コード例 #1
        Hashtable AddJointsToScene(Scene scn, ElementOrder component)
            if (!joints)
                return(new Hashtable());
            IntArrayList js          = new IntArrayList();
            Hashtable    relationmap = gmdc.LoadJointRelationMap();

            foreach (int k in relationmap.Keys)
                if ((int)relationmap[k] == -1)

            Quaternion r   = Quaternion.FromRotationMatrix(component.TransformMatrix);
            Vector3f   tmp = r.GetEulerAngles();

            scn.RootJoint.Name = "SIMPE_ROOT_IGNORE";
            //scn.RootJoint.Rotation.X = tmp.X; scn.RootJoint.Rotation.Y = tmp.Y; scn.RootJoint.Rotation.Z = tmp.Z;

            Hashtable jointmap = new Hashtable();

            foreach (int index in js)
                AddJoint(scn.RootJoint, index, jointmap, component);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function on a vector argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Function arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement Evaluate(IElement[] Arguments, Variables Variables)
            int c = Arguments.Length;

            if (!(Arguments[0] is IVector Vector))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("First argument muts be a vector.", this);

            ICollection <IElement> Temp = Vector.VectorElements;

            IElement[] Elements;
            int        i;

            if (Temp is IElement[] V)
                Elements = (IElement[])V.Clone();
                Elements = new IElement[Temp.Count];
                i        = 0;

                foreach (IElement E in Temp)
                    Elements[i++] = E;

            if (c == 1)
                Array.Sort <IElement>(Elements, new ElementOrder(this));
                IComparer <IElement>[] Comparers = new IComparer <IElement> [c];
                IElement Element;

                for (i = 1; i < c; i++)
                    Element = Arguments[i];

                    if (Element is DoubleNumber N)
                        double d    = N.Value;
                        int    Sign = 1;

                        if (d < 0)
                            Sign = -1;
                            d    = -d;

                        if (d == 0 || d > int.MaxValue || d != Math.Truncate(d))
                            throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Index values must be non-zero integers.", this);

                        Comparers[i - 1] = new IndexOrder(this, (int)(d - 1), Sign);
                    else if (Element is StringValue S)
                        string s    = S.Value;
                        int    Sign = 1;

                        if (s.StartsWith("-"))
                            s    = s.Substring(1);
                            Sign = -1;

                        Comparers[i - 1] = new PropertyOrder(this, s, Sign);
                    else if (Element is ILambdaExpression Lambda)
                        if (Lambda.NrArguments != 2)
                            throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expressions must take exactly two parameters.", this);

                        Comparers[i - 1] = new LambdaOrder(Lambda, Variables);
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Order parameters must be either lambda expressions, " +
                                                         "string values representing field names or numeric index values.", this);

                Comparers[c - 1] = new ElementOrder(this);

                Array.Sort(Elements, new CompoundOrder(Comparers));

            return(Vector.Encapsulate(Elements, this));
コード例 #3
        void AddJoint(Ambertation.Scenes.Joint parent, int index, Hashtable jointmap, ElementOrder component)
            if (!joints)
            if (index < 0 || index >= gmdc.Joints.Count)

            GmdcJoint j = gmdc.Joints[index];

            Ambertation.Scenes.Joint nj = parent.CreateChild(j.Name);
            jointmap[index] = nj;

            if (j.AssignedTransformNode != null)
                Vector3f tmp = j.AssignedTransformNode.Transformation.Translation;
                tmp = component.TransformScaled(tmp);
                //tmp = component.ScaleMatrix * tmp;

                nj.Translation.X = tmp.X; nj.Translation.Y = tmp.Y; nj.Translation.Z = tmp.Z;

                Quaternion q = component.TransformRotation(j.AssignedTransformNode.Transformation.Rotation);
                tmp = q.GetEulerAngles();

                //Console.WriteLine("        "+q.ToLinedString());
                nj.Rotation.X = tmp.X; nj.Rotation.Y = tmp.Y; nj.Rotation.Z = tmp.Z;

