コード例 #1
ファイル: EditorWinForm.cs プロジェクト: y1026/InnovatorAdmin
        void TextArea_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                var pos = e.GetPosition(Editor.TextArea);
                var pt  = new Point((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y);
                while (conMenu.Items.Count > 9)
                    conMenu.Items.RemoveAt(conMenu.Items.Count - 1);

                if (Helper != null)
                                           , Helper.GetScripts(Document, Editor.CaretOffset, Editor.IsReadOnly)
                                           , (script) =>
                        var ide = this.FindForm() as EditorWindow;
                        if (ide != null)

                OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Right, e.ClickCount, pt.X, pt.Y, 0));
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        EditorScript editorScript = (EditorScript)target;

コード例 #3
    void OnValidate()
        Mesh mesh = Instantiate(meshFilter.sharedMesh);

        Ray ray = EditorScript.GetMouseRay();
コード例 #4
ファイル: EditorMenu.cs プロジェクト: NEtuee/WingPrototype
    public void ButtonClicked(int code)
        if (curr != null)

        curr = editors[code];
コード例 #5
ファイル: EditorView.cs プロジェクト: namnguyen2014/Unity
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        EditorScript myScript = (EditorScript)target;

        GUILayout.Label("Checking Type ");
        defaultChoice = EditorGUILayout.Popup(defaultChoice, checkingType);

        if (defaultChoice == 1) // choose None
            if (GUILayout.Button("Add TextFields"))
                ArrayUtility.Add(ref textValues, "");

            for (int i = 0; i < textValues.Length; i++)
                textValues [i] = GUILayout.TextField(textValues [i], GUILayout.Width(200));
                if (GUILayout.Button("Remove"))
                    //ArrayUtility.Remove (ref textValues,textValues[i]); xoa dl cua phan tu thu i (trung nhau se sai)
                    ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref textValues, i);                      // xoa phan tu thu i theo index
                if (GUILayout.Button("Check"))
                    string[] inputCloned = textValues [i].Split('\n');
                    foreach (string subStrCloned in inputCloned)
        else if (defaultChoice == 0)
            input = GUILayout.TextArea(input, GUILayout.Height(100));

            if (GUILayout.Button("Check"))
                //string[] inputArray = Regex.Split (input, "\n");
                string[] inputArray = input.Split('\n');
                foreach (string subStr in inputArray)
コード例 #6
    static EditorSystemsBase()
        DEBUGS("cool Init");

        EditorApplication.update += delegate()
            DEBUGS("cool Update");
コード例 #7
        private void AddRefMenuItems(ContextMenuStrip conMenu, IEnumerable <ItemReference> refs)
            var gen = new Editor.ScriptMenuGenerator();

            gen.Conn     = _wizard.Connection;
            gen.ConnData = _wizard.ConnectionInfo.First();
            EditorScript.BuildMenu(conMenu.Items, gen.GetScripts(), async s =>
                var win    = new EditorWindow();
                var result = win.SetConnection(_wizard.ConnectionInfo.First());
                await result;
コード例 #8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void Execute(string code)
            ScriptState <object> state = null;

            var options = ScriptOptions.Default

            var globals = new EditorScript
                Editor = _serviceProvider.GetService <IProjectEditor>()

                state = CSharpScript.RunAsync(code, options, globals).Result;
            catch (CompilationErrorException e)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, e.Diagnostics));
コード例 #9
ファイル: RoslynScriptRunner.cs プロジェクト: will8886/Core2D
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public object Execute(string code, object state)
            ScriptState <object> next = null;

            if (state is ScriptState <object> previous)
                    next = previous.ContinueWithAsync(code).Result;
                catch (CompilationErrorException ex)
                    var log = _serviceProvider.GetService <ILog>();

            var options = ScriptOptions.Default

            var globals = new EditorScript
                Editor = _serviceProvider.GetService <IProjectEditor>()

                next = CSharpScript.RunAsync(code, options, globals).Result;
            catch (CompilationErrorException ex)
                var log = _serviceProvider.GetService <ILog>();

