private void UIElement_OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (e.ClickCount == 2) { EditEventCommand?.Execute(DataContext); } }
public async Task ShouldThrowValidationExceptionDuringEventEditing(DateTime testDate, string testTitle, string testDescribtion, string testCategory, string testCity, string testVenue) { //arrange var loggedUser = await RunAsUserAsync("scott101@localhost", "Pa$$w0rd!"); var eventId = await SendAsync(new Faker <CreateEventCommand>("en") .RuleFor(e => e.Id, f => f.Random.Guid()) .RuleFor(e => e.Title, f => f.Lorem.Sentence()) .RuleFor(e => e.Date, f => f.Date.Future()) .RuleFor(e => e.Description, f => f.Lorem.Sentence(5)) .RuleFor(e => e.Category, f => f.Lorem.Word()) .RuleFor(e => e.City, f => f.Lorem.Word()) .RuleFor(e => e.Venue, f => f.Lorem.Sentence(1)).Generate()); var command = new EditEventCommand() { Id = eventId, Date = testDate, Title = testTitle, Description = testDescribtion, Category = testCategory, City = testCity, Venue = testVenue }; //act //assert FluentActions.Invoking(() => SendAsync(command)).Should().ThrowAsync <Common.Exceptions.ValidationException>(); }
public ActionResult <Event> Put([FromBody] UpdateEventDTO request) { var command = new EditEventCommand(_mapper.Map <Event>(request)); var handler = _commandHandler.Build(command); return(Ok(handler.Execute())); }
public void ShouldNotCallHandleIfEventNotExist() { dbSetEvent.Setup(x => x.FindAsync(id)).Returns(null); context.Setup(x => x.Events).Returns(dbSetEvent.Object); EditEventCommandHandler editEventCommandHandler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context.Object, stringLocalizer.Object, mapper.Object); EditEventCommand editEventCommand = new EditEventCommand(eventDto); Func <Task> act = async() => await editEventCommandHandler.Handle(editEventCommand, new CancellationToken()); act.Should().ThrowAsync <NotFoundException>(); }
public void ShouldNotCallHandleIfNotSavedChanges() { dbSetEvent.Setup(x => x.FindAsync(id)).Returns(new ValueTask <Event>(Task.FromResult(eventEntity))); context.Setup(x => x.Events).Returns(dbSetEvent.Object); context.Setup(x => x.SaveChangesAsync(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(0)); mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <Event>(eventDto)).Returns(eventEntity); EditEventCommandHandler editEventCommandHandler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context.Object, stringLocalizer.Object, mapper.Object); EditEventCommand editEventCommand = new EditEventCommand(eventDto); Func <Task> act = async() => await editEventCommandHandler.Handle(editEventCommand, new CancellationToken()); act.Should().ThrowAsync <RestException>(); }
public async Task ShouldCallHandle() { dbSetEvent.Setup(x => x.FindAsync(id)).Returns(new ValueTask <Event>(Task.FromResult(eventEntity))); context.Setup(x => x.Events).Returns(dbSetEvent.Object); context.Setup(x => x.SaveChangesAsync(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(1)); mapper.Setup(x => x.Map <Event>(eventDto)).Returns(eventEntity); EditEventCommandHandler editEventCommandHandler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context.Object, stringLocalizer.Object, mapper.Object); EditEventCommand editEventCommand = new EditEventCommand(eventDto); var result = await editEventCommandHandler.Handle(editEventCommand, new CancellationToken()); result.Should().Be(Unit.Value); }
public string DispatchCommand(string[] commandParameters) { string commandName = commandParameters[0]; commandParameters = commandParameters.Skip(1).ToArray(); string result = string.Empty; EventService eventService = new EventService(); switch (commandName) { case "CreateEvent": CreateEventCommand createEvent = new CreateEventCommand(eventService); result = createEvent.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "DeleteEvent": DeleteEventCommand deleteEvent = new DeleteEventCommand(eventService); result = deleteEvent.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "EditEvent": EditEventCommand editEvent = new EditEventCommand(eventService); result = editEvent.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "ListEvents": ListEventsCommand listEvents = new ListEventsCommand(eventService); result = listEvents.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "Help": HelpCommand help = new HelpCommand(); result = help.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "Exit": ExitCommand exit = new ExitCommand(eventService); result = exit.Execute(commandParameters); break; default: result = $@"Command {commandName} does not exist. Type ""Help"" to check the available commands."; break; } return(result); }
