus?encoderStatus) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(LOG_FORMAT, "FFmpeg Encoder Error Occured of type: " + error + " [Error code: " + encoderStatus + " ] \n" + "Please check EncoderLog.txt log file for more information"); }
private void MuxerErrorLog(EncoderErrorCode error) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(LOG_FORMAT, "Error Occured of type: " + error); }