コード例 #10
ファイル: RoslynScriptRunner.cs プロジェクト: will8886/Core2D
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void Execute(string code)
            ScriptState <object> state = null;

            var options = ScriptOptions.Default

            var globals = new EditorScript
                Editor = _serviceProvider.GetService <IProjectEditor>()

                state = CSharpScript.RunAsync(code, options, globals).Result;
            catch (CompilationErrorException ex)
                var log = _serviceProvider.GetService <ILog>();
コード例 #11
 // ビルド前処理
 public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildTarget t, string p)
     EditorSystemsBase.DEBUGS("cool BeforeBuildScript");
コード例 #12
 private void Awake()
     StackField.text = "1";
     editor          = EditorScript.MyInstance;
     MyIndex         = 1;
コード例 #13
    public static IEnumerable<IEditorScript> GetScripts(IAsyncConnection conn, string type, string id
      , string relatedId = null, DataRow row = null)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
        ArasMetadataProvider metadata = null;
        ItemType itemType = null;
        if (conn != null)
          metadata = ArasMetadataProvider.Cached(conn);
          itemType = metadata.ItemTypeByName(type);

        if (metadata != null)
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Label ?? itemType.Name) + "\"",
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='get' levels='1'></Item>", type, id),
            AutoRun = true,
            PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relatedId) && itemType.Related != null)
            yield return new EditorScript()
              Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Related.Label ?? itemType.Related.Name) + "\"",
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='get' levels='1'></Item>", itemType.Related.Name, relatedId),
              AutoRun = true,
              PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        if (conn != null)
          yield return ArasEditorProxy.ItemTypeAddScript(conn, itemType);
        if (row == null)
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Edit",
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='edit'></Item>", type, id)
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Delete",
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='delete'></Item>", type, id)
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Delete",
            Execute = () => row.Delete()
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        if (metadata != null)
          var actions = new EditorScript()
            Name = "Actions"

          var serverActions = metadata.ServerItemActions(type)
            .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
          foreach (var action in serverActions)
            actions.Add(new EditorScript()
              Name = (action.Label ?? action.Value),
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='{2}'></Item>", type, id, action.Value),
              AutoRun = true

          if (serverActions.Any())
            yield return actions;

          var reports = new EditorScript()
            Name = "Reports"

          var serverReports = metadata.ServerReports(type)
            .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
          foreach (var report in serverReports)
            reports.Add(new EditorScript()
              Name = (report.Label ?? report.Value),
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = @"<Item type='Method' action='Run Report'>
  <report_name>" + report.Value + @"</report_name>
    <Item type='" + itemType.Name + "' typeId='" + itemType.Id + "' id='" + id + @"' />
              AutoRun = true

          if (serverReports.Any())
            yield return reports;
        yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
          Name = "Copy ID",
          Execute = () =>
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
コード例 #14
    public virtual void OnSceneGUI()
        EditorScript editorScript = (EditorScript)target;

コード例 #15
      public IEnumerable<IEditorScript> GetScripts()
        var items = (Items ?? Enumerable.Empty<IItemData>())
          .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Type))
        if (!items.Any())
          yield break;

        if (items.Skip(1).Any()) // There is more than one
          if (items.OfType<DataRowItemData>().Any())
            yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
              Name = "Delete",
              Execute = () =>
                foreach (var row in items.OfType<DataRowItemData>())
            var builder = new StringBuilder("<AML>");
            foreach (var item in items)
              builder.AppendLine().AppendFormat("  <Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='delete'></Item>", item.Type, item.Id);
            yield return new EditorScript()
              Name = "Delete",
              Action = "ApplyAML",
              Script = builder.ToString()
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "------"
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Export",
            Execute = () =>
              var refs = items.Select(i => new ItemReference(i.Type, i.Id));
          var item = items.Single();
          var rowItem = item as DataRowItemData;