public async Task EventDoesNotExist() { var context = ServiceProvider.GetService <AllReadyContext>(); var htb = new Organization { Id = 123, Name = "Humanitarian Toolbox", LogoUrl = "", WebUrl = "", Campaigns = new List <Campaign>() }; var firePrev = new Campaign { Id = 1, Name = "Neighborhood Fire Prevention Days", ManagingOrganization = htb, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; htb.Campaigns.Add(firePrev); context.Organizations.Add(htb); context.SaveChanges(); var vm = new EventEditViewModel { CampaignId = 1, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; var query = new EditEventCommand { Event = vm }; var handler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context); var result = await handler.Handle(query); Assert.True(result > 0); var data = context.Events.Count(_ => _.Id == result); Assert.True(data == 1); }
public async Task EventDoesNotExist() { var context = ServiceProvider.GetService<AllReadyContext>(); var htb = new Organization { Id = 123, Name = "Humanitarian Toolbox", LogoUrl = "", WebUrl = "", Campaigns = new List<Campaign>() }; var firePrev = new Campaign { Id = 1, Name = "Neighborhood Fire Prevention Days", ManagingOrganization = htb, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; htb.Campaigns.Add(firePrev); context.Organizations.Add(htb); context.SaveChanges(); var vm = new EventEditViewModel { CampaignId = 1, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; var query = new EditEventCommand { Event = vm }; var handler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context); var result = await handler.Handle(query); Assert.True(result > 0); var data = context.Events.Count(_ => _.Id == result); Assert.True(data == 1); }
public async Task ExistingEvent() { var context = ServiceProvider.GetService <AllReadyContext>(); var htb = new Organization { Id = 123, Name = "Humanitarian Toolbox", LogoUrl = "", WebUrl = "", Campaigns = new List <Campaign>() }; var firePrev = new Campaign { Id = 1, Name = "Neighborhood Fire Prevention Days", ManagingOrganization = htb, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; htb.Campaigns.Add(firePrev); var queenAnne = new Event { Id = 100, Name = "Queen Anne Fire Prevention Day", Campaign = firePrev, CampaignId = firePrev.Id, StartDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 7, 4, 10, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), EndDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 15, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), Location = new Location { Id = 1 }, RequiredSkills = new List <EventSkill>() }; context.Organizations.Add(htb); context.Events.Add(queenAnne); context.SaveChanges(); const string newName = "Some new name value"; var startDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 7, 12, 4, 15, 0); var endDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 12, 7, 15, 10, 0); var vm = new EventEditViewModel { CampaignId = queenAnne.CampaignId, CampaignName = queenAnne.Campaign.Name, Description = queenAnne.Description, EndDateTime = endDateTime, Id = queenAnne.Id, ImageUrl = queenAnne.ImageUrl, Location = null, Name = newName, RequiredSkills = queenAnne.RequiredSkills, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time", StartDateTime = startDateTime, OrganizationId = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganizationId, OrganizationName = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganization.Name, }; var query = new EditEventCommand { Event = vm }; var handler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context); var result = await handler.Handle(query); Assert.Equal(100, result); // should get back the event id var data = context.Events.Single(_ => _.Id == result); Assert.Equal(newName, data.Name); Assert.Equal(2015, data.StartDateTime.Year); Assert.Equal(7, data.StartDateTime.Month); Assert.Equal(12, data.StartDateTime.Day); Assert.Equal(4, data.StartDateTime.Hour); Assert.Equal(15, data.StartDateTime.Minute); Assert.Equal(2015, data.EndDateTime.Year); Assert.Equal(12, data.EndDateTime.Month); Assert.Equal(7, data.EndDateTime.Day); Assert.Equal(15, data.EndDateTime.Hour); Assert.Equal(10, data.EndDateTime.Minute); }
