コード例 #1
        //protected override void OnKeyUpCore(MapViewKeyEventArgs k)
        //	_msg.VerboseDebug("OnKeyUpCore");

        //	if (k.Key == _keyToggleNonDefaultSide)
        //	{
        //		_nonDefaultSideMode = ! _nonDefaultSideMode;

        //		k.Handled = true;
        //	}
        //	else if (k.Key == Key.Space)
        //	{
        //		k.Handled = true;
        //	}

        //	base.OnKeyUpCore(k);

        //protected override async Task HandleKeyUpAsync(MapViewKeyEventArgs k)
        //	// At 2.5 this is never called (despite setting k.Handled = true above).
        // TODO: Test in 2.6/2.7
        //	try
        //	{
        //		if (k.Key == _keyToggleNonDefaultSide ||
        //		    k.Key == Key.Space)
        //		{
        //			_updateFeedbackTask = UpdateFeedbackAsync(_nonDefaultSideMode);

        //			await _updateFeedbackTask;
        //		}
        //	}
        //	catch (Exception e)
        //	{
        //		_msg.Warn("Error generating preview", e);
        //	}
        //	finally
        //	{
        //		_updateFeedbackTask = null;
        //	}

        protected override async Task <bool> OnEditSketchCompleteCoreAsync(
            Geometry sketchGeometry, EditingTemplate editTemplate, MapView activeView,
            CancelableProgressor cancelableProgressor = null)

            // TODO: cancel all running background tasks...

            var polyline = (Polyline)sketchGeometry;

            List <Feature> selection;

            // Or allow selecting next feature already?

            bool success = await QueuedTaskUtils.Run(async() =>
                selection = GetApplicableSelectedFeatures(activeView).ToList();

                var potentiallyAffectedFeatures =
                    GetAdjacentFeatures(selection, cancelableProgressor);

                // This timout should be enough even in extreme circumstances:
                int timeout = selection.Count * 10000;
                _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout);

                ReshapeResult result = MicroserviceClient.Reshape(
                    selection, polyline, potentiallyAffectedFeatures, true, true,
                    _nonDefaultSideMode, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                if (result == null)

                Dictionary <Feature, Geometry> resultFeatures =
                    result.ResultFeatures.ToDictionary(r => r.Feature,
                                                       r => r.UpdatedGeometry);

                LogReshapeResults(result, selection.Count);

                success = await SaveAsync(resultFeatures);

                // At some point, hopefully, read-only operations on the CIM model can run in parallel
                await ToolUtils.FlashResultPolygonsAsync(activeView, resultFeatures);


            _nonDefaultSideMode = false;

            //if (!_advancedReshapeOptions.RemainInSketchMode)

            return(success);            // taskSave.Result;
コード例 #2
        public async Task StartSketchToolAsync()
            EditingTemplate editingFeatureTemplate = EditingTemplate.Current;
            Layer           layer       = editingFeatureTemplate?.Layer;
            VectorLayer     vectorLayer = GetLayer(layer);

            if (vectorLayer?.IsVisibleInGlobespotter ?? false)
                await StartMeasurementSketchAsync(vectorLayer);
コード例 #3
        public async Task StartSketchToolAsync()
            EditingTemplate editingFeatureTemplate = EditingTemplate.Current;
            Layer           layer       = editingFeatureTemplate?.Layer;
            VectorLayer     vectorLayer = GetLayer(layer);

            if (vectorLayer != null)
                await StartMeasurementSketchAsync(vectorLayer);
コード例 #4
        protected override async Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteCoreAsync(
            Geometry sketchGeometry,
            CancelableProgressor progressor)
            if (IsInSketchMode)
                // take snapshots
                EditingTemplate currentTemplate = CurrentTemplate;
                MapView         activeView      = ActiveMapView;

                return(await OnEditSketchCompleteCoreAsync(
                           sketchGeometry, currentTemplate, activeView, progressor));

        protected override async void OnClick()
            // get an anno layer
            AnnotationLayer annoLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <AnnotationLayer>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (annoLayer == null)

            bool result = await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                // get an existing template
                EditingTemplate template = annoLayer.GetTemplates().FirstOrDefault();
                if (template == null)

                // make sure it is active before you get the inspector
                await template.ActivateDefaultToolAsync();

                var insp = template.Inspector;
                if (insp == null)

                // set up some properties
                AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
                annoProperties.TextString           = "special text";
                annoProperties.Color     = ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB;
                annoProperties.SmallCaps = true;

                // set up default tool - use daml-id rather than guid
                string defaultTool = "esri_editing_SketchStraightAnnoTool";

                // dont alter the filter or tags

                // create a new CIM template  - new extension method
                var newTemplate = annoLayer.CreateTemplate("template from existing template", "sample template description", insp, defaultTool);
                return(newTemplate != null);
コード例 #6
        //The data referenced in this snippet can be downloaded from the arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples repo
        protected async Task <string> CreateRings(EditingTemplate currentTemplate)
            var valueArray = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                                                    new List <string> {
                    "1000", "2000"
                }, "Meters", "Distance",
                                                    "ALL", "FULL"));

            IGPResult gpResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Analysis.MultipleRingBuffer", valueArray);

