コード例 #1
        public void TestStorage()
            var temp = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());

                var         networkParams = NetworkParameters.UnitTests();
                var         to            = new EcKey().ToAddress(networkParams);
                StoredBlock b1;
                using (var store = new BoundedOverheadBlockStore(networkParams, temp))
                    // Check the first block in a new store is the genesis block.
                    var genesis = store.GetChainHead();
                    Assert.AreEqual(networkParams.GenesisBlock, genesis.Header);

                    // Build a new block.
                    b1 = genesis.Build(genesis.Header.CreateNextBlock(to).CloneAsHeader());
                // Check we can get it back out again if we rebuild the store object.
                using (var store = new BoundedOverheadBlockStore(networkParams, temp))
                    var b2 = store.Get(b1.Header.Hash);
                    Assert.AreEqual(b1, b2);
                    // Check the chain head was stored correctly also.
                    Assert.AreEqual(b1, store.GetChainHead());
コード例 #2
ファイル: KeyUtils.cs プロジェクト: MrTarantula/bitpay.net
        public static EcKey CreateEcKeyFromHexString(String privateKey)
            BigInteger pkey = new BigInteger(privateKey, 16);
            EcKey      key  = new EcKey(pkey);

コード例 #3
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: loning/CoinSharp
        public void Bounce()
            // This test covers bug 64 (False double spends). Check that if we create a spend and it's immediately sent
            // back to us, this isn't considered as a double spend.
            var coin1    = Utils.ToNanoCoins(1, 0);
            var coinHalf = Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 50);
            // Start by giving us 1 coin.
            var inbound1 = TestUtils.CreateFakeTx(_params, coin1, _myAddress);

            _wallet.Receive(inbound1, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
            // Send half to some other guy. Sending only half then waiting for a confirm is important to ensure the tx is
            // in the unspent pool, not pending or spent.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.Unspent));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.All));
            var someOtherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_params);
            var outbound1    = _wallet.CreateSend(someOtherGuy, coinHalf);

            _wallet.Receive(outbound1, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
            // That other guy gives us the coins right back.
            var inbound2 = new Transaction(_params);

            inbound2.AddOutput(new TransactionOutput(_params, inbound2, coinHalf, _myAddress));
            _wallet.Receive(inbound2, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
            Assert.AreEqual(coin1, _wallet.GetBalance());
コード例 #4
        public void TestDoubleSpendOnFork()
            // Check what happens when a re-org happens and one of our confirmed transactions becomes invalidated by a
            // double spend on the new best chain.

            var eventCalled = false;
            _wallet.DeadTransaction += (sender, e) => eventCalled = true;

            var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);

            var t1 = _wallet.CreateSend(_someOtherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(10, 0));
            var yetAnotherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
            var t2 = _wallet.CreateSend(yetAnotherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(20, 0));
            // Receive t1 as confirmed by the network.
            var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            // Now we make a double spend become active after a re-org.
            var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            _chain.Add(b3); // Side chain.
            var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            _chain.Add(b4); // New best chain.

            // Should have seen a double spend.
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(30, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
コード例 #5
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: loning/CoinSharp
        public void BasicSpending()
            // We'll set up a wallet that receives a coin, then sends a coin of lesser value and keeps the change.
            var v1 = Utils.ToNanoCoins(1, 0);
            var t1 = TestUtils.CreateFakeTx(_params, v1, _myAddress);

            _wallet.Receive(t1, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
            Assert.AreEqual(v1, _wallet.GetBalance());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.Unspent));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.All));

            var k2 = new EcKey();
            var v2 = Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 50);
            var t2 = _wallet.CreateSend(k2.ToAddress(_params), v2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.Unspent));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.All));

            // Do some basic sanity checks.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, t2.Inputs.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(_myAddress, t2.Inputs[0].ScriptSig.FromAddress);

            // We have NOT proven that the signature is correct!

            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.Pending));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.Spent));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.All));
コード例 #6
        public void TestForking3()
            // Check that we can handle our own spends being rolled back by a fork.
            var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);

            Assert.AreEqual("50.00", Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlyString(_wallet.GetBalance()));
            var dest  = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
            var spend = _wallet.CreateSend(dest, Utils.ToNanoCoins(10, 0));

            // Waiting for confirmation ...
            Assert.AreEqual(0UL, _wallet.GetBalance());
            var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);

            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(40, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
            // genesis -> b1 (receive coins) -> b2 (spend coins)
            //                               \-> b3 -> b4
            var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
            var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);

            // b4 causes a re-org that should make our spend go inactive. Because the inputs are already spent our
            // available balance drops to zero again.
            Assert.AreEqual(0UL, _wallet.GetBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.Available));
            // We estimate that it'll make it back into the block chain (we know we won't double spend).
            // assertEquals(Utils.toNanoCoins(40, 0), wallet.getBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.ESTIMATED));
コード例 #7
        public void TestAsn1Roundtrip()
            var privKeyAsn1 = Hex.Decode("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");
            var decodedKey  = EcKey.FromAsn1(privKeyAsn1);

