コード例 #1
        static void SendEmail(HttpException exception, string appName, MailAddress from, MailAddress to)
            Trace.TraceInformation("[RazorRenderExceptionHelper]: Preparing to send email to developer");
            string body = exception.GetHtmlErrorMessage();
            bool   html = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(body))
                body = exception.ToString();
                html = false;

            string subject = string.Format("Exception for app: {0}, at {1}", appName, DateTime.Now);

            EmailExtensions.SendEmail(from, to, subject, body, !html,
                                      (message, ex) =>
                if (ex == null)
                    Trace.TraceInformation("[RazorRenderExceptionHelper]: Email was sent to {0}",
                    Trace.TraceError("[RazorRenderExceptionHelper]: Failed to send email. {0}", ex.Message);
                    LogEvent.Raise(exception.Message, exception.GetBaseException());
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult SendEmail(CustomerEmailModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var customer = db.Patients.Where(o => o.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault();

            //EmailExtensions.SendMail(model.Email, model.Subject, model.Body);

            EmailExtensions.SendSms(customer.ContactNumber, model.Body);

コード例 #3
        public async override void Execute()
            if (Config.IsInDebugMode)

            using (DisposableTimer.StartNew("PingHost Task ..."))
                var url = string.Format("{0}?source={1}", RequestCheck.HostUrl, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
                Trace.TraceInformation("Making a request to {0}", url);
                var webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url);
                webRequest.Method = "HEAD";
                using (var webResponse = await webRequest.GetResponseAsync())
                    var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webResponse;
                    Trace.TraceInformation("[Task]: Status = {0}", httpResponse.StatusCode);
                    if (httpResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        //todo: melhorar HTML/ conteúdo
                        var headers = httpResponse.Headers;
                        var sb      = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.AppendFormat("Status: {0}", httpResponse.StatusCode).AppendLine();
                        sb.AppendFormat("Description: {0}", httpResponse.StatusDescription).AppendLine();
                        sb.AppendFormat("Server: {0}", httpResponse.Server).AppendLine();
                        sb.AppendFormat("ContentLength: {0}", httpResponse.ContentLength).AppendLine();
                        sb.AppendFormat("ContentType: {0}", httpResponse.ContentType).AppendLine();
                        string html = sb.ToString();

                        foreach (var header in headers)
                            html += header + Environment.NewLine;

                        Trace.TraceInformation("Send task info email");

                        EmailExtensions.SendEmailAsync(new MailAddress(BootstrapperSection.Instance.Mail.MailAdmin),
                                                       new MailAddress(BootstrapperSection.Instance.Mail.MailDeveloper),
                                                       "Task Execution: " + BootstrapperSection.Instance.AppName,
                                                       html, false, (message, exception) => { });
コード例 #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> ConfirmEmail(string userId, string code)
            if (userId == null || code == null)
                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Index), "Home"));
            var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Unable to load user with ID '{userId}'.");
            // var id = Int32.Parse(userId);

            var result = await _userManager.ConfirmEmailAsync(user, code);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                var url = Request.Host.Value;

                var link = Url.Action(
                    values: new { email = user.Email },
                    protocol: Request.Scheme

                //var link = $"https://{url}/Account/ConfirmEmail?userId={user.Id}&code={code}";
                var htmlString = await razorViewToStringRenderer.RenderViewToStringAsync("EmailTemplate", new EmailTemplate
                    Title   = "Congratulation",
                    Body    = $"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(link)}\">ScoreExec</a>",
                    Message = " <p>Assalam-o-Alaikum</p> <p>Dear User</p> <p>You are approved by the admin</p> <p>User Name: </P>" + user.UserName + "<p>Email: </p>" + user.Email

                string subject = "Email Confirmation";
                await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false);

                await EmailExtensions.Execute(user.Email, user.UserName, htmlString, subject);

            return(RedirectToAction("ApprovedUser", "Account"));
コード例 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email);

                if (user == null || !(await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user)))
                    // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed

                // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please
                // visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=532713
                var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user);

                var url = Request.Host.Value;

                string adminEmail = model.Email;
                string subject    = "Reset Password";

                var link       = $"https://{url}/Account/ResetPassword?userId={user.Id}&code={code}";
                var htmlString = await razorViewToStringRenderer.RenderViewToStringAsync("EmailTemplate", new EmailTemplate
                    Title   = "Reset Password",
                    Body    = $"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{link}\">Click here</a>",
                    Message = "<p>Asslam-o-Alaikum</p> <p>Dear User</p> <p>Click the below link to change or reset your passowrd</p>"

                await EmailExtensions.Execute(adminEmail, null, htmlString, subject);

