protected QueryBase VisitNot(NotNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Copied from Lucene - might need extra logic as in Solr
            return(!Visit(node.Operand, state));

            // TODO: Solr implementation
            //AbstractSolrQuery abstractSolrQuery = this.Visit(node.Operand, state);
            //SolrQueryByField solrQueryByField = abstractSolrQuery as SolrQueryByField;
            //if (solrQueryByField != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(solrQueryByField.FieldValue))
            //    return (AbstractSolrQuery)new SolrMultipleCriteriaQuery((IEnumerable<ISolrQuery>)new ISolrQuery[2]
            //    {
            //      (ISolrQuery) new SolrNotQuery((ISolrQuery) abstractSolrQuery),
            //      (ISolrQuery) new SolrHasValueQuery(solrQueryByField.FieldName)
            //    });

            //SolrNotQuery solrNotQuery = abstractSolrQuery as SolrNotQuery;

            //if (solrNotQuery != null)
            //    return (AbstractSolrQuery)solrNotQuery.Query;

            //return (AbstractSolrQuery)new SolrMultipleCriteriaQuery((IEnumerable<ISolrQuery>)new ISolrQuery[2]
            //    (ISolrQuery) new SolrNotQuery((ISolrQuery) abstractSolrQuery),
            //    (ISolrQuery) SolrQuery.All
        // TODO: ProcessAsVirtualField? Both Solr and Lucene do this
        // TODO: null value check (change to !ExistsQuery/MissingQuery then?)
        protected QueryBase VisitEqual(EqualNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Move these 3 lines to separate method for reuse?
            var fieldName = GetFormattedFieldName(node);
            var valueNode = node.GetValueNode <string>();
            var value     = ValueFormatter.FormatValueForIndexStorage(valueNode.Value, fieldName);

            // TODO: Maybe use Term if keyword field, otherwise MatchPhrase?
            // TODO: Match/MatchPhrase?

            /* Like the match query, the match_phrase query first analyzes the query string to produce a list of terms.
             * It then searches for all the terms, but keeps only documents that contain all of the search terms,
             * in the same positions relative to each other.

            // TODO: Term query
            /* the term query looks in the inverted index for the exact term only; it won’t match any variants */

            return(new TermQuery
                Field = fieldName,
                Value = value,
                Boost = node.Boost
        protected QueryBase VisitFilter(FilterNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Both Solr and Lucene creates a new state from the ExecutionContexts - not sure why
            // var state2 = new LuceneQueryMapperState((IEnumerable<IExecutionContext>) state.ExecutionContexts);

            return(Visit(node.PredicateNode, state));
        protected QueryBase VisitLike(LikeNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Move these 3 lines to separate method for reuse?
            var fieldName = GetFormattedFieldName(node);
            var valueNode = node.GetValueNode <string>();
            var value     = ValueFormatter.FormatValueForIndexStorage(valueNode.Value, fieldName);

            // TODO: Match/MatchPhrase?

            /* Like the match query, the match_phrase query first analyzes the query string to produce a list of terms.
             * It then searches for all the terms, but keeps only documents that contain all of the search terms,
             * in the same positions relative to each other.
            var query = new MatchQuery
                Field = fieldName,
                Query = value.ToStringOrEmpty(),
                Boost = node.Boost,

                // TODO: Not sure if this is the best way to handle slop/similarity.
                // Use EditDistance if Slop > 0, otherwise use Ratio if MinimumSimilarity > 0 and not default, otherwise Auto
                Fuzziness = node.Slop > 0
                    ? Fuzziness.EditDistance(node.Slop)
                    : node.MinimumSimilarity > 0 && node.MinimumSimilarity != 0.5f
                        ? Fuzziness.Ratio(node.MinimumSimilarity)
                        : Fuzziness.Auto

        protected QueryBase VisitUnion(UnionNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            var query1 = Visit(node.InnerQuery, state);
            var query2 = Visit(node.OuterQuery, state);

            // TODO: Need to check if this is correct, but it should be:
            return(query1 || query2);
        protected QueryBase VisitOr(OrNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: NullOrEmpty check and maybe more
            var query1 = Visit(node.LeftNode, state);
            var query2 = Visit(node.RightNode, state);

            // TODO: This is the same as Union - not sure if that is correct
            // TODO: Need to check if this is correct, but it should be:
            return(query1 || query2);
        public override ElasticQuery MapQuery(IndexQuery query)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

            // TODO: Execution contexts
            var state       = new ElasticQueryMapperState(Enumerable.Empty <IExecutionContext>());
            var mappedQuery = Visit(query.RootNode, state);