            // Now re-encode and decode the ASN.1 to see if it is equivalent (it does not produce the exact same byte
            // sequence, some integers are padded now).
            var roundtripKey = EcKey.FromAsn1(decodedKey.ToAsn1());

            byte[] message;
            foreach (var key in new[] { decodedKey, roundtripKey })
                message = Utils.ReverseBytes(Hex.Decode("11da3761e86431e4a54c176789e41f1651b324d240d599a7067bee23d328ec2a"));
                var output = key.Sign(message);
                Assert.IsTrue(key.Verify(message, output));

                output = Hex.Decode("304502206faa2ebc614bf4a0b31f0ce4ed9012eb193302ec2bcaccc7ae8bb40577f47549022100c73a1a1acc209f3f860bf9b9f5e13e9433db6f8b7bd527a088a0e0cd0a4c83e9");
                Assert.IsTrue(key.Verify(message, output));

            // Try to sign with one key and verify with the other.
            message = Utils.ReverseBytes(Hex.Decode("11da3761e86431e4a54c176789e41f1651b324d240d599a7067bee23d328ec2a"));
            Assert.IsTrue(roundtripKey.Verify(message, decodedKey.Sign(message)));
            Assert.IsTrue(decodedKey.Verify(message, roundtripKey.Sign(message)));
コード例 #8
        public void TestStorage()
            var temp = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
                var @params = NetworkParameters.UnitTests();
                var to = new EcKey().ToAddress(@params);
                StoredBlock b1;
                using (var store = new BoundedOverheadBlockStore(@params, temp))
                    // Check the first block in a new store is the genesis block.
                    var genesis = store.GetChainHead();
                    Assert.AreEqual(@params.GenesisBlock, genesis.Header);

                    // Build a new block.
                    b1 = genesis.Build(genesis.Header.CreateNextBlock(to).CloneAsHeader());
                // Check we can get it back out again if we rebuild the store object.
                using (var store = new BoundedOverheadBlockStore(@params, temp))
                    var b2 = store.Get(b1.Header.Hash);
                    Assert.AreEqual(b1, b2);
                    // Check the chain head was stored correctly also.
                    Assert.AreEqual(b1, store.GetChainHead());
コード例 #9
        public void TestForking4()
            // Check that we can handle external spends on an inactive chain becoming active. An external spend is where
            // we see a transaction that spends our own coins but we did not broadcast it ourselves. This happens when
            // keys are being shared between wallets.
            var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);

            Assert.AreEqual("50.00", Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlyString(_wallet.GetBalance()));
            var dest  = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
            var spend = _wallet.CreateSend(dest, Utils.ToNanoCoins(50, 0));
            // We do NOT confirm the spend here. That means it's not considered to be pending because createSend is
            // stateless. For our purposes it is as if some other program with our keys created the tx.
            // genesis -> b1 (receive 50) --> b2
            //                            \-> b3 (external spend) -> b4
            var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);

            var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);

            // The external spend is not active yet.
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(50, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
            var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);

            // The external spend is now active.
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
コード例 #10
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: aklein53/bitcoinsharp
 public void SetUp()
     var myKey = new EcKey();
     _myAddress = myKey.ToAddress(_params);
     _wallet = new Wallet(_params);
     _blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(_params);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ScriptBuilder.cs プロジェクト: wtcoin/dotblock
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a scriptSig that can redeem a pay-to-address output.
 /// If given signature is null, incomplete scriptSig will be created with ScriptOpCodes.OP_0 instead of signature
 /// </summary>
 public static Script CreateInputScript(TransactionSignature signature, EcKey pubKey)
     byte[] pubkeyBytes = pubKey.PublicKeyBytes;
     byte[] sigBytes    = signature != null?signature.EncodeToBitcoin() : new byte[]
     return(new ScriptBuilder().Data(sigBytes).Data(pubkeyBytes).Build());
コード例 #12
ファイル: KeyUtils.cs プロジェクト: MrTarantula/bitpay.net
        public static void SaveEcKey(EcKey ecKey)
            byte[]     bytes = ecKey.ToAsn1();
            FileStream fs    = new FileStream(PRIV_KEY_FILENAME, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
コード例 #13
ファイル: EcKeyTests.cs プロジェクト: shahabhijeet/aznetsdk
        private static EcKey CreateRandomKey(string curve, string defaultAlgo)
            var kid = new Guid().ToString("N");
            var key = new EcKey(kid, curve);

            Assert.Equal(kid, key.Kid);
            Assert.Equal(defaultAlgo, key.DefaultSignatureAlgorithm);
コード例 #14
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: loning/CoinSharp
        public void SetUp()
            var myKey = new EcKey();

            _myAddress = myKey.ToAddress(_params);
            _wallet    = new Wallet(_params);
            _blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(_params);
コード例 #15
ファイル: EcKeyTests.cs プロジェクト: shahabhijeet/aznetsdk
        private static EcKey CreateKeyFromJwk(string json, string curve, string defaultAlgo, bool isPrivateKey = false)
            var jwk = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonWebKey>(json);
            var kid = new Guid().ToString("N");
            var key = new EcKey(kid, curve, jwk.X, jwk.Y, isPrivateKey ? jwk.D : null);

