コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to record the Editors Table status with specified client ID and editorsTableType for the file URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileUrl">Specify the file URL which get the file we use.</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">Specify the client ID of the editors table.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">Specify the user name of the user who calls cell storage service.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Specify the password of the user who calls cell storage service.</param>
        /// <param name="domain">Specify the domain of the user who calls cell storage service.</param>
        public void RecordEditorTable(string fileUrl, string clientId, string userName, string password, string domain)
            Action function = () =>
                EditorsTableSubRequestType ets = new EditorsTableSubRequestType();
                ets.Type                    = SubRequestAttributeType.EditorsTable;
                ets.SubRequestData          = new EditorsTableSubRequestDataType();
                ets.SubRequestData.ClientID = clientId;
                ets.SubRequestData.EditorsTableRequestTypeSpecified = true;
                ets.SubRequestData.EditorsTableRequestType          = EditorsTableRequestTypes.LeaveEditingSession;
                ets.SubRequestToken = SequenceNumberGenerator.GetCurrentToken().ToString();

                IMS_FSSHTTP_FSSHTTPBAdapter adapter = site.GetAdapter <IMS_FSSHTTP_FSSHTTPBAdapter>();
                this.intializeContext(fileUrl, userName, password, domain);
                EditorsTableSubResponseType subResponse = SharedTestSuiteHelper.ExtractSubResponse <EditorsTableSubResponseType>(adapter.CellStorageRequest(fileUrl, new SubRequestType[] { ets }), 0, 0, site);

                if (!string.Equals("Success", subResponse.ErrorCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    this.errorMessage.Add(string.Format("Failed to release the editor tables join status for the client id {1} on the file {0} using the following user: {2}/{3}and password:{4}", fileUrl, clientId, userName, domain, password));
                    this.isEnvironmentRollbackSuccess = false;

            this.AddOrUpdate(new SharedLockKey(fileUrl, clientId, string.Empty), function);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Capture requirements related to EditorsTable sub response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="editorsTableSubResponse">Containing the EditorsTableSubResponse information.</param>
        /// <param name="site">An object provides logging, assertions, and SUT adapters for test code onto its execution context.</param>
        public static void ValidateEditorsTableSubResponse(EditorsTableSubResponseType editorsTableSubResponse, ITestSite site)
            ValidateSubResponseType(editorsTableSubResponse as SubResponseType, site);

            // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R4693
            // if can launch this method, the schema matches.
            site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>(
                @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: EditorsTableSubResponseType.");

            // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R5747
            // if can launch this method, the schema matches.
            site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>(
                @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: EditorsTableSubResponseType.");

            // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1769
            // if can launch this method, the schema matches.
                @"[In EditorsTableSubResponseType][The schema of EditorsTableSubResponseType is] <xs:complexType name=""EditorsTableSubResponseType"">
                         <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType"">
                            <xs:sequence minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"">
                               <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"">
                                     <xs:restriction base=""xs:anyType""/>

            // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R3079
            // if can launch this method, the schema matches.
                @"[In EditorsTableSubResponseType] SubResponseData: It MUST be an empty element without any attributes.");
コード例 #3
        public void MSFSSHTTP_FSSHTTPB_S07_TC01_EditorsTable_FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated()
            if (!Common.IsRequirementEnabled("MS-FSSHTTP-FSSHTTPB", 9001, this.Site))
                Site.Assume.Inconclusive("Implementation does not support the editors table.");

            // Create a join editor session with the URL which could not be found.
            string url = SharedTestSuiteHelper.GenerateNonExistFileUrl(this.Site);

            // Initialize the service
            this.InitializeContext(url, this.UserName01, this.Password01, this.Domain);

            EditorsTableSubRequestType join = SharedTestSuiteHelper.CreateEditorsTableSubRequestForJoinSession(SharedTestSuiteHelper.DefaultClientID, SharedTestSuiteHelper.DefaultTimeOut);

            // Call protocol adapter operation CellStorageRequest to join the editing session.
            CellStorageResponse         cellStorageResponseJoin = this.Adapter.CellStorageRequest(url, new SubRequestType[] { join });
            EditorsTableSubResponseType subResponseJoin         = SharedTestSuiteHelper.ExtractSubResponse <EditorsTableSubResponseType>(cellStorageResponseJoin, 0, 0, this.Site);

            if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                // If the ErrorCode attribute returned equals "FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated", MS-FSSHTTP_R1971 and MS-FSSHTTP_R358 can be covered.
                Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <ErrorCodeType>(
                    SharedTestSuiteHelper.ConvertToErrorCodeType(subResponseJoin.ErrorCode, this.Site),
                    @"[In EditorsTable Subrequest] If the protocol server was unable to find the URL for the file specified in the Url attribute, the protocol server reports a failure by returning an error code value set to ""FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated"" in the ErrorCode attribute sent back in the SubResponse element.");

                Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <ErrorCodeType>(
                    SharedTestSuiteHelper.ConvertToErrorCodeType(subResponseJoin.ErrorCode, this.Site),
                    @"[In GenericErrorCodeTypes] FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated indicates an error when either the targeted URL for the file specified as part of the Request element does not exist or file creation failed on the protocol server.");
                Site.Assert.AreEqual <ErrorCodeType>(
                    SharedTestSuiteHelper.ConvertToErrorCodeType(subResponseJoin.ErrorCode, this.Site),
                    @"[In GenericErrorCodeTypes] FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated indicates an error when either the targeted URL for the file specified as part of the Request element does not exist or file creation failed on the protocol server.");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to prepare to join a editors table on the file using the specified client id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileUrl">Specify the file.</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">Specify the client ID.</param>
        /// <param name="userName">Specify the user name of the user who calls cell storage service.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Specify the password of the user who calls cell storage service.</param>
        /// <param name="domain">Specify the domain of the user who calls cell storage service.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">Specify the timeout value.</param>
        protected void PrepareJoinEditorsTable(string fileUrl, string clientId, string userName, string password, string domain, int timeout = SharedTestSuiteHelper.DefaultTimeOut)
            this.InitializeContext(fileUrl, userName, password, domain);

            // Create join editor session object.
            EditorsTableSubRequestType joinEditorTable = SharedTestSuiteHelper.CreateEditorsTableSubRequestForJoinSession(clientId, timeout);

            // Call protocol adapter operation CellStorageRequest with  EditorsTableRequestType JoinEditingSession.
            CellStorageResponse         response    = this.Adapter.CellStorageRequest(fileUrl, new SubRequestType[] { joinEditorTable });
            EditorsTableSubResponseType subResponse = SharedTestSuiteHelper.ExtractSubResponse <EditorsTableSubResponseType>(response, 0, 0, this.Site);

            this.Site.Assert.AreEqual <ErrorCodeType>(
                SharedTestSuiteHelper.ConvertToErrorCodeType(subResponse.ErrorCode, this.Site),
                "The user {0} uses the client id {1} to join the editor table should succeed.",

            this.StatusManager.RecordEditorTable(this.DefaultFileUrl, clientId);