コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 某个商品分类的路径
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Categorypath(int id)
            Shop.Model.Lebi_Pro_Type pro_type = Shop.Bussiness.B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetModel(id);
            if (pro_type == null)
                pro_type = new Shop.Model.Lebi_Pro_Type();
            string str = EX_Product.TypePath(pro_type, id.ToString());

            string[] arr = str.Split(',');
            string   res = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                Lebi_Pro_Type model = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetModel("id = " + int.Parse(arr[i]) + " and IsShow = 1");
                if (model == null)
                res += Lang(model.Name);
                if (i < arr.Length - 1)
                    res += " &raquo; ";
コード例 #2
        public string CreateTree(int pid, int deep)
            string str = "";
            // List<Lebi_Pro_Type> types = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetList("Parentid=" + pid + "", "Sort desc");
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> types = EX_Product.Types(pid);
            string style = "";

            if (deep > 0)
                style = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            string showids = LB.Tools.CookieTool.GetCookieString("showTypeids").Replace("%2C", ",");
            string image   = "";

            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type t in types)
                image = AdminImage("plus.gif");
                bool showson = false;
                if (showids.Contains("," + t.id + ",") || showids.Contains("," + t.Parentid + ","))
                    style = "";
                if (showids.Contains("," + t.id + ","))
                    image   = AdminImage("minus.gif");
                    showson = true;
                int count = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.Counts("Parentid=" + t.id + "");
                //str += "<tr onclick='javascript:selectrow(\"check" + t.id + "\");' name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" " + style + " id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                str += "<tr class=\"list\" name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" " + style + " id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                str += "<td>" + deepstr(deep);
                if (count > 0)
                    str += "<img src=\"" + image + "\" name=\"img" + t.Parentid + "\" id=\"img" + t.id + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" onclick=\"ShowChild('" + findpath(t.id) + "'," + t.id + "," + (deep + 1) + ")\" title=\"" + Tag("展开") + "\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    str += "<img src=\"" + AdminImage("minus.gif") + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                if (t.ImageSmall != "")
                    str += "<img src=\"" + t.ImageSmall + "\" height=\"16\" />&nbsp;";
                str += Language.Content(t.Name, CurrentLanguage.Code) + "&nbsp;<a href=\"" + Shop.Bussiness.ThemeUrl.GetURL("P_ProductCategory", t.id.ToString(), "", CurrentLanguage.Code) + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + PageImage("icon/newWindow.png") + "\" style=\"vertical-align:absmiddle\" /></a></td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.TypeProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.LikeProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.SalesProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.ViewsProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "</tr>";
                if (showson)
                    str += CreateTree(t.id, deep + 1);

                //CreateSunNode(int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()), ",0", ss);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// 检查购物车是否满足代金券使用条件
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="basket"></param>
 /// <param name="card"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CheckCard(Basket basket, Lebi_Card card)
     if (card.Time_Begin > System.DateTime.Now)
     if (card.Time_End <= System.DateTime.Now)
         card.Type_id_CardStatus = 204;
     if ((basket.Money_Product - basket.Money_Cut) < card.Money_Buy)
     if (card.Pro_Type_ids == "")
     foreach (Lebi_User_Product p in basket.Products)
         Lebi_Product  pro  = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(p.Product_id);
         Lebi_Pro_Type type = EX_Product.TopProductType(pro);
         if (("," + card.Pro_Type_ids + ",").Contains("," + type.id + ","))
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 某个结点下的所有结点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string findpath(int pid)
            string str = "";
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> types = EX_Product.Types(pid);

            if (types.Count == 0)
            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type t in types)
                if (str == "")
                    str = t.id.ToString();
                    str += "," + t.id;
                string f = findpath(t.id);
                //if (f != "")
                str += "," + f;

コード例 #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            tid = RequestTool.RequestInt("tid", 0);
            int pid = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0);

            model = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(pid);
            if (model == null)
                model = new Lebi_Product();
            //Lebi_ProPerty_Type ptype = B_Lebi_ProPerty_Type.GetModel(tid);
            string property = EX_Product.ProductType_ProPertystr(tid, model.Supplier_id);

            if (property != "")
                pros = B_Lebi_ProPerty.GetList("Type_id_ProPertyType in (132,133) and id in (" + property + ")", "Sort desc");
            if (pros == null)
                pros = new List <Lebi_ProPerty>();
            ProPerty133 = Common.KeyValueToList(model.ProPerty133);
            if (tid == 0)
                tid = model.Pro_Type_id;
コード例 #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            userlevelid = RequestTool.RequestInt("userlevelid");
            userid      = RequestTool.RequestInt("userid");
            typeid      = RequestTool.RequestInt("typeid");
            showall     = RequestTool.RequestInt("showall");
            key         = RequestTool.RequestString("key");
            user        = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(userid);
            userlevel   = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetModel(userlevelid);
            if (user == null)
                user = new Lebi_User();
            if (userlevel == null)
                userlevel = new Lebi_UserLevel();
            string where = "Product_id=0 and (IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null)";
            if (key != "")
                where += " and (Name like '%" + key + "%' or Number like '%" + key + "%' or Code like '%" + key + "%')";
            if (typeid > 0)
                string tids = EX_Product.TypeIds(typeid);
                where += " and Pro_Type_id in (" + tids + ")";

            PageSize = RequestTool.getpageSize(10);
            int recordCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts(where);

            PageString = Pager.GetPaginationStringForJS("reloadproducts({0}," + typeid + ",'" + key + "'," + user.id + "," + userlevel.id + ");", page, PageSize, recordCount);
            products   = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, "", PageSize, page);
コード例 #7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            userlevelid = RequestTool.RequestInt("userlevelid");
            userid      = RequestTool.RequestInt("userid");
            orderid     = RequestTool.RequestInt("orderid");
            typeid      = RequestTool.RequestInt("typeid");
            key         = RequestTool.RequestString("key");

            user      = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(userid);
            userlevel = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetModel(userlevelid);
            if (user == null)
                user = new Lebi_User();
            if (userlevel == null)
                userlevel = new Lebi_UserLevel();

            string where = "Product_id=0";
            if (key != "")
                where += " and (Name like '%" + key + "%' or Number like '%" + key + "%' or Code like '%" + key + "%')";
            if (typeid > 0)
                string tids = EX_Product.TypeIds(typeid);
                where += " and Pro_Type_id in (" + tids + ")";
コード例 #8
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);
     if (id == 0)
         if (!Power("supplier_product_add", "添加商品"))
             PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg();
         addflag = true;
         if (!Power("supplier_product_edit", "编辑商品"))
             PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg();
     action = RequestTool.RequestInt("action", 1);
     model  = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("(IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null) and Supplier_id = " + CurrentSupplier.id + " and id = " + id + "");
     if (model == null)
         model = new Lebi_Product();
         Lebi_Product modellast = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("(IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null) and Supplier_id = " + CurrentSupplier.id + " order by Time_Edit desc,id desc");
         if (modellast != null)
             model.Pro_Type_id = modellast.Pro_Type_id;
     if (model.Images != "")
         if (model.Images.Substring(model.Images.Length - 1, 1) == "@")
             model.Images = model.Images.Substring(0, model.Images.Length - 1);
         if (model.Images.Substring(0, 1) != "@")
             model.Images = "@" + model.Images;
     wap        = Ishavewap();
     StepPrices = EX_Product.StepPrice(model.StepPrice);
     if (StepPrices == null)
         StepPrices = new List <ProductStepPrice>();
     UserLevelPrices = EX_Product.UserLevelPrice(model.UserLevelPrice);
     if (UserLevelPrices == null)
         UserLevelPrices = new List <ProductUserLevelPrice>();
     UserLevelCounts = EX_Product.UserLevelCount(model.UserLevelCount);
     if (UserLevelCounts == null)
         UserLevelCounts = new List <ProductUserLevelCount>();
     userlevels = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetList("", "Grade asc");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品价格
        /// </summary>
        public void ProducePrice()
            int          id      = RequestTool.RequestInt("id");
            int          count   = RequestTool.RequestInt("count", 1);
            Lebi_Product product = GetProduct(id);
            decimal      price   = EX_Product.ProductPrice(product, CurrentUserLevel, CurrentUser, count);

