コード例 #1
         * Gets the weight of the edge between two vertices.
         * @param first_index   The index of the first vertex.
         * @param second_index  The index of the second vertex.
         * @return The weight of the edge.
         * @throws ArgumentException exception if first_vertex or second_vertex
         * is negative or greater-or-equal than the number of vertices in the
         * graph, or if first_index is equal to second_index.
        public float GetEdgeWeight(int first_index, int second_index)
            if (first_index < 0 || first_index >= Size ||
                second_index < 0 || second_index >= Size ||
                !Edges.EdgeExists(first_index, second_index))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            return(Edges.GetEdge(first_index, second_index).Value);
コード例 #2
         * Finds a minimum spanning tree in the graph.
         * The MST is found using a modifed DFS algorithm. The only difference
         * to the algorithm implemented by DepthFirstSearch() method, is that
         * here we record the edges that were crossed throughout the algorithm.
         * These edges make up the MST at the end of the DFS search.
         * @param start_index           The index of the vertex where search starts at.
         * @param mst                   Unweighted tree instance that will become
         *                              an MST in this method. The MST instance must
         *                              already contain all the original's graph
         *                              vertices.
         * @return The unweighted graph instance representing the MST. Note
         * that NULL is returned if there is no path from the vertex at
         * start_index to one or more vertices in the graph.
         * @throws ArgumentException exception if start_index is negative
         * or greater-or-equal to the number of vertices in the graph.
        protected IUnweightedGraph <VertexT> FindMinimumSpanningTree(
            int start_index, IUnweightedGraph <VertexT> mst)
            if (start_index < 0 || start_index >= Size)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            // Tracks the visited vertices so that we don't visit the same
            // vertex multiple times
            BitArray visited = new BitArray(Size, false);

            // After they are visited, the vertices are pushed to the stack
            // so that search can be continued at them at later time
            StackViaLinkedList <int> stack = new StackViaLinkedList <int>();

            // Push the start vertex to the queue and mark it as visited.
            visited[start_index] = true;
            int added_edges_count = 0;

            // The column of the adjacency matrix where the search for adjacent
            // vertices needs to start from. This is set to stack.Pop() + 1 so
            // that we don't re-scan the entire row of the adjacency matrix
            // when we continue looking at the adjacent vertices of the vertex
            // that was pushed to the stack before
            int column = 0;

            while (!stack.IsEmpty())
                for (; column < Size; ++column)
                    if (Edges.EdgeExists(stack.Peak(), column) && !visited[column])
                        // Found an unvisited adjacent vertex. Add an edge between
                        // this vertex and the vertex at the top of the stack.
                        // Note that if this is an undirected graph, the AddEdge
                        // method bellow will also add an edge in the opposite
                        // direction.
                        mst.AddEdge(stack.Peak(), column);

                        // Mark it as visited and push it to the stack
                        visited[column] = true;

                        // Reset the column to 0 so that the adjacency matrix row
                        // corresponding to unvisited vertex is scanned from the
                        // beginning
                        column = 0;

                        // Break the the loop as we need to look at the adjecent
                        // vertices of the new vertex at the top of the stack next

                if (column == Size)
                    // We've found no unvisited adjecent vertices of the vertex
                    // at the top of the stack. Pop it off the stack so the next
                    // iteration will look at other adjacent vertices of the
                    // new top of the stack. Note that column is set to
                    // stack.Pop() + 1 so we start scanning that vertex's
                    // adjacency matrix row from where we left off
                    column = stack.Pop() + 1;

            // The MST must consists of Size - 1 edges. If this is not the
            // case, the graph is disconnected and MST doesn't exist (in
            // which case NULL is returned)
            return(added_edges_count == Size - 1 ? mst : null);
コード例 #3
         * Finds the shortest path between the vertices at the start_index
         * and end_index.
         * @note Uses the modified BFS algorithm to find the shortest path.
         * TODO: describe the algorithm.
         * @param start_index  The index of the start vertex.
         * @param end_index    The index of the end vertex.
         * @return A collection of vertex indices tracing the path from the
         * start_index to end_index, or NULL if these two vertices are
         * not connected. If start_index == end_index, a collection with a
         * single element (start_index) is returned.
         * @throws ArgumentException exception if start_index or end_index
         * is negative or greater-or-equal to the number of vertices in the
         * graph.
        public override ICollection <int> FindShortestPath(int start_index, int end_index)
            if (start_index < 0 || start_index >= Size || end_index < 0 || end_index >= Size)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            if (start_index == end_index)
                // Return a list with the given vertex index
                return(new LinkedList <int>(new int[] { start_index }));

            // Tracks which vertices are visited during the BFS search
            BitArray visited_vertices = new BitArray(Size, false);

            // Once visited, vertex indices are added to the queue
            QueueViaLinkedList <int> queue = new QueueViaLinkedList <int>();

            // Each entry prev[i] contain the index of the vertex visited
            // immediatelly prior to vertex i (or -1 if vertex i is the
            // very first visited vertex or has not been visited yet)
            int[] prev = Enumerable.Repeat(-1, Size).ToArray();

            // Add the index of the start vertex to the queue
            visited_vertices[start_index] = true;

            // BFS algorithm is done once the queue becomes empty
            while (!queue.IsEmpty())
                // Remove the vertex whose direct siblings are to be visited
                // in this iteration
                int curr_vertex_index = queue.Dequeue();

                for (int column = 0; column < Size; ++column)
                    if (Edges.EdgeExists(curr_vertex_index, column) && !visited_vertices[column])
                        // Found an adjacent unvisited vertex. Visit it and push it
                        // to the queue so that its adjecent vertices will be visited
                        // later
                        visited_vertices[column] = true;

                        // Mark the vertex that was visisted immediatelly prior
                        // to the current one.
                        prev[column] = curr_vertex_index;

                        if (column == end_index)
                            // Traced the path to the end vertex. Clear the queue
                            // so that the outer while loop will terminate

            LinkedList <int> shortest_path = null;

            if (prev[end_index] != -1)
                // Trace the path from the vertex at end_index back to the
                // start_index. This is the shortest path from start_index
                // to end_index
                shortest_path = new LinkedList <int>();
                int index = end_index;

                while (index != -1)
                    index = prev[index];
