コード例 #1
    void UpdateRobotInfo()
        // 移動先までの角度差を計算する
        float angle = Vector3.Angle(currentGao.transform.position - Vector3.zero, nextGao.transform.position - Vector3.zero);

        // 回転軸を割り出す
        // currentGaoとnextGaoのどちらかは必ず辺のオブジェクトで、回転軸を持つ
        edge = (currentGao.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>() != null) ? currentGao.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>() : nextGao.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();
        Vector3 axis = edge.vertex[0].transform.position - edge.vertex[1].transform.position; // 回転軸

        // angle度でrobotのRotateAroundを行う
        robot.transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, axis, angle);
        // angle度で回転後の位置及び角度を記録する
        Vector3 nextPos01   = robot.transform.position;
        Vector3 nextAngle01 = robot.transform.eulerAngles;

        // -2 * angle度でrobotのRotateAroundを行う(逆方向に回転させる)
        robot.transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, axis, -2 * angle);
        // -angle度で回転後の位置及び角度を記録する
        Vector3 nextPos02   = robot.transform.position;
        Vector3 nextAngle02 = robot.transform.eulerAngles;

        // angle度でrobotのRotateAroundを行う(初期位置に戻す)
        robot.transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, axis, angle);

        // 上で調べたnextPosとnextGaoが原点と織りなす角度の差を求め、より小さい方を正しい回転方向として採用する
        float   angle01   = Vector3.Angle(nextGao.transform.position - Vector3.zero, nextPos01 - Vector3.zero);
        float   angle02   = Vector3.Angle(nextGao.transform.position - Vector3.zero, nextPos02 - Vector3.zero);
        Vector3 nextAngle = (angle01 < angle02) ? nextAngle01 : nextAngle02;

        // ロボットの位置
        robot.transform.position = nextGao.transform.position;
        // ロボットの方向
        robot.transform.eulerAngles = nextAngle;
コード例 #2
    void MakeLists1_AroundVertex()
        for (int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++)
            colList = Physics.OverlapSphere(vertexList[i].transform.position, searchDis_vertex); // 各頂点の原点位置を中心にオブジェクト探索

            for (int j = 0; j < colList.Length; j++)
                if (colList[j].gameObject.CompareTag("Edge"))
                    edge = colList[j].gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();
                    // EdgeInformationに、辺に接する2頂点のtransform情報を与える
                    if (edge.vertex[0] == null)
                        edge.vertex[0] = vertexList[i];
                        edge.vertex[1] = vertexList[i];

                    int num = edge.EdgeNum;                                 // 辺の識別番号 edgeNum を取得する
                    // 辺に接する頂点のリスト化
                    vertexList_FromEdge[num].Add(vertexList[i].gameObject); // ◆今のところデバッグ用としてのみの使用◆頂点のgameObject = vertexList[i].gameObject
コード例 #3
    void MakeLists2_AroundEdge()
        for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.Count; i++)
            colList = Physics.OverlapSphere(edgeList[i].transform.position, searchDis_edge); // 各辺の原点位置を中心にオブジェクト探索
            edge    = edgeList[i].GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();

            for (int j = 0; j < colList.Length; j++)
                if (colList[j].gameObject.CompareTag("Face"))
                    //// 辺に接する面のリスト化 ////

                    // EdgeInformationに、辺に接する2面のtransform情報を与える
                    if (edge.face[0] == null)
                        edge.face[0] = colList[j].gameObject;
                        edge.face[1] = colList[j].gameObject;

                    // 辺に接する面のリスト化
                    faceList_FromEdge[i].Add(colList[j].gameObject); // ◆今のところデバッグ用としてのみの使用◆辺の識別番号 = i、面のgameObject = colList[j].gameObject

