override public void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties) { material = materialEditor.target as Material; if (tools == null) { tools = new EditorTools("GlassMaterialEditor" + material.GetInstanceID()); } tools.Label("It is recommended that you edit Glass objects in their Glass inspector panel rather than directly within the Materials they use.", true); tools.Divider(); tools.Label("The settings below are not currently documented and editing them may result in adverse effects.", true); tools.Divider(); if (tools.ShowSection("I Understand - Show The Settings", ref showAdvancedSettings)) { base.OnGUI(materialEditor, properties); tools.EndSection(); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); var dood = (Dood)target; if (Application.isPlaying && dood.behaviourTree != null) { EditorTools.Label("<b>Behaviour tree details:</b>"); EditorTools.Label("<b>Current behaviour tree input:</b>"); EditorTools.Label(dood.behaviourTree.data.ToString()); EditorTools.Divider(); EditorTools.Label(dood.behaviourTree.command.ToString()); EditorTools.Divider(); EditorTools.Label("<b>Behaviour tree:</b>"); BehaviourTreeDrawer <Dood.DoodAIInput, Dood.DoodAIOutput> .Draw(dood.behaviourTree); } }