            Assert.Equal(kid, key.Kid);
            Assert.Equal(defaultAlgo, key.DefaultSignatureAlgorithm);
コード例 #16
ファイル: KeyUtils.cs プロジェクト: MrTarantula/bitpay.net
 public static EcKey LoadEcKey()
     using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(PRIV_KEY_FILENAME))
         byte[] b = new byte[1024];
         fs.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
         EcKey key = EcKey.FromAsn1(b);
コード例 #17
 public void Base58EncodingStress()
     // Replace the loop bound with 1000 to get some keys with leading zero byte
     for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
         var key  = new EcKey();
         var key1 = new DumpedPrivateKey(NetworkParameters.TestNet(),
コード例 #18
        public IAsymmetricKeyPair CreateKeyPair(string curve)
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = keyPairGenerator.GenerateEcKeyPair(curve);

            byte[] publicKeyContent  = GetPublicKey(keyPair.Public);
            byte[] privateKeyContent = GetPrivateKey(keyPair.Private);

            var publicKey  = new EcKey(publicKeyContent, AsymmetricKeyType.Public, GetKeyLength(keyPair.Public), curve);
            var privateKey = new EcKey(privateKeyContent, AsymmetricKeyType.Private, GetKeyLength(keyPair.Private), curve);

            return(new AsymmetricKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey));
コード例 #19
ファイル: EcKeyTest.cs プロジェクト: aklein53/bitcoinsharp
 public void Base58EncodingStress()
     // Replace the loop bound with 1000 to get some keys with leading zero byte
     for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
         var key = new EcKey();
         var key1 = new DumpedPrivateKey(NetworkParameters.TestNet(),
コード例 #20
ファイル: PrivateKeys.cs プロジェクト: deivatsi/BitSharper
        public static void Run(string[] args)
            // TODO: Assumes production network not testnet. Make it selectable.
            var @params = NetworkParameters.ProdNet();

                // Decode the private key from Satoshi's Base58 variant. If 51 characters long then it's from BitCoins
                // "dumpprivkey" command and includes a version byte and checksum. Otherwise assume it's a raw key.
                EcKey key;
                if (args[0].Length == 51)
                    var dumpedPrivateKey = new DumpedPrivateKey(@params, args[0]);
                    key = dumpedPrivateKey.Key;
                    var privKey = Base58.DecodeToBigInteger(args[0]);
                    key = new EcKey(privKey);
                Console.WriteLine("Address from private key is: " + key.ToAddress(@params));
                // And the address ...
                var destination = new Address(@params, args[1]);

                // Import the private key to a fresh wallet.
                var wallet = new Wallet(@params);

                // Find the transactions that involve those coins.
                using (var blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(@params))
                    var chain = new BlockChain(@params, wallet, blockStore);

                    var peerGroup = new PeerGroup(blockStore, @params, chain);
                    peerGroup.AddAddress(new PeerAddress(IPAddress.Loopback));

                    // And take them!
                    Console.WriteLine("Claiming " + Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlyString(wallet.GetBalance()) + " coins");
                    wallet.SendCoins(peerGroup, destination, wallet.GetBalance());
                    // Wait a few seconds to let the packets flush out to the network (ugly).
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                Console.WriteLine("First arg should be private key in Base58 format. Second argument should be address to send to.");
コード例 #21
ファイル: PrivateKeys.cs プロジェクト: Virus-X/CoinSharp
        public static void Run(string[] args)
            // TODO: Assumes production network not testnet. Make it selectable.
            var networkParams = NetworkParameters.ProdNet();
                // Decode the private key from Satoshi's Base58 variant. If 51 characters long then it's from BitCoins
                // "dumpprivkey" command and includes a version byte and checksum. Otherwise assume it's a raw key.
                EcKey key;
                if (args[0].Length == 51)
                    var dumpedPrivateKey = new DumpedPrivateKey(networkParams, args[0]);
                    key = dumpedPrivateKey.Key;
                    var privKey = Base58.DecodeToBigInteger(args[0]);
                    key = new EcKey(privKey);
                Console.WriteLine("Address from private key is: " + key.ToAddress(networkParams));
                // And the address ...
                var destination = new Address(networkParams, args[1]);

                // Import the private key to a fresh wallet.
                var wallet = new Wallet(networkParams);

                // Find the transactions that involve those coins.
                using (var blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(networkParams))
                    var chain = new BlockChain(networkParams, wallet, blockStore);

                    var peerGroup = new PeerGroup(blockStore, networkParams, chain);
                    peerGroup.AddAddress(new PeerAddress(IPAddress.Loopback));

                    // And take them!
                    Console.WriteLine("Claiming " + Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlystring(wallet.GetBalance()) + " coins");
                    wallet.SendCoins(peerGroup, destination, wallet.GetBalance());
                    // Wait a few seconds to let the packets flush out to the network (ugly).
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                Console.WriteLine("First arg should be private key in Base58 format. Second argument should be address to send to.");
コード例 #22
ファイル: EcKeyTest.cs プロジェクト: aklein53/bitcoinsharp
        public void TestSignatures()
            // Test that we can construct an ECKey from a private key (deriving the public from the private), then signing
            // a message with it.
            var privkey = new BigInteger(1, Hex.Decode("180cb41c7c600be951b5d3d0a7334acc7506173875834f7a6c4c786a28fcbb19"));
            var key = new EcKey(privkey);
            var message = new byte[32]; // All zeroes.
            var output = key.Sign(message);
            Assert.True(key.Verify(message, output));