                    //// 面に接する辺のリスト化 ////

                    face = colList[j].gameObject.GetComponent <FaceInformation>();
                    // FaceInformationに、面に接する4辺のtransform情報を与える
                    if (face.edge[0] == null)
                        face.edge[0] = edgeList[i];
                    else if (face.edge[1] == null)
                        face.edge[1] = edgeList[i];
                    else if (face.edge[2] == null)
                        face.edge[2] = edgeList[i];
                        face.edge[3] = edgeList[i];

                    // 面に接する辺のリスト化
                    edgeList_FromFace[face.FaceNum].Add(edgeList[i]); // ◆今のところデバッグ用としてのみの使用◆面の識別番号 = face.FaceNum、辺のgameObject = edgeList[i]
コード例 #4
    void NumberingAndMakeLists()
        for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.Count; i++)
            edge         = edgeList[i].GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();
            edge.EdgeNum = i;                                 // 辺に識別番号を付与

            vertexList_FromEdge.Add(new List <GameObject>()); // 辺の数だけ新規リストを作成
            faceList_FromEdge.Add(new List <GameObject>());   // 辺の数だけ新規リストを作成

        for (int j = 0; j < faceList.Count; j++)
            face         = faceList[j].GetComponent <FaceInformation>();
            face.FaceNum = j;                               // 面に識別番号を付与

            edgeList_FromFace.Add(new List <GameObject>()); // 面の数だけ新規リストを作成
コード例 #5
    void FindNearestFaceOrEdge()
        // 直前までカメラが面していたのは面か辺か
        if (!vertical && !horizontal) // 面の時
            face = currentGao.GetComponent <FaceInformation>();
            float?diff = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                // robotの探索移動前後の距離を比較し、最も距離が縮まった辺(のGameObject)を割り出す
                // robotの探索移動前(=現在いる面)と移動先候補の辺との距離
                float beforeDis = (face.edge[i].transform.position - currentGao.transform.position).magnitude;
                // robotの探索移動後と移動先候補の辺との距離
                float afterDis = (face.edge[i].transform.position - robot.transform.position).magnitude;
                if (diff == null || afterDis - beforeDis < diff)
                    diff    = afterDis - beforeDis;
                    nextGao = face.edge[i];
        else // 辺の時
            edge = currentGao.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();
            float?diff = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                // robotの探索移動前後の距離を比較し、最も距離が縮まった面(のGameObject)を割り出す
                // robotの探索移動前(=現在いる面)と移動先候補の辺との距離
                float beforeDis = (edge.face[i].transform.position - currentGao.transform.position).magnitude;
                // robotの探索移動後と移動先候補の辺との距離
                float afterDis = (edge.face[i].transform.position - robot.transform.position).magnitude;
                if (diff == null || afterDis - beforeDis < diff)
                    diff    = afterDis - beforeDis;
                    nextGao = edge.face[i];
コード例 #6
    public GameObject CreateEdge(Node source, Node target)
        // create edge in graph
        EdgeData data = new EdgeData();

        data.label  = "edge";
        data.length = 60.0f;
        Edge newEdge     = new Edge(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), source, target, data);
        Edge createdEdge = graph.AddEdge(newEdge);

        // create unity edge object
        GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(EdgePrefab);

        go.transform.parent       = gameObject.transform;
        gameNodes[createdEdge.ID] = go;

        EdgeInformation edgeInfo = go.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();

        edgeInfo.edge = createdEdge;

コード例 #7
    public void HandleQueue(DataQueue queue)
        BaseEntity root;
        BaseEntity refering;
        GameObject go;

        if (queue.GetFromQueue(out root, out refering))
            Node rootNode = root != null?nodes.ContainsKey(root.Id) ? nodes[root.Id] : null : null;

