コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Login(EmployerLogin login, Job j)
            var Employer = su.EmployerCompany.FirstOrDefault(u => u.EmployerMail == login.EmployerMail && u.Password == login.Password);
            var User     = su.User.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserEmail == login.EmployerMail && u.Password == login.Password);

            if (Employer != null)
                Response.Cookies["name"].Value   = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Employer.CompanyName);
                Response.Cookies["nameid"].Value = Employer.CompanyID.ToString();
                if (login.RememberMe)
                    Response.Cookies["name"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
                return(RedirectToAction("JobManage", "Manager"));
            else if (User != null)
                Response.Cookies["name"].Value   = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(User.UserName);
                Response.Cookies["nameid"].Value = (-User.UserID).ToString();
                if (login.RememberMe)
                    Response.Cookies["name"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            ViewBag.error = "帳號或密碼錯誤";
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Login(EmployerLogin login)
            if (Session["VerificationCode"] == null || Session["VerificationCode"].ToString() == "")
                Error _e = new Error {
                    Title = "验证码不存在", Details = "在用户注册时,服务器端的验证码为空,或向服务器提交的验证码为空", Cause = Server.UrlEncode("<li>你注册时在注册页面停留的时间过久页已经超时</li><li>您绕开客户端验证向服务器提交数据</li>"), Solution = Server.UrlEncode("返回<a href='" + Url.Action("Register", "Employer") + "'>注册</a>页面,刷新后重新注册")
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Prompt", _e));
            else if (Session["VerificationCode"].ToString() != login.VerificationCode.ToUpper())
                ModelState.AddModelError("VerificationCode", "×");
            int ans = Employer.LoginAuthentication(login.EmployerAccount, Common.Text.EnCrypt(login.EmployerPwd));

            if (ans == 1 || ans == 2)
                Employer   employer = GetEmployerDetailsByAccount(login.EmployerAccount);
                HttpCookie _cookie  = new HttpCookie("Employer");
                _cookie.Values.Add("EmployerAccount", login.EmployerAccount);
                _cookie.Values.Add("EmployerPwd", Server.UrlEncode(Common.Text.EnCrypt(login.EmployerPwd)));
                _cookie.Values.Add("IsDelete", (employer.IsDelete).ToString());
                if (Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] != null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Employer"));
            else if (ans == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Message", "账号或密码错误,登陆失败!");
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Submitted(IEnumerable <Interactive_Internship_Application.Models.ApplicationTemplate> ApplicationTemplateModel, string response)
            string result = response;  //used to determine if a new Student App Num needs to be created

            //below gets the student's email using queries
            var studentsEmail = (from student in _dataContext.StudentInformation
                                 where student.Email == User.Identity.Name.ToString()
                                 select student.Email).FirstOrDefault();

            //save submitted information into a dictionary
            var dict = Request.Form.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.ToString());

            //get employer email from submitted information (will need to be used whether or
            //not a new application is created
            var employerEmail = "";

            foreach (var item in dict)
                string key = item.Key;
                if (key.Contains("class_enrolled") || key.Contains("supervisors_email"))
                    if (key.Contains("supervisors_email"))
                        employerEmail = dict[key];

                    //class enrolled and employer email must be entered
                    //show error message if not entered
                    if (dict[key].Length < 0)
                        ViewBag.error = "Class enrolled and employer email must be entered in order to save or submit";

            //determine if new StudentAppNum needs to be created
            if (response == "Submit New Application" || response == "Save New Application")
                //generate random number pin (4 digits) for employer
                Random rnd = new Random();
                int    pin = rnd.Next(0000, 9999);

                //save employer email, pin, and student email to Employer Login Table
                EmployerLogin newEmployerLogin = new EmployerLogin();
                newEmployerLogin.StudentEmail = studentsEmail;
                newEmployerLogin.Email        = employerEmail;
                newEmployerLogin.Pin          = Convert.ToInt16(pin);
                newEmployerLogin.LastLogin    = DateTime.Now;

