コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取员工档案信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <PagedResultDto <EmployeeDocmentListDto> > GetList(EmployeeSearchInput input)
            var query = _employeeRepository.GetAll();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.SearchKey) == false)
                query = query.Where(ite => ite.Name.Contains(input.SearchKey) || ite.Phone.Contains(input.SearchKey) || ite.Code.Contains(input.SearchKey));
            if (input.OrgId.HasValue)
                var orgu = _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll().Where(ite => ite.OrganizationUnitId == input.OrgId.Value).Select(ite => ite.UserId).ToList();
                query = query.Where(ite => orgu.Contains(ite.UserId.Value));
            if (input.IsTemp.HasValue && input.IsTemp.Value)
                query = query.Where(ite => ite.IsTemp == true);
            var totalCount = query.Count();

            var ret = (await query.OrderByDescending(r => r.CreationTime).PageBy(input).ToListAsync()).MapTo <List <EmployeeDocmentListDto> >();

            foreach (var r in ret)
                if (r.UserId.HasValue)
                    var org = await(from a in _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll()
                                    join b in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on a.OrganizationUnitId equals b.Id
                                    where a.UserId == r.UserId.Value
                                    select new SimpleOrganizationDto()
                        Code   = b.Code,
                        Id     = a.OrganizationUnitId,
                        IsMain = a.IsMain,
                        Title  = b.DisplayName
                    var post = from a in _postsRepository.GetAll()
                               join b in _userPostsRepository.GetAll() on a.Id equals b.PostId
                               join c in _organizationUnitPostsRepository.GetAll() on b.OrgPostId equals c.Id
                               join d in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on c.OrganizationUnitId equals d.Id
                               where b.UserId == r.UserId.Value
                               select new UserPostDto {
                        Id = b.Id, OrgPostId = c.Id, PostId = a.Id, PostName = a.Name, OrgName = d.DisplayName
                    r.Organization = org.ToList();
                    r.Posts        = post.ToList();
                //r.AuditFileList = _abpFileRelationAppService.GetList(new GetAbpFilesInput() { BusinessId = r.Id.ToString(), BusinessType = (int)AbpFileBusinessType.面试评审表 });
                //r.ContactFileList = _abpFileRelationAppService.GetList(new GetAbpFilesInput() { BusinessId = r.Id.ToString(), BusinessType = (int)AbpFileBusinessType.员工合同 });
                //r.EduFileList = _abpFileRelationAppService.GetList(new GetAbpFilesInput() { BusinessId = r.Id.ToString(), BusinessType = (int)AbpFileBusinessType.员工毕业证书 });
                //r.FaceFileList = _abpFileRelationAppService.GetList(new GetAbpFilesInput() { BusinessId = r.Id.ToString(), BusinessType = (int)AbpFileBusinessType.员工面试题 });
                //r.InfoFileList = _abpFileRelationAppService.GetList(new GetAbpFilesInput() { BusinessId = r.Id.ToString(), BusinessType = (int)AbpFileBusinessType.员工信息登记表 });
                //r.SalaryFileList = _abpFileRelationAppService.GetList(new GetAbpFilesInput() { BusinessId = r.Id.ToString(), BusinessType = (int)AbpFileBusinessType.员工薪水核定表 });
            return(new PagedResultDto <EmployeeDocmentListDto>(totalCount, ret));
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetEmployeeSearch(EmployeeSearchInput input)
            if (TempData.Peek("userName") == null)
                return(UserNotAllowedAccess(isUserLoggedIn: false));

            if (TempData.Peek("userRole").ToString() == "Employee")
                return(UserNotAllowedAccess(isUserLoggedIn: true));

            //return the model state if the request is invalid
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                List <string> errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(p => p.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)).ToList();
                TempData.Add("EmployeeSearchInvalid", errors);
                return(RedirectTo("ProjectManager", "EmployeeSearch"));

            var databaseInput = new EmployeeSearchDatabaseInput()
                SearchedEmployeeUserName = input.SearchedEmployee

            //define the output outside of the try catch block
            EmployeeSearchOutput employeeSearchResult;

                //this is just a stub for now
                employeeSearchResult = await _IProjectManagerDomain.GetEmployeeSearch(databaseInput);

                employeeSearchResult.ChartData = employeeSearchResult.getCapacityForChart();

                if (employeeSearchResult.IsOverCapacity)
                    TempData.Add("IsOverCapacity", "Warning: Thie employee is over capacity.");
            catch (Exception)
                TempData.Add("NoEmployeeFound", $"The User Name you entered, {input.SearchedEmployee}, was either incorrect, does not exist in the system, or has no associated data in the system. Please verify the User Name is correct and and try again.");
                return(RedirectTo("ProjectManager", "EmployeeSearch"));