コード例 #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random Random = new Random();

            randnum = RequestTool.RequestInt("randnum", 0);
            id      = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);
            if (id == 0 || (id > 0 && randnum > 0))
                if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_add", "添加商品"))
                if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_edit", "编辑商品"))
            action = RequestTool.RequestInt("action", 1);
            model  = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(id);
            if (model == null)
                model = new Lebi_Product();
                model.Type_id_ProductType = 320;
            wap = Ishavewap();

            StepPrices = EX_Product.StepPrice(model.StepPrice);
            if (StepPrices == null)
                StepPrices = new List <ProductStepPrice>();
            UserLevelPrices = EX_Product.UserLevelPrice(model.UserLevelPrice);
            if (UserLevelPrices == null)
                UserLevelPrices = new List <ProductUserLevelPrice>();
            UserLevelCounts = EX_Product.UserLevelCount(model.UserLevelCount);
            if (UserLevelCounts == null)
                UserLevelCounts = new List <ProductUserLevelCount>();
            userlevels = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetList("", "Grade asc");
            if (model.IsCombo == 1)
                comboProducts = B_Lebi_Product_Combo.GetList("Product_id=" + model.id + "", "");
                comboProducts = new List <Lebi_Product_Combo>();
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成供应商商品分类选择框
        /// </summary>
        public void GetSupplierProductTypeList()
            string ids        = RequestTool.RequestString("id");
            int    id         = EX_Product.SuplierTypeid(ids);
            int    supplierid = RequestTool.RequestInt("supplierid", 0);

            if (supplierid == 0)
            int Parentid = 0;
            List <Lebi_Supplier_ProductType> models = B_Lebi_Supplier_ProductType.GetList("parentid=" + id + " and Supplier_id=" + supplierid + "", "Sort desc");
            Lebi_Supplier_ProductType        area   = B_Lebi_Supplier_ProductType.GetModel(id);

            if (models.Count == 0)
                if (area == null)
                    Parentid = 0;
                    Parentid = area.parentid;
                models = B_Lebi_Supplier_ProductType.GetList("parentid=" + Parentid + " and Supplier_id=" + supplierid + "", "Sort desc");
                Parentid = id;
            string str = "<select id=\"Supplier_ProductType_ids\" name=\"Supplier_ProductType_ids\" shop=\"true\" onchange=\"SelectSupplierProductType(" + supplierid + ",'Supplier_ProductType_ids');\">";

            str += "<option value=\"0\" selected>" + Tag(" 请选择 ") + "</option>";
            foreach (Lebi_Supplier_ProductType model in models)
                if (id == model.id)
                    str += "<option value=\"" + model.id + "\" selected>" + Lang(model.Name) + "</option>";
                    str += "<option value=\"" + model.id + "\">" + Lang(model.Name) + "</option>";
            str += "</select>";
            str  = CreateSupplierProductTypeSelect(supplierid, Parentid) + str;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 返回子分类
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Lebi_Pro_Type> Cateporys(int id)
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> models = EX_Product.ShowTypes(id, CurrentSite.id);

            if (models.Count == 0)
                Lebi_Pro_Type m = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetModel(id);
                if (m.Parentid > 0)
コード例 #13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random Random = new Random();

            randnum = RequestTool.RequestInt("randnum", 0);
            id      = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);
            if (id == 0 || (id > 0 && randnum > 0))
                if (!Power("supplier_product_add", "添加商品"))
                if (!Power("supplier_product_edit", "编辑商品"))
            action = RequestTool.RequestInt("action", 1);
            model  = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("Supplier_id = " + CurrentSupplier.id + " and (IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null) and id = " + id);
            if (model == null)
                model = new Lebi_Product();
                model.Type_id_ProductType = 320;
            wap        = Ishavewap();
            StepPrices = EX_Product.StepPrice(model.StepPrice);
            if (StepPrices == null)
                StepPrices = new List <ProductStepPrice>();
            UserLevelPrices = EX_Product.UserLevelPrice(model.UserLevelPrice);
            if (UserLevelPrices == null)
                UserLevelPrices = new List <ProductUserLevelPrice>();
            UserLevelCounts = EX_Product.UserLevelCount(model.UserLevelCount);
            if (UserLevelCounts == null)
                UserLevelCounts = new List <ProductUserLevelCount>();
            userlevels = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetList("", "Grade asc");
コード例 #14
        public void LoadPage()
            CurrentPage = B_Lebi_Theme_Page.GetModel("Code='P_Product'");
            int id = Rint("id");

            product = EX_Product.GetProduct(id);
            if (product.id == 0)
            Protype = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetModel(product.Pro_Type_id);
            supplier = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(product.Supplier_id);
            if (supplier == null)
                supplier = new Lebi_Supplier();
            product.IsSupplierTransport = supplier.IsSupplierTransport;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成供应商商品分类选择框
        /// </summary>
        public void GetSupplierProductTypeList()
            string ids        = RequestTool.RequestString("id");
            int    id         = EX_Product.SuplierTypeid(ids);
            int    supplierid = RequestTool.RequestInt("supplierid", 0);

            if (supplierid == 0)
            int    Parentid = 0;
            string Types    = "";
            Thread thread   = new Thread(() => { Types = ThreadGetSupplierProductTypeList(ids, id, supplierid, Parentid); });

            thread.IsBackground = true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: ajax_db.aspx.cs プロジェクト: zwkjgs/LebiShop
        private void Reset_Count_Freeze()
            string ProductStockFreezeTime = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().ProductStockFreezeTime;
            List <Lebi_Product> parents   = B_Lebi_Product.GetList("Product_id = 0", "");

            foreach (Lebi_Product parent in parents)
                List <Lebi_Product> pros = B_Lebi_Product.GetList("Product_id = " + parent.id + "", "");
                if (pros.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Lebi_Product pro in pros)
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品分类树
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <param name="deep"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string CreateTree(int pid, int deep, string lang)
            string str = "";

            if (deep == 0)
                str += "<tr class=\"list\">";
                str += "<td><a href=\"javascript:searchproduct(0)\">  + " + Language.Tag("全部分类", lang) + "&nbsp;</a></td></tr>";
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> types = EX_Product.Types(pid);
            string style   = "";
            string WebPath = RequestTool.GetConfigKey("WebPath").Trim().TrimEnd('/');

            WebPath = WebPath + "/theme/system/systempage/admin/images/";
            string showids = Shop.Tools.CookieTool.GetCookieString("showTypeids").Replace("%2C", ",");

            if (deep > 0)
                style = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            string image = "";