            Node referingNode = refering != null?nodes.ContainsKey(refering.Id) ? nodes[refering.Id] : null : null;

            if (root != null && rootNode == null)
                go = CreateNode(root.Id);
                NodeInformation nodeInfo = go.GetComponent <NodeInformation>();
                nodes[nodeInfo.node.ID] = nodeInfo.node;
                rootNode        = nodeInfo.node;
                nodeInfo.entity = root;

            if (refering != null && referingNode == null)
                go = CreateNode(refering.Id);
                NodeInformation nodeInfo = go.GetComponent <NodeInformation>();
                nodes[nodeInfo.node.ID] = nodeInfo.node;
                referingNode            = nodeInfo.node;
                nodeInfo.entity         = refering;

            if (rootNode != null && referingNode != null)
                go = CreateEdge(rootNode, referingNode);
                EdgeInformation edgeInfo = go.GetComponent <EdgeInformation>();
コード例 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Default constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="start">Start position of the edge</param>
		/// <param name="end">End position of the edge</param>
		/// <param name="information">Aditional information of the edge</param>
		public NavigationEdge(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, EdgeInformation information)
			this.start = start;
			this.end = end;
			this.information = information;
コード例 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Parametrized constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="start">Start node of the edge</param>
		/// <param name="end">End node of the edge</param>
		/// <param name="cost">Cost of the edge</param>
		/// <param name="information">Extra information of the edge</param>
		public AnnotatedEdge(int start, int end, float cost, EdgeInformation information)
			: base(start, end, cost)
			this.information = information;
コード例 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Default constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>The edge information is set to normal</remarks>
		public AnnotatedEdge()
			this.information = EdgeInformation.Normal;
コード例 #11
    private void DrawFieldOfView()
        int   rayCount     = Mathf.RoundToInt(viewAngle * meshResolution);
        float rayAngleSize = viewAngle / rayCount;

        List <Vector3>         viewPoints     = new List <Vector3>();
        ViewRaycastInformation oldViewRaycast = new ViewRaycastInformation();

        for (int i = 0; i <= rayCount; i++)
            float currentAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y - viewAngle / 2 + rayAngleSize * i;

            ViewRaycastInformation newViewRaycast = ViewRaycast(currentAngle);

            if (i > 0)
                bool edgeDistanceThresholdExceeded = Mathf.Abs(oldViewRaycast.distance - newViewRaycast.distance) > edgeDistanceThreshold;
                if (oldViewRaycast.hit != newViewRaycast.hit || (oldViewRaycast.hit && newViewRaycast.hit && edgeDistanceThresholdExceeded))
                    // Find Edge
                    EdgeInformation edge = FindEdge(oldViewRaycast, newViewRaycast);

                    if (edge.pointA != Vector3.zero)
                    if (edge.pointB != Vector3.zero)

            oldViewRaycast = newViewRaycast;

            // Draw Mesh Lines
            if (DrawGizmos)
                Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + DirectionFromAngle(currentAngle, true) * viewRadius, Color.blue);

        int vertexCount = viewPoints.Count + 1;

        Vector3[] vertices  = new Vector3[vertexCount];
        int[]     triangles = new int[(vertexCount - 2) * 3];

        vertices[0] = Vector3.zero;
        for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount - 1; i++)
            vertices[i + 1] = transform.InverseTransformPoint(viewPoints[i]) + Vector3.forward * maskCutawayDistance;

            if (i < vertexCount - 2)
                triangles[i * 3]     = 0;
                triangles[i * 3 + 1] = i + 1;
                triangles[i * 3 + 2] = i + 2;

        viewMesh.vertices  = vertices;
        viewMesh.triangles = triangles;
コード例 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">Start position of the edge</param>
 /// <param name="end">End position of the edge</param>
 /// <param name="information">Aditional information of the edge</param>
 public NavigationEdge(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, EdgeInformation information)
     this.start       = start;
     this.end         = end;
     this.information = information;
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Parametrized constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">Start node of the edge</param>
 /// <param name="end">End node of the edge</param>
 /// <param name="cost">Cost of the edge</param>
 /// <param name="information">Extra information of the edge</param>
 public AnnotatedEdge(int start, int end, float cost, EdgeInformation information)
     : base(start, end, cost)
     this.information = information;
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>The edge information is set to normal</remarks>
 public AnnotatedEdge()
     this.information = EdgeInformation.Normal;