コード例 #1
        public static string tftp_mode_to_string(ETransferMode m)
            switch (m)
            case ETransferMode.ASCII: { return("netascii"); };

            case ETransferMode.BINARY: { return("octet"); };
コード例 #2
ファイル: FTPSClient.cs プロジェクト: seeseekey/CSCL
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the representation type according to the given parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transferMode"></param>
 public void SetTransferMode(ETransferMode transferMode)
     TypeCmd(transferMode == ETransferMode.ASCII ? ERepType.A : ERepType.I, null);
     this.transferMode = transferMode;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FTPSClient.cs プロジェクト: seeseekey/CSCL
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to a FTP server using the provided parameters. 
        /// The default representation tipe is set to Binary.
        /// The text encoding is set to UTF8, if supported by the server via the FEAT command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostname"></param>
        /// <param name="port"></param>
        /// <param name="credential"></param>
        /// <param name="sslSupportMode"></param>
        /// <param name="userValidateServerCertificate"></param>
        /// <param name="x509ClientCert"></param>
        /// <param name="sslMinKeyExchangeAlgStrength"></param>
        /// <param name="sslMinCipherAlgStrength"></param>
        /// <param name="sslMinHashAlgStrength"></param>
        /// <param name="timeout">Connection timeout in ms. <c>null</c> can be specifiad to keep the default value of 120s.</param>
        /// <param name="useCtrlEndPointAddressForData"><c>true</c> to use the control channel remote address for data connections instead of the address returned by PASV</param>
        /// <returns>The text of the \"welcome message\" sent by the server.</returns>
        public string Connect(string hostname, int port, NetworkCredential credential, ESSLSupportMode sslSupportMode, 
                            RemoteCertificateValidationCallback userValidateServerCertificate, X509Certificate x509ClientCert, 
                            int sslMinKeyExchangeAlgStrength, int sslMinCipherAlgStrength, int sslMinHashAlgStrength, 
                            int? timeout, bool useCtrlEndPointAddressForData)

            // Anonymous authentication
            if (credential == null)
                credential = new NetworkCredential(anonUsername, anonPassword);

            if (timeout != null)
                this.timeout = timeout.Value;

            this.sslClientCert = x509ClientCert;

            this.userValidateServerCertificate = userValidateServerCertificate;

            this.sslMinKeyExchangeAlgStrength = sslMinKeyExchangeAlgStrength;
            this.sslMinCipherAlgStrength = sslMinCipherAlgStrength;
            this.sslMinHashAlgStrength = sslMinHashAlgStrength;

            this.sslSupportRequestedMode = sslSupportMode;
            this.sslSupportCurrentMode = sslSupportMode;

            this.useCtrlEndPointAddressForData = useCtrlEndPointAddressForData;

            sslInfo = null;

            features = null;

            transferMode = ETransferMode.ASCII;
            textEncoding = ETextEncoding.ASCII;

            bannerMessage = null;
            welcomeMessage = null;            


            // Ok, member initialization is done. Start with setting up a control connection
            SetupCtrlConnection(hostname, port, Encoding.ASCII);

            // Used later for SSL/TLS auth
            this.hostname = hostname;

            // Implicit SSL/TLS
            bool isImplicitSsl = (sslSupportMode & ESSLSupportMode.Implicit) == ESSLSupportMode.Implicit;
            if (isImplicitSsl)

            // Wait fot server message
            bannerMessage = GetReply().Message;

            // Explicit SSL/TLS
            if (!isImplicitSsl)

            // Login. Note that a password might not be required
            // TODO: check if the welcomeMessage is returned by the USER command in case the PASS command is not required.  
                welcomeMessage = PassCmd(credential.Password);


            if (IsControlChannelEncrypted && !isImplicitSsl)

                if ((sslSupportMode & ESSLSupportMode.ControlChannelRequested) != ESSLSupportMode.ControlChannelRequested)

                // This is required by some FTP servers and must precede any OPTS command
                if (CheckFeature("CLNT"))

                // Set UTF8 as character encoding, but only if listed among the FEAT features
                if (CheckFeature("UTF8"))
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: add warning info

            // Default binary transfers

            return welcomeMessage;
コード例 #4
        // functions
        public CTFTPMessageInWriteRequest(byte[] buffer, int buffer_length)
            // init vars
            this.m_options         = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            this.m_filename        = "";
            this.m_mode            = ETransferMode.UNDEFINED;
            this.m_block_size      = 512;
            this.m_total_size      = 0;
            this.m_timeout_in_secs = 5;

            // index into the buffer array and temp string for working
            int    buffer_index = 0;
            string temp_string  = "";

            // opcode has already been extracted in main receive function which is how we got here
            // in the first place, no need to duplicate effor
            buffer_index += 2;

            // get the filename
            while (buffer[buffer_index] != 0)
                this.m_filename += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, buffer_index, 1);
            // get past the terminating 0

            // get the mode
            while (buffer[buffer_index] != 0)
                temp_string += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, buffer_index, 1);
            // get past the terminating 0
            this.m_mode = Utilities.string_to_tftp_mode(temp_string);

            // start pulling out options
            while (buffer_index < buffer_length)
                // extract option string
                string option = "";
                while (buffer[buffer_index] != 0)
                    option += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, buffer_index, 1);
                // get past the terminating 0

                // get the value
                string value = "";
                while (buffer[buffer_index] != 0)
                    value += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, buffer_index, 1);
                // get past the terminating 0

                // save the options
                this.m_options[option] = value;

                // check which option
                switch (option)
                case "blksize":
                    this.m_block_size = Convert.ToUInt16(value);

                case "tsize":
                    this.m_total_size = Convert.ToUInt32(value);

                case "timeout":
                    this.m_timeout_in_secs = Convert.ToUInt16(value);

                case "windowsize":
                    this.m_window_size = Convert.ToUInt16(value);

                case "outoforder":
                    if (value == "1")
                        this.m_out_of_order = true;
                        this.m_out_of_order = false;
コード例 #5
        // functions
        public CTFTPMessageOutReadRequest(string filename, ETransferMode mode, ushort block_size, ushort timeout_in_