            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type t in types)
                image = WebPath + "plus.gif";

                if (showids.Contains("," + t.id + ",") || showids.Contains("," + t.Parentid + ","))
                    style = "";
                    image = WebPath + "minus.gif";
                str += "<tr class=\"list\" name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" " + style + " id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                //str += "<td style=\"text-align:center\"><input type='checkbox' id=\"check" + t.id + "\" value='" + t.id + "' name='id' del=\"del\" onclick=\"searchproduct();\" /></td>";
                str += "<td>" + deepstr(deep) + "<img src=\"" + image + "\" name=\"img" + t.Parentid + "\" id=\"img" + t.id + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" onclick=\"ShowTree('" + findpath(t.id) + "'," + t.id + ")\" title=\"" + Shop.Bussiness.Language.Tag("展开", lang) + "\" />";
                str += "<a href=\"javascript:searchproduct(" + t.id + ")\">" + Language.Content(t.Name, lang) + "&nbsp;</a></td></tr>";
                str += CreateTree(t.id, deep + 1, lang);
コード例 #18
ファイル: P_Product.cs プロジェクト: zwkjgs/LebiShop
        public string StepPriceShow(Lebi_Product pro)
            string str = "";
            List <ProductStepPrice> StepPrices = EX_Product.StepPrice(pro.StepPrice);

            if (StepPrices == null)
                StepPrices = new List <ProductStepPrice>();
            if (StepPrices.Count > 0)
                foreach (var v in StepPrices)
                    if (v.Count > 1)
                        str += ">" + v.Count + ":" + FormatMoney(v.Price) + ";";
            str = str.Trim(';');
コード例 #19
ファイル: ajax_statis.aspx.cs プロジェクト: zwkjgs/LebiShop
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成分类列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <param name="deep"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateTree()
            int    pid  = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid");
            int    deep = RequestTool.RequestInt("deep");
            string str  = "";
            // List<Lebi_Pro_Type> types = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetList("Parentid=" + pid + "", "Sort desc");
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> types = EX_Product.Types(pid);
            string style = "";

            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type t in types)
                int count = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.Counts("Parentid=" + t.id + "");
                str += "<tr class=\"list\" name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" " + style + " id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                str += "<td>" + deepstr(deep);
                if (count > 0)
                    str += "<img src=\"" + AdminImage("plus.gif") + "\" name=\"img" + t.Parentid + "\" id=\"img" + t.id + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" onclick=\"ShowChild('" + findpath(t.id) + "'," + t.id + "," + (deep + 1) + ")\" title=\"" + Tag("展开") + "\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    str += "<img src=\"" + AdminImage("minus.gif") + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                if (t.ImageSmall != "")
                    str += "<img src=\"" + t.ImageSmall + "\" height=\"16\" />&nbsp;";
                str += Language.Content(t.Name, CurrentLanguage.Code) + "&nbsp;<a href=\"" + Shop.Bussiness.ThemeUrl.GetURL("P_ProductCategory", t.id.ToString(), "", CurrentLanguage.Code) + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + PageImage("icon/newWindow.png") + "\" style=\"vertical-align:absmiddle\" /></a></td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.TypeProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.LikeProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.SalesProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Bussiness.EX_Product.ViewsProductCount(t.id) + "</td>";
                str += "</tr>";
コード例 #20
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            id     = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);
            modelp = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("Supplier_id = " + CurrentSupplier.id + " and id = " + id);
            if (modelp == null)
                modelp = new Lebi_Product();
                modelp.ProPertyMain = RequestTool.RequestInt("ProPertyMain", 0);
                modelp.ProPerty131  = RequestTool.RequestString("ProPerty131");
            if (!Power("supplier_product_edit", "编辑商品"))
            string property = EX_Product.ProductType_ProPertystr(modelp.Pro_Type_id);

            if (property != "")
                    ggs = B_Lebi_ProPerty.GetList("Type_id_ProPertyType=131 and id in (lbsql{" + property + "})", "Sort desc");
                catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException)
                    ggs = new List <Lebi_ProPerty>();
            if (ggs == null)
                ggs = new List <Lebi_ProPerty>();
            modelLan     = Language.DefaultLanguage();
            string where = "";
            where        = "Product_id=" + id + " and Product_id!=0 and (IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null)";
            models       = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, "");
コード例 #21
        public string CreateList(string key)
            string str = "";

            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> types = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetList("Name like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'}", "Sort desc");

            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type t in types)
                string caozuo = "<a href=\"javascript:Edit(" + t.id + ",0)\">" + Tag("添加子类") + "</a> |  <a href=\"javascript:Edit(0," + t.id + ")\">" + Tag("编辑") + "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:Del(" + t.id + ")\">" + Tag("删除") + "</a>";
                str += "<tr class=\"list\" name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                str += "<td style=\"text-align:center\"><input type='checkbox' id=\"check" + t.id + "\" value='" + t.id + "' name='id' del=\"del\" /></td>";
                str += "<td>" + t.id + "</td>";
                str += "<td>";
                if (t.ImageSmall != "")
                    str += "<img src=\"" + t.ImageSmall + "\" height=\"16\" />&nbsp;";
                str += Language.Content(t.Name, CurrentLanguage.Code) + "&nbsp;<a href=\"" + Shop.Bussiness.ThemeUrl.GetURL("P_ProductCategory", t.id.ToString(), "", CurrentLanguage.Code) + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + PageImage("icon/newWindow.png") + "\" /></a></td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Tools.Utils.GetUnicodeSubString(ProPertystring(t.ProPerty132), 100, "...") + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Tools.Utils.GetUnicodeSubString(ProPertystring(t.ProPerty131), 100, "...") + "</td>";
                str += "<td><a href=\"default.aspx?Pro_Type_id=" + t.id + "&Type_id_ProductType=320,321,322,323\">" + EX_Product.TypeProductCount(t.id) + "</a></td>";
                str += "<td>" + t.Sort + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + (t.IsShow == 1 ? "" + Tag("是") + "" : "" + Tag("否") + "") + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + (t.IsIndexShow == 1 ? "" + Tag("是") + "" : "" + Tag("否") + "") + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + caozuo + "</td></tr>";

                //CreateSunNode(int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()), ",0", ss);
コード例 #22
ファイル: product_edit.aspx.cs プロジェクト: yzbjack/LebiShop
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random Random = new Random();

            t     = RequestTool.RequestString("t");
            id    = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);
            model = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(id);
            int Type_id_ProductType = RequestTool.RequestInt("Type_id_ProductType", 320);

            if (id == 0 || (id > 0 && t == "copy"))
                if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_add", "添加商品"))
                    PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg();
                ////如果添加商品时随机数小于9位数 重定向生成随机数 防止破坏已有数据
                //if (randnum.ToString().Length < 9)
                //    Response.Redirect(site.AdminPath + "/product/product_edit.aspx?id=" + id + "&t=" + t + "&randnum=" + Random.Next(100000000, 999999999));
                //    Response.End();
                //    return;
                if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_edit", "编辑商品"))
                    PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg();
                if (site.SiteCount > 1 && CurrentAdmin.Site_ids != "" && model.Site_ids != "")
                    string[] psids = model.Site_ids.Split(',');
                    bool     flag  = false;
                    foreach (string pdis in psids)
                        if (("," + CurrentAdmin.Site_ids + ",").Contains("," + pdis + ","))
                            flag = true;
                    if (!flag)
                        PageReturnMsg = PageErrorMsg();

            action = RequestTool.RequestInt("action", 1);