            // Test interop with a signature from elsewhere.
            var sig = Hex.Decode("3046022100dffbc26774fc841bbe1c1362fd643609c6e42dcb274763476d87af2c0597e89e022100c59e3c13b96b316cae9fa0ab0260612c7a133a6fe2b3445b6bf80b3123bf274d");
            Assert.True(key.Verify(message, sig));
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for use if the keys and SIN were derived external to this library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecKey">An elliptical curve key.</param>
        /// <param name="clientName">The label for this client.</param>
        /// <param name="envUrl">The target server URL.</param>
        public BitPayService(EcKey ecKey, string clientName = BITPAY_PLUGIN_INFO, string envUrl = BITPAY_URL)
            _ecKey      = ecKey;
            _identity   = KeyUtils.DeriveSIN(_ecKey);
            _baseUrl    = envUrl;
            _httpClient = new HttpClient
                BaseAddress = new Uri(_baseUrl)

            _tokenCache = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var response = Get <List <Dictionary <string, string> > >("tokens", new Dictionary <string, string>());

            _tokenCache = response.SelectMany(t => t).ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.Value);
コード例 #24
        public BitPayTest()
            //            string privHexStr = "00c7a830ce41ea2f0955016b74e213da3b4ecb1fe3aaf3ea51191925f337d7f8cb";
            string privHexStr = "c7a830ce41ea2f0955016b74e213da3b4ecb1fe3aaf3ea51191925f337d7f8cb";

            byte[]     bytes = KeyUtils.hexToBytes(privHexStr);
            BigInteger pkey  = new BigInteger(privHexStr, 16);

            _ecKey = KeyUtils.createEcKeyFromHexString(privHexStr);

            string privHexStr2 = "c7a830ce41ea2f0955016b74e213da3b4ecb1fe3aaf3ea51191925f337d7f8cb";

            byte[] bytes2 = KeyUtils.hexToBytes(privHexStr2);
            _nbKey = new Key(bytes2, -1, false);
コード例 #25
        public void TestSignatures()
            // Test that we can construct an ECKey from a private key (deriving the public from the private), then signing
            // a message with it.
            var privkey = new BigInteger(1, Hex.Decode("180cb41c7c600be951b5d3d0a7334acc7506173875834f7a6c4c786a28fcbb19"));
            var key     = new EcKey(privkey);
            var message = new byte[32]; // All zeroes.
            var output  = key.Sign(message);

            Assert.IsTrue(key.Verify(message, output));

            // Test interop with a signature from elsewhere.
            var sig = Hex.Decode("3046022100dffbc26774fc841bbe1c1362fd643609c6e42dcb274763476d87af2c0597e89e022100c59e3c13b96b316cae9fa0ab0260612c7a133a6fe2b3445b6bf80b3123bf274d");

            Assert.IsTrue(key.Verify(message, sig));
コード例 #26
        private Dictionary <string, string> _tokenCache; // {facade, token}

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for use if the keys and SIN are managed by this library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyString">Private key string.</param>
        /// <param name="clientName">The label for this client.</param>
        /// <param name="envUrl">The target server URL.</param>
        public BitPayService(string keyString = "", string clientName = BITPAY_PLUGIN_INFO, string envUrl = BITPAY_URL)
            if (clientName.Equals(BITPAY_PLUGIN_INFO))
                clientName += " on " + Environment.MachineName;
            // Eliminate special characters from the client name (used as a token label).  Trim to 60 chars.
            string _clientName = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]").Replace(clientName, "_");

            if (_clientName.Length > 60)
                _clientName = _clientName.Substring(0, 60);

            _baseUrl    = envUrl;
            _httpClient = new HttpClient()
                BaseAddress = new Uri(_baseUrl)

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyString))
                _ecKey = KeyUtils.CreateEcKeyFromHexString(keyString);
                if (KeyUtils.PrivateKeyExists())
                    _ecKey = KeyUtils.LoadEcKey();
                    _ecKey = KeyUtils.CreateEcKey();
            _identity = KeyUtils.DeriveSIN(_ecKey);

            _tokenCache = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var response = Get <List <Dictionary <string, string> > >("tokens", new Dictionary <string, string>());

            _tokenCache = response.SelectMany(t => t).ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.Value);
コード例 #27
ファイル: KeyUtils.cs プロジェクト: MrTarantula/bitpay.net
        public static String DeriveSIN(EcKey ecKey)
            String preSIN = "0F02" + BytesToHex(ecKey.PubKeyHash);

            // Convert the hex string back to binary and double sha256 hash it leaving in binary both times
            byte[] preSINbyte = HexToBytes(preSIN);
            byte[] hash2Bytes = Utils.DoubleDigest(preSINbyte);

            // Convert back to hex and take first four bytes
            String hashString  = BytesToHex(hash2Bytes);
            String first4Bytes = hashString.Substring(0, 8);

            // Append first four bytes to fully appended SIN string
            String unencoded = preSIN + first4Bytes;

            byte[] unencodedBytes = new BigInteger(unencoded, 16).ToByteArray();
            String encoded        = Base58.Encode(unencodedBytes);