            // TODO: Execution contexts
            return(new ElasticQuery(mappedQuery, state.FilterQuery, state.AdditionalQueryMethods,
                                    state.VirtualFieldProcessors, state.FacetQueries, Enumerable.Empty <IExecutionContext>()));
        // TODO: Handle actual bool field value? Or am I missing something? Solr and Lucene both just pass 'true'
        protected QueryBase VisitField(FieldNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            if (node.FieldType != typeof(bool))
                throw new NotSupportedException($"The query node type '{node.NodeType}' is not supported in this context.");

            var fieldName = FormatFieldName(node.FieldKey);

            return(new TermQuery {
                Field = fieldName, Value = true
        protected QueryBase VisitEndsWith(EndsWithNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Move these 3 lines to separate method for reuse?
            var fieldName = GetFormattedFieldName(node);
            var valueNode = node.GetValueNode <string>();
            var value     = ValueFormatter.FormatValueForIndexStorage(valueNode.Value, fieldName);

            return(new WildcardQuery
                Field = fieldName,
                Value = "*" + value.ToStringOrEmpty(),
                Boost = node.Boost
コード例 #10
        protected QueryBase VisitWildcardMatch(WildcardMatchNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Move these 3 lines to separate method for reuse?
            var fieldName = GetFormattedFieldName(node);
            var valueNode = node.GetValueNode <string>();
            var value     = ValueFormatter.FormatValueForIndexStorage(valueNode.Value, fieldName);

            return(new WildcardQuery
                Field = fieldName,
                Value = value.ToStringOrEmpty(), // TODO: StartsWith can only be done on strings (?) so it should actually already always be a string
                Boost = node.Boost
コード例 #11
        protected QueryBase VisitMatches(MatchesNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Move these 3 lines to separate method for reuse?
            var fieldName = GetFormattedFieldName(node);
            var valueNode = node.GetValueNode <string>();
            var value     = ValueFormatter.FormatValueForIndexStorage(valueNode.Value, fieldName);

            // TODO: RegexOptions - does Elastic support this?
            return(new RegexpQuery
                Field = fieldName,
                Value = value.ToStringOrEmpty(),
                Boost = node.Boost
コード例 #12
        // TODO: ProcessAsVirtualField? Solr does this, but not Lucene
        protected QueryBase VisitContains(ContainsNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Move these 3 lines to separate method for reuse?
            var fieldName = GetFormattedFieldName(node);
            var valueNode = node.GetValueNode <string>();
            var value     = ValueFormatter.FormatValueForIndexStorage(valueNode.Value, fieldName);

            // TODO: Use WildcardQuery if it's a keyword field, other wise if full-text field use MatchQuery?

            return(new WildcardQuery
                Field = fieldName,
                Value = "*" + value.ToStringOrEmpty() + "*",
                Boost = node.Boost
コード例 #13
        protected QueryBase VisitBetween(BetweenNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            // TODO: Same as GreaterThan etc. - i.e. check type for date, number or string etc.
            var fieldName    = FormatFieldName(node.Field);
            var includeLower = node.Inclusion == Inclusion.Both || node.Inclusion == Inclusion.Lower;
            var includeUpper = node.Inclusion == Inclusion.Both || node.Inclusion == Inclusion.Upper;

            // TODO: Allow null as one of parameters?

            // TODO: If number
            if (true)
                var lowerNumber = double.Parse(node.From.ToString()); // TODO:
                var upperNumber = double.Parse(node.To.ToString());   // TODO:

                var query = new NumericRangeQuery
                    Field = fieldName,
                    Boost = node.Boost

                // TODO: Refactor this shit to something less shitty looking
                if (includeLower)
                    query.GreaterThanOrEqualTo = lowerNumber;
                    query.GreaterThan = lowerNumber;

                if (includeUpper)
                    query.LessThanOrEqualTo = upperNumber;
                    query.LessThan = upperNumber;

            // TODO: If date
            // TODO: If term (string)

            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #14
        protected QueryBase VisitWhere(WhereNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            var query1 = Visit(node.PredicateNode, state);
            var query2 = Visit(node.SourceNode, state);

            if (query1 is IMatchAllQuery && query2 is IMatchAllQuery)

            // If one of them is not MatchAll, then return that one
            if (query1 is IMatchAllQuery || query2 is IMatchAllQuery)
                return(query1 is IMatchAllQuery ? query2 : query1);