          ArasMetadataProvider metadata = null;
          ItemType itemType = null;
          if (Conn != null)
            metadata = ArasMetadataProvider.Cached(Conn);
            if (!metadata.ItemTypeByName(item.Type, out itemType))
              metadata = null;

          if (metadata != null)
            yield return new EditorScript()
              Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Label ?? itemType.Name) + "\"",
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='get' levels='1'></Item>", item.Type, item.Id),
              AutoRun = true,
              PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
            if (item.Property("related_id") != null && itemType.Related != null)
              yield return new EditorScript()
                Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Related.Label ?? itemType.Related.Name) + "\"",
                Action = "ApplyItem",
                Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='get' levels='1'></Item>", itemType.Related.Name, item.Property("related_id")),
                AutoRun = true,
                PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "------"
          if (Conn != null)
            yield return ArasEditorProxy.ItemTypeAddScript(Conn, itemType);
          if (rowItem == null)
            yield return new EditorScript()
              Name = "Edit",
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='edit'></Item>", item.Type, item.Id)
            yield return new EditorScript()
              Name = "Delete",
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='delete'></Item>", item.Type, item.Id)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Column))
              var prop = metadata.GetProperty(itemType, Column.Split('/')[0]).Wait();
              switch (prop.Type)
                case PropertyType.item:
                  // TODO: Handle getting items via the EditorWindow
                  //yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
                  //  Name = "Edit Value",
                  //  Execute = () =>
                  //  {
                  //    var query = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' action='get'><keyed_name condition='like'>**</keyed_name></Item>", prop.Restrictions.First());
                  //    var values = EditorWindow.GetItems(Conn, query, query.Length - 21);
                  //    var results = values.Where(i => prop.Restrictions.Contains(i.Type)).ToArray();
                  //    if (results.Length == 1)
                  //    {
                  //      rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name, results[0].Unique);
                  //      rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name + "/keyed_name", results[0].KeyedName);
                  //      rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name + "/type", results[0].Type);
                  //    }
                  //  }
            yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
              Name = "Delete",
              Execute = () => rowItem.Delete()
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "------"
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Export",
            Execute = () =>
              var refs = new[] { new ItemReference(item.Type, item.Id) };
          if (metadata != null)
            var actions = new EditorScript()
              Name = "Actions"

            var serverActions = metadata.ServerItemActions(item.Type)
              .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
            foreach (var action in serverActions)
              actions.Add(new EditorScript()
                Name = (action.Label ?? action.Value),
                Action = "ApplyItem",
                Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='{2}'></Item>", item.Type, item.Id, action.Value),
                AutoRun = true

            if (serverActions.Any())
              yield return actions;

            var reports = new EditorScript()
              Name = "Reports"

            var serverReports = metadata.ServerReports(item.Type)
              .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
            foreach (var report in serverReports)
              reports.Add(new EditorScript()
                Name = (report.Label ?? report.Value),
                Action = "ApplyItem",
                Script = @"<Item type='Method' action='Run Report'>
  <report_name>" + report.Value + @"</report_name>
    <Item type='" + itemType.Name + "' typeId='" + itemType.Id + "' id='" + item.Id + @"' />
                AutoRun = true

            if (serverReports.Any())
              yield return reports;
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Copy ID",
            Execute = () =>
コード例 #16
        public IEnumerable <IEditorScript> GetScripts()
            var items = (Items ?? Enumerable.Empty <IItemData>())
                        .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Type))

            if (!items.Any())
                yield break;

            if (items.Skip(1).Any()) // There is more than one
                if (items.OfType <DataRowItemData>().Any())
                    yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                        Name = "Delete",
                        Execute = () =>
                            foreach (var row in items.OfType <DataRowItemData>())
                            return Task.FromResult(true);
                    var builder = new StringBuilder("<AML>");
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        builder.AppendLine().AppendFormat("  <Item type='{0}' {1} action='delete'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id));
                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Delete",
                        Action = "ApplyAML",
                        Script = builder.ToString()

                var dataRows = items.OfType <DataRowItemData>()
                               .OrderBy(r => r.Property("generation")).ThenBy(r => r.Id)
                if (dataRows.Length == 2) // There are exactly two items
                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "------"

                    yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                        Name = "Compare",
                        Execute = async() =>
                                await Settings.Current.PerformDiff(dataRows[0].Id, dataRows[0].ToAml
                                                                   , dataRows[1].Id, dataRows[1].ToAml);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                    Name = "Export",
                    Execute = () =>
                        var refs = items.OfType <ItemRefData>().Select(i => i.Ref);
                        if (!refs.Any())
                            refs = items.Select(i => new ItemReference(i.Type, i.Id));
                        return Task.FromResult(true);
                var item    = items.Single();
                var rowItem = item as DataRowItemData;