            if (model == null)
                model                     = new Lebi_Product();
                model.Site_ids            = site.Sitesid();
                model.Type_id_ProductType = Type_id_ProductType;
                Lebi_Product modellast = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("Type_id_ProductType = " + Type_id_ProductType + " and Supplier_id = 0 order by Time_Edit desc,id desc");
                if (modellast != null)
                    model.Pro_Type_id = modellast.Pro_Type_id;
                if (t == "copy")
                    model.id = 0;
            if (model.Images != "")
                if (model.Images.Substring(model.Images.Length - 1, 1) == "@")
                    model.Images = model.Images.Substring(0, model.Images.Length - 1);
                if (model.Images.Substring(0, 1) != "@")
                    model.Images = "@" + model.Images;
            StepPrices = EX_Product.StepPrice(model.StepPrice);
            if (StepPrices == null)
                StepPrices = new List <ProductStepPrice>();
            UserLevelPrices = EX_Product.UserLevelPrice(model.UserLevelPrice);
            if (UserLevelPrices == null)
                UserLevelPrices = new List <ProductUserLevelPrice>();
            UserLevelCounts = EX_Product.UserLevelCount(model.UserLevelCount);
            if (UserLevelCounts == null)
                UserLevelCounts = new List <ProductUserLevelCount>();
            userlevels = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetList("", "Grade asc");
            wap        = Ishavewap();

            if (model.IsCombo == 1)
                comboProducts = B_Lebi_Product_Combo.GetList("Product_id=" + model.id + "", "");
                comboProducts = new List <Lebi_Product_Combo>();
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 订单发货通知-不更新库存
        /// </summary>
        public void mSndGoods()
            //OrderID	订单编号
            //OrderNO	原始订单编号
            //CustomerID	客户网名
            //SndStyle	发货方式
            //BillID	货运单号
            //SndDate	发货时间
            string             OrderID    = RequestTool.RequestString("OrderID");
            string             OrderNO    = RequestTool.RequestString("OrderNO");
            string             CustomerID = RequestTool.RequestString("CustomerID");
            string             SndStyle   = RequestTool.RequestString("SndStyle");
            string             BillID     = RequestTool.RequestString("BillID");
            string             SndDate    = RequestTool.RequestString("SndDate");
            Lebi_Order         model      = B_Lebi_Order.GetModel("Code=lbsql{'" + OrderNO + "'}");
            Lebi_Language_Code lang       = Language.DefaultLanguage();
            string             res        = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n";

            if (model == null)
                res += "<rsp><result>0</result><cause>无此单号</cause></rsp>";

            Lebi_Transport tran = B_Lebi_Transport.GetModel("[Name]=lbsql{'" + SndStyle + "'}");

            if (tran == null)
                tran = new Lebi_Transport();
            Lebi_Transport_Order torder = new Lebi_Transport_Order();

            torder.Code     = BillID;
            torder.Order_id = model.id;

            torder.T_Address      = model.T_Address;
            torder.T_Email        = model.T_Email;
            torder.T_MobilePhone  = model.T_MobilePhone;
            torder.T_Name         = model.T_Name;
            torder.T_Phone        = model.T_Phone;
            torder.Transport_Code = tran == null ? model.Transport_Code : tran.Code;
            torder.Transport_id   = tran == null ? model.Transport_id : tran.id;
            torder.Transport_Name = tran == null ? model.Transport_Name : tran.Name;
            torder.User_id        = model.User_id;
            List <TransportProduct>   tps = new List <TransportProduct>();
            TransportProduct          tp;
            List <Lebi_Order_Product> pros = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("Order_id=" + model.id + "", "");
            bool isfahuo_all = true;

            foreach (Lebi_Order_Product pro in pros)
                tp                = new TransportProduct();
                tp.Count          = pro.Count;
                tp.ImageBig       = pro.ImageBig;
                tp.ImageMedium    = pro.ImageMedium;
                tp.ImageOriginal  = pro.ImageOriginal;
                tp.ImageSmall     = pro.ImageSmall;
                tp.Product_Number = pro.Product_Number;
                tp.Product_id     = pro.Product_id;
                tp.Product_Name   = pro.Product_Name;

                pro.Count_Shipped = pro.Count;

                Lebi_Product product = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(pro.Product_id);
                EX_Product.ProductStock_Change(product, (0 - pro.Count), 302, model);

            JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            torder.Product = jss.Serialize(tps);
            torder.Type_id_TransportOrderStatus = 220;//默认状态:在途
            model.IsShipped     = 1;
            model.IsShipped_All = isfahuo_all ? 1 : 0;
            model.Time_Shipped  = System.DateTime.Now;;
            Log.Add("订单发货-网站管家", "Order", model.id.ToString());
            if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().MailSign.ToLower().Contains("dingdanfahuo"))
                Lebi_User user = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(model.User_id);
                Email.SendEmail_ordershipping(user, model, torder);
            res += "<rsp><result>1</result></rsp>";
            Log.Add("订单编号:" + OrderNO + "--" + res, "网店管家同步发货", "");
コード例 #24
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            pid     = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0);
            tid     = RequestTool.RequestInt("tid", 0);
            randnum = RequestTool.RequestInt("randnum", 0);
            if (pid == 0 || (pid > 0 && randnum > 0))
                if (!Power("supplier_product_add", "添加商品"))
                if (!Power("supplier_product_edit", "编辑商品"))
            if (pid > 0 && randnum > 0)
                modelp = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(randnum);
                modelp = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(pid);
            if (modelp == null)
                modelp = new Lebi_Product();
                modelp.ProPertyMain = RequestTool.RequestInt("ProPertyMain", 0);
                modelp.ProPerty131  = RequestTool.RequestString("ProPerty131");
            if (tid == 0)
                tid = modelp.Pro_Type_id;
            string property = EX_Product.ProductType_ProPertystr(tid, CurrentSupplier.id);

            if (property != "")
                    ggs = B_Lebi_ProPerty.GetList("Type_id_ProPertyType=131 and id in (" + property + ")", "Sort desc");
                catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException)
                    ggs = new List <Lebi_ProPerty>();
            if (ggs == null)
                ggs = new List <Lebi_ProPerty>();
            modelLan     = Language.DefaultLanguage();
            string where = "Product_id!=0 and (IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null)";
            if (pid == 0 || (pid > 0 && randnum > 0))
                where += " and Supplier_id = " + CurrentSupplier.id + " and Product_id=" + randnum + "";
                where += " and Supplier_id = " + CurrentSupplier.id + " and Product_id=" + pid + "";
            models = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, "");
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// 发表商品评价
        /// </summary>
        public void Comment_Write()
            int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);

            //int Product_id = 0;
            if (!Comment.CheckSafeWord(RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Content")))
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("内容中包含敏感词") + "\"}");
            Lebi_Order_Product Order_Product = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetModel("User_id=" + CurrentUser.id + " and id = " + id);

            if (Order_Product == null)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("该商品已经下架") + "\"}");
                Lebi_Order order = B_Lebi_Order.GetModel(Order_Product.Order_id);
                if (order == null)
                    Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("无效订单") + "\"}");
                    if (order.IsReceived == 0)
                        Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("已购买商品在已收货之后才可以发表评价") + "\"}");
                Order_Product.IsCommented = 1;
            Lebi_Product checkproduct = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(Order_Product.Product_id);

            if (checkproduct == null)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("该商品已经下架") + "\"}");
            Lebi_Comment model = new Lebi_Comment();

            model.TableName      = "Product";
            model.Keyid          = Order_Product.Product_id;
            model.Admin_UserName = "******";
            model.Admin_id       = 0;
            model.User_id        = CurrentUser.id;
            model.User_UserName  = CurrentUser.NickName;
            model.Content        = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Content");
            model.Star           = RequestTool.RequestInt("Star", 5);
            model.Parentid       = 0;
            model.Status         = 280;
            model.Time_Add       = System.DateTime.Now;
            model.Language_Code  = CurrentLanguage.Code;
            model.Images         = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Images");
            model.ImagesSmall    = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("ImagesSmall");
            model.Product_id     = Order_Product.Product_id;
            model.IsRead         = 1;
            model.Supplier_id    = checkproduct.Supplier_id;
            //List<Lebi_Order_Product> modelproducts = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("User_id=" + CurrentUser.id + " and id = " + id + "", "");
            //foreach (Lebi_Order_Product modelproduct in modelproducts)
            //    modelproduct.IsCommented = 1;
            //    B_Lebi_Order_Product.Update(modelproduct);
            Lebi_Product product = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(Order_Product.Product_id);

            if (product != null)
            model.id = B_Lebi_Comment.GetMaxId();
            ImageHelper.LebiImagesUsed(model.Images, "comment", model.id);
            Lebi_User user = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(CurrentUser.id);