コード例 #28
ファイル: EcKeyTests.cs プロジェクト: shahabhijeet/aznetsdk
        private static void DoSignVerifyTests(int digestSize, EcKey privateKey, EcKey publicKey)
            // Create pseudo-random hash.
            var rnd    = new Random(0);
            var digest = new byte[digestSize];


            bool verified;

            // Check if private key can sign digest.
            var signatureResult = privateKey.SignAsync(digest, null).Result;
            var signature       = signatureResult.Item1;
            var algorithm       = signatureResult.Item2;

            Assert.Equal(algorithm, privateKey.DefaultSignatureAlgorithm);

            // Check if private key can verify digest.
            verified = privateKey.VerifyAsync(digest, signature, algorithm).Result;

            if (publicKey != null)
                // Check if public key can verify digest.
                verified = publicKey.VerifyAsync(digest, signature, algorithm).Result;

            signature[signature.Length - 1] ^= 1;

            // Check if private key can deny invalid digest.
            verified = privateKey.VerifyAsync(digest, signature, algorithm).Result;

            if (publicKey != null)
                // Check if public key can deny invalid digest.
                verified = publicKey.VerifyAsync(digest, signature, algorithm).Result;
コード例 #29
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: loning/CoinSharp
        public void Transactions()
            // This test covers a bug in which Transaction.getValueSentFromMe was calculating incorrectly.
            var tx = TestUtils.CreateFakeTx(_params, Utils.ToNanoCoins(1, 0), _myAddress);
            // Now add another output (ie, change) that goes to some other address.
            var someOtherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_params);
            var output       = new TransactionOutput(_params, tx, Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 5), someOtherGuy);

            // Note that tx is no longer valid: it spends more than it imports. However checking transactions balance
            // correctly isn't possible in SPV mode because value is a property of outputs not inputs. Without all
            // transactions you can't check they add up.
            _wallet.Receive(tx, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
            // Now the other guy creates a transaction which spends that change.
            var tx2 = new Transaction(_params);

            tx2.AddOutput(new TransactionOutput(_params, tx2, Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 5), _myAddress));
            // tx2 doesn't send any coins from us, even though the output is in the wallet.
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), tx2.GetValueSentFromMe(_wallet));
コード例 #30
        public void TestDoubleSpendOnFork()
            // Check what happens when a re-org happens and one of our confirmed transactions becomes invalidated by a
            // double spend on the new best chain.

            var eventCalled = false;

            _wallet.DeadTransaction += (sender, e) => eventCalled = true;

            var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);


            var t1            = _wallet.CreateSend(_someOtherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(10, 0));
            var yetAnotherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
            var t2            = _wallet.CreateSend(yetAnotherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(20, 0));

            // Receive t1 as confirmed by the network.
            var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));


            // Now we make a double spend become active after a re-org.
            var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            _chain.Add(b3); // Side chain.
            var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            _chain.Add(b4); // New best chain.

            // Should have seen a double spend.
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(30, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
コード例 #31
ファイル: Script.cs プロジェクト: wtcoin/dotblock
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an incomplete scriptSig that, once filled with signatures, can redeem output containing this scriptPubKey.
        /// Instead of the signatures resulting script has ScriptOpCodes.OP_0.
        /// Having incomplete input script allows to pass around partially signed tx.
        /// It is expected that this program later on will be updated with proper signatures.
        /// </summary>
        public Script CreateEmptyInputScript(EcKey key, Script redeemScript)
            if (this.IsSentToAddress())
                Guard.Require(key != null, "Key required to create pay-to-address input script");
                return(ScriptBuilder.CreateInputScript(null, key));

            if (this.IsSentToRawPubKey())

            if (this.IsPayToScriptHash())
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                ////Guard.Require(redeemScript != null, "Redeem script required to create P2SH input script");
                ////return ScriptBuilder.CreateP2SHMultiSigInputScript(null, redeemScript);

            throw new ScriptException("Do not understand script type: " + this);
コード例 #32
ファイル: KeyUtils.cs プロジェクト: MrTarantula/bitpay.net
        public static String Sign(EcKey ecKey, String input)
            String hash = Sha256Hash(input);

コード例 #33
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: aklein53/bitcoinsharp
        public void TestBasicSpending()
            // We'll set up a wallet that receives a coin, then sends a coin of lesser value and keeps the change.
            var v1 = Utils.ToNanoCoins(1, 0);
            var t1 = CreateFakeTx(v1, _myAddress);

            _wallet.Receive(t1, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
            Assert.AreEqual(v1, _wallet.GetBalance());

            var k2 = new EcKey();
            var v2 = Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 50);
            var t2 = _wallet.CreateSend(k2.ToAddress(_params), v2);

            // Do some basic sanity checks.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, t2.Inputs.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(_myAddress, t2.Inputs[0].ScriptSig.FromAddress);

            // We have NOT proven that the signature is correct!
コード例 #34
        public void TestDoubleSpendOnForkPending()
            // Check what happens when a re-org happens and one of our UNconfirmed transactions becomes invalidated by a
            // double spend on the new best chain.