public async Task ExistingEventUpdateLocation() { const string seattlePostalCode = "98117"; var seattle = new Location { Id = 1, Address1 = "123 Main Street", Address2 = "Unit 2", City = "Seattle", PostalCode = seattlePostalCode, Country = "USA", State = "WA", Name = "Organizer name", PhoneNumber = "555-555-5555" }; var htb = new Organization { Id = 123, Name = "Humanitarian Toolbox", LogoUrl = "", WebUrl = "", Campaigns = new List <Campaign>() }; var firePrev = new Campaign { Id = 1, Name = "Neighborhood Fire Prevention Days", ManagingOrganization = htb, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; htb.Campaigns.Add(firePrev); var queenAnne = new Event { Id = 100, Name = "Queen Anne Fire Prevention Day", Campaign = firePrev, CampaignId = firePrev.Id, StartDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 7, 4, 10, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), EndDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 15, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), Location = seattle, RequiredSkills = new List <EventSkill>() }; var context = ServiceProvider.GetService <AllReadyContext>(); context.Locations.Add(seattle); context.Organizations.Add(htb); context.Events.Add(queenAnne); context.SaveChanges(); var newLocation = new Location { Address1 = "123 new address", Address2 = "new suite", PostalCode = "98004", City = "Bellevue", State = "WA", Country = "USA", Name = "New name", PhoneNumber = "New number" }.ToEditModel(); var locationEdit = new EventEditViewModel { CampaignId = queenAnne.CampaignId, CampaignName = queenAnne.Campaign.Name, Description = queenAnne.Description, EndDateTime = queenAnne.EndDateTime, Id = queenAnne.Id, ImageUrl = queenAnne.ImageUrl, Location = newLocation, Name = queenAnne.Name, RequiredSkills = queenAnne.RequiredSkills, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time", StartDateTime = queenAnne.StartDateTime, OrganizationId = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganizationId, OrganizationName = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganization.Name, }; var query = new EditEventCommand { Event = locationEdit }; var handler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context); var result = await handler.Handle(query); Assert.Equal(100, result); // should get back the event id var data = context.Events.Single(a => a.Id == result); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Address1, newLocation.Address1); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Address2, newLocation.Address2); Assert.Equal(data.Location.City, newLocation.City); Assert.Equal(data.Location.PostalCode, newLocation.PostalCode); Assert.Equal(data.Location.State, newLocation.State); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Country, newLocation.Country); Assert.Equal(data.Location.PhoneNumber, newLocation.PhoneNumber); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Name, newLocation.Name); }
public async Task ExistingEvent() { var context = ServiceProvider.GetService<AllReadyContext>(); var htb = new Organization { Id = 123, Name = "Humanitarian Toolbox", LogoUrl = "", WebUrl = "", Campaigns = new List<Campaign>() }; var firePrev = new Campaign { Id = 1, Name = "Neighborhood Fire Prevention Days", ManagingOrganization = htb, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; htb.Campaigns.Add(firePrev); var queenAnne = new Event { Id = 100, Name = "Queen Anne Fire Prevention Day", Campaign = firePrev, CampaignId = firePrev.Id, StartDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 7, 4, 10, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), EndDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 15, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), Location = new Location { Id = 1 }, RequiredSkills = new List<EventSkill>() }; context.Organizations.Add(htb); context.Events.Add(queenAnne); context.SaveChanges(); const string NEW_NAME = "Some new name value"; var startDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 7, 12, 4, 15, 0); var endDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 12, 7, 15, 10, 0); var vm = new EventEditViewModel { CampaignId = queenAnne.CampaignId, CampaignName = queenAnne.Campaign.Name, Description = queenAnne.Description, EndDateTime = endDateTime, Id = queenAnne.Id, ImageUrl = queenAnne.ImageUrl, Location = null, Name = NEW_NAME, RequiredSkills = queenAnne.RequiredSkills, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time", StartDateTime = startDateTime, OrganizationId = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganizationId, OrganizationName = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganization.Name, }; var query = new EditEventCommand { Event = vm }; var handler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context); var result = await handler.Handle(query); Assert.Equal(100, result); // should get back the event id var data = context.Events.Single(_ => _.Id == result); Assert.Equal(NEW_NAME, data.Name); Assert.Equal(2015, data.StartDateTime.Year); Assert.Equal(7, data.StartDateTime.Month); Assert.Equal(12, data.StartDateTime.Day); Assert.Equal(4, data.StartDateTime.Hour); Assert.Equal(15, data.StartDateTime.Minute); Assert.Equal(-5, data.StartDateTime.Offset.TotalHours); Assert.Equal(2015, data.EndDateTime.Year); Assert.Equal(12, data.EndDateTime.Month); Assert.Equal(7, data.EndDateTime.Day); Assert.Equal(15, data.EndDateTime.Hour); Assert.Equal(10, data.EndDateTime.Minute); Assert.Equal(-6, data.EndDateTime.Offset.TotalHours); }
public async Task ExistingEventUpdateLocation() { var seattlePostalCode = "98117"; var seattle = new Location { Id = 1, Address1 = "123 Main Street", Address2 = "Unit 2", City = "Seattle", PostalCode = seattlePostalCode, Country = "USA", State = "WA", Name = "Organizer name", PhoneNumber = "555-555-5555" }; var context = ServiceProvider.GetService<AllReadyContext>(); var htb = new Organization { Id = 123, Name = "Humanitarian Toolbox", LogoUrl = "", WebUrl = "", Campaigns = new List<Campaign>() }; var firePrev = new Campaign { Id = 1, Name = "Neighborhood Fire Prevention Days", ManagingOrganization = htb, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time" }; htb.Campaigns.Add(firePrev); var queenAnne = new Event { Id = 100, Name = "Queen Anne Fire Prevention Day", Campaign = firePrev, CampaignId = firePrev.Id, StartDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 7, 4, 10, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), EndDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 15, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(), Location = seattle, RequiredSkills = new List<EventSkill>() }; context.Locations.Add(seattle); context.Organizations.Add(htb); context.Events.Add(queenAnne); context.SaveChanges(); var NEW_LOCATION = LocationExtensions.ToEditModel(new Location { Address1 = "123 new address", Address2 = "new suite", PostalCode = "98004", City = "Bellevue", State = "WA", Country = "USA", Name = "New name", PhoneNumber = "New number" }); var locationEdit = new EventEditViewModel { CampaignId = queenAnne.CampaignId, CampaignName = queenAnne.Campaign.Name, Description = queenAnne.Description, EndDateTime = queenAnne.EndDateTime, Id = queenAnne.Id, ImageUrl = queenAnne.ImageUrl, Location = NEW_LOCATION, Name = queenAnne.Name, RequiredSkills = queenAnne.RequiredSkills, TimeZoneId = "Central Standard Time", StartDateTime = queenAnne.StartDateTime, OrganizationId = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganizationId, OrganizationName = queenAnne.Campaign.ManagingOrganization.Name, }; var query = new EditEventCommand { Event = locationEdit }; var handler = new EditEventCommandHandler(context); var result = await handler.Handle(query); Assert.Equal(100, result); // should get back the event id var data = context.Events.Single(a => a.Id == result); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Address1, NEW_LOCATION.Address1); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Address2, NEW_LOCATION.Address2); Assert.Equal(data.Location.City, NEW_LOCATION.City); Assert.Equal(data.Location.PostalCode, NEW_LOCATION.PostalCode); Assert.Equal(data.Location.State, NEW_LOCATION.State); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Country, NEW_LOCATION.Country); Assert.Equal(data.Location.PhoneNumber, NEW_LOCATION.PhoneNumber); Assert.Equal(data.Location.Name, NEW_LOCATION.Name); }
public ICommandHandler <EditEventCommand, Event> Build(EditEventCommand command) { return(new EditEventCommandHandler(_service, command)); }