public static void RemovAlien(GameObject alien) { DeadAlienCount++; Earth.AddGlobalCurrency(50); alien.SetActive(false); ActiveAliens.Remove(alien); InactiveAliens.Add(alien); foreach (EarthZone zone in Earth.ControlledZones) { zone.ActiveTargets.Remove(alien); } }
/*void OnGUI() * { * if (isPickingLocation) * { * GUI.Label(GetTopLabelRect("Right Click to Place"), "Right Click to Place", HeaderStyle); * } * * // Only show menus if the game is paused * if (Paused && !isPickingLocation) * { * switch (CurrentScreen) * { * case MenuManager.MenuScreen.NewGame: * GUILayout.Window(0, new Rect(50, 50, Screen.width - 100, Screen.height - 100), NewGameScreen, ""); * break; * case MenuManager.MenuScreen.MainMenu: * GUILayout.Window(0, new Rect(50, 50, Screen.width - 100, Screen.height - 100), MainEarthMenu, ""); * break; * } * } * }*/ void NewGameScreen(int windowID) { GUILayout.Label("The year is 2021", HeaderStyle, GUILayout.Height(75)); GUILayout.Label("Aliens have destroyed everything, you command whats left of humanity", Header2Style, GUILayout.Height(40)); GUILayout.Label("They'll attack again, prepare to defend", Header2Style, GUILayout.Height(40)); GUILayout.Label("Scroll/Pinch to zoom, click and drag to move the Earth, right click for actions.", Header2Style, GUILayout.Height(40)); if (GUILayout.Button("Continue", ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Height(75))) { CurrentScreen = MenuManager.MenuScreen.MainMenu; Earth.AddGlobalCurrency(400); } }