            Transaction eventDead        = null;
            Transaction eventReplacement = null;

            _wallet.DeadTransaction +=
                (sender, e) =>
                eventDead        = e.DeadTx;
                eventReplacement = e.ReplacementTx;

            // Start with 50 coins.
            var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);


            var t1            = _wallet.CreateSend(_someOtherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(10, 0));
            var yetAnotherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
            var t2            = _wallet.CreateSend(yetAnotherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(20, 0));

            // t1 is still pending ...
            var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(40, 0), _wallet.GetBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.Estimated));

            // Now we make a double spend become active after a re-org.
            // genesis -> b1 -> b2 [t1 pending]
            //              \-> b3 (t2) -> b4
            var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            _chain.Add(b3); // Side chain.
            var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            _chain.Add(b4); // New best chain.

            // Should have seen a double spend against the pending pool.
            Assert.AreEqual(t1, eventDead);
            Assert.AreEqual(t2, eventReplacement);
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(30, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());

            // ... and back to our own parallel universe.
            var b5 = b2.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            var b6 = b5.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));

            // genesis -> b1 -> b2 -> b5 -> b6 [t1 pending]
            //              \-> b3 [t2 inactive] -> b4
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(40, 0), _wallet.GetBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.Estimated));
コード例 #35
ファイル: Script.cs プロジェクト: loning/CoinSharp
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a script that sends coins directly to the given public key. Same as
 /// <seealso cref="Script#CreateOutputScript(byte[])"/> but more type safe.
 /// </summary>
 public static byte[] CreateOutputScript(EcKey pubkey)
コード例 #36
        public void TestDoubleSpendOnForkPending()
            // Check what happens when a re-org happens and one of our UNconfirmed transactions becomes invalidated by a
            // double spend on the new best chain.

            Transaction eventDead = null;
            Transaction eventReplacement = null;
            _wallet.DeadTransaction +=
                (sender, e) =>
                    eventDead = e.DeadTx;
                    eventReplacement = e.ReplacementTx;

            // Start with 50 coins.
            var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);

            var t1 = _wallet.CreateSend(_someOtherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(10, 0));
            var yetAnotherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
            var t2 = _wallet.CreateSend(yetAnotherGuy, Utils.ToNanoCoins(20, 0));
            // t1 is still pending ...
            var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(40, 0), _wallet.GetBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.Estimated));

            // Now we make a double spend become active after a re-org.
            // genesis -> b1 -> b2 [t1 pending]
            //              \-> b3 (t2) -> b4
            var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            _chain.Add(b3); // Side chain.
            var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            _chain.Add(b4); // New best chain.

            // Should have seen a double spend against the pending pool.
            Assert.AreEqual(t1, eventDead);
            Assert.AreEqual(t2, eventReplacement);
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(30, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());

            // ... and back to our own parallel universe.
            var b5 = b2.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            var b6 = b5.CreateNextBlock(new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams));
            // genesis -> b1 -> b2 -> b5 -> b6 [t1 pending]
            //              \-> b3 [t2 inactive] -> b4
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
            Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(40, 0), _wallet.GetBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.Estimated));
コード例 #37
ファイル: Script.cs プロジェクト: Virus-X/CoinSharp
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a script that sends coins directly to the given public key. Same as
 /// <seealso cref="Script#CreateOutputScript(byte[])"/> but more type safe.
 /// </summary>
 public static byte[] CreateOutputScript(EcKey pubkey)
     return CreateOutputScript(pubkey.PubKey);
コード例 #38
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: Tsunami-ide/Bitcoin
 public void Transactions()
     // This test covers a bug in which Transaction.getValueSentFromMe was calculating incorrectly.
     var tx = TestUtils.CreateFakeTx(_params, Utils.ToNanoCoins(1, 0), _myAddress);
     // Now add another output (ie, change) that goes to some other address.
     var someOtherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_params);
     var output = new TransactionOutput(_params, tx, Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 5), someOtherGuy);
     // Note that tx is no longer valid: it spends more than it imports. However checking transactions balance
     // correctly isn't possible in SPV mode because value is a property of outputs not inputs. Without all
     // transactions you can't check they add up.
     _wallet.Receive(tx, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
     // Now the other guy creates a transaction which spends that change.
     var tx2 = new Transaction(_params);
     tx2.AddOutput(new TransactionOutput(_params, tx2, Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 5), _myAddress));
     // tx2 doesn't send any coins from us, even though the output is in the wallet.
     Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), tx2.GetValueSentFromMe(_wallet));
コード例 #39
        public TransactionSignature CalculateSignature(Transaction transaction, TransactionOutPoint outPoint, EcKey key, Script.Script redeemScript, Transaction.SigHash hashType)
            // at the moment only signing all the outputs is supported
            Thrower.If(hashType != Transaction.SigHash.All).Throw <TransactionException>("Only SigHash type 'All' supported");

            //// clone the transaction and clear all the inputs
            //// only the inputs for the equivalent output needs to be present for signing
            var signTx = transaction.Clone();

            signTx.Inputs.ForEach(input => input.ScriptBytes = Enumerable.Empty <byte>().ToArray());

