public Force[] GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public Displacement GetLoadDisplacementAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load, double[] isoLocation)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #3
        public override Force[] GetGlobalEquivalentNodalLoads(ElementalLoad load)
            var helpers = GetHelpers();

            var buf = new Force[nodes.Length];

            var t = GetTransformationManager();

            foreach (var helper in helpers)
                var forces = helper.GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(this, load);

                for (var i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
                    buf[i] = buf[i] + forces[i];

            for (var i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
                buf[i] = t.TransformLocalToGlobal(buf[i]);


             * if (load is UniformLoadForPlanarElements)
             * {
             *  //lumped approach is used as used in several references
             *  var ul = load as UniformLoadForPlanarElements;
             *  var u = new Vector();
             *  u.X = ul.Ux;
             *  u.Y = ul.Uy;
             *  u.Z = ul.Uz;
             *  if (ul.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Local)
             *  {
             *      var trans = GetTransformationManager();
             *      u = trans.TransformLocalToGlobal(u); //local to global
             *  }
             *  if (_behavior == PlateElementBehaviour.Membrane)
             *      u.Z = 0;//remove one for plate bending
             *  if (_behavior == PlateElementBehaviour.Bending)
             *      u.Y = u.X = 0;//remove those for membrane
             *  var area = CalcUtil.GetTriangleArea(nodes[0].Location, nodes[1].Location, nodes[2].Location);
             *  var f = u * (area / 3.0);
             *  var frc = new Force(f, Vector.Zero);
             *  return new[] { frc, frc, frc };
             * }*/

            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #4
 public IEnumerable <Tuple <DoF, double> > GetLoadInternalForceAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load,
                                                                  double[] isoLocation)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #5
 public override Force[] GetGlobalEquivalentNodalLoads(ElementalLoad load)
     return(new Force[2]);
コード例 #6
 public GeneralStressTensor GetLoadStressAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load, double[] isoLocation)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #7
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <DoF, double> > GetLoadInternalForceAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load,
                                                                         double[] isoLocation)
            var buff = new List <Tuple <DoF, double> >();

            //var buf = new FlatShellStressTensor();

            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            var br = targetElement as BarElement;

            var endForces = GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(targetElement, load);

            var n = targetElement.Nodes.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                endForces[i] = -endForces[i];

            #region 2,1 (due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads)

            Force ends;//internal force in x=0 due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads will store in this variable,

                var xi_s = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //xi loc of each force
                var x_s  = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //x loc of each force

                for (var i = 0; i < xi_s.Length; i++)
                    var x_i  = targetElement.Nodes[i].Location - targetElement.Nodes[0].Location;
                    var xi_i = br.LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(x_i.Length)[0];

                    xi_s[i] = xi_i;
                    x_s[i]  = x_i.X;

                ends = new Force();//sum of moved end forces to destination

                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if (xi_s[i] < isoLocation[0])
                        var frc_i = endForces[i];// new Force();
                        ends += frc_i.Move(new Point(x_s[i], 0, 0), Point.Origins);


            if (load is UniformLoad || load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                return(new List <Tuple <DoF, double> >());

            #region concentrated

            if (load is ConcentratedLoad)
                var cns = load as ConcentratedLoad;

                var xi      = isoLocation[0];
                var targetX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(xi)[0];

                var frc = Force.Zero;

                if (cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi < xi)
                    frc = cns.Force;

                if (cns.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                    frc = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(frc);

                var frcX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi)[0];

                frc = frc.Move(new Point(frcX, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0));

                if (br.StartReleaseCondition.RX == DofConstraint.Released)
                    frc.Mx = 0;

                frc = frc.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var movedEnds = ends.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var f2 = frc + movedEnds;
                f2 *= -1;

                buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Rx, f2.Mx));



            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #8
 public override Force[] GetGlobalEquivalentNodalLoads(ElementalLoad load)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #9
        public Force[] GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load)
            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            #region uniform & trapezoid

            if (load is UniformLoad || load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                Func <double, double> magnitude;
                Vector localDir;

                double xi0, xi1;
                int    degree;//polynomial degree of magnitude function