                IntArrayList li = j.AssignedTransformNode.ChildBlocks;
                foreach (int i in li)
                    SimPe.Interfaces.Scenegraph.ICresChildren cld = j.AssignedTransformNode.GetBlock(i);
                    if (cld is TransformNode)
                        TransformNode tn = cld as TransformNode;
                        if (tn.JointReference != TransformNode.NO_JOINT)
                            AddJoint(nj, tn.JointReference, jointmap, component);
コード例 #4
 public Ambertation.Scenes.Scene GetScene(ElementOrder component)
     return(GetScene(gmdc.Groups, null, null, component));
コード例 #5
 public Ambertation.Scenes.Scene GetScene(string absimgpath, ElementOrder component)
     return(GetScene(gmdc.Groups, absimgpath, null, component));
コード例 #6
        public Ambertation.Scenes.Scene GetScene(GmdcGroups groups, string absimgpath, string imgfolder, ElementOrder component)
            if (absimgpath != null)
                if (imgfolder == null)
                    imgfolder = absimgpath;
                imgfolder = imgfolder.Trim();
                if (imgfolder.Length > 0 && !imgfolder.EndsWith(@"\"))
                    imgfolder += @"\";

                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(absimgpath))

            Scene scn = new Scene();

            Hashtable jointmap = new Hashtable();

                jointmap = AddJointsToScene(scn, component);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);

            TextureLocator tl = new TextureLocator(gmdc.Parent.Package);

            System.Collections.Hashtable txmts = tl.FindMaterials(gmdc.Parent);
            foreach (string key in txmtmap.Keys)
                object o = txmtmap[key];
                if (o != null)
                    txmts[key] = txmtmap[key];

            Hashtable txtrs = tl.FindReferencedTXTR(txmts, null);

            foreach (string key in txtrmap.Keys)
                object o = txtrmap[key];
                if (o != null)
                    txtrs[key] = o;

            txtrs = tl.GetLargestImages(txtrs);
            txmts = tl.GetMaterials(txmts, scn);

            foreach (GmdcGroup g in groups)
                Ambertation.Scenes.Material mat = txmts[g.Name] as Ambertation.Scenes.Material;
                if (mat == null)
                    mat = scn.CreateMaterial("mat_" + g.Name);
                    mat.Name = "mat_" + g.Name;
                System.IO.MemoryStream s = txtrs[g.Name] as System.IO.MemoryStream;
                if (s != null)
                        System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s);
                        if (absimgpath != null)
                            img.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(absimgpath, g.Name + ".png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                        mat.Texture.FileName     = imgfolder + g.Name + ".png";
                        mat.Texture.Size         = img.Size;
                        mat.Texture.TextureImage = img;
                    catch {}
                Ambertation.Scenes.Mesh m = scn.CreateMesh(g.Name, mat);

                GmdcElement vertexe = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.Vertex);
                //	GmdcElement vertexme = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.MorphVertexDelta);
                GmdcElement normale    = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.Normal);
                GmdcElement texte      = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.UVCoordinate);
                GmdcElement bonee      = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.BoneAssignment);
                GmdcElement bonewighte = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.BoneWeights);
                GmdcElement bumpnormal = g.Link.FindElementType(ElementIdentity.BumpMapNormal);

                int nr = g.Link.GetElementNr(vertexe);
                //	int mnr = g.Link.GetElementNr(vertexme);
                for (int i = 0; i < g.Link.ReferencedSize; i++)
                    Vector3f v = new Vector3f(g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[0], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[1], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[2]);

                    /*Vector3f vm = new Vector3f(g.Link.GetValue(mnr, i).Data[0], g.Link.GetValue(mnr, i).Data[1], g.Link.GetValue(mnr, i).Data[2]);
                     * v += vm;*/
                    v = component.TransformScaled(v);

                    m.Vertices.Add(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);

                if (normale != null)
                    nr = g.Link.GetElementNr(normale);
                    for (int i = 0; i < g.Link.ReferencedSize; i++)
                        Vector3f v = new Vector3f(g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[0], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[1], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[2]);
                        v = component.TransformNormal(v);
                        m.Normals.Add(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);

                if (bumpnormal != null)
                    nr = g.Link.GetElementNr(bumpnormal);
                    for (int i = 0; i < g.Link.ReferencedSize; i++)
                        Vector3f v = new Vector3f(g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[0], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[1], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[2]);
                        v = component.TransformNormal(v);
                        m.BumpMapNormalDelta.Add(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);

                if (texte != null)
                    nr = g.Link.GetElementNr(texte);
                    for (int i = 0; i < g.Link.ReferencedSize; i++)
                        Vector2f v = new Vector2f(g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[0], g.Link.GetValue(nr, i).Data[1]);
                        m.TextureCoordinates.Add(v.X, 1 - v.Y);

                for (int i = 0; i < g.Faces.Count - 2; i += 3)
                    m.FaceIndices.Add(g.Faces[i], g.Faces[i + 1], g.Faces[i + 2]);

                AddEnvelopes(g, m, bonee, bonewighte, jointmap);
