コード例 #1
        // real-word candidate has more restriction than non-word
        // TBD, need to organize the code ...
        // the check should be done in the ranking
        // Core process for real-word candidates
        private static bool IsValid1To1Cand(string inWord, string cand, CSpellApi cSpellApi)
            RootDictionary suggestDic = cSpellApi.GetSuggestDic();
            Word2Vec       word2VecOm = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecOm();
            WordWcMap      wordWcMap  = cSpellApi.GetWordWcMap();
            // real-word, check phonetic and suggDic
            // 1. check suggDic
            // 1.1 edDist <= 1
            // 1.2 edDist <= 2 && phonetic dist <= 1
            // 2. check if inflections, not a candidate real-word, not correct
            bool   flag                = false;
            int    rw1To1CandMinWc     = cSpellApi.GetCanRw1To1CandMinWc();
            int    rw1To1CandMinLength = cSpellApi.GetCanRw1To1CandMinLength();
            string inWordLc            = inWord.ToLower();
            int    inWordLen           = inWordLc.Length;
            int    candLen             = cand.Length;
            int    lenDiff             = inWordLen - candLen;

            // 1. check suggDic and inflVars
            if ((suggestDic.IsDicWord(cand) == true) && (word2VecOm.HasWordVec(cand) == true) && (candLen >= rw1To1CandMinLength) && (WordCountScore.GetWc(cand, wordWcMap) >= rw1To1CandMinWc) && (InflVarsUtil.IsInflectionVar(inWordLc, cand) == false))             // not inflVars
                //&& ((lenDiff <= 1) && (lenDiff >= -1))) // length diff <= 1
                // more restriction for real-word candidates
                int pmDist     = Metaphone2.GetDistance(inWordLc, cand);
                int prDist     = RefinedSoundex.GetDistance(inWordLc, cand);
                int leadDist   = GetLeadCharDist(inWordLc, cand);
                int endDist    = GetEndCharDist(inWordLc, cand);
                int lengthDist = GetLengthDist(inWordLc, cand);
                int totalDist1 = leadDist + endDist + lengthDist + pmDist + prDist;
                int editDist   = EditDistance.GetDistanceForRealWord(inWordLc, cand);
                int totalDist2 = editDist + pmDist + prDist;
                // if they sound the same
                if ((pmDist == 0) && (prDist == 0))
                    flag = true;
                // if they sound similar and orthographic is also similar
                // fixed from empierical test, not configuable
                else if ((totalDist1 < 3) && (totalDist2 < 4) && (pmDist * prDist == 0))
                    flag = true;
コード例 #2
        private static void TestFpStr(string str1, string str2, CSpellApi cSpellApi)
            HashSet <string> candSet = GetCandidates(str1.ToLower(), cSpellApi);
            bool             flag    = candSet.Contains(str2);

            if (flag == true)
            Console.WriteLine(flag + "|" + totalFpNo_ + "|" + totalFpStrNo_ + "|" + str1 + "|" + str2 + "|" + EditDistance.GetDistanceForRealWord(str1, str2) + "|" + RefinedSoundex.GetDistanceDetailStr(str1, str2) + "|" + Metaphone2.GetDistanceDetailStr(str1, str2, 10));