            return(query1 && query2);
コード例 #15
 // TODO: Sitecore 8.2 only (UnionNode/UnionMethod)?
 protected virtual void StripUnion(UnionNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     state.AdditionalQueryMethods.Add(new UnionMethod(node.GetOuterQueryable(), node.GetInnerQueryable()));
コード例 #16
        protected virtual QueryBase Visit(QueryNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
            switch (node.NodeType)
            case QueryNodeType.All:
                StripAll((AllNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((AllNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.And:
                return(VisitAnd((AndNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Any:
                StripAny((AnyNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((AnyNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Between:
                return(VisitBetween((BetweenNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Cast:
                StripCast((CastNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((CastNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Contains:
                return(VisitContains((ContainsNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Count:
                StripCount((CountNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((CountNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.ElementAt:
                StripElementAt((ElementAtNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((ElementAtNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.EndsWith:
                return(VisitEndsWith((EndsWithNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Equal:
                return(VisitEqual((EqualNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Field:
                return(VisitField((FieldNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.First:
                StripFirst((FirstNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((FirstNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.GreaterThan:
                return(VisitGreaterThan((GreaterThanNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                return(VisitGreaterThanOrEqual((GreaterThanOrEqualNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Last:
                StripLast((LastNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((LastNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.LessThan:
                return(VisitLessThan((LessThanNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.LessThanOrEqual:
                return(VisitLessThanOrEqual((LessThanOrEqualNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.MatchAll:
                return(VisitMatchAll((MatchAllNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.MatchNone:
                return(VisitMatchNone((MatchNoneNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Max:
                StripMax((MaxNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((MaxNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Min:
                StripMin((MinNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((MinNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Not:
                return(VisitNot((NotNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Or:
                return(VisitOr((OrNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.OrderBy:
                StripOrderBy((OrderByNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((OrderByNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Select:
                StripSelect((SelectNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((SelectNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Single:
                StripSingle((SingleNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((SingleNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Skip:
                StripSkip((SkipNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((SkipNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.StartsWith:
                return(VisitStartsWith((StartsWithNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Take:
                StripTake((TakeNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((TakeNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Where:
                return(VisitWhere((WhereNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Matches:
                return(VisitMatches((MatchesNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Filter:
                state.FilterQuery = state.FilterQuery != null
                        ? state.FilterQuery && VisitFilter((FilterNode)node, state)
                        : VisitFilter((FilterNode)node, state);
                return(Visit(((FilterNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.GetResults:
                StripGetResults((GetResultsNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((GetResultsNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.GetFacets:
                StripGetFacets((GetFacetsNode)node, state.AdditionalQueryMethods);
                return(Visit(((GetFacetsNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.FacetOn:
                StripFacetOn((FacetOnNode)node, state);
                return(Visit(((FacetOnNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.FacetPivotOn:
                StripFacetPivotOn((FacetPivotOnNode)node, state);
                return(Visit(((FacetPivotOnNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.WildcardMatch:
                return(VisitWildcardMatch((WildcardMatchNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Like:
                return(VisitLike((LikeNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Join:
                // TODO: Not sure if this is correct, copied from Solr
                StripJoin((JoinNode)node, state);

            case QueryNodeType.GroupJoin:
                // TODO: Not sure if this is correct, copied from Solr
                StripGroupJoin((GroupJoinNode)node, state);

            case QueryNodeType.SelfJoin:
                return(VisitSelfJoin((SelfJoinNode)node, state));

            case QueryNodeType.SelectMany:
                // TODO: Not sure if this is correct, copied from Solr
                StripSelectMany((SelectManyNode)node, state);

            case QueryNodeType.InContext:
                List <IExecutionContext> executionContexts = state.ExecutionContexts.ToList();
                StripInContext((InContextNode)node, executionContexts);
                state.ExecutionContexts = executionContexts;
                return(Visit(((InContextNode)node).SourceNode, state));

            case QueryNodeType.Union:
                StripUnion((UnionNode)node, state);
                return(VisitUnion((UnionNode)node, state));

            // TODO: What about these? They don't appear to be implemented by Solr or Lucene
            //case QueryNodeType.Boost:
            //    break;
            //case QueryNodeType.Constant:
            //    break;
            //case QueryNodeType.Custom:
            //    break;
            //case QueryNodeType.NotEqual:
            //    break;
            //case QueryNodeType.Negate:
            //    break;

                throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown query node type: '{node.NodeType}'");
コード例 #17
 protected virtual void StripSelectMany(SelectManyNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     state.AdditionalQueryMethods.Add(new SelectManyMethod(node.GetSourceQueryable(), node.CollectionSelectorExpression, node.ResultSelectorExpression));
コード例 #18
 protected QueryBase VisitMatchAll(MatchAllNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     return(new MatchAllQuery());
コード例 #19
 protected virtual void StripGroupJoin(GroupJoinNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     state.AdditionalQueryMethods.Add(new GroupJoinMethod(node.GetOuterQueryable(), node.GetInnerQueryable(), node.OuterKey, node.InnerKey, node.OuterKeyExpression, node.InnerKeyExpression, node.SelectQuery, node.EqualityComparer));
コード例 #20
 protected QueryBase VisitSelfJoin(SelfJoinNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #21
 protected QueryBase VisitAnd(AndNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     return(Visit(node.LeftNode, state) && Visit(node.RightNode, state));
コード例 #22
 // TODO: ProcessAsVirtualField? Both Solr and Lucene do this
 protected QueryBase VisitGreaterThan(GreaterThanNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     return(GetSingleTermRangeQuery(node, RangeQueryPropertyNames.GreaterThan));
コード例 #23
 protected QueryBase VisitMatchNone(MatchNoneNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     return(new MatchNoneQuery());
コード例 #24
 protected QueryBase VisitLessThanOrEqual(LessThanOrEqualNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     return(GetSingleTermRangeQuery(node, RangeQueryPropertyNames.LessThanOrEqualTo));
コード例 #25
 protected virtual void StripFacetPivotOn(FacetPivotOnNode node, ElasticQueryMapperState state)
     state.FacetQueries.Add(new FacetQuery(null, node.Fields, node.MinimumNumberOfDocuments, node.FilterValues));