public static EmbedBuilder BuildMediaEmbed( string title, IEnumerable <string> media, string url = null, string caption = null, Thumbnail thumbnail = null, string footer = null, string captionFooter = null, DateTimeOffset?timestamp = null, string iconUrl = null, int maxCaptionLength = 400, int maxCaptionLines = 8) { var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() .WithName(title); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { author.WithUrl(url); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconUrl)) { author.WithIconUrl(iconUrl); } var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor(author) .WithFooter(footer); if (timestamp != null) { embed.WithTimestamp(timestamp.Value); } var buttons = ""; const int minCaptionSpace = 100; var maxButtonsLength = EmbedBuilder.MaxDescriptionLength - minCaptionSpace - (captionFooter?.Length ?? 0); if (media.Skip(1).Any()) { // Add only as many buttons as will fit var builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var button in media.Take(Math.Min(EmbedMediaCutoff, 9)).Select((y, i) => $"[{(i + 1).ToKeycapEmoji()}]({y})")) { var item = button + " "; if (builder.Length + item.Length > maxButtonsLength) { break; } builder.Append(item); } buttons = builder.ToString(); } else if (thumbnail?.IsVideo ?? false) { buttons = $"[▶️ Play]({thumbnail.VideoUrl})"; } var description = new StringBuilder(); const int lineBreaksBuffer = 5; var captionSpace = EmbedBuilder.MaxDescriptionLength - buttons.Length - (captionFooter?.Length ?? 0) - lineBreaksBuffer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption)) { description.Append(caption.Truncate(Math.Min(maxCaptionLength, captionSpace)).TruncateLines(maxCaptionLines, trim: true) + "\n\n"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(captionFooter)) { description.AppendLine(captionFooter); } description.Append(buttons); embed.WithDescription(description.ToString()); if (thumbnail != null) { embed.WithImageUrl(thumbnail.Url); } return(embed); }
public async Task UserAbout(IUser user = null) { var userSpecified = user as SocketGuildUser ?? Context.User as SocketGuildUser; if (userSpecified == null) { await ReplyAsync("User not found, please try again."); return; } EmbedAuthorBuilder eab = new EmbedAuthorBuilder(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.Nickname)) { eab.WithName("About " + userSpecified.Nickname); } else { eab.WithName("About " + userSpecified.Username); } eab.WithUrl(Configuration.Load().PROFILE_URL_ID_TAGGED + userSpecified.Id); EmbedFooterBuilder efb = new EmbedFooterBuilder(); if (userSpecified.IsTeamMember()) { eab.WithIconUrl(userSpecified.GetEmbedAuthorBuilderIconUrl()); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetFooterText())) { efb.WithText(userSpecified.GetFooterText()); efb.WithIconUrl(userSpecified.GetEmbedFooterBuilderIconUrl()); } EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor(eab) .WithFooter(efb) .WithThumbnailUrl(userSpecified.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithDescription(User.Load(userSpecified.Id).About) .WithColor(userSpecified.GetCustomRGB()); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetName())) { eb.AddField("Name", userSpecified.GetName(), true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetGender())) { eb.AddField("Gender", userSpecified.GetGender(), true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetPronouns())) { eb.AddField("Pronouns", userSpecified.GetPronouns(), true); } eb.AddField("Level", userSpecified.GetLevel(), true); eb.AddField("EXP", userSpecified.GetEXP() + " (" + (Math.Round(userSpecified.EXPToLevelUp()) - userSpecified.GetEXP()) + " EXP to level up)", true); eb.AddField("Account Created", userSpecified.UserCreateDate(), true); eb.AddField("Joined Guild", userSpecified.GuildJoinDate(), true); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetMinecraftUsername())) { eb.AddField("Minecraft Username", userSpecified.GetMinecraftUsername(), true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetWebsiteUrl())) { eb.AddField(StringConfiguration.Load().DefaultWebsiteName, "[" + (userSpecified.GetWebsiteName() ?? StringConfiguration.Load().DefaultWebsiteName) + "](" + userSpecified.GetWebsiteUrl() + ")", true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetInstagramUsername())) { eb.AddField("Instagram", "[" + userSpecified.GetInstagramUsername() + "](" + userSpecified.GetInstagramUsername() + "/)", true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetSnapchatUsername())) { eb.AddField("Snapchat", "[" + userSpecified.GetSnapchatUsername() + "](" + userSpecified.GetSnapchatUsername() + "/)", true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetGitHubUsername())) { eb.AddField("GitHub", "[" + userSpecified.GetGitHubUsername() + "](" + userSpecified.GetGitHubUsername() + "/)", true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetPokemonGoFriendCode())) { eb.AddField("Pokémon Go Friend Code", "[" + userSpecified.GetPokemonGoFriendCode() + "](" + userSpecified.GetPokemonGoFriendCode().Replace(" ", "") + "&choe=UTF-8)", true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSpecified.GetCustomPrefix())) { eb.AddField("Custom Prefix", userSpecified.GetCustomPrefix(), true); } eb.AddField("Profile", "[Online Profile](" + Configuration.Load().PROFILE_URL_ID_TAGGED + userSpecified.Id + ")", true); await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build()); }
