コード例 #1
        public FileLogSettingsDlg( )
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support
            InitializeComponent( );

            // initialize the grid
            ColumnHeader headerBehaviour = new ColumnHeader( false );
            FlatHeader headerVisual = new FlatHeader( true );
            EditorTextBoxButton textEditor = new EditorTextBoxButton( typeof ( String ) );
            EditorNumericUpDown numEditor = new EditorNumericUpDown( );

            grid.Redim( 3, 2 );

            grid[ 0, 0 ] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader( "Name", headerVisual, headerBehaviour );
            grid[ 0, 1 ] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader( "Value", headerVisual, headerBehaviour );

            grid[ 1, 0 ] = new Cell( "File", textEditor, headerVisual );
            grid[ 1, 0 ].ToolTipText = "The path and file name to log to";
            grid[ 1, 0 ].Invalidate( );
            // TODO: place the old file name here
            grid[ 1, 1 ] = new Link( @"c:\", new PositionEventHandler( this.OpenFile ) );

            grid[ 2, 0 ] = new Cell( "Size (Kb)", textEditor, headerVisual );
            grid[ 2, 0 ].ToolTipText = "The maximum size of the log file.";
            grid[ 2, 0 ].Invalidate( );

            grid[ 2, 1 ] = new Cell( 1024 * 100, numEditor );
            numEditor.Maximum = new decimal( 1024 * 1024 );
            numEditor.Minimum = new decimal( 0 );
            grid.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;
            grid.StretchColumnsToFitWidth( );
コード例 #2
        public EvLogSettingsDlg( )
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support
            InitializeComponent( );

            ColumnHeader headerBehaviour = new ColumnHeader( false );
            FlatHeader headerVisual = new FlatHeader( true );
            EditorTextBoxButton textEditor = new EditorTextBoxButton( typeof ( String ) );
            EditorNumericUpDown numEditor = new EditorNumericUpDown( );

            grid.Redim( 3, 2 );

            grid[ 0, 0 ] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader( "Name", headerVisual, headerBehaviour );
            grid[ 0, 1 ] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader( "Value", headerVisual, headerBehaviour );

            grid[ 1, 0 ] = new Cell( "EventSource Name", textEditor, headerVisual );
            grid[ 1, 0 ].ToolTipText = "The path and file name to log to";
            grid[ 1, 0 ].Invalidate( );
            // TODO: place the old event source here
            grid[ 1, 1 ] = new Cell( "ShareIndex", textEditor );

            grid.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;
            grid.StretchColumnsToFitWidth( );