            Email.SendEmail_comment(user, model);
            SMS.SendSMS_comment(user, model);
コード例 #26
ファイル: ajax_user.aspx.cs プロジェクト: yzbjack/LebiShop
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加或修改
        /// 收藏141或
        /// 购物车142
        /// 浏览历史143
        /// </summary>
        public void UserProduct_Edit()
            int t   = RequestTool.RequestInt("type", 141); //默认收藏
            int num = RequestTool.RequestInt("num", 1);    //默认数量1
            int pid = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0);

            if (t != 142)
                num = 1;
            if (num <= 0)
                num = 1;
            string property         = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("property");
            string propertypriceids = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("propertypriceids");
            int    warndays         = RequestTool.RequestInt("warndays", 0);
            string mes = "";

            if (t != 141 && t != 142 && t != 143 && t != 144)
            if ((t == 141 || t == 144) && CurrentUser.id == 0)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("请先登陆") + "\",\"url\":\"" + URL("P_Login", "") + "\"}");
            //<-{ 判断是否上架状态 by lebi.kingdge 2015-02-10
            Lebi_Product pro = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("id = " + pid + "");

            if (pro == null)
            if (t == 142)
                int levelcount = ProductLevelCount(pro);
                if (num < levelcount)
                    num = levelcount;
                    Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("起订量") + " " + levelcount + "\"}");
            if (pro.Type_id_ProductStatus != 101)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("该商品已经下架") + "\"}");
            if (ProductStock(pro) < 1 && pro.Type_id_ProductType != 324 && SYS.IsNullStockSale != "1")
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("该商品已经售罄") + "\"}");
            if ((pro.Type_id_ProductType == 321 || pro.Type_id_ProductType == 322) & (System.DateTime.Now < pro.Time_Start))
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("尚未开始") + "\"}");
            if ((pro.Type_id_ProductType == 321 || pro.Type_id_ProductType == 322) & (System.DateTime.Now > pro.Time_Expired))
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("已结束") + "\"}");
            if (CurrentUserLevel.BuyRight == 0 && t == 142)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("无权购买") + "\"}");
            if (EX_Product.ProductPrice(pro, CurrentUserLevel, CurrentUser) < 0 && t == 142)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("无权购买") + "\"}");
            if (Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("plugin_productlimit") && t == 142)
                if (SYS.ProductLimitType == "1")//选择表允许
                    int lc = B_Lebi_Product_Limit.Counts("(Product_id=" + pro.id + " or Product_id=" + pro.Product_id + ") and User_id=" + CurrentUser.id + " and IsShow=1 and IsPriceShow=1 and IsBuy=1");
                    if (lc == 0)
                        lc = B_Lebi_Product_Limit.Counts("(Product_id=" + pro.id + " or Product_id=" + pro.Product_id + ") and UserLevel_id=" + CurrentUserLevel.id + " and IsShow=1 and IsPriceShow=1 and IsBuy=1");
                        if (lc > 0)
                            Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("无权购买") + "\"}");
                    int lc = B_Lebi_Product_Limit.Counts("(Product_id=" + pro.id + " or Product_id=" + pro.Product_id + ") and User_id=" + CurrentUser.id + " and IsShow=1 and IsPriceShow=1 and IsBuy=1");
                    if (lc == 0)
                        lc = B_Lebi_Product_Limit.Counts("(Product_id=" + pro.id + " or Product_id=" + pro.Product_id + ") and UserLevel_id=" + CurrentUserLevel.id + " and IsShow=1 and IsPriceShow=1 and IsBuy=1");
                        if (lc > 0)
                            Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("无权购买") + "\"}");
                        Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("无权购买") + "\"}");
            //if (!("," + pro.UserLevel_ids_buy + ",").Contains("," + CurrentUserLevel.id + ",") && pro.UserLevel_ids_buy != "" && t == 142)
            //    Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Lang(pro.Name) + " " + Tag("无权购买") + "\"}");
            //    return;
            EX_User.UserProduct_Edit(CurrentUser, pid, num, t, property, warndays, propertypriceids);
            if (t == 141)
                mes = Tag("商品已加入收藏夹");
            else if (t == 144)
                mes = Tag("商品已加入常购清单");
                Basket basket = new Basket(0);
                mes = Tag("商品已加入购物车") + "<div>" + Tag("数量") + " <span>" + basket.Count + "</span> " + Tag("件") + " <span>" + FormatMoney(basket.Money_Product) + "</span></div><div><a href='" + URL("P_Basket", "") + "' class='btn btn-7'><s></s>" + Tag("查看购物车") + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='cloesedialog();' class='btn btn-11'><s></s>" + Tag("关闭") + "</a></div>";
            Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"count\":\"" + Basket_Product_Count() + "\",\"amount\":\"" + FormatMoney(Basket_Product_Price()) + "\",\"mes\":\"" + mes + "\",\"url\":\"" + URL("P_AddToBasket", "") + "\"}");
コード例 #27
        public decimal Money_Tax              = 0;        //税金
        /// <summary>
        /// sid=0,取得全部供应商的商品
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        public Basket(int sid)
            Products = Basket.UserProduct(CurrentUser, 142);

            PromotionTypes = new List <Lebi_Promotion_Type>();
            FreeProducts   = new List <Lebi_User_Product>();
            Shops          = new List <BasketShop>();
            List <BasketShop> tempShops   = new List <BasketShop>();
            List <string>     brandstring = new List <string>();

            foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                    Lebi_Product product = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(pro.Product_id);
                    if (product == null)
                    bool ishavebrand = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < brandstring.Count(); i++)
                        if (brandstring[i].Contains(product.Brand_id.ToString() + ":"))
                            brandstring[i] += "," + pro.Product_id;
                            ishavebrand     = true;
                    if (!ishavebrand)
                        brandstring.Add(product.Brand_id.ToString() + ":" + pro.Product_id);
                    if (product.Type_id_ProductType == 324)        //预定商品
                        pro.Product_Price = product.Price_reserve; //预定金额
                        pro.Product_Price = EX_Product.ProductPrice(product, CurrentUserLevel, CurrentUser, pro.count);//单价
                    //<-{计算品牌不含税商品总额  by lebi.kingdge 2015-08-22
                    Lebi_Brand brand = B_Lebi_Brand.GetModel(product.Brand_id);
                    if (brand != null)
                        if (brand.IsVAT == 0)
                            Money_Product_NOVAT += pro.Product_Price * pro.count;
                    Lebi_Supplier shop = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(product.Supplier_id);
                    if (shop == null)
                        product.Supplier_id = 0;    //容错,商品供应商删除时,商城发货
                        shop = new Lebi_Supplier(); //自营商品
                        if (shop.IsSupplierTransport == 0)//商城代发货的情况
                            product.Supplier_id = 0;
                            shop = new Lebi_Supplier();//自营商品