                //var callbackUrl = Url.ResetPasswordCallbackLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme);
                //await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Reset Password",
                //$"Please reset your password by clicking here: <a href='{callbackUrl}'>link</a>");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult ChangeOrderStatus(int orderId, int statusId)
            var order  = db.CustomerOrders.Find(orderId);
            var status = db.OrderStatuses.Find(statusId);

            order.OrderStatusId = statusId;
            order.OrderStatus   = status;

            db.Entry(order).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

            db.Notifications.PushNotificaiton(string.Format("You changed Customer Order #{0} status", orderId));


            //EmailExtensions.SendMail(order.Email, "Doctor J Govender: Order #" + order.Id,
            //    "Order Status changed to " + status.Name);

            EmailExtensions.SendSms(order.PhoneNumber, "Doctor J Govender: Order #" + order.Id + "Order Status changed to " + status.Name);

コード例 #7
        public ActionResult Complete(int?id)
            var orderId   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CustomerOrderId"]);
            var orderId1  = customerOrderRepository.GetOrderId(this.HttpContext);
            var patientId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"]);

            var order   = db.CustomerOrders.Find(orderId1);
            var patient = db.Patients.Find(patientId);

            string status = "Unknown";

            switch (id.ToString())
            case "-2":
                status = "Unable to reconsile transaction";

            case "-1":
                status = "Checksum Error. The values have been altered";

            case "0":
                status = "Not Done";

            case "1":
                //status = "Approved";
                status = customerOrderRepository.PaymentApproved(this.HttpContext);

            case "2":
                //status = "Declined";
                status = customerOrderRepository.PaymentDeclined(this.HttpContext);


            case "3":
                status = "Cancelled";

            case "4":
                status = "User Cancelled";

                status = $"Unknown Status({ id })";
            TempData["Status"] = status;

            if (status == "Approved")
                var callbackUrl = Url.Action("view-order", "order", new { area = "store", id = order.Id }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
                var loyaltyLink = Url.Action("Subscribe", "Loyalties", new { patientId = order.Customer.UserID });

                //EmailExtensions.SendMail(order.Email, "Doctor J Govender Pharmacy: Thank you for you Purchase!",
                //    string.Format("<h1><strong>Hello {0}</strong></h1> <br><br>" +
                //                  "Thank you for your recent transaction on our Pharmacy." +
                //                  "If you are new to our store and not a loyalty member, you can sign up for free for rewards.<br><br>" +
                //    "Your order has being successfully approved and is being processed.<br>" +
                //    "<a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">View Order Here</a></strong>", order.Customer.FirstName));

                //EmailExtensions.SendSms(order.Email, "Doctor J Govender Pharmacy: Thank you for you Purchase! Your order has being successfully approved and is being processed." + callbackUrl);
                EmailExtensions.SendSms(order.PhoneNumber, "Doctor J Govender Pharmacy: Thank you for your purchase! Total R" + order.TotalCost);

                //var client = new Client(creds: new Nexmo.Api.Request.Credentials
                //    ApiKey = "0f48d10b",
                //    ApiSecret = "R0hfbIdGjgNcG9Aa"

                //var results = client.SMS.Send(request: new SMS.SMSRequest
                //    from = "Dr J Govender",
                //    to = order.PhoneNumber,
                //    text = "Doctor J Govender Pharmacy: Thank you for you Purchase!"

                db.Notifications.PushNotificaiton(string.Format("A Customer placed an order: #{0}", order.Id));

                if (patient.isLoyal)
                    var loyalty = db.Loyalties.Where(l => l.PatientId == patientId).FirstOrDefault();
                    var prefs   = db.LoyaltyPreferences.FirstOrDefault();

                    loyalty.Loyalty_Points += 25;

                    if (loyalty.Loyalty_Points >= prefs.PointsLimit)
                        db.Coupons.Add(new PharmacyEntities.Coupon
                            isLoyaltyCoupon = true,
                            Code            = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", prefs.CouponCode, patient.UserID, order.Id),
                            Description     = "Loyalty Coupon",
                            EndDate         = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(prefs.MonthsToExpiry),
                            StartDate       = DateTime.Today,
                            DiscountRate    = prefs.CouponDiscountRate,
                            Active          = true,
                            Display         = false