            // set the redeem script and clear it of 'OP_CODESEPARATOR'
            var connectedScript       = redeemScript.GetProgram();
            var redeemConnectedScript = Script.Script.RemoveAllInstancesOfOp(connectedScript, ScriptOpCodes.OP_CODESEPARATOR);

            signTx.FindInput(outPoint).ScriptBytes = redeemConnectedScript;

            // serialize then hash the transaction to HEX and sign it.
            var trxHex = this.Serializer.ToHex(signTx, hashType);
            var hash   = CryptoUtil.Sha256HashTwice(CryptoUtil.ConvertHex(trxHex));

            return(new TransactionSignature(key.Sign(hash), hashType));
コード例 #40
        private static void GenerateKeyPair(EcKey ecKey)

            if (env == Env.Test)
                ecKeyFilePath = appConfig.BitPayConfiguration.EnvConfig.Test.PrivateKeyPath;
            if (env == Env.Prod)
                ecKeyFilePath = appConfig.BitPayConfiguration.EnvConfig.Prod.PrivateKeyPath;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ecKeyFilePath))
                Console.WriteLine(" The current private key file defined is: " + ecKeyFilePath);
                Console.WriteLine(" Would you like to change it? [yes|no] (default: no)");
                Console.Write(" > ");
                var answer = Console.ReadLine();
                while (answer.ToLower() != "yes" && answer.ToLower() != "no" && answer.ToLower() != "")
                    answer = Console.ReadLine();

                if (answer.ToLower() == "no" || answer.ToLower() == "")
                    if (File.Exists(ecKeyFilePath))
                        SetNotification(" Selected private key file: " + ecKeyFilePath);


                    SetNotification(" The private key file does not longer exists in: \n \"" + ecKeyFilePath +
                                    "\"\n Please, proceed with the following instructions.");

            Console.WriteLine(" Enter the full path for the private key files where this will loaded from or generated:");
            Console.WriteLine(" If click Enter, a file named \"bitpay_private_" + env.ToLower() +
                              " will be generated in the root of this application and");
            Console.WriteLine(" any file with the same name in this directory will be overwritten.");
            Console.Write(" > ");
            var newEcKeyPath = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newEcKeyPath))
                ecKeyFilePath = @"bitpay_private_" + env.ToLower() + ".key";
                if (KeyUtils.PrivateKeyExists(ecKeyFilePath))
                    SetNotification(" The file name entered already exists: \n \"" + ecKeyFilePath +
                                    "\"\n Make sure you want to modify it and then delete it before trying again");


                ecKey = KeyUtils.CreateEcKey();
                SetNotification(" New private key generated successfully with public key:\n " + ecKey.PublicKeyHexBytes +
                                "\n in: \"" + ecKeyFilePath + "\"");
                if (!File.Exists(newEcKeyPath))
                    SetNotification(" The file entered not found in: \n \"" + newEcKeyPath + "\"");
                    Console.WriteLine(" Would you like to provide a different file path? [yes|no] (default: no)");
                        " If 'no', a new file will be generated in the entered location with the given name.");
                    Console.Write(" > ");
                    var answer = Console.ReadLine();
                    while (answer.ToLower() != "yes" && answer.ToLower() != "no" && answer.ToLower() != "")
                        answer = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (answer.ToLower() == "yes")

                    if (KeyUtils.PrivateKeyExists(newEcKeyPath))
                        SetNotification(" The file name entered already exists: \n \"" + newEcKeyPath +
                                        "\"\n Be sure you want to modify it and then delete it manually before trying again");

                    ecKeyFilePath = newEcKeyPath;

                    ecKey = KeyUtils.CreateEcKey();
                catch (Exception e)
                        " An error occurred, please, check if the you have the right\n permissions to write in the specified directory.\n Error Details: " +


                SetNotification(" New key pair generated successfully with public key: " + ecKey.PublicKeyHexBytes +
                                " in: \n \"" + newEcKeyPath + "\"");

            if (env == Env.Test)
                appConfig.BitPayConfiguration.EnvConfig.Test.PrivateKeyPath = ecKeyFilePath;
            if (env == Env.Prod)
                appConfig.BitPayConfiguration.EnvConfig.Prod.PrivateKeyPath = ecKeyFilePath;