            //return the View and pass in the Model
コード例 #3
 public ActionResult EmployeeSearch(EmployeeSearchInput employeeSearchInput)
         EmployeeService             employeeService = new EmployeeService();
         List <EmployeeSearchOutput> employees       = employeeService.searchEmployees(employeeSearchInput);
         TempData["employees"]           = employees;
         TempData["employeeSearchInput"] = employeeSearchInput;
     }catch (Exception e) {
         TempData["ViewData"]            = ViewData;
         TempData["employeeSearchInput"] = employeeSearchInput;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 人事填报工资条-获取人员列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <EmployeeSalaryDto> GetAllEmployee(EmployeeSearchInput input)
            var model = new EmployeeSalaryDto();

            if (input.Year.HasValue == false)
                input.Year = DateTime.Now.Year;
            if (input.Month.HasValue == false)
                input.Month = DateTime.Now.Month - 1;
                var set = _setting.FirstOrDefault(ite => ite.Name == "HR.Salary.Setting");
                if (set == null)
                    throw new UserFriendlyException((int)ErrorCode.CodeValErr, "请先设置工资发放日期。");
                var setting = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SalarySettingInput>(set.Value);
                var date    = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, setting.Day);
                if (DateTime.Now.Day <= date.Day)
                    input.Month = input.Month - 2;
            var query = _employeeRepository.GetAll();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.SearchKey) == false)
                query = query.Where(ite => ite.Name.Contains(input.SearchKey) || ite.Phone.Contains(input.SearchKey) || ite.Code.Contains(input.SearchKey));
            if (input.OrgId.HasValue)
                var orgu = _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll().Where(ite => ite.OrganizationUnitId == input.OrgId.Value).Select(ite => ite.UserId).ToList();
                query = query.Where(ite => orgu.Contains(ite.UserId.Value));
            if (input.IsTemp.HasValue && input.IsTemp.Value)
                query = query.Where(ite => ite.IsTemp == true);
            var totalCount = query.Count();

            var ret = query.OrderByDescending(r => r.LastModificationTime).PageBy(input).Select(ite => new EmployeeSalaryBillDto()
                Name       = ite.Name,
                EmployeeId = ite.Id,
                Month      = input.Month.Value,
                Year       = input.Year.Value,
                UserId     = ite.UserId

            foreach (var r in ret)
                var s = _employeeSalaryBillRepository.FirstOrDefault(ite => ite.Year == DateTime.Now.Year && ite.Month == input.Month.Value && ite.EmployeeId == r.EmployeeId);
                if (s != null)
                    r.AccumulationFund = s.AccumulationFund;
                    r.BaseSalary       = s.BaseSalary;
                    r.Deduction        = s.Deduction;
                    r.DeductionReason  = s.DeductionReason;
                    r.Id = s.Id;
                    r.EndowmentInsurance = s.EndowmentInsurance;
                    r.InjuryInsurance    = s.InjuryInsurance;
                    r.MaternityInsurance = s.MaternityInsurance;
                    r.MedicalInsurance   = s.MedicalInsurance;
                    r.Month           = s.Month;
                    r.MonthBonus      = s.MonthBonus;
                    r.PreSalary       = s.PreSalary;
                    r.QuarterBonus    = s.QuarterBonus;
                    r.Salary          = s.Salary;
                    r.Tax             = s.Tax;
                    r.UnworkInsurance = s.UnworkInsurance;
                    r.WorkBonus       = s.WorkBonus;
                    r.WorkSalary      = s.WorkSalary;
                    r.Year            = s.Year;
                    r.YearBonus       = s.YearBonus;
                if (r.UserId.HasValue)
                    var org = await(from a in _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll()
                                    join b in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on a.OrganizationUnitId equals b.Id
                                    where a.UserId == r.UserId.Value
                                    select new SimpleOrganizationDto()
                        Code   = b.Code,
                        Id     = a.OrganizationUnitId,
                        IsMain = a.IsMain,
                        Title  = b.DisplayName
                    var post = from a in _postsRepository.GetAll()
                               join b in _userPostsRepository.GetAll() on a.Id equals b.PostId
                               join c in _organizationUnitPostsRepository.GetAll() on b.OrgPostId equals c.Id
                               join d in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on c.OrganizationUnitId equals d.Id
                               where b.UserId == r.UserId.Value
                               select new UserPostDto {
                        Id = b.Id, OrgPostId = c.Id, PostId = a.Id, PostName = a.Name, OrgName = d.DisplayName
                    r.Organization = org.ToList();
                    r.Posts        = post.ToList();
            model.Items = new PagedResultDto <EmployeeSalaryBillDto>(totalCount, ret);
            model.Year  = input.Year.Value;
            model.Month = input.Month.Value;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 人事部获取员工信息列表
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <PagedResultDto <EmployeeListDto> > GetList(EmployeeSearchInput input)
            var query = from a in _employeeRepository.GetAll()
                        join b in _userRepository.GetAll() on a.UserId equals b.Id
                        orderby a.CreationTime descending
                        select new EmployeeListDto()
                Alipay    = a.Alipay,
                BankName  = a.BankName,
                BankNo    = a.BankNo,
                Birthday  = a.Birthday,
                Code      = a.Code,
                Email     = b.EmailAddress,
                EnterTime = a.EnterTime,
                Id        = a.Id,
                IsTemp    = a.IsTemp,
                IsResign  = !b.IsActive,
                Name      = a.Name,
                Phone     = b.PhoneNumber,
                Sex       = a.Sex,
                UserId    = a.UserId,
                WXchat    = a.WXchat

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.SearchKey) == false)
                query = query.Where(ite => ite.Name.Contains(input.SearchKey) || ite.Phone.Contains(input.SearchKey) || ite.Code.Contains(input.SearchKey));
            if (input.OrgId.HasValue)
                var orgu = _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll().Where(ite => ite.OrganizationUnitId == input.OrgId.Value).Select(ite => ite.UserId).ToList();
                query = query.Where(ite => orgu.Contains(ite.UserId.Value));
            if (input.IsTemp.HasValue && input.IsTemp.Value)
                query = query.Where(ite => ite.IsTemp == true);
            var totalCount = query.Count();

            var ret = (await query.PageBy(input).ToListAsync()).MapTo <List <EmployeeListDto> >();

            foreach (var r in ret)
                if (r.UserId.HasValue)
                    var org = await(from a in _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll()
                                    join b in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on a.OrganizationUnitId equals b.Id
                                    where a.UserId == r.UserId.Value
                                    select new SimpleOrganizationDto()
                        Code   = b.Code,
                        Id     = a.OrganizationUnitId,
                        IsMain = a.IsMain,
                        Title  = b.DisplayName
                    var post = from a in _postsRepository.GetAll()
                               join b in _userPostsRepository.GetAll() on a.Id equals b.PostId
                               join c in _organizationUnitPostsRepository.GetAll() on b.OrgPostId equals c.Id
                               join d in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on c.OrganizationUnitId equals d.Id
                               where b.UserId == r.UserId.Value
                               select new UserPostDto {
                        Id = b.Id, OrgPostId = c.Id, PostId = a.Id, PostName = a.Name, OrgName = d.DisplayName
                    r.Organization = org.ToList();
                    r.Posts        = post.ToList();
            return(new PagedResultDto <EmployeeListDto>(totalCount, ret));
コード例 #6
        // 名前またIDで社員検索
        public List <EmployeeSearchOutput> searchEmployees(EmployeeSearchInput employeeSearchInput)
            List <EmployeeSearchOutput> employees = new List <EmployeeSearchOutput>();

            using (sys_employeeEntities db = new sys_employeeEntities())
                var query = (from e in db.employee
                             join c in db.customer
                             on e.customerId equals c.customerId into ecGroup
                             from ec in ecGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             join a in db.authority
                             on e.authorityId equals a.authorityId into ecaGroup
                             from eca in ecaGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                             select new
                    customerName = ec.name,
                    entryDate = e.entryDate,
                    authority = eca.authorityName,
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeSearchInput.Id))
                    query = query.Where(p => p.employeeId.Equals(employeeSearchInput.Id));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeSearchInput.Name))
                    query = query.Where(p => p.name.Contains(employeeSearchInput.Name));

                switch (employeeSearchInput.WorkSituation)
                case ConstantCommon.ZAISHA:
                    query = query.Where(p => p.leavingDate == null);

                case ConstantCommon.TAISHA:
                    query = query.Where(p => p.leavingDate != null);


                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeSearchInput.CustomerId))
                    query = query.Where(p => p.customerId.Equals(employeeSearchInput.CustomerId));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeSearchInput.AuthorityId))
                    query = query.Where(p => p.authorityId.Equals(employeeSearchInput.AuthorityId));


                foreach (var item in query)
                    EmployeeSearchOutput employee = new EmployeeSearchOutput();
                    employee.Id              = item.employeeId;
                    employee.Name            = item.name;
                    employee.KataName        = item.kataName;
                    employee.TelephoneNumber = item.telephoneNumber;
                    employee.MailAddress     = item.mailAddress;
                    employee.CustomerName    = item.customerName;
                    employee.EntryDate       = item.entryDate;
                    employee.Authority       = item.authority;
                    employee.Description     = item.description;