                ArasMetadataProvider metadata = null;
                ItemType             itemType = null;
                if (Conn != null)
                    metadata = ArasMetadataProvider.Cached(Conn);
                    if (!metadata.ItemTypeByName(item.Type, out itemType))
                        metadata = null;

                if (Conn != null)
                    yield return(ArasEditorProxy.ItemTypeAddScript(Conn, itemType));

                if (item is EditorItemData data)
                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Clone as New",
                        Action = "ApplyItem",
                        ScriptGetter = () =>
                            var aml = data.ToItem(Conn.AmlContext).CloneAsNew().ToAml();
                            return Task.FromResult(XElement.Parse(aml).ToString());

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                if (rowItem == null)
                    var script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='edit'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id));
                    if (item.Property("config_id") != null && itemType != null && itemType.IsVersionable)
                        script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' where=\"[{1}].[config_id] = '{2}'\" action='edit'></Item>"
                                               , item.Type, item.Type.Replace(' ', '_'), item.Property("config_id"));

                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Edit",
                        Action = "ApplyItem",
                        Script = script
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Column))
                        var prop = metadata.GetProperty(itemType, Column.Split('/')[0]).Wait();
                        switch (prop.Type)
                        case PropertyType.item:
                            yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                                Name = "Edit Value",
                                Execute = () =>
                                    var query = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' action='get'><keyed_name condition='like'>**</keyed_name></Item>", prop.Restrictions.First());
                                    var values = EditorWindow.GetItems(Conn, query, query.Length - 21);
                                    var results = values.Where(i => prop.Restrictions.Contains(i.Type)).ToArray();
                                    if (results.Length == 1)
                                        rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name, results[0].Unique);
                                        rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name + "/keyed_name", results[0].KeyedName);
                                        rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name + "/type", results[0].Type);
                                    return Task.FromResult(true);

                if (metadata != null)
                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Label ?? itemType.Name) + "\"",
                        Action = "ApplyItem",
                        Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='get' levels='1'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id)),
                        AutoRun = true,
                        PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table

                    if (item.Property("related_id") != null && itemType.Related != null)
                        yield return(new EditorScript()
                            Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Related.Label ?? itemType.Related.Name) + "\"",
                            Action = "ApplyItem",
                            Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='get' levels='1'></Item>", itemType.Related.Name, item.Property("related_id")),
                            AutoRun = true,
                            PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                if (rowItem == null)
                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Delete",
                        Action = "ApplyItem",
                        Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='delete'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))
                    yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                        Name = "Delete",
                        Execute = () =>
                            return Task.FromResult(true);
                if (item.Id.IsGuid())
                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Replace Item",
                        Action = "ApplySql",
                        ScriptGetter = async() =>
                            var aml = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' action='get'><keyed_name condition='like'>**</keyed_name></Item>", item.Type);
                            var replace = EditorWindow.GetItems(Conn, aml, aml.Length - 21);
                            if (replace.Count() == 1)
                                var sqlItem = Conn.AmlContext.FromXml(_whereUsedSqlAml).AssertItem();
                                var export = new ExportProcessor(Conn);
                                var script = new InstallScript();
                                var itemRef = ItemReference.FromFullItem(sqlItem, true);
                                await export.Export(script, new[] { itemRef });

                                var existing = script.Lines.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Reference.Equals(itemRef));
                                var needsSql = true;
                                if (existing != null)
                                    var merge = AmlDiff.GetMergeScript(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(_whereUsedSqlAml)), new XmlNodeReader(existing.Script));
                                    needsSql = merge.Elements().Any();

                                if (needsSql)
                                    if (Dialog.MessageDialog.Show("To run this action, InnovatorAdmin needs to install the SQL WhereUsed_General into the database.  Do you want to install this?", "Install SQL", "Install", "Cancel") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                        await Conn.ApplyAsync(_whereUsedSqlAml, true, false).ToTask();
                                        return null;