                //save student email, employer ID, and application status to Student App Num Table
                StudentAppNum newApp = new StudentAppNum();
                newApp.StudentEmail = studentsEmail;
                newApp.EmployerId   = (from application in _dataContext.EmployerLogin
                                       where application.StudentEmail == studentsEmail &&
                                       application.Email == employerEmail
                                       select application.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                newApp.Status = "Incomplete";


            //used to determine which Student App Num ID to use
            int empId = (from application in _dataContext.EmployerLogin
                         where application.StudentEmail == studentsEmail &&
                         application.Email == employerEmail
                         select application.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            //get students record ID
            var currStudentRecordId = (from stuAppNum in _dataContext.StudentAppNum
                                       where stuAppNum.StudentEmail == studentsEmail &&
                                       stuAppNum.EmployerId == empId
                                       select stuAppNum.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            //get number of fields student enters
            int numStudentFieldCount = (from x in _dataContext.ApplicationTemplate
                                        where x.Entity == "Student"
                                        select x).Count();

            //determine if student wants to submit or save application

            //if saving application, doesn't matter if everything was input; just make sure
            //class enrolled and employer email is input
            if (response.Contains("Save"))
                Save(dict, currStudentRecordId, numStudentFieldCount);

            //if submitting application, ensure everything is entered by student
            else if (response.Contains("Submit"))
                foreach (var rec in dict)
                    if (rec.Value.Length <= 0)

                //if program reaches here, all data has been entered and student wants to submit application
                Save(dict, currStudentRecordId, numStudentFieldCount);

                //send email to employer

                //if submitting application, ensure everything is saved in database

                //get employer's pin
                var empPin = (from empData in _dataContext.EmployerLogin
                              where empData.Email == employerEmail
                              select empData.Pin).FirstOrDefault();

                short employerPin = Convert.ToInt16(empPin);

                //get employer's Company name
                var employerCompanyName = (from appData in _dataContext.ApplicationData
                                           join appTemp in _dataContext.ApplicationTemplate
                                           on appData.DataKeyId equals appTemp.Id
                                           where appData.RecordId == currStudentRecordId &&
                                           appTemp.FieldName == "org_name"
                                           select appData.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                //get student's name
                var studentName = (from appData in _dataContext.ApplicationData
                                   join appTemp in _dataContext.ApplicationTemplate
                                   on appData.DataKeyId equals appTemp.Id
                                   where appData.RecordId == currStudentRecordId &&
                                   appTemp.FieldName == "name"
                                   select appData.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                //get class student is trying to enroll in
                var classEnrolled = (from appData in _dataContext.ApplicationData
                                     join appTemp in _dataContext.ApplicationTemplate
                                     on appData.DataKeyId equals appTemp.Id
                                     where appData.RecordId == currStudentRecordId &&
                                     appTemp.FieldName == "class_enrolled"
                                     select appData.Value).FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                string emailHost     = configuration["Email:Smtp:Host"];
                string emailPort     = configuration["Email:Smtp:Port"];
                string emailUsername = configuration["Email:Smtp:Username"];
                string emailPassword = configuration["Email:Smtp:Password"];

                Global.EmailsGenerated emailsGenerated = new EmailsGenerated();
                emailsGenerated.StudentToEmployerEmail(emailHost, emailPort, emailUsername, emailPassword, studentName, employerEmail, employerCompanyName, employerPin, classEnrolled);

                //change student's application status to "Pending Employer Approval"

                //  var changeStatusApp = new StudentAppNum { Id = currStudentRecordId,StudentEmail = studentsEmail,EmployerId =empId, Status ="Incomplete" };
                StudentAppNum changeStatusApp = (from appNum in _dataContext.StudentAppNum
                                                 where appNum.Id == currStudentRecordId
                                                 select appNum).FirstOrDefault();
                changeStatusApp.Status = "Pending Employer Approval";
