        ///<summary> Main entry-point for this application. </summary>
        ///<param name="args">   An array of command-line argument strings. </param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            UIMenu userInterface = new UIMenu();

            ConsoleKeyInfo mainMenuInput;
            ConsoleKeyInfo input;
            ConsoleKeyInfo menuFourInput;

            string localEmployee = null; //This is to hold the information of a basic employee that has not had its details specified

            //Rather than making Employee class non-abstract and instantiating one, just keep the basic details in a string

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            //Load the flatfile database on startup

            while (true)
                mainMenuInput = userInterface.MainMenu(); // Display and get the key pressed when on the main menu

                // Check what option was picked
                // NOTE: The user will pretty much loop IN the switch statement
                switch (mainMenuInput.KeyChar)
                case '1':       // if one was picked then loop the user in menu 2 until they press 9

                        input = userInterface.FileManagementMenu();     // Display menu 2 and get the input.
                        if (input.KeyChar == '1')
                            userInterface.CustomPrint("Are you sure you want to overwrite the current Employee Set? Y/N", false);
                            ConsoleKeyInfo choice = Console.ReadKey(true);
                            if (choice.KeyChar == 'Y' || choice.KeyChar == 'y')
                                userInterface.CustomPrint("Employees read from database.", true);
                        else if (input.KeyChar == '2')
                            userInterface.CustomPrint("Are you sure you want to overwrite the database? Y/N", false);
                            ConsoleKeyInfo choice = Console.ReadKey(true);
                            if (choice.KeyChar == 'Y' || choice.KeyChar == 'y')
                                userInterface.CustomPrint("Employees saved to database.", true);
                    } while (input.KeyChar != '9');


                case '2':     // if one was picked then loop the user in menu 3 until they press 9

                        input = userInterface.EmpManagementMenu(); // Display menu 3 and return the option they chose
                        if (input.KeyChar == '1')                  //Display employee set
                            int currentPage = 1;
                                ConsoleKeyInfo navigator;
                                //Get every group of employees by type
                                List <ContractEmployee> cEmps = Employees.GetContractEmployees();
                                List <FulltimeEmployee> fEmps = Employees.GetFulltimeEmployees();
                                List <ParttimeEmployee> pEmps = Employees.GetParttimeEmployees();
                                List <SeasonalEmployee> sEmps = Employees.GetSeasonalEmployees();

                                //Paginate the displaying of employee set to 1 page per employee type.
                                string detailsToPrint = "";
                                if (currentPage == 1)
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("CONTRACT EMPLOYEES\n======================", false);
                                    foreach (ContractEmployee ce in cEmps)
                                        detailsToPrint = ce.Details();
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint(detailsToPrint, false);
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("Navigate -> (Right Arrow)\nPress q to return to Employee Management Menu", false);
                                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                else if (currentPage == 2)
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("FULLTIME EMPLOYEES\n======================", false);
                                    foreach (FulltimeEmployee fe in fEmps)
                                        detailsToPrint = fe.Details();
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint(detailsToPrint, false);
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("(Left Arrow) <- Navigate -> (Right Arrow)\nPress q to return to Employee Management Menu", false);
                                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                else if (currentPage == 3)
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("PARTTIME EMPLOYEES\n======================", false);
                                    foreach (ParttimeEmployee pe in pEmps)
                                        detailsToPrint = pe.Details();
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint(detailsToPrint, false);
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("(Left Arrow) <- Navigate -> (Right Arrow)\nPress q to return to Employee Management Menu", false);
                                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                else if (currentPage == 4)
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("SEASONAL EMPLOYEES\n======================", false);
                                    foreach (SeasonalEmployee se in sEmps)
                                        detailsToPrint = se.Details();
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint(detailsToPrint, false);
                                        userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("(Left Arrow) <- Navigate\nPress q to return to Employee Management Menu", false);
                                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                navigator = Console.ReadKey();
                                //If the user wants to go to the next page, increase current page by 1
                                if (navigator.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.RightArrow))
                                //If the user wants to go back, decrease the current page by 1.
                                else if (navigator.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.LeftArrow))
                                else if (navigator.KeyChar == 'q')
                            } while(currentPage != 0 && currentPage != 5);     //If the user goes 1 page past either way, exit
                        else if (input.KeyChar == '2' || input.KeyChar == '3') // Create/Modify Employee
                                if (input.KeyChar == '2')                                //They chose CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE
                                    menuFourInput = userInterface.EmpDetailsMenu(false); // Display menu 4 and return the option they chose
                                    if (menuFourInput.KeyChar == '1')                    // Specify base details
                                        string employeeDetails = "";
                                        bool   cont            = false;                                     //did the user add type-specific details as well?
                                        employeeDetails = userInterface.SpecifyBaseDetails(out cont, null); //Get the BASE Details from the user
                                        if (cont)
                                            //Copy the details and find the employee type by parsing out the pipes
                                            string detailsCopy      = employeeDetails;
                                            bool   employeeWasAdded = false;
                                            employeeWasAdded = AddAnEmployee(detailsCopy);
                                            if (!employeeWasAdded)
                                                userInterface.CustomPrint("Employee was invalid and was not added to list of employees.", true);
                                                localEmployee = employeeDetails;
                                                Employees.AddInvalidEmployee(employeeDetails);     //the employee was not added because it is invalid. add it to the list
                                                userInterface.CustomPrint("Employee was added to list of employees.", true);
                                                //erase the local employee since it had details specified and was added
                                                localEmployee = "";
                                            localEmployee = employeeDetails;
                                            userInterface.CustomPrint("Base details for Invalidated Employee stored for later.\nTo continue specifying details for this employee, go back to Menu 3-> Select Option 3-> Select Option 2.", true);

