コード例 #1
    public static void Rect()
        bool      Choice;
        EggCarton Carton = new EggCarton();

            Console.WriteLine("How many White eggs do you have?");
            Console.WriteLine("How many Brown eggs do you have");

            Console.WriteLine("Anymore eggs? yes/no");
            string x = Console.ReadLine();
            if (x == "yes")
                Choice = true;
            else if (x == "no")
                Choice = false;
                Choice = true;
        } while (Choice);

        Console.WriteLine("Okay so you have {0} Brown eggs , and {1} White eggs in the Carton.", Carton.GetBrownEggs(), Carton.GetWhiteEggs());
コード例 #2
    public static void Main()
        string    choice;
        int       inputA = 0;
        int       inputB = 0;
        EggCarton egg    = new EggCarton();

        Console.WriteLine("create carton default. y or n");
        choice = Console.ReadLine();
        choice = choice.ToLower();
        choice = choice[0].ToString();

        if (choice == "y")
            egg = new EggCarton();

        Console.WriteLine("create carton with eggs. y or n?");
        choice = Console.ReadLine();
        choice = choice.ToLower();
        choice = choice[0].ToString();
        if (choice == "y")
            Console.WriteLine("how many brown eggs?");
            inputA = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("How many white eggs");
            inputB = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            egg = new EggCarton(inputA, inputB);

        Console.WriteLine("add white eggs. y or n");
        choice = Console.ReadLine();
        choice = choice.ToLower();
        if (choice[0].ToString() == "y")
            Console.WriteLine("how many?");
            choice = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.WriteLine("add brown eggs. y or n");
        choice = Console.ReadLine();
        choice = choice.ToLower();
        if (choice[0].ToString() == "y")
            Console.WriteLine("how many?");
            choice = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.WriteLine("add eggs by choice. y or n");
        choice = Console.ReadLine();
        choice = choice.ToLower();
        if (choice[0].ToString() == "y")
            Console.WriteLine("what color?");
            choice = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("how many?");
            inputA = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            egg.addEggs(inputA, choice);
        Console.WriteLine("Brown egg count: " + egg.getBrownEggs());
        Console.WriteLine("White egg count: " + egg.getWhiteEggs());
        Console.WriteLine("Total egg count: " + egg.getTotalEggs());