                #region inits
                if (load is UniformLoad)
                    var uld = (load as UniformLoad);

                    magnitude = (xi => uld.Magnitude);
                    localDir  = uld.Direction;

                    if (uld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                        localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);

                    localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    xi0    = -1;
                    xi1    = 1;
                    degree = 0;
                else if (load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                    var uld = (load as PartialNonUniformLoad);

                    magnitude = (xi => uld.GetMagnitudeAt(targetElement, new IsoPoint(xi)));
                    localDir  = uld.Direction;

                    if (uld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                        localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);

                    localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    xi0 = uld.StartLocation.Xi;
                    xi1 = uld.EndLocation.Xi;

                    degree = uld.SeverityFunction.Degree[0];// Coefficients.Length;
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    var nOrd = GetNMaxOrder(targetElement).Max();

                    var gpt = (nOrd + degree) / 2 + 1;//gauss point count

                    var intg = GaussianIntegrator.CreateFor1DProblem(xi =>
                        var shp = GetNMatrixAt(targetElement, xi, 0, 0);
                        var q__ = magnitude(xi);
                        var j   = GetJMatrixAt(targetElement, xi, 0, 0);

                        var q_ = localDir * q__;


                    }, xi0, xi1, gpt);

                    var res = intg.Integrate();

                    var localForces = new Force[2];

                    var fx0 = res[0, 0];
                    var fx1 = res[0, 1];

                    localForces[0] = new Force(fx0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    localForces[1] = new Force(fx1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);



            if (load is ConcentratedLoad)
                var cns = load as ConcentratedLoad;

                var shapes = this.GetNMatrixAt(targetElement, cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi);

                var localForce = cns.Force;

                if (cns.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                    localForce = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localForce);


                var fxs = shapes.Row(0);

                var n = targetElement.Nodes.Length;

                var buf = new Force[n];

                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    buf[i] = new Force(fxs[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);


            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #10
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <DoF, double> > GetLoadInternalForceAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load,
                                                                         double[] isoLocation)
            var buff = new List <Tuple <DoF, double> >();

            //var buf = new FlatShellStressTensor();

            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            var br = targetElement as BarElement;

            var endForces = GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(targetElement, load);

            var n = targetElement.Nodes.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                endForces[i] = -endForces[i];

            #region 2,1 (due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads)

            Force ends;//internal force in x=0 due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads will store in this variable,

                var xi_s = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //xi loc of each force
                var x_s  = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //x loc of each force

                for (var i = 0; i < xi_s.Length; i++)
                    var x_i  = targetElement.Nodes[i].Location - targetElement.Nodes[0].Location;
                    var xi_i = br.LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(x_i.Length)[0];

                    xi_s[i] = xi_i;
                    x_s[i]  = x_i.X;

                ends = new Force();//sum of moved end forces to destination

                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if (xi_s[i] <= isoLocation[0])
                        var frc_i = endForces[i];// new Force();
                        ends += frc_i.Move(new Point(x_s[i], 0, 0), Point.Origins);


            var to = Iso2Local(targetElement, isoLocation)[0];

            //var xi = isoLocation[0];

            #region uniform & trapezoid

            if (load is UniformLoad || load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                Func <double, double> magnitude;
                Vector localDir;

                double xi0;
                int    degree;//polynomial degree of magnitude function

                #region inits

                if (load is UniformLoad)
                    var uld = (load as UniformLoad);

                    magnitude = (xi => uld.Magnitude);
                    localDir  = uld.Direction;

                    if (uld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                        localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);

                    localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    xi0 = -1;
                    //xi1 = to;
                    degree = 0;
                else if (load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                    var uld = (load as PartialNonUniformLoad);

                    magnitude = (xi => uld.GetMagnitudeAt(targetElement, new IsoPoint(xi)));
                    localDir  = uld.Direction;

                    if (uld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                        localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);

                    localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    xi0 = uld.StartLocation.Xi;

                    to = Math.Min(to, uld.EndLocation.Xi);

                    degree = uld.SeverityFunction.Degree[0];
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    var nOrd = 0;                      // GetNMaxOrder(targetElement).Max();

                    var gpt = (nOrd + degree) / 2 + 1; //gauss point count

                    Matrix integral;

                    if (isoLocation[0] < xi0)
                        integral = new Matrix(2, 1);
                        var intgV = GaussianIntegrator.CreateFor1DProblem(x =>
                            var xi  = Local2Iso(targetElement, x)[0];
                            var q__ = magnitude(xi);
                            var q_  = localDir * q__;