                                var result = await Conn.ApplyAsync(@"<AML>
                                   <Item type='SQL' action='SQL PROCESS'>
                                 </AML>", true, false, item.Type, item.Id).ToTask();

                                var sql = new StringBuilder("<sql>");
                                var whereUsed = result.Items().Where(i => !i.Property("type").HasValue() || i.Property("type").Value == i.Property("parent_type").Value);
                                var replaceId = replace.First().Unique;
                                foreach (var i in whereUsed)
                                    var props = (from p in i.Elements().OfType <IReadOnlyProperty>()
                                                 where p.Name.Length == 2 && p.Name[0] == 'p' && char.IsNumber(p.Name[1])
                                                 select p.Value).GroupConcat(" = '" + replaceId + "',");
                                    sql.Append("update innovator.[").Append(i.Property("main_type").Value.Replace(' ', '_')).Append("] set ");
                                    sql.Append(props).Append(" = '").Append(replaceId).Append("'");
                                    sql.Append(" where id ='").Append(i.Property("main_id").Value).Append("';");

                                return sql.ToString();

                            return null;
                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                    Name = "Export",
                    Execute = () =>
                        var refs = new[] { new ItemReference(item.Type, item.Id) };
                        return Task.FromResult(true);

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "Lock",
                    Action = "ApplyItem",
                    Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='lock'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                if (itemType != null && itemType.IsVersionable)
                    var whereClause = "id='" + item.Id + "'";
                    if (!item.Id.IsGuid())
                        whereClause = item.Id;

                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Revisions",
                        AutoRun = true,
                        Action = "ApplyItem",
                        PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table,
                        Script = string.Format(@"<Item type='{0}' action='get' orderBy='generation'>
<config_id condition='in'>(select config_id from innovator.[{1}] where {2})</config_id>
<generation condition='gt'>0</generation>
</Item>", item.Type, item.Type.Replace(' ', '_'), whereClause)

                    yield return(new EditorScript()
                        Name = "------"
                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "Promote",
                    Action = "ApplyItem",
                    Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='promoteItem'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "Where Used",
                    AutoRun = true,
                    Action = "ApplyItem",
                    Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='getItemWhereUsed'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "Structure Browser",
                    Action = "ApplyItem",
                    AutoRun = true,
                    Script = string.Format(@"<Item type='Method' action='GetItemsForStructureBrowser'>
  <Item type='{0}' {1} action='GetItemsForStructureBrowser' levels='2' />
</Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))

                yield return(new EditorScript()
                    Name = "------"

                if (metadata != null)
                    var actions = new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Actions"

                    var serverActions = metadata.ServerItemActions(item.Type)
                                        .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                    foreach (var action in serverActions)
                        actions.Add(new EditorScript()
                            Name    = (action.Label ?? action.Value),
                            Action  = "ApplyItem",
                            Script  = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='{2}'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id), action.Value),
                            AutoRun = true

                    if (serverActions.Any())
                        yield return(actions);

                    var reports = new EditorScript()
                        Name = "Reports"

                    var serverReports = metadata.ServerReports(item.Type)
                                        .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                    foreach (var report in serverReports)
                        reports.Add(new EditorScript()
                            Name    = (report.Label ?? report.Value),
                            Action  = "ApplyItem",
                            Script  = @"<Item type='Method' action='Run Report'>
  <report_name>" + report.Value + @"</report_name>
    <Item type='" + itemType.Name + "' typeId='" + itemType.Id + "' " + GetCriteria(item.Id) + @" />
                            AutoRun = true

                    if (serverReports.Any())
                        yield return(reports);
                if (item.Id.IsGuid())
                    yield return(new EditorScriptExecute()
                        Name = "Copy ID",
                        Execute = () =>
                            return Task.FromResult(true);
コード例 #17
    public IEnumerable<IEditorScript> GetScripts()
      var items = (Items ?? Enumerable.Empty<IItemData>())
        .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Type))
      if (!items.Any())
        yield break;