public async Task Sihirdar([Remainder] string isim) { try { if (l == 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(isim + " Aranıyor..."); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Searching for " + isim + "..."); } kills = new string[5]; deaths = new string[5]; assists = new string[5]; result = new string[5]; isim.Replace(" ", "%20"); // 1 riot.summonerbul(isim); riot.macbilgi(riot.summonerid, riot.mac1id); kills[0] = riot.kill; deaths[0] = riot.death; assists[0] = riot.assist; result[0] = riot.macsonuc; // 2 riot.summonerbul(isim); riot.macbilgi(riot.summonerid, riot.mac2id); kills[1] = riot.kill; deaths[1] = riot.death; assists[1] = riot.assist; result[1] = riot.macsonuc; // 3 riot.summonerbul(isim); riot.macbilgi(riot.summonerid, riot.mac3id); kills[2] = riot.kill; deaths[2] = riot.death; assists[2] = riot.assist; result[2] = riot.macsonuc; // 4 riot.summonerbul(isim); riot.macbilgi(riot.summonerid, riot.mac4id); kills[3] = riot.kill; deaths[3] = riot.death; assists[3] = riot.assist; result[3] = riot.macsonuc; // 5 riot.summonerbul(isim); riot.macbilgi(riot.summonerid, riot.mac5id); kills[4] = riot.kill; deaths[4] = riot.death; assists[4] = riot.assist; result[4] = riot.macsonuc; var eb = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "", Description = "**Maçlar**", Color = Color.Blue }; if (l == 0) { eb = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "", Description = "**Matches**", Color = Color.Blue } } ; string newname = riot.summonername; newname.First().ToString().ToUpper(); EmbedAuthorBuilder MyAuthorBuilder = new EmbedAuthorBuilder(); if (l == 1) { MyAuthorBuilder.WithName(newname + " - Tüm profil için tıkla"); } else { MyAuthorBuilder.WithName(newname + " - Click for complete profile"); } MyAuthorBuilder.WithIconUrl(""); eb.WithAuthor(MyAuthorBuilder); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (result[i] == "Zafer") { if (l == 1) { result[i] = ":white_check_mark: Zafer"; } else { result[i] = ":white_check_mark: Win"; } } if (result[i] == "Bozgun") { if (l == 1) { result[i] = ":no_entry_sign: Bozgun"; } else { result[i] = ":no_entry_sign: Loss"; } } } EmbedFieldBuilder MyEmbedField = new EmbedFieldBuilder(); MyEmbedField.WithIsInline(true); MyEmbedField.WithName(result[0]); MyEmbedField.WithValue(kills[0] + "/" + deaths[0] + "/" + assists[0]); eb.AddField(MyEmbedField); EmbedFieldBuilder MyEmbedField2 = new EmbedFieldBuilder(); MyEmbedField2.WithIsInline(true); MyEmbedField2.WithName(result[1]); MyEmbedField2.WithValue(kills[1] + "/" + deaths[1] + "/" + assists[1]); eb.AddField(MyEmbedField2); EmbedFieldBuilder MyEmbedField3 = new EmbedFieldBuilder(); MyEmbedField3.WithIsInline(true); MyEmbedField3.WithName(result[2]); MyEmbedField3.WithValue(kills[2] + "/" + deaths[2] + "/" + assists[2]); eb.AddField(MyEmbedField3); EmbedFieldBuilder MyEmbedField4 = new EmbedFieldBuilder(); MyEmbedField4.WithIsInline(true); MyEmbedField4.WithName(result[3]); MyEmbedField4.WithValue(kills[3] + "/" + deaths[3] + "/" + assists[3]); eb.AddField(MyEmbedField4); EmbedFieldBuilder MyEmbedField5 = new EmbedFieldBuilder(); MyEmbedField5.WithIsInline(true); MyEmbedField5.WithName(result[4]); MyEmbedField5.WithValue(kills[4] + "/" + deaths[4] + "/" + assists[4]); eb.AddField(MyEmbedField5); EmbedFieldBuilder MyEmbedField6 = new EmbedFieldBuilder(); MyEmbedField6.WithIsInline(true); MyEmbedField6.WithName("..."); MyEmbedField6.WithValue("..."); eb.AddField(MyEmbedField6); eb.WithUrl("" + riot.summonerid2); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb); } catch (Exception e) { if (l == 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```İşlemi gerçekleştirirken bir hata meydana geldi.\n" + e.Message + "\nAPI Anahtarını güncelleyin. \```"); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```Error: \n" + e.Message + "" + "\nUpdate the API key. \```"); } } }
private async Task Update() { if (this.Message == null) { return; } string display = this.DisplayCallback?.Invoke(this.Data[this.CurrentIndex]); await this.Message.ModifyAsync(prop => { if (this.Embed != null) { Embed oldEmbed = this.Embed; EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder .WithLimitedTitle(oldEmbed.Title) .WithLimitedDescription(display); if (oldEmbed.Color.HasValue) { builder.WithColor(oldEmbed.Color.Value); } if (oldEmbed.Timestamp.HasValue) { builder.WithTimestamp(oldEmbed.Timestamp.Value); } if (oldEmbed.Author.HasValue) { EmbedAuthor oldAuthor = oldEmbed.Author.Value; EmbedAuthorBuilder authorBuilder = new EmbedAuthorBuilder(); authorBuilder .WithIconUrl(oldAuthor.IconUrl) .WithName(oldAuthor.Name) .WithUrl(oldAuthor.Url); builder.WithAuthor(authorBuilder); } if (oldEmbed.Footer.HasValue) { EmbedFooter oldFooter = oldEmbed.Footer.Value; EmbedFooterBuilder footerBuilder = new EmbedFooterBuilder(); footerBuilder .WithText(oldFooter.Text) .WithIconUrl(oldFooter.IconUrl); builder.WithFooter(footerBuilder); } this.DisplayEmbedCallback?.Invoke(this.Data[this.CurrentIndex], builder); this.Embed = builder.Build(); prop.Embed = this.Embed; } else { prop.Content = display; } }); this.Refresh(); }