                ? $@"Error in gp tool: {gpResult.ErrorMessages}"
                : $@"Ok: {gpResult.ReturnValue}");
コード例 #7
ファイル: EraseToolBase.cs プロジェクト: esride-jts/ProSuite
        protected override async Task <bool> OnEditSketchCompleteCoreAsync(
            Geometry sketchGeometry,
            EditingTemplate editTemplate,
            MapView activeView,
            CancelableProgressor cancelableProgressor = null)
            var polygon = (Polygon)sketchGeometry;

            var resultFeatures = await QueuedTaskUtils.Run(
                () => CalculateResultFeatures(activeView, polygon),

            var taskSave  = QueuedTaskUtils.Run(() => SaveAsync(resultFeatures));
            var taskFlash = QueuedTaskUtils.Run(() => FlashAsync(activeView, resultFeatures));

            await Task.WhenAll(taskFlash, taskSave);

コード例 #8
        //The data referenced in this snippet can be downloaded from the arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples repo
        protected async Task <string> NonBlockingExecuteGP(EditingTemplate currentTemplate)
            var valueArray = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                string in_data     = @"C:\tools\data.gdb\cities";
                string cities_buff = @"E:\data\data.gdb\cities_2km";

                return(Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(in_data, cities_buff, "2000 Meters"));

            // to let the GP tool run asynchronously without blocking the main thread
            // use the GPThread option of GPExecuteToolFlasgs
            GPExecuteToolFlags flags    = GPExecuteToolFlags.GPThread; // instruct the tool run non-blocking GPThread
            IGPResult          gpResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Analysis.Buffer", valueArray, null, null, null, flags);

              ? $@"Error in gp tool: {gpResult.ErrorMessages}"
              : $@"Ok: {gpResult.ReturnValue}");
コード例 #9
        protected async Task <bool> ExecuteCut(EditingTemplate template, Geometry geometry, Dictionary <string, object> attributes)
            if (template == null)
            if (geometry == null)

            // create an edit operation
            EditOperation op = EditingModule.CreateEditOperation();

            op.Name                   = "Cut Elements";
            op.ProgressMessage        = "Working...";
            op.CancelMessage          = "Operation canceled.";
            op.ErrorMessage           = "Error cutting polygons";
            op.SelectModifiedFeatures = false;
            op.SelectNewFeatures      = false;

            // get the feature class associated with the layer
            Table fc = await template.Layer.GetTableAsync();

            // initialize a list of ObjectIDs that need to be cut
            var cutOIDs = new List <long>();

            // on a separate thread
            await QueuingTaskFactory.StartNew(async() =>
                // TODO
                // find the features crossed by the sketch geometry
                RowCursor rc = await fc.SearchAsync(geometry, SpatialRelationship.Crosses);

                // add the feature IDs into our prepared list
                while (rc.MoveNext())
                    var feature = rc.Current as Feature;

                    if (feature == null)

                    if (feature.Shape != null)
                        // we are interested in the intersection points
                        // in case there is only one intersection then the sketch geometry doesn't enter and leave the
                        // base geometry and the cut operation won't work.
                        Geometry intersectionGeometry = GeometryEngine.Intersection(feature.Shape, geometry, GeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension);
                        if (intersectionGeometry is MultiPoint)
                            //var intersectionPoints = intersectionGeometry as MultiPoint;
                            //// we are only interested in feature IDs where the count of intersection points is larger than 1
                            //// i.e., at least one entry and one exit
                            //if (intersectionPoints.Coordinates.Count > 1)
                            //    // add the current feature to the overall list of features to cut
                            //    cutOIDs.Add(rc.Current.ObjectID);

            // add the elements to cut into the edit operation
            op.Cut(template.Layer, cutOIDs, geometry);

            //execute the operation
            bool operationResult = await op.ExecuteAsync();

コード例 #10
 protected abstract Task <bool> OnEditSketchCompleteCoreAsync(
     Geometry sketchGeometry,
     EditingTemplate editTemplate,
     MapView activeView,
     CancelableProgressor cancelableProgressor = null);
コード例 #11
        protected async void OnDrawCompleted(MapViewEventArgs args)
            MapView  mapView  = args.MapView;
            Geometry geometry = await mapView.GetCurrentSketchAsync();

            EditingTemplate editingFeatureTemplate = EditingTemplate.Current;
            Layer           layer           = editingFeatureTemplate?.Layer;
            VectorLayer     thisVectorLayer = GetLayer(layer);

            if (geometry != null)
                switch (EditTool)
                case EditTools.ModifyFeatureImpl:
                    if (_measurementList.Count == 1)
                        KeyValuePair <int, Measurement> firstElement = _measurementList.ElementAt(0);
                        Measurement measurement = firstElement.Value;
                        VectorLayer vectorLayer = measurement.VectorLayer;

                        if (geometry.PointCount == 0)
                            await StartMeasurementSketchAsync(vectorLayer);
                        else if (geometry.HasZ)
                            await AddHeightToMeasurementAsync(geometry, mapView);

                        await _measurementList.SketchModifiedAsync(geometry, thisVectorLayer);


                case EditTools.SketchLineTool:
                case EditTools.SketchPolygonTool:
                case EditTools.Verticles:
                    if (geometry.HasZ)
                        await AddHeightToMeasurementAsync(geometry, mapView);

                    await _measurementList.SketchModifiedAsync(geometry, thisVectorLayer);


                case EditTools.SketchPointTool:
                    if (geometry.HasZ)
                        await AddHeightToMeasurementAsync(geometry, mapView);

コード例 #12
 protected sealed override FrameworkElement GenerateEditingElement(PropertyItemBase propertyItem)
     return(EditingTemplate is not null
         ? EditingTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement
         : null);