                                else                                                    //They chose MODIFY EXISTING EMPLOYEE
                                    menuFourInput = userInterface.EmpDetailsMenu(true); // Display menu 4 and return the option they chose
                                    if (menuFourInput.KeyChar == '1')
                                        if (localEmployee != null)
                                        //update the local employee base details
                                            bool   continued         = false;
                                            string localEmployeeCopy = userInterface.SpecifyBaseDetails(out continued, localEmployee);
                                            if (localEmployeeCopy != null && (localEmployeeCopy != localEmployee))
                                                localEmployee = localEmployeeCopy;
                                            userInterface.CustomPrint("No local employee to specify base details for.", true);
                                    else if (menuFourInput.KeyChar == '2')     //Specify Unique Details for Invalidated Employee
                                        if (localEmployee != null)
                                        //update the local employee details with the type-specific details as well
                                            string localEmployeeCopy = userInterface.SpecifyUniqueDetails(localEmployee);
                                            //Add the employee to the database
                                            bool employeeWasAdded = false;
                                            employeeWasAdded = AddAnEmployee(localEmployeeCopy);
                                            if (!employeeWasAdded)
                                                userInterface.CustomPrint("\nEmployee was invalid and was not added to list of employees.", true);
                                                localEmployee = localEmployeeCopy;
                                                Employees.AddInvalidEmployee(localEmployeeCopy);     //the employee was not added because it is invalid. add it to the list
                                                userInterface.CustomPrint("\nEmployee was added to list of employees.", true);
                                                //erase the local employee since it had details specified and was added
                                                localEmployee = "";
                                            userInterface.CustomPrint("No local employee to specify unique details for.", true);
                                    else if (menuFourInput.KeyChar == '3')
                                        bool successfulEdit = userInterface.EditValidatedEmployee();
                                        if (successfulEdit)
                                            userInterface.CustomPrint("\nEmployee successfully edited.", false);
                                            userInterface.CustomPrint("\nAny changes made will not be permanent until saved.", true);
                                            userInterface.CustomPrint("\nEmployee was not edited.", true);
                            } while (menuFourInput.KeyChar != '9');
                        else if (input.KeyChar == '4')    //Remove Employee
                            userInterface.CustomPrint("Are you sure you want to remove an Employee? Y/N", false);
                            ConsoleKeyInfo choice = Console.ReadKey(true);
                            if (choice.KeyChar == 'Y' || choice.KeyChar == 'y')
                                bool   employeeWasRemoved = false;
                                string SINNum             = userInterface.GetEmployeeSIN();
                                employeeWasRemoved = RemoveAnEmployee(SINNum);
                                if (employeeWasRemoved)
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("\n Employee was removed successfully.", false);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("\nAny changes made will not be permanent until saved.", true);
                                    userInterface.CustomPrint("\n Employee was not removed.", true);
                    } while (input.KeyChar != '9');


                case '9':