      if (items.Skip(1).Any()) // There is more than one
        if (items.OfType<DataRowItemData>().Any())
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Delete",
            Execute = () =>
              foreach (var row in items.OfType<DataRowItemData>())
              return Task.FromResult(true);
          var builder = new StringBuilder("<AML>");
          foreach (var item in items)
            builder.AppendLine().AppendFormat("  <Item type='{0}' {1} action='delete'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id));
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Delete",
            Action = "ApplyAML",
            Script = builder.ToString()

        var dataRows = items.OfType<DataRowItemData>()
          .OrderBy(r => r.Property("generation")).ThenBy(r => r.Id)
        if (dataRows.Length == 2) // There are exactly two items
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "------"
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Compare",
            Execute = async () =>
                await Settings.Current.PerformDiff(dataRows[0].Id, dataRows[0].ToAml
                  , dataRows[1].Id, dataRows[1].ToAml);
              catch (Exception ex)
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
          Name = "Export",
          Execute = () =>
            var refs = items.OfType<ItemRefData>().Select(i => i.Ref);
            if (!refs.Any())
              refs = items.Select(i => new ItemReference(i.Type, i.Id));
            return Task.FromResult(true);
        var item = items.Single();
        var rowItem = item as DataRowItemData;

        ArasMetadataProvider metadata = null;
        ItemType itemType = null;
        if (Conn != null)
          metadata = ArasMetadataProvider.Cached(Conn);
          if (!metadata.ItemTypeByName(item.Type, out itemType))
            metadata = null;

        if (Conn != null)
          yield return ArasEditorProxy.ItemTypeAddScript(Conn, itemType);
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        if (rowItem == null)
          var script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='edit'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id));
          if (item.Property("config_id") != null && itemType != null && itemType.IsVersionable)
            script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' where=\"[{1}].[config_id] = '{2}'\" action='edit'></Item>"
              , item.Type, item.Type.Replace(' ', '_'), item.Property("config_id"));

          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Edit",
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            Script = script
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Column))
            var prop = metadata.GetProperty(itemType, Column.Split('/')[0]).Wait();
            switch (prop.Type)
              case PropertyType.item:
                yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
                  Name = "Edit Value",
                  Execute = () =>
                    var query = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' action='get'><keyed_name condition='like'>**</keyed_name></Item>", prop.Restrictions.First());
                    var values = EditorWindow.GetItems(Conn, query, query.Length - 21);
                    var results = values.Where(i => prop.Restrictions.Contains(i.Type)).ToArray();
                    if (results.Length == 1)
                      rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name, results[0].Unique);
                      rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name + "/keyed_name", results[0].KeyedName);
                      rowItem.SetProperty(prop.Name + "/type", results[0].Type);
                    return Task.FromResult(true);
        if (metadata != null)
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Label ?? itemType.Name) + "\"",
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='get' levels='1'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id)),
            AutoRun = true,
            PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
          if (item.Property("related_id") != null && itemType.Related != null)
            yield return new EditorScript()
              Name = "View \"" + (itemType.Related.Label ?? itemType.Related.Name) + "\"",
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' id='{1}' action='get' levels='1'></Item>", itemType.Related.Name, item.Property("related_id")),
              AutoRun = true,
              PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        if (rowItem == null)
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Delete",
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='delete'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Delete",
            Execute = () =>
              return Task.FromResult(true);
        if (item.Id.IsGuid())
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Replace Item",
            Action = "ApplySql",
            ScriptGetter = async () =>
              var aml = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' action='get'><keyed_name condition='like'>**</keyed_name></Item>", item.Type);
              var replace = EditorWindow.GetItems(Conn, aml, aml.Length - 21);
              if (replace.Count() == 1)
                var sqlItem = Conn.AmlContext.FromXml(_whereUsedSqlAml).AssertItem();
                var export = new ExportProcessor(Conn);
                var script = new InstallScript();
                var itemRef = ItemReference.FromFullItem(sqlItem, true);
                await export.Export(script, new[] { itemRef });
                var existing = script.Lines.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Reference.Equals(itemRef));
                var needsSql = true;
                if (existing != null)
                  var merge = AmlDiff.GetMergeScript(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(_whereUsedSqlAml)), new XmlNodeReader(existing.Script));
                  needsSql = merge.Elements().Any();