                        var coup = db.Coupons.OrderByDescending(c => c.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                        //EmailExtensions.SendMail(patient.Email, prefs.Subject,
                        //    string.Format("<h1 class='text-center'>Code: {0}-{1}-{2}</h1> <br><br>" +
                        //                  "Valid until {3}<br>" +
                        //                  "Discount Rate: {4}%" +
                        //                  "{5}", prefs.CouponCode, patient.UserID, order.Id, coup.EndDate.ToLongDateString(), coup.DiscountRate, prefs.Body));

                        EmailExtensions.SendSms(patient.ContactNumber, string.Format(prefs.Subject + "Code: {0}-{1}-{2} . Valid until {3}. Discount Rate: {4}%", prefs.CouponCode, patient.UserID, order.Id, coup.EndDate.ToLongDateString(), coup.DiscountRate));
                        loyalty.Loyalty_Points = 0;
                    db.Entry(loyalty).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;


コード例 #8
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateOrder(NewPurchaseVM model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Supplier supplier = db.Suppliers.Find(model.SupplierId);

                // Change order status
                OrderStatus defaultOrderStatus = await db.OrderStatuses.Where(os => os.ProcessNumber == 2)

                // Cant buy stock if theres no items in the cart
                if (!db.StockCarts.Any(c => c.SupplierId == model.SupplierId))
                    TempData["Error"] = "There is no items in the cart to place order.";
                    return(Redirect("/Pharmacist/StockOrders/NewPurchase?supplierId=" + model.SupplierId));

                db.StockOrders.Add(new StockOrder
                    SupplierId     = model.SupplierId,
                    PaymentPeriod  = model.PaymentPeriod,
                    StockOrderDate = DateTime.Now,
                    TotalCost      = model.TotalPrice,
                    Notes          = model.Notes,
                    SubTotal       = model.SubTotal,
                    TotalTax       = model.TaxTotal,
                    Supplier       = supplier,
                    OrderStatusId  = defaultOrderStatus.Id,
                    OrderStatus    = defaultOrderStatus

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Assign orderid to stockcart items
                var stockCart = await db.StockCarts.Where(c => c.StockOrderId.Equals(null)).ToListAsync();

                var latestOrder = await db.StockOrders.OrderByDescending(o => o.Id).FirstAsync();

                stockCart.ForEach(c => c.StockOrderId = latestOrder.Id); // Order Id Should Equal to the latest order

                // Add notification
                db.Notifications.Add(new Notification
                    CreatedDate         = DateTime.Now,
                    Message             = "You have placed an order of R" + latestOrder.TotalCost,
                    isRead              = false,
                    Icon                = "fa-file-alt",
                    BackgroundColorIcon = "bg-info"

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                var callbackUrl = Url.Action("InvoiceToPdf", "StockOrders", new { area = "pharmacist", id = latestOrder.Id }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);

                //EmailExtensions.SendMail(supplier.Email, "Request For A Stock Order",
                //    string.Format("Good day. <br><br>I would like to request a stock order of R{0}.<br><br>" +
                //    "<a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">Review Order Details Here</a><br><br>" +
                //    "<strong>Order Notes: <strong><br>" +
                //    "{2}", latestOrder.TotalCost, latestOrder.Id, latestOrder.Notes));

                                        string.Format("From Dr J Govender Practice: Good day. I would like to request a stock order of R{0}. " +
                                                      "Order Notes: {1}", latestOrder.TotalCost, latestOrder.Notes));

コード例 #9
ファイル: Init.cs プロジェクト: rmstreet/HostWebApp-Fork
        public static void PostStart()
            if (_initialized)

            _initialized = true;

            var cfg = BootstrapperSection.Instance;

            using (DisposableTimer.StartNew("Frankstein POST_START..."))
                Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Debugging Enabled: {0}", HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled);
                Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:CustomErrors Enabled: {0}", HttpContext.Current.IsCustomErrorEnabled);
                var commitId = Config.ValueOrDefault("appharbor.commit_id", "");
                Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Commit Id: {0}", commitId);

                Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:cfg.MvcTrace.Enabled = {0}", cfg.MvcTrace.Enabled);
                if (cfg.MvcTrace.Enabled)
                    GlobalFilters.Filters.Add(new MvcTracerFilter());

                Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:cfg.InsertRoutes = {0}", cfg.InsertRoutes);
                if (cfg.InsertRoutes)
                    var routes = RouteTable.Routes;

                    routes.RouteExistingFiles  = false;
                    routes.LowercaseUrls       = true;
                    routes.AppendTrailingSlash = true;