                    BasketShop bshop = (from m in tempShops
                                        where m.Shop.id == product.Supplier_id
                                        select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (bshop == null)
                        if (product.Supplier_id == 0)
                            //shop = new Lebi_Supplier();//自营商品
                            bshop          = new BasketShop();
                            bshop.Shop     = shop;
                            bshop.Products = new List <Lebi_User_Product>();
                            bshop          = new BasketShop();
                            bshop.Shop     = shop;
                            bshop.Products = new List <Lebi_User_Product>();
                    (from m in tempShops
                     where m.Shop.id == product.Supplier_id
                     select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault().Products.Add(pro);
                catch (System.NullReferenceException)
            tempShops = tempShops.OrderBy(a => a.Shop.id).ToList();
            if (SYS.IsSupplierCash == "1")
                if (sid == 0)
                    sid = RequestTool.RequestInt("sid");
                if (sid == 0)
                    string tempid = CookieTool.GetCookieString("supplier");
                    int.TryParse(tempid, out sid);
                cashsupplierid = sid;
                bool flag = false;
                foreach (BasketShop shop in tempShops)
                    if (shop.Shop.IsCash == 1)
                        IsMutiCash = true;
                    if (shop.Shop.id == cashsupplierid)
                        flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                        cashsupplierid = tempShops.FirstOrDefault().Shop.id;
                        cashsupplierid = 0;

                if (sid > 0)
                    List <int> ids = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempShops.Count; i++)
                        if (tempShops[i].Shop.id == cashsupplierid)
                    Shops = tempShops;
                Shops = tempShops;
            Products = new List <Lebi_User_Product>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Shops.Count; i++)
                Shops[i]             = SetMoneyAndPoint(CurrentUser, CurrentUserLevel, Shops[i]);
                Weight              += Shops[i].Weight;
                Volume              += Shops[i].Volume;
                Money_Product       += Shops[i].Money_Product;
                Money_Product_begin += Shops[i].Money_Product_begin;
                Money_Property      += Shops[i].Money_Property;
                Money_Cut           += Shops[i].Money_Cut;
                Money_Give          += Shops[i].Money_Give;
                Money_Market        += Shops[i].Money_Market;
                Count         += Shops[i].Count;
                Point         += Shops[i].Point;
                Point_Buy     += Shops[i].Point_Buy;
                Point_Product += Shops[i].Point_Product;
                Point_Free    += Shops[i].Point_Free;
            //<-{退税计算  by lebi.kingdge 2015-08-22
            decimal Refund_MinMoney = 0;
            decimal Refund_VAT      = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(SYS.Refund_MinMoney, out Refund_MinMoney);
            decimal.TryParse(SYS.Refund_VAT, out Refund_VAT);
            if (Refund_MinMoney > 0)
                if ((Money_Product - Money_Product_NOVAT) > Refund_MinMoney)
                    Money_Refund_VAT = (Money_Product - Money_Product_NOVAT) * Refund_VAT / 100;
                    Money_Refund_Fee = Refund_Fee(SYS.Refund_StepR, Money_Refund_VAT, Money_Product - Money_Product_NOVAT);
                    Money_Refund     = Money_Refund_VAT - Money_Refund_Fee;
                    Money_Refund     = 0;
                    Money_Refund_VAT = 0;
                    Money_Refund_Fee = 0;
                if (Refund_VAT > 0)
                    foreach (string bran in brandstring)
                        string[]   arr   = bran.Split(':');
                        Lebi_Brand brand = B_Lebi_Brand.GetModel("id=" + arr[0] + " and IsVAT = 1");
                        if (brand != null)
                            decimal Brand_Money_Product            = 0;
                            decimal OtherSite_Money_Refund_VAT     = 0;
                            decimal OtherSite_Money_Refund_Fee     = 0;
                            List <Lebi_User_Product> user_products = (from m in Products where ("," + arr[1] + ",").Contains("," + m.Product_id + ",") select m).ToList();
                            foreach (Lebi_User_Product user_product in user_products)
                                Brand_Money_Product += user_product.Product_Price * user_product.count;
                            if (Brand_Money_Product >= Refund_MinMoney)
                                OtherSite_Money_Refund_VAT = Brand_Money_Product * Refund_VAT / 100;
                                OtherSite_Money_Refund_Fee = Refund_Fee(SYS.Refund_StepR, OtherSite_Money_Refund_VAT, Brand_Money_Product);
                                OtherSite_Money_Refund    += OtherSite_Money_Refund_VAT - OtherSite_Money_Refund_Fee;
            //<-{税金计算  by lebi.kingdge 2017-02-17
            decimal TaxRate = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(SYS.TaxRate, out TaxRate);
            if (TaxRate > 0)
                Money_Tax = Money_Product * TaxRate / 100;
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算促销活动
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Products">商品信息</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentUser">购买者</param>
        /// <param name="shop">供应商,为空表示自营商品</param>
        /// <param name="basketshop"></param>
        public static BasketShop SetMoneyAndPoint(Lebi_User CurrentUser, Lebi_UserLevel CurrentUserLevel, BasketShop basketshop)
            string  pids = "0";
            decimal Money_Product_begin = 0;
            int     Count  = 0;
            decimal Weight = 0; //订单总重量
            decimal Volume = 0; //订单总体积

            int     Money_Transport_One = 0;
            bool    IsTransportPriceOne = false;
            decimal Money_Market        = 0;
            decimal Money_Cut           = 0;
            decimal Money_Give          = 0;
            decimal Point_Free          = 0; //赠送积分
            decimal Point_Product       = 0; //商品获得的积分
            decimal Point          = 0;      //获得的积分总数
            decimal Point_Buy      = 0;      //积分换购所需积分
            decimal Money_Product  = 0;
            decimal Money_Property = 0;
            List <Lebi_User_Product>   FreeProducts   = new List <Lebi_User_Product>();
            List <Lebi_Promotion_Type> PromotionTypes = new List <Lebi_Promotion_Type>();

            if (CurrentUserLevel == null)
                CurrentUserLevel = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetModel(CurrentUser.UserLevel_id);
            List <Lebi_User_Product> Products = basketshop.Products;
            Lebi_Supplier            shop     = basketshop.Shop;

            foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                Lebi_Product product = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(pro.Product_id);
                if (product == null)
                pro.Discount   = 100;
                pro.Pointagain = 1;
                //pro.Product_Price = EX_Product.ProductPrice(product, CurrentUserLevel,pro.count);//单价
                if (CurrentUserLevel.MoneyToPoint > 0)
                    pro.Product_Point = pro.Product_Price * CurrentUserLevel.MoneyToPoint + pro.Product_Point;//单个产品可得的积分
                pids += "," + pro.Product_id;
                Money_Product_begin = Math.Round(Money_Product_begin + pro.Product_Price * pro.count, 2);
                Count          = Count + pro.count;
                Money_Market   = Money_Market + EX_Product.ProductMarketPrice(product) * pro.count; //兼容分销  2018.3.8 by lebi.kingdge
                Money_Property = Money_Property + pro.ProPerty_Price * pro.count;
                Money_Product  = Money_Product + pro.Product_Price * pro.count;
                Weight         = Weight + product.Weight * pro.count;
                Volume         = Volume + product.VolumeH * product.VolumeL * product.VolumeW * pro.count;
                Point_Product  = Point_Product + Math.Round(pro.Product_Point * pro.count, 2);
                Point          = Point_Product + Point_Free;
                if (product.Type_id_ProductType == 323 && product.Time_Expired > System.DateTime.Now)
                    Point_Buy = Point_Buy + product.Price_Sale * pro.count;