                if (needsSql)
                  if (Dialog.MessageDialog.Show("To run this action, InnovatorAdmin needs to install the SQL WhereUsed_General into the database.  Do you want to install this?", "Install SQL", "Install", "Cancel") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    await Conn.ApplyAsync(_whereUsedSqlAml, true, false).ToTask();
                    return null;

                var result = await Conn.ApplyAsync(@"<AML>
                                   <Item type='SQL' action='SQL PROCESS'>
                                 </AML>", true, false, item.Type, item.Id).ToTask();
                var sql = new StringBuilder("<sql>");
                var whereUsed = result.Items().Where(i => !i.Property("type").HasValue() || i.Property("type").Value == i.Property("parent_type").Value);
                var replaceId = replace.First().Unique;
                foreach (var i in whereUsed)
                  var props = (from p in i.Elements().OfType<IReadOnlyProperty>()
                               where p.Name.Length == 2 && p.Name[0] == 'p' && char.IsNumber(p.Name[1])
                               select p.Value).GroupConcat(" = '" + replaceId + "',");
                  sql.Append("update innovator.[").Append(i.Property("main_type").Value.Replace(' ', '_')).Append("] set ");
                  sql.Append(props).Append(" = '").Append(replaceId).Append("'");
                  sql.Append(" where id ='").Append(i.Property("main_id").Value).Append("';");

                return sql.ToString();

              return null;
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
          Name = "Export",
          Execute = () =>
            var refs = new[] { new ItemReference(item.Type, item.Id) };
            return Task.FromResult(true);
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "Lock",
          Action = "ApplyItem",
          Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='lock'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        if (itemType != null && itemType.IsVersionable)
          var whereClause = "id='" + item.Id + "'";
          if (!item.Id.IsGuid())
            whereClause = item.Id;

          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "Revisions",
            AutoRun = true,
            Action = "ApplyItem",
            PreferredOutput = OutputType.Table,
            Script = string.Format(@"<Item type='{0}' action='get' orderBy='generation'>
<config_id condition='in'>(select config_id from innovator.[{1}] where {2})</config_id>
<generation condition='gt'>0</generation>
</Item>", item.Type, item.Type.Replace(' ', '_'), whereClause)
          yield return new EditorScript()
            Name = "------"
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "Promote",
          Action = "ApplyItem",
          Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='promoteItem'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "Where Used",
          AutoRun = true,
          Action = "ApplyItem",
          Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='getItemWhereUsed'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "Structure Browser",
          Action = "ApplyItem",
          AutoRun = true,
          Script = string.Format(@"<Item type='Method' action='GetItemsForStructureBrowser'>
  <Item type='{0}' {1} action='GetItemsForStructureBrowser' levels='2' />
</Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id))
        yield return new EditorScript()
          Name = "------"
        if (metadata != null)
          var actions = new EditorScript()
            Name = "Actions"

          var serverActions = metadata.ServerItemActions(item.Type)
            .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
          foreach (var action in serverActions)
            actions.Add(new EditorScript()
              Name = (action.Label ?? action.Value),
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = string.Format("<Item type='{0}' {1} action='{2}'></Item>", item.Type, GetCriteria(item.Id), action.Value),
              AutoRun = true

          if (serverActions.Any())
            yield return actions;

          var reports = new EditorScript()
            Name = "Reports"

          var serverReports = metadata.ServerReports(item.Type)
            .OrderBy(l => l.Label ?? l.Value, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
          foreach (var report in serverReports)
            reports.Add(new EditorScript()
              Name = (report.Label ?? report.Value),
              Action = "ApplyItem",
              Script = @"<Item type='Method' action='Run Report'>
  <report_name>" + report.Value + @"</report_name>
    <Item type='" + itemType.Name + "' typeId='" + itemType.Id + "' " + GetCriteria(item.Id) + @" />
              AutoRun = true

          if (serverReports.Any())
            yield return reports;
        if (item.Id.IsGuid())
          yield return new EditorScriptExecute()
            Name = "Copy ID",
            Execute = () =>
              return Task.FromResult(true);