                            var df = q_.X;

                            var buf_ = Matrix.OfVector(new double[] { df });

                        }, 0, to, gpt);

                        integral = intgV.Integrate();

                    var X = Iso2Local(targetElement, isoLocation)[0];

                    var f_i = integral[0, 0];

                    var f = new Force();

                    f.Fx = f_i;

                    //this block is commented to fix the issue #48 on github
                    //when this block is commented out, then issue 48 is fixed
                        //if (br.StartReleaseCondition.DX == DofConstraint.Released)
                        //    f_i = 0;

                    var f2 = f + ends;

                    f2 = f2.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(X, 0, 0));

                    f2 *= -1;

                     * var movedEnds = ends.Move(new Point(), new Point());//no need to move as it is truss without moments
                     * var fMoved = new Force(f_i, 00, 00, 0, 0, 0);
                     * var ft = movedEnds + fMoved;

                    //ft *= -1;

                    buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Dx, f2.Fx));



            #region concentrated

            if (load is ConcentratedLoad)
                var cns = load as ConcentratedLoad;

                var xi      = isoLocation[0];
                var targetX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(xi)[0];

                var frc = Force.Zero;

                if (cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi < xi)
                    frc = cns.Force;

                if (cns.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                    frc = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(frc);

                var frcX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi)[0];

                frc = frc.Move(new Point(frcX, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0));
                frc = frc.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var movedEnds = ends.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var f2 = frc + movedEnds;
                f2 *= -1;

                buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Dx, f2.Fx));



            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #11
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <DoF, double> > GetLoadInternalForceAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load,
                                                                         double[] isoLocation)
            var n = targetElement.Nodes.Length;

            var buff = new List <Tuple <DoF, double> >();

            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            var br = targetElement as BarElement;

            var endForces = GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(targetElement, load);

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                endForces[i] = -endForces[i];//(2,1) section
            #region 2,1 (due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads)

            Force ends;//internal force in x=0 due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads will store in this variable,

                var xi_s = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //xi loc of each force
                var x_s  = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //x loc of each force

                for (var i = 0; i < xi_s.Length; i++)
                    var x_i  = targetElement.Nodes[i].Location - targetElement.Nodes[0].Location;
                    var xi_i = br.LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(x_i.Length)[0];

                    xi_s[i] = xi_i;
                    x_s[i]  = x_i.X;

                ends = new Force();//sum of moved end forces to destination

                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if (xi_s[i] < isoLocation[0])
                        var frc_i = endForces[i];// new Force();

                        ends += frc_i.Move(new Point(x_s[i], 0, 0), Point.Origins);


            var to = Iso2Local(targetElement, isoLocation)[0];

            #region uniform & trapezoid, uses integration method

            if (load is UniformLoad)
                Func <double, double> magnitude;
                Vector localDir;

                double xi0, xi1;
                int    degree;//polynomial degree of magnitude function

                #region inits
                if (load is UniformLoad || load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                    var uld = (load as UniformLoad);

                    magnitude = (xi => uld.Magnitude);
                    localDir  = uld.Direction;

                    if (uld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                        localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);

                    localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    xi0    = -1;
                    xi1    = 1;
                    degree = 0;
                    /** /
                     * var tld = (load as PartialNonUniformLoad);
                     * magnitude = (xi => (load as PartialNonUniformLoad).GetMagnitudesAt(xi, 0, 0)[0]);
                     * localDir = tld.Direction;
                     * if (tld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                     *  localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);
                     * xi0 = tld.StartLocation[0];
                     * xi1 = tld.EndLocation[0];
                     * degree = 1;
                     * /**/

