コード例 #1
        public async Task Cannot_Save_Invalid_Sound()
            // Arrange - create the mock repository
            var mockRepository = new Mock <IRepository <TimerSound> >();

            // Arrange - create a controller
            var targetController = new TimerController(null, mockRepository.Object, null);

            var mockFile = new Mock <IFormFile>();

            mockFile.Setup(x => x.CopyToAsync(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))

            var model = new EditSoundViewModel
                Name = "Potato",
                File = mockFile.Object

            // Arrange - add an error to the model state
            targetController.ModelState.AddModelError("error", "error");

            // Act - try to save the product
            var result = await targetController.EditSound(model);

            // Assert - check that the repository was not called
            mockRepository.Verify(m => m.Save(It.IsAny <TimerSound>()), Times.Never());
            // Assert - check the method result type
            Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
コード例 #2
        public async Task Can_Save_Valid_Sound()
            // Arrange - create the mock repository
            var mockRepository = new Mock <IRepository <TimerSound> >();

            // Arrange - create a controller
            var targetController = new TimerController(null, mockRepository.Object, null);

            var mockFile = new Mock <IFormFile>();

            mockFile.Setup(x => x.CopyToAsync(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))

            var model = new EditSoundViewModel
                Name = "Potato",
                File = mockFile.Object

            // Act - try to save the sound
            var result = await targetController.EditSound(model);

            // Assert - check that the repository was called
            mockRepository.Verify(m => m.Save(It.IsAny <TimerSound>()));

            // Assert - check the result type is a redirection
            Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);
            Assert.Equal("EditSounds", (result as RedirectToActionResult)?.ActionName);