            List <Lebi_Promotion_Type> cps = Promotion.CurrentPromotionType();

            if (shop == null)
                shop = new Lebi_Supplier();
            foreach (Lebi_Promotion_Type cp in cps)
                if (cp.Type_id_PromotionType == 421)
                    if (shop.id > 0)
                if (cp.Type_id_PromotionType == 422)
                    if (shop.id != cp.Supplier_id)
                if (!("," + cp.UserLevel_ids + ",").Contains("," + CurrentUserLevel.id + ","))

                bool flag = true;
                string where = "1=1";
                List <Lebi_User_Product> sps = null;
                foreach (Lebi_Promotion p in Promotion.GetPromotion(cp.id))//只匹配一个条件
                    flag = true;
                    if (p.Case804 == "")
                        p.Case804 = "0";
                    if (p.Case805 == "")
                        p.Case805 = "0";
                    if (p.IsCase801 == 1)
                        if (Money_Product_begin < p.Case801)
                            flag = false;

                    if (p.IsCase802 == 1)
                        if (Count < p.Case802)
                            flag = false;
                    if (p.IsCase804 == 1)
                        where += " and Pro_Type_id in (" + p.Case804 + ")";
                        if (B_Lebi_Product.Counts("id in (" + pids + ") and Pro_Type_id in (" + p.Case804 + ")") == 0)
                            flag = false;
                    if (p.IsCase805 == 1)
                        where += "and id in (" + p.Case805 + ")";
                        if (B_Lebi_Product.Counts("id in (" + pids + ") and id in (" + p.Case805 + ")") == 0)
                            flag = false;
                    if (p.IsCase803 == 1)
                        string tids = "0";
                        foreach (Lebi_User_Product up in Products)
                            if (up.count >= p.Case803)
                                tids += "," + up.Product_id;
                        if (tids == "0")
                            flag = false;
                        where += " and id in (" + tids + ")";
                        if (B_Lebi_Product.Counts(where) == 0)
                            flag = false;
                    if (p.IsCase806 == 1)
                        if (p.Case804 == "" && p.Case805 == "")//未设置限制条件的话,直接失败
                            flag = false;
                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (Lebi_User_Product up in Products)
                            if (("," + p.Case804 + ",").Contains("," + up.Pro_Type_id + ",") || ("," + p.Case805 + ",").Contains("," + up.Product_id + ","))
                                count = count + up.count;
                        if (count < p.Case806)
                            flag = false;
                    if (flag)
                        sps = B_Lebi_User_Product.GetList("User_id=" + CurrentUser.id + " and type_id_UserProductType=142 and Product_id in (select id from [Lebi_Product] where " + where + ")", "");

                        if (p.IsRule901 == 1)
                            Money_Transport_One = p.Rule901;
                            IsTransportPriceOne = true;
                        if (p.IsRule902 == 1)
                            foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                                pro.Discount = pro.Discount * p.Rule902 / 100;
                        if (p.IsRule903 == 1)
                            if (sps != null)
                                foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                                    foreach (Lebi_User_Product sp in sps)
                                        if (pro.id == sp.id)
                                            pro.Discount = pro.Discount * p.Rule903 / 100;
                        if (p.IsRule904 == 1)
                            Money_Cut = p.Rule904;
                        if (p.IsRule905 == 1)
                            Money_Give = p.Rule905;
                        if (p.IsRule906 == 1)
                            Point_Free = p.Rule906;
                        if (p.IsRule907 == 1)
                            foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                                pro.Pointagain = pro.Pointagain + p.Rule907;
                        if (p.IsRule908 == 1)
                            if (sps != null)
                                foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                                    foreach (Lebi_User_Product sp in sps)
                                        if (pro.id == sp.id)
                                            pro.Pointagain = pro.Pointagain + p.Rule908;
                        if (p.IsRule909 == 1)
                        if (p.IsRule910 == 1)
                            if (sps != null)
                                foreach (Lebi_User_Product sp in sps)
                                    sp.count         = p.Rule910;
                                    sp.Product_Price = 0;
                                    sp.Product_Point = 0;
                                    sp.Pointagain    = 0;
                                    sp.Discount      = 0;
                        if (p.IsRule912 == 1 && p.IsCase803 == 1 && p.Case803 > 0)
                            foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                                foreach (Lebi_User_Product sp in sps)
                                    if (pro.id == sp.id)
                                        if (pro.count > p.Case803)
                                            int n = sp.count / p.Case803;
                                            Money_Cut = Money_Cut + pro.Product_Price * (100 - p.Rule912) / 100 * n;

                        Money_Product = 0;
                        Point_Product = 0;
                        Point         = 0;
                        foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in Products)
                            Money_Product += Math.Round(pro.Product_Price * pro.count * pro.Discount / 100, 2);
                            Point_Product += Math.Round(pro.Product_Point * pro.count * pro.Pointagain);
                            Point          = Point_Product + Point_Free;