コード例 #41
 public void TestForking3()
     // Check that we can handle our own spends being rolled back by a fork.
     var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);
     Assert.AreEqual("50.00", Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlyString(_wallet.GetBalance()));
     var dest = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
     var spend = _wallet.CreateSend(dest, Utils.ToNanoCoins(10, 0));
     // Waiting for confirmation ...
     Assert.AreEqual(0UL, _wallet.GetBalance());
     var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
     Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(40, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
     // genesis -> b1 (receive coins) -> b2 (spend coins)
     //                               \-> b3 -> b4
     var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
     var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
     // b4 causes a re-org that should make our spend go inactive. Because the inputs are already spent our
     // available balance drops to zero again.
     Assert.AreEqual(0UL, _wallet.GetBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.Available));
     // We estimate that it'll make it back into the block chain (we know we won't double spend).
     // assertEquals(Utils.toNanoCoins(40, 0), wallet.getBalance(Wallet.BalanceType.ESTIMATED));
コード例 #42
 public void TestForking4()
     // Check that we can handle external spends on an inactive chain becoming active. An external spend is where
     // we see a transaction that spends our own coins but we did not broadcast it ourselves. This happens when
     // keys are being shared between wallets.
     var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);
     Assert.AreEqual("50.00", Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlyString(_wallet.GetBalance()));
     var dest = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
     var spend = _wallet.CreateSend(dest, Utils.ToNanoCoins(50, 0));
     // We do NOT confirm the spend here. That means it's not considered to be pending because createSend is
     // stateless. For our purposes it is as if some other program with our keys created the tx.
     // genesis -> b1 (receive 50) --> b2
     //                            \-> b3 (external spend) -> b4
     var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
     var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
     // The external spend is not active yet.
     Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(50, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
     var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
     // The external spend is now active.
     Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
コード例 #43
ファイル: WalletTest.cs プロジェクト: Tsunami-ide/Bitcoin
 public void Bounce()
     // This test covers bug 64 (False double spends). Check that if we create a spend and it's immediately sent
     // back to us, this isn't considered as a double spend.
     var coin1 = Utils.ToNanoCoins(1, 0);
     var coinHalf = Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 50);
     // Start by giving us 1 coin.
     var inbound1 = TestUtils.CreateFakeTx(_params, coin1, _myAddress);
     _wallet.Receive(inbound1, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
     // Send half to some other guy. Sending only half then waiting for a confirm is important to ensure the tx is
     // in the unspent pool, not pending or spent.
     Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.Unspent));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, _wallet.GetPoolSize(Wallet.Pool.All));
     var someOtherGuy = new EcKey().ToAddress(_params);
     var outbound1 = _wallet.CreateSend(someOtherGuy, coinHalf);
     _wallet.Receive(outbound1, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
     // That other guy gives us the coins right back.
     var inbound2 = new Transaction(_params);
     inbound2.AddOutput(new TransactionOutput(_params, inbound2, coinHalf, _myAddress));
     _wallet.Receive(inbound2, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BestChain);
     Assert.AreEqual(coin1, _wallet.GetBalance());
コード例 #44
ファイル: Transaction.cs プロジェクト: perljedi/BitcoinSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Once a transaction has some inputs and outputs added, the signatures in the inputs can be calculated. The
        /// signature is over the transaction itself, to prove the redeemer actually created that transaction,
        /// so we have to do this step last.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is similar to SignatureHash in script.cpp
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="hashType">This should always be set to SigHash.ALL currently. Other types are unused. </param>
        /// <param name="defaultWallet">A wallet is required to fetch the keys needed for signing.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ScriptException"/>
        public void SignInputs(SigHash hashType, IDefaultWallet defaultWallet)
            Debug.Assert(_transactionInputs.Count > 0);
            Debug.Assert(_transactionOutputs.Count > 0);

            // I don't currently have an easy way to test other modes work, as the official client does not use them.
            Debug.Assert(hashType == SigHash.All);

            // The transaction is signed with the input scripts empty except for the input we are signing. In the case
            // where addInput has been used to set up a new transaction, they are already all empty. The input being signed
            // has to have the connected OUTPUT program in it when the hash is calculated!
            // Note that each input may be claiming an output sent to a different key. So we have to look at the outputs
            // to figure out which key to sign with.

            var signatures = new byte[_transactionInputs.Count][];
            var signingKeys = new EcKey[_transactionInputs.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < _transactionInputs.Count; i++)
                var transactionInput = _transactionInputs[i];
                Debug.Assert(transactionInput.ScriptBytes.Length == 0, "Attempting to sign a non-fresh transaction");
                // Set the input to the script of its output.
                transactionInput.ScriptBytes = transactionInput.Outpoint.ConnectedPubKeyScript;
                // Find the signing key we'll need to use.
                var connectedPublicKeyHash = transactionInput.Outpoint.ConnectedPubKeyHash;
                var key = defaultWallet.FindKeyFromPublicHash(connectedPublicKeyHash);
                // This assert should never fire. If it does, it means the wallet is inconsistent.
                Debug.Assert(key != null,
                    "Transaction exists in wallet that we cannot redeem: " +
                // Keep the key around for the script creation step below.
                signingKeys[i] = key;
                // The anyoneCanPay feature isn't used at the moment.
                const bool anyoneCanPay = false;
                var hash = HashTransactionForSignature(hashType, anyoneCanPay);
                // Set the script to empty again for the next input.
                transactionInput.ScriptBytes = TransactionInput.EmptyArray;

                // Now sign for the output so we can redeem it. We use the keypair to sign the hash,
                // and then put the resulting signature in the script along with the public key (below).
                using (var byteOutputStream = new MemoryStream())
                    byteOutputStream.Write((byte) (((int) hashType + 1) | (0)));
                    signatures[i] = byteOutputStream.ToArray();

            // Now we have calculated each signature, go through and create the scripts. Reminder: the script consists of
            // a signature (over a hash of the transaction) and the complete public key needed to sign for the connected
            // output.
            for (var i = 0; i < _transactionInputs.Count; i++)
                var transactionInput = _transactionInputs[i];
                Debug.Assert(transactionInput.ScriptBytes.Length == 0);
                var signingKey = signingKeys[i];
                transactionInput.ScriptBytes = Script.CreateInputScript(signatures[i], signingKey.PublicKey);

            // Every input is now complete.