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    var nOrd = 0;                      // GetNMaxOrder(targetElement).Max();

                    var gpt = (nOrd + degree) / 2 + 3; //gauss point count

                    Matrix integral;

                    double i0 = 0, i1 = 0;//span for integration

                    var xi_t = isoLocation[0];

                    #region span of integration
                        if (xi_t < xi0)
                            i0 = i1 = xi0;

                        if (xi_t > xi1)
                            i0 = xi0;
                            i1 = xi1;

                        if (xi_t < xi1 && xi_t > xi0)
                            i0 = xi0;
                            i1 = xi_t;

                    #region integration
                        if (i1 == i0)
                            integral = new Matrix(2, 1);
                            var x0 = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(i0)[0];
                            var x1 = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(i1)[0];

                            var intgV = GaussianIntegrator.CreateFor1DProblem(xx =>
                                //var xi = Local2Iso(targetElement, x)[0];
                                //var j = GetJMatrixAt(targetElement, xi);

                                var xi = br.LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(xx)[0];

                                var q__ = magnitude(xi);
                                var q_  = localDir * q__;

                                double df, dm;

                                if (this._direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                                    df = q_.Z;
                                    dm = -q_.Z * xx;
                                    df = q_.Y;
                                    dm = q_.Y * xx;

                                var buf_ = new Matrix(new double[] { df, dm });

                            }, x0, x1, gpt);

                            integral = intgV.Integrate();

                    var v_i = integral[0, 0];
                    var m_i = integral[1, 0];

                    var frc = new Force();

                    var x = Iso2Local(targetElement, isoLocation)[0];

                    var f = new Force();

                    if (this._direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                        f.Fz = v_i;
                        f.My = m_i;//negative is taken into account earlier
                        f.Fy = v_i;
                        f.Mz = m_i;

                    //f = f.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(x, 0, 0));
                    //frc = frc + ends;
                    //var movedEnds = ends.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(x, 0, 0));

                    if (br.StartReleaseCondition.DY == DofConstraint.Released)
                        f.Fy = 0;

                    if (br.StartReleaseCondition.DZ == DofConstraint.Released)
                        f.Fz = 0;

                    if (br.StartReleaseCondition.RY == DofConstraint.Released)
                        f.My = 0;

                    if (br.StartReleaseCondition.RZ == DofConstraint.Released)
                        f.Mz = 0;

                    var f2 = f + ends;

                    f2 = f2.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(x, 0, 0));

                    f2 *= -1;

                    if (_direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                        buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Ry, f2.My));
                        buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Dz, f2.Fz));
                        buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Rz, f2.Mz));
                        buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Dy, f2.Fy));



            #region concentrated

            if (load is ConcentratedLoad)
                var cns = load as ConcentratedLoad;

                var xi      = isoLocation[0];
                var targetX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(xi)[0];

                var frc = Force.Zero;

                if (cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi < xi)
                    frc = cns.Force;

                if (cns.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                    frc = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(frc);

                var frcX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi)[0];

                frc = frc.Move(new Point(frcX, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0));
                frc = frc.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var movedEnds = ends.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var f2 = frc + movedEnds;
                // f2 *= -1;

                if (_direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                    buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Ry, f2.My));
                    buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Dz, f2.Fz));
                    buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Rz, f2.Mz));
                    buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Dy, f2.Fy));



            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #12
        public Force[] GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load)
            var bar = targetElement as BarElement;
            var n   = bar.Nodes.Length;


            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            #region uniform & trapezoid

            if (load is UniformLoad)
                Func <double, double> magnitude;
                Vector localDir;

                double xi0, xi1;
                int    degree;//polynomial degree of magnitude function