                if (flag)
            basketshop = new BasketShop();
            basketshop.FreeProducts        = FreeProducts;
            basketshop.Money_Cut           = Money_Cut;
            basketshop.Money_Give          = Money_Give;
            basketshop.Money_Market        = Money_Market;
            basketshop.Money_Product       = Money_Product;
            basketshop.Money_Product_begin = Money_Product_begin;
            basketshop.Money_Transport     = 0;
            basketshop.Point               = Point;
            basketshop.Point_Free          = Point_Free;
            basketshop.Point_Buy           = Point_Buy;
            basketshop.Point_Product       = Point_Product;
            basketshop.Products            = Products;
            basketshop.PromotionTypes      = PromotionTypes;
            basketshop.Shop                = shop;
            basketshop.Volume              = Volume;
            basketshop.Weight              = Weight;
            basketshop.IsTransportPriceOne = IsTransportPriceOne;
            basketshop.Money_Transport_One = Money_Transport_One;
            basketshop.Count               = Count;
            basketshop.Money_Property      = Money_Property;
コード例 #29
ファイル: P_ProductCategory.cs プロジェクト: zwkjgs/LebiShop
        protected override void LoadPage(string themecode, int siteid, string languagecode, string pcode)
            LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, languagecode, pcode);
            id        = Rint_Para("0");    //商品分类
            pid       = Rint_Para("1");    //品牌
            cid       = Rstring_Para("2"); //属性
            list      = Rstring_Para("3"); //列表或网格
            sort      = Rstring_Para("4"); //排序
            tid       = Rint_Para("5");    //商品标签
            transport = Rint_Para("7");    //配送 0全部 1商城 2商家
            stock     = Rint_Para("8");    //是否有库存 1只显示有货
            pageindex = RequestTool.RequestInt("page", 1);
            pro_type  = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetModel(id);
            if (pro_type == null)
                pro_type = new Lebi_Pro_Type();
            if (Lang(pro_type.Url) != "")  //如果存在自定义URL 跳转至自定义URL by kingdge 2014-10-30
            property = EX_Product.ProductType_ProPerty(pro_type);
            if (property == null)
                property = new Lebi_Pro_Type(); property.ProPerty132 = "0";
            if (property.ProPerty132 == "")
                property.ProPerty132 = "0";
            path = "<a href=\"" + URL("P_Index", "") + "\" class=\"home\" title=\"" + Tag("首页") + "\"><span>" + Tag("首页") + "</span></a><em class=\"home\">&raquo;</em>";
            if (pro_type.id > 0)
                CategoryPath = Categorypath(id);
                for (int i = 0; i <= CategoryPath.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    path += "<a href=\"" + URL("P_ProductCategory", "" + CategoryPath[i, 0] + "", CategoryPath[i, 2]) + "\"><span>" + CategoryPath[i, 1] + "</span></a>";
                    if (i < CategoryPath.GetUpperBound(0))
                        path += "<em>&raquo;</em>";
            else if (tid == 0)
                path += "<a href=\"" + URL("P_ProductCategory", "0") + "\"><span>" + Tag("商品列表") + "</span></a>";
            if (tid > 0)
                tag   = B_Lebi_Pro_Tag.GetModel(tid);
                path += "<em>&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ProductCategory", "" + id + ",$,$,$,$," + tid + "") + "\"><span>" + Lang(tag.Name) + "</span></a>";
            where = ProductWhere + " and Type_id_ProductType <> 323";
            if (pid > 0)
                where += " and Brand_id=" + pid + "";
                brand  = B_Lebi_Brand.GetModel(pid);
                path  += "<em>&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ProductCategory", "" + id + "," + pid + ",$,$,$,$") + "\"><span>" + Lang(brand.Name) + "</span></a>";
            if (cid != "")
                where += " and " + Categorywhere(cid);
                string _cidlast = "";
                if (cid.IndexOf("$") > -1)
                    string[] cidarr = cid.Split('$');
                    for (int i = 0; i < cidarr.Count(); i++)
                        if (cidarr[i].IndexOf("|") > -1)
                            string[] _cids = cidarr[i].Split('|');
                            _cidlast = _cids[1];
                            Lebi_ProPerty ProPerty = B_Lebi_ProPerty.GetModel(int.Parse(_cidlast));
                            if (ProPerty != null)
                                path += "<em>&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ProductCategory", "" + id + "," + pid + "," + ProPerty.parentid + "|" + ProPerty.id + ",$,$,$") + "\"><span>" + Lang(ProPerty.Name) + "</span></a>";
                    if (cid.IndexOf("|") > -1)
                        string[] _cids = cid.Split('|');
                        _cidlast = _cids[1];
                        Lebi_ProPerty ProPerty = B_Lebi_ProPerty.GetModel(int.Parse(_cidlast));
                        if (ProPerty != null)
                            path += "<em>&raquo;</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_ProductCategory", "" + id + "," + pid + "," + ProPerty.parentid + "|" + ProPerty.id + ",$,$,$") + "\"><span>" + Lang(ProPerty.Name) + "</span></a>";
            if (id > 0)
                where += " and " + CategoryWhere(id);
                //where += " and (Pro_Type_id in (" + Categorywhereforid(id) + ")";
                //if (DataBase.DBType == "sqlserver")
                //    where += " or Charindex('," + id + ",',','+Pro_Type_id_other+',')>0)";
                //if (DataBase.DBType == "access")
                //    where += " or Instr(','+Pro_Type_id_other+',','," + id + ",')>0)";
            if (tid > 0)
                if (DataBase.DBType == "sqlserver")
                    where += " and Charindex('," + tid + ",',','+Pro_Tag_id+',')>0";
                if (DataBase.DBType == "access")
                    where += " and Instr(','+Pro_Tag_id+',','," + tid + ",')>0";
            if (transport == 1)
                where += " and IsSupplierTransport  = 0";
            else if (transport == 2)
                where += " and IsSupplierTransport  = 1";
            if (stock == 1)
                where += " and Count_Stock > 0";
            if (sort == "1")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "1a")
                order = " Count_Sales_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "2")
                order = " Price desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "2a")
                order = " Price asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "3")
                order = " Count_Comment desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "3a")
                order = " Count_Comment asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "4")
                order = " Time_Add desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "4a")
                order = " Time_Add asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "5")
                order = " Count_Views_Show desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "5a")
                order = " Count_Views_Show asc"; ordertmp = "";
            else if (sort == "6")
                order = " Count_Stock desc"; ordertmp = "a";
            else if (sort == "6a")
                order = " Count_Stock asc"; ordertmp = "";
                order = " Sort desc,id desc"; ordertmp = "";
            products    = B_Lebi_Product.GetList(where, order, PageSize, pageindex);
            recordCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts(where);
            string url = URL("P_ProductCategory", id + "," + pid + "," + cid + "," + list + "," + sort + "," + tid + ",{0}," + transport + "," + stock + "", Lang(pro_type.Url));

            HeadPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWebSimple(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
            FootPage = Shop.Bussiness.Pager.GetPaginationStringForWeb(url, pageindex, PageSize, recordCount, CurrentLanguage);
コード例 #30
        public string CreateTree(int pid, int deep)
            string str = "";
            // List<Lebi_Pro_Type> types = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetList("Parentid=" + pid + "", "Sort desc");
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> types = EX_Product.Types(pid);
            string style = "";

            if (deep > 0)
                style = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            string showids = Shop.Tools.CookieTool.GetCookieString("showTypeids").Replace("%2C", ",");
            string image   = "";

            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type t in types)
                image = AdminImage("plus.gif");
                bool showson = false;
                if (showids.Contains("," + t.id + ",") || showids.Contains("," + t.Parentid + ","))
                    style = "";
                if (showids.Contains("," + t.id + ","))
                    image   = AdminImage("minus.gif");
                    showson = true;
                int count = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.Counts("Parentid=" + t.id + "");
                //name = "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + 1 + "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["pid"] + "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"] + "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["pid"] + ",\" />";
                string caozuo = "<a href=\"javascript:Edit(" + t.id + ",0)\">" + Tag("添加子类") + "</a> |  <a href=\"javascript:Edit(0," + t.id + ")\">" + Tag("编辑") + "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:Del(" + t.id + ")\">" + Tag("删除") + "</a>";

                //str += "<tr onclick='javascript:selectrow(\"check" + t.id + "\");' name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" " + style + " id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                str += "<tr class=\"list\" ondblclick=\"Edit(0," + t.id + ")\" name=\"tr" + t.Parentid + "\" " + style + " id=\"tr" + t.id + "\">";
                str += "<td style=\"text-align:center\"><input type='checkbox' id=\"check" + t.id + "\" value='" + t.id + "' name='id' del=\"del\" /></td>";
                str += "<td>" + t.id + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + deepstr(deep);
                if (count > 0)
                    str += "<img src=\"" + image + "\" name=\"img" + t.Parentid + "\" id=\"img" + t.id + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" onclick=\"ShowProductTypeChild('" + findpath(t.id) + "'," + t.id + "," + (deep + 1) + ")\" title=\"" + Tag("展开") + "\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    str += "<img src=\"" + AdminImage("minus.gif") + "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center; vertical-align:absmiddle\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                if (t.ImageSmall != "")
                    str += "<img src=\"" + t.ImageSmall + "\" height=\"16\" />&nbsp;";
                str += Language.Content(t.Name, CurrentLanguage.Code) + "&nbsp;<a href=\"" + Shop.Bussiness.ThemeUrl.GetURL("P_ProductCategory", t.id.ToString(), "", CurrentLanguage.Code) + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + PageImage("icon/newWindow.png") + "\" style=\"vertical-align:absmiddle\" /></a></td>";

                str += "<td>" + Shop.Tools.Utils.GetUnicodeSubString(shuxinglianjie(ProPertystring(t.ProPerty132), ProPertystring(t.ProPerty133)), 100, "...") + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + Shop.Tools.Utils.GetUnicodeSubString(ProPertystring(t.ProPerty131), 100, "...") + "</td>";

                str += "<td><a href=\"default.aspx?Pro_Type_id=" + t.id + "&Type_id_ProductType=320,321,322,323\">" + EX_Product.TypeProductCount(t.id) + "</a></td>";
                str += "<td>" + t.Sort + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + (t.IsShow == 1 ? "" + Tag("是") + "" : "" + Tag("否") + "") + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + (t.IsIndexShow == 1 ? "" + Tag("是") + "" : "" + Tag("否") + "") + "</td>";
                str += "<td>" + caozuo + "</td></tr>";
                if (showson)
                    str += CreateTree(t.id, deep + 1);
                //CreateSunNode(int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()), ",0", ss);