static void TestMatrixInvertSpeed(EigenWrapper.Matrix A) { EigenWrapper.Matrix C; Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i = 0; i < testIterations; i++) { C = A.Inverse(); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("P/Invoked Eigen matrix class inverse test took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms."); }
static void TestInverseCorrectness() { double[,] A = { { 1, -2, -3, -4 }, { 2, -5, -6, -7 }, { 3, 7, -8, -9 }, { 4, 8, 12, 16 } }; EigenWrapper.Matrix AMat = new EigenWrapper.Matrix(4, 4); AMat[0, 0] = 1; AMat[0, 1] = 2; AMat[0, 2] = 3; AMat[0, 3] = 4; AMat[1, 0] = -2; AMat[1, 1] = -5; AMat[1, 2] = 7; AMat[1, 3] = 8; AMat[2, 0] = -3; AMat[2, 1] = -6; AMat[2, 2] = -8; AMat[2, 3] = 12; AMat[3, 0] = -4; AMat[3, 1] = -7; AMat[3, 2] = -9; AMat[3, 3] = 16; //Test the C# inverse correctness Console.WriteLine("C# matrix inverse..."); Console.WriteLine("The input matrix is:"); PrintMatrix(A); Console.WriteLine("The inverse matrix is:"); double[,] Atrans = MatrixMathCS.Transpose(A); double[,] C = MatrixMathCS.InverseMatrix(Atrans); double[,] Ctrans = MatrixMathCS.Transpose(C); PrintMatrix(Ctrans); Console.WriteLine(); //Test the Eigen matrix inverse correctness Console.WriteLine("P/Invoke Eigen 2D double array matrix inverse..."); Console.WriteLine("The input matrix is:"); PrintMatrix(A); Console.WriteLine("The inverse matrix is:"); double[,] D = EigenWrapper.MatrixMath.InvertMatrix(A); PrintMatrix(D); Console.WriteLine(); //Test the matrix class inverse correctness Console.WriteLine("P/Invoke Eigen matrix class inverse..."); Console.WriteLine("The input matrix is:"); PrintMatrix(AMat); Console.WriteLine("The inverse matrix is:"); EigenWrapper.Matrix CMat = AMat.Inverse(); PrintMatrix(CMat); }