                #region inits
                if (load is UniformLoad)
                    var uld = (load as UniformLoad);

                    magnitude = (xi => uld.Magnitude);
                    localDir  = uld.Direction;

                    if (uld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                        localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);

                    localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    xi0    = -1;
                    xi1    = 1;
                    degree = 0;
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                     * var tld = (load as PartialTrapezoidalLoad);
                     * magnitude = (xi => (load as PartialTrapezoidalLoad).GetMagnitudesAt(xi, 0, 0)[0]);
                     * localDir = tld.Direction;
                     * if (tld.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                     *  localDir = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localDir);
                     * xi0 = tld.StartLocation[0];
                     * xi1 = tld.EndLocation[0];
                     * degree = 1;

                localDir = localDir.GetUnit();

                    var nOrd = GetNMaxOrder(targetElement).Max();

                    var gpt = (nOrd + degree) / 2 + 1;//gauss point count

                    var intg = GaussianIntegrator.CreateFor1DProblem(xi =>
                        var shp = GetNMatrixAt(targetElement, xi, 0, 0);

                         * if (_direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                         * {
                         *  for (var i = 0; i < shp.ColumnCount; i++)
                         *  {
                         *      if (i % 2 == 1)
                         *          shp.MultiplyColumnByConstant(i, -1);
                         *  }
                         * }*/

                        var q__ = magnitude(xi);
                        var j   = GetJMatrixAt(targetElement, xi, 0, 0);

                        var q_ = localDir * q__;

                        if (this._direction == BeamDirection.Y)

                    }, xi0, xi1, gpt);

                    var res = intg.Integrate();

                    var localForces = new Force[2];

                    if (this._direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                        var fz0 = res[0, 0];
                        var my0 = res[0, 1];
                        var fz1 = res[0, 2];
                        var my1 = res[0, 3];

                        localForces[0] = new Force(0, 0, fz0, 0, my0, 0);
                        localForces[1] = new Force(0, 0, fz1, 0, my1, 0);
                        var fy0 = res[0, 0];
                        var mz0 = res[0, 1];
                        var fy1 = res[0, 2];
                        var mz1 = res[0, 3];

                        localForces[0] = new Force(0, fy0, 0, 0, 0, mz0);
                        localForces[1] = new Force(0, fy1, 0, 0, 0, mz1);



            #region ConcentratedLoad

            if (load is ConcentratedLoad)
                var cl = load as ConcentratedLoad;

                var localforce = cl.Force;

                if (cl.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                    localforce = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(localforce);

                var buf = new Force[n];

                var ns = GetNMatrixAt(targetElement, cl.ForceIsoLocation.Xi);

                 * if (_direction == BeamDirection.Y)
                 *  for (var i = 0; i < ns.ColumnCount; i++)
                 *      if (i % 2 == 1)
                 *          ns.MultiplyColumnByConstant(i, -1);

                var j = GetJMatrixAt(targetElement, cl.ForceIsoLocation.Xi);

                var detJ = j.Determinant();

                ns.MultiplyRowByConstant(1, 1 / detJ);
                ns.MultiplyRowByConstant(2, 1 / (detJ * detJ));
                ns.MultiplyRowByConstant(3, 1 / (detJ * detJ * detJ));

                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var node = bar.Nodes[i];

                    var fi = new Force();

                    var ni = ns[0, 2 * i];
                    var mi = ns[0, 2 * i + 1];

                    var nip = ns[1, 2 * i];
                    var mip = ns[1, 2 * i + 1];

                    if (this._direction == BeamDirection.Z)
                        fi.Fy += localforce.Fy * ni;  //concentrated force
                        fi.Mz += localforce.Fy * mi;  //concentrated force

                        fi.Fy += localforce.Mz * nip; //concentrated moment
                        fi.Mz += localforce.Mz * mip; //concentrated moment
                        fi.Fz += localforce.Fz * ni;   //concentrated force
                        fi.My += localforce.Fz * mi;   //concentrated force

                        fi.Fz += localforce.My * nip;  //concentrated moment
                        fi.My += localforce.My * -mip; //concentrated moment

                    buf[i] = fi;



            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #13
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Displacement GetLoadDisplacementAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load, double[] isoLocation)
            var n = this.GetNMatrixAt(targetElement, isoLocation);

            throw new NotImplementedException();