public override void ReceiveTile(Tile obj, Position loc) { if (_cl == null) { _cl = new Collage(_fmt, 1, false); _cl.AddBlankTiles(1); Activate(_main.toolBox); } EdgeKind kind = EdgeOf(loc); if (kind != EdgeKind.None) { int x, y; Edge.GetCoords(kind, out x, out y); Edge e = _edges[(int)kind]; e.Distance = new Position(x, y); ResizeCollage(e); if (x == -1) { loc.col = 0; } if (y == -1) { loc.row = 0; } } _selPos = loc; _cl.SetTile(_selPos, obj as Tile); Render(); }
public void DeleteEdge(EdgeKind kind) { if (_cl == null) { return; } int x, y; Edge.GetCoords(kind, out x, out y); if (x == -1) { DeleteCollageColumn(0); } else if (x == 1) { DeleteCollageColumn(_cl.Columns - 1); } if (y == -1) { DeleteCollageRow(0); } else if (y == 1) { DeleteCollageRow(_cl.Rows - 1); } }
private void ShiftCamera(EdgeKind e) { int x, y; Edge.GetCoords(e, out x, out y); ShiftCamera(Math.Abs(x), Math.Abs(y)); }
public EdgeStatementSyntax( IEdgeVertexStatementSyntax left, EdgeKind edgeKind, IEdgeVertexStatementSyntax right, AttributeListSyntax?attributes = null) : this( left,
// Constructors public Edge(Node <TValue> tail, Node <TValue> head, EdgeKind kind, EdgeWeight weight) { Tail = tail; Head = head; Kind = kind; Weight = weight; }
internal Lnk(Lnk e) { this.u = e.u; this.v = e.v; this.l = e.l; this.c = e.c; this.ek = e.ek; }
public Edge ExchangeRight(ExpressionTree <T> tree, EdgeKind k) { var r = this.Right; this.Right = new Edge(this, tree, k); return(r); }
public Edge ExchangeLeft(ExpressionTree <T> tree, EdgeKind k) { var l = this.Left; this.Left = new Edge(this, tree, k); return(l); }
public Edge(ExpressionTree <T> s, ExpressionTree <T> t, EdgeKind k) { CHECKS.ASSERT_NOT_NULL(s, "A node in an expression tree cannot be null."); CHECKS.ASSERT_NOT_NULL(t, "A node in an expression tree cannot be null."); Source = s; Target = t; Kind = k; }
public GraphBuilder <T> Kind(EdgeKind kind) { if (kind == default) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kind)); } this._kind = kind; return(this); }
public Edge <TValue> AddEdge(TValue tail, TValue head, EdgeKind kind, EdgeWeight weight) { var tailNode = GetNode(tail); var headNode = GetNode(head); var edge = new Edge <TValue>(tailNode, headNode, kind, weight); tailNode.OutgoingEdges.Add(edge); headNode.IncomingEdges.Add(edge); return(edge); }
internal Edge <T> AddEdge(EdgeKind kind, params Node <T>[] to) { if (to == null || to.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(to)); } Edge <T> edge = new Edge <T>(kind, this, to); _edges.Add(edge); return(edge); }
public bool HighlightEdgeAt(int x, int y) { bool wasOob; Position pos = GetPosition(x, y, out wasOob); EdgeKind kind = wasOob ? EdgeKind.None : EdgeOf(pos); Edge e = _edges[(int)kind]; bool changed = _hlEdge != e; _hlEdge = e; return(changed); }
internal Lnk(int u, int v, int l, int c, EdgeKind ek) { this.u = u; this.v = v; this.l = l; this.c = c; this.ek = ek; }
public static IGraph ImportAdjacentList <T>(string _FilePath, EdgeKind _EdgeKind) where T : IWeight, new() { Console.WriteLine("Starte Importieren: " + _FilePath); var hStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); hStopwatch.Start(); String[] hAdjacentListFileContent = { }; if (File.Exists(_FilePath)) { hAdjacentListFileContent = File.ReadAllLines(_FilePath); } // Initiales Anlegen der Knoten. var hGraph = new Graph(); var hNodeCount = Convert.ToInt32(hAdjacentListFileContent[0]); for (int hNodeId = 0; hNodeId < hNodeCount; hNodeId++) { hGraph.CreateNewNode(hNodeId); } // Anlegen der Kanten switch (_EdgeKind) { case EdgeKind.UndirectedUnweighted: ImportUnweightedUndirected(hGraph, hAdjacentListFileContent); break; case EdgeKind.UndirectedWeighted: ImportWeightedUndirected <T>(hGraph, hAdjacentListFileContent); break; case EdgeKind.DirectedWeighted: ImportWeightedDirected <T>(hGraph, hAdjacentListFileContent); break; } //switch (_EdgeKind) hStopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Anzahl eingelesener Knoten:\t" + hGraph.GetNodeDictionary().Count.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Anzahl eingelesener Kanten:\t" + hGraph.GetEdgeIndices().Count.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Dauer Einlesevorgang:\t\t" + hStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); Console.WriteLine(); return(hGraph); }
internal Lnk( int u, int v, int l, int c, EdgeKind ek, Lnk next) { this.u = u; this.v = v; this.l = l; this.c = c; this.ek = ek; = next; }
private void AddWallHit(WallController wallController, EdgeKind edgeKind, Vector2 point) { if (wallController == _curentlyIgnoredWall) { return; } EdgeHitContainer curEdgeHits = null; if (!_WallHits.TryGetValue(wallController, out curEdgeHits)) { curEdgeHits = new EdgeHitContainer(); _WallHits.Add(wallController, curEdgeHits); } curEdgeHits.Add(edgeKind, point); }
internal Edge GetEdge(EdgeKind kind) { if (kind == EdgeKind.A) { return(EdgeA); } if (kind == EdgeKind.B) { return(EdgeB); } if (kind == EdgeKind.C) { return(EdgeC); } return(EdgeD); }
public override IPiece PieceAt(Position loc) { if (_cl == null || loc.col < -1 || loc.row < -1 || loc.col > _cl.Columns || loc.row > _cl.Rows) { return(null); } EdgeKind kind = EdgeOf(loc); if (kind == EdgeKind.None) { return(_cl.TileAt(loc)); } return(_edges[(int)kind]); }
public IEnumerable <LineSegment> GetHitSegments(EdgeKind edge) { if (edge == EdgeKind.A) { return(GetSegments(_HitsEdgeA)); } else if (edge == EdgeKind.B) { return(GetSegments(_HitsEdgeB)); } else if (edge == EdgeKind.C) { return(GetSegments(_HitsEdgeC)); } else if (edge == EdgeKind.D) { return(GetSegments(_HitsEdgeD)); } return(Enumerable.Empty <LineSegment>()); }
internal void Add(EdgeKind edge, Vector2 point) { if (_isClosed) { return; } if (edge == EdgeKind.A) { _HitsEdgeA.Add(point); } else if (edge == EdgeKind.B) { _HitsEdgeB.Add(point); } else if (edge == EdgeKind.C) { _HitsEdgeC.Add(point); } else if (edge == EdgeKind.D) { _HitsEdgeD.Add(point); } }
public void InsertLeft(ExpressionTree <T> tree, EdgeKind k) { this.Left = new Edge(this, tree, k); }
public void InitLightMesh(IEnumerable <WallController> wallControllers) { _mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; var vertices2d = new List <Vector2>(); GameObject lastHitWall = null; WallController lastWallController = null; EdgeKind lastHitEdgeKind = EdgeKind.None; Vector3 lastHitPointLocal = new Vector3(); Vector3 lastHitPointWorld = new Vector3(); DrawRaycast(transform.position, wallControllers); float angle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _raysToShoot; i++) { var x = Mathf.Sin(angle); var y = Mathf.Cos(angle); angle -= 2 * Mathf.PI / _raysToShoot; Vector3 dir = new Vector3(x, y, 0); RaycastHit2D hit; hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, dir, _distance, WallLayerMask); if (hit.collider != null) { Vector3 curHitPointWorld = hit.point; Vector3 curHitPointLocal = transform.InverseTransformPoint(curHitPointWorld); WallController curWallController = hit.collider.GetComponent <WallController>(); EdgeKind curHitEdgeKind = curWallController.GetEdgeKind(curHitPointWorld); if (curHitEdgeKind == EdgeKind.None) { //TODO this shouldn't happen!! this happens with all the points close to an intersecting point between two edges //that's why the edges don't close properly lastHitPointLocal = curHitPointLocal; continue; //draw points on if on no edge //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hit.point, Color.white, 180); //curWallController.DrawEdges(); } if (lastHitWall == null) { lastHitWall = hit.collider.gameObject; } else if (lastHitWall != hit.collider.gameObject || curHitEdgeKind != lastHitEdgeKind) { //always add first and last hitpoint on the same wall to form an edge //add last hit point vertices2d.Add(lastHitPointLocal); lastHitWall = hit.collider.gameObject; //add current hit point vertices2d.Add(curHitPointLocal); AddWallHit(lastWallController, lastHitEdgeKind, lastHitPointWorld); bool isCurWallParent = GetComponentInParent <WallController>() == curWallController; if (isCurWallParent) { var curEdge = curWallController.GetEdge(curHitEdgeKind); AddWallHit(curWallController, curHitEdgeKind, curEdge.Start); AddWallHit(curWallController, curHitEdgeKind, curEdge.End); _curentlyIgnoredWall = curWallController; } else { AddWallHit(curWallController, curHitEdgeKind, curHitPointWorld); } } lastHitPointLocal = curHitPointLocal; lastHitPointWorld = curHitPointWorld; lastHitEdgeKind = curHitEdgeKind; lastWallController = curWallController; } else { var tmp = transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position + dir); lastHitPointLocal = new Vector2(tmp.x, tmp.y); vertices2d.Add(lastHitPointLocal); } } vertices2d.Add(lastHitPointLocal); // build mesh List <Vector3> newVertices = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (var curPos in vertices2d) { newVertices.Add(new Vector3(curPos.x, curPos.y, 0)); } var triangles = new int[newVertices.Count * 3]; // triangle list int j = -1; for (int n = 0; n < triangles.Length - 3; n += 3) { j++; triangles[n] = newVertices.Count - 1; if (j >= newVertices.Count) { triangles[n + 1] = 0; } else { triangles[n + 1] = j + 1; } triangles[n + 2] = j; } j++; // central point newVertices[newVertices.Count - 1] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); triangles[triangles.Length - 3] = newVertices.Count - 1; triangles[triangles.Length - 2] = 0; triangles[triangles.Length - 1] = j - 1; // Create the mesh _mesh.vertices = newVertices.ToArray(); _mesh.triangles = triangles; _mesh.uv = new Vector2[newVertices.Count]; CloseWallHitContainers(); }
public static void GetCoords(EdgeKind e, out int x, out int y) { x = ((int)e % 3) - 1; y = ((int)e / 3) - 1; }
public Edge(EdgeKind kind) { _kind = kind; _dist = new Position(0, 0); }
public void InsertRight(ExpressionTree <T> tree, EdgeKind k) { this.Right = new Edge(this, tree, k); }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated! /// </summary> /// <param name="_FilePath"></param> /// <param name="_EdgeKind"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IGraph ImportAdjacentList(string _FilePath, EdgeKind _EdgeKind) { return(ImportAdjacentList <CostWeighted>(_FilePath, _EdgeKind)); }
internal Edge(EdgeKind kind, Node <T> from, params Node <T>[] to) { ToNodes = new ReadOnlyCollection <Node <T> >(to); FromNode = from; EdgeKind = kind; }