                    //routes.IgnoreRoute("{*favicon}", new { favicon = @"(.*/)?favicon.ico(/.*)?" });
                    //routes.IgnoreRoute("{*staticfile}", new { staticfile = @".*\.(css|js|txt|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp)(/.*)?" });
                    routes.IgnoreRoute("{*staticfile}", new { staticfile = @".*\.(?i)(css|js|xml|txt|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|ico|woff|svg|ttf|eot)(/.*)?" });


                Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:cfg.Verbose = {0}", cfg.Verbose);
                if (cfg.Verbose)
                    var application = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance;

                    var modules = application.Modules;
                    foreach (var module in modules)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("Module Loaded: {0}", module);

                    //dump routes
                    var routes = RouteTable.Routes;

                    var i = routes.Count;
                    Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Found {0} routes in RouteTable", i);
                    foreach (var routeBase in routes)
                        var route = routeBase as Route;
                        if (route != null)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Handler: {0} at URL: {1}", route.RouteHandler, route.Url);
                            //RouteCollectionRoute => mapped by AttributeRouting
                            //it's internal, so it's elligible to access his methods and properties with ImpromptuInterface
                            Trace.TraceInformation("route: {0}", routeBase);

                //viewengine locations
                var mvcroot = cfg.DumpToLocal.Folder;

                var razorViewEngine = ViewEngines.Engines.OfType <RazorViewEngine>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (razorViewEngine != null)
                    Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Configuring RazorViewEngine Location Formats");
                    var vlf = new string[]
                        mvcroot + "/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml",
                        mvcroot + "/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml",
                    razorViewEngine.ViewLocationFormats = razorViewEngine.ViewLocationFormats.Extend(false, vlf);

                    var mlf = new string[]
                        mvcroot + "/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml",
                        mvcroot + "/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml",
                    razorViewEngine.MasterLocationFormats = razorViewEngine.MasterLocationFormats.Extend(false, mlf);

                    var plf = new string[]
                        mvcroot + "/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml",
                        mvcroot + "/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml",
                    razorViewEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats = razorViewEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats.Extend(false, plf);

                    var avlf = new string[]
                        mvcroot + "/Areas/{2}/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml",
                        mvcroot + "/Areas/{2}/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml",
                    razorViewEngine.AreaViewLocationFormats = razorViewEngine.AreaViewLocationFormats.Extend(false, avlf);

                    var amlf = new string[]
                        mvcroot + "/Areas/{2}/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml",
                        mvcroot + "/Areas/{2}/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml",
                    razorViewEngine.AreaMasterLocationFormats = razorViewEngine.AreaMasterLocationFormats.Extend(false, amlf);

                    var apvlf = new string[]
                        mvcroot + "/Areas/{2}/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml",
                        mvcroot + "/Areas/{2}/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml",
                    razorViewEngine.AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = razorViewEngine.AreaPartialViewLocationFormats.Extend(false, apvlf);

                    if (cfg.Verbose)
                        foreach (var locationFormat in razorViewEngine.ViewLocationFormats)

                    Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Cannot Configure RazorViewEngine: View Engine not found");


            if (cfg.Verbose)
                Trace.TraceInformation("Listing Attached TraceListeners...");

                var listeners = Trace.Listeners;
                foreach (var logger in listeners)

            var listener = Trace.Listeners["StartupListener"] as TextWriterTraceListener;

            if (listener != null)

            //envia log de startup por email
            Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:cfg.Mail.SendStartupLog = {0}", cfg.Mail.SendStartupLog);
            if (cfg.Mail.SendStartupLog && !Config.IsInDebugMode)
                if (!File.Exists(_traceFileName))
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
                    var body = File.ReadAllText(_traceFileName);

                    Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Sending startup log email to {0}", cfg.Mail.MailDeveloper);

                    EmailExtensions.SendEmail(new MailAddress(cfg.Mail.MailAdmin, "Admin"),
                                              new MailAddress(cfg.Mail.MailDeveloper, "Developer"),
                                              string.Format("App Startup Log: {0} at {1} ", cfg.AppName, DateTime.Now),
                                              (msg, ex) =>
                        if (ex != null)
                            Trace.TraceError("[Bootstrapper]:Error sending startup log email: {0}", ex.Message);
                            Trace.TraceInformation("[Bootstrapper]:Startup log was sent successfully to {0}", msg.To[0]);
コード例 #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, string returnUrl = null)
            ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new ApplicationUser {
                    UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email
                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password.");

                    var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                    var url = Request.Host.Value;

                    var link = Url.Action(
                        values: new { userId = user.Id, code = code },
                        protocol: Request.Scheme

                    //var link = $"https://{url}/Account/ConfirmEmail?userId={user.Id}&code={code}";
                    var htmlString = await razorViewToStringRenderer.RenderViewToStringAsync("EmailTemplate", new EmailTemplate
                        Title   = "Email Confirmation",
                        Body    = $"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(link)}\">Yes it belongs to me</a>",
                        Message = " <p>Assalam-o-Alaikum</p> <p>Hello Admin</p> <p>Please confirm, if this user " + model.UserName + " with the email " + model.Email + " belongs to you</P>"

                    string adminEmail = "*****@*****.**";
                    string subject    = "Email Confirmation";
                    //if (model.RoleName == "Club User")
                    //    adminEmail = _context.ClubAdmins
                    //     .AsNoTracking()
                    //     .Where(i => i.TeamId == model.TeamId)
                    //     .Select(i => i.User.Email)
                    //     .Single();

                    //    adminEmail = "*****@*****.**";

                    await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false);

                    _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password.");

                    // await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, model.RoleName);

                    await EmailExtensions.Execute(adminEmail, model.UserName, htmlString, subject);

                    return(RedirectToAction("PendingRequest", "Account"));

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
コード例 #11
        public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
            // Configure the db context, user manager and signin manager to use a single instance per request
            app.CreatePerOwinContext <ApplicationUserManager>(ApplicationUserManager.Create);
            app.CreatePerOwinContext <ApplicationSignInManager>(ApplicationSignInManager.Create);

            // Enable the application to use a cookie to store information for the signed in user
            // and to use a cookie to temporarily store information about a user logging in with a third party login provider
            // Configure the sign in cookie
            app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
                LoginPath          = new PathString("/Account/Login"),
                Provider           = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
                    // Enables the application to validate the security stamp when the user logs in.
                    // This is a security feature which is used when you change a password or add an external login to your account.
                    OnValidateIdentity = SecurityStampValidator.OnValidateIdentity <ApplicationUserManager, ApplicationUser>(
                        validateInterval: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30),
                        regenerateIdentity: (manager, user) => user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(manager))

            // Enables the application to temporarily store user information when they are verifying the second factor in the two-factor authentication process.
            app.UseTwoFactorSignInCookie(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.TwoFactorCookie, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            // Enables the application to remember the second login verification factor such as phone or email.
            // Once you check this option, your second step of verification during the login process will be remembered on the device where you logged in from.
            // This is similar to the RememberMe option when you log in.

            //datum en tijd weergeven van de moment dat de applicatie opstart
            DateTime vandaag     = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime vorigeMaand = vandaag.AddMonths(-1);

            //als we de 6de van de maand zijn of indien dit in het weeken ligt we de 7de of 8ste zijn:
            if (vandaag.Day == 7 && vandaag.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday || vandaag.Day == 8 && vandaag.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday || vandaag.Day == 6)
                //per lid in de database gaan we:
                foreach (Lid lid in ledenService.AlleLedenWeergeven())
                    lid.Persoon = personenService.PersoonWeergeven(lid.PersoonId);

                    //abonnement van lid opvragen
                    Abonnement abonnement = abonnementsService.AbonnementWeergeven(lid.AbonnementId);

                    //betaling aanmaken
                    Betaling betaling = new Betaling()
                        Bedrag       = abonnement.PrijsPerMaand,
                        Datum        = vandaag,
                        Lidnummer    = lid.LidNummer,
                        Omschrijving = $"{abonnement.Naam} {vorigeMaand.Month}"
                    betaling.BetalingsId = betalingenService.BetalingsIdBepalen(betaling.BetalingsId);

                    //betaling toevoegen aan database

                    //melding van deze te betalen betaling doorsturen naar e-mail

                    IdentityMessage message = new IdentityMessage()
                        Body        = "Er is een nieuwe factuur voor uw abonnement van vorige maand in Eagle Fit",
                        Destination = lid.Persoon.Email,
                        Subject     = "Factuur Eagle Fit"

                    //te wijzigen abonnement op 0 staat, zo niet gaan we het abonnement wijzigen naar dit id en zetten we het te wijzigen id op 0, staat dit al op 0 gebeurt er niks
                    if (lid.TeWijzigenAbonnementId != 0)
                        lid.AbonnementId           = lid.TeWijzigenAbonnementId;
                        lid.TeWijzigenAbonnementId = 0;