コード例 #1
        public IdMappingData AddId(PersistentClass pc)
            var relIdMapping = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("properties"));
            // Xml mapping which will be used for the primary key of the versions table
            var origIdMapping = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("composite-id"),
                                             new XAttribute("name", _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.OriginalIdPropName));

            var idProp   = pc.IdentifierProperty;
            var idMapper = pc.IdentifierMapper;

            // Checking if the id mapping is supported
            if (idMapper == null && idProp == null)

            ISimpleIdMapperBuilder mapper;

            if (idMapper != null)
                // Multiple id
                throw new MappingException("Multi id mapping isn't (wasn't?) available in NH Core");
            if (idProp.IsComposite)
                // Embedded id
                var idComponent = (Component)idProp.Value;

                mapper = new EmbeddedIdMapper(getIdPropertyData(idProp), idComponent.ComponentClass);
                addIdProperties(relIdMapping, idComponent.PropertyIterator, mapper, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                addIdProperties(origIdMapping, idComponent.PropertyIterator, null, true);
                // Single id
                mapper = new SingleIdMapper();

                // Last but one parameter: ids are always insertable
                                                               idProp.Value, mapper, true, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                                                               idProp.Value, null, true, true);

            // Adding a relation to the revision entity (effectively: the "revision number" property)

            return(new IdMappingData(mapper, origIdMapping, relIdMapping));
コード例 #2
        public IdMappingData AddId(PersistentClass pc)
            // Xml mapping which will be used for relations
            XmlDocument id_mappingDoc  = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  rel_id_mapping = id_mappingDoc.CreateElement("properties");   //= new DefaultElement("properties"); // (din DOM4J)
            // Xml mapping which will be used for the primary key of the versions table
            XmlElement orig_id_mapping = id_mappingDoc.CreateElement("composite-id"); //= new DefaultElement("composite-id"); // (din DOM4J)

            Property  id_prop   = pc.IdentifierProperty;
            Component id_mapper = pc.IdentifierMapper;

            // Checking if the id mapping is supported
            if (id_mapper == null && id_prop == null)

            ISimpleIdMapperBuilder mapper;

            if (id_mapper != null)
                // Multiple id

                mapper = new MultipleIdMapper(((Component)pc.Identifier).ComponentClass);
                AddIdProperties(rel_id_mapping, (IEnumerator <Property>)id_mapper.PropertyIterator, mapper, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                AddIdProperties(orig_id_mapping, (IEnumerator <Property>)id_mapper.PropertyIterator, null, true);
            else if (id_prop.IsComposite)
                // Embedded id

                Component id_component = (Component)id_prop.Value;

                mapper = new EmbeddedIdMapper(GetIdPropertyData(id_prop), id_component.ComponentClass);
                AddIdProperties(rel_id_mapping, (IEnumerator <Property>)id_component.PropertyIterator, mapper, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                AddIdProperties(orig_id_mapping, (IEnumerator <Property>)id_component.PropertyIterator, null, true);
                // Single id

                mapper = new SingleIdMapper();

                // Last but one parameter: ids are always insertable
                                                              id_prop.Value, mapper, true, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                                                              id_prop.Value, null, true, true);

            orig_id_mapping.SetAttribute("name", mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.OriginalIdPropName);

            // Adding a relation to the revision entity (effectively: the "revision number" property)

            return(new IdMappingData(mapper, orig_id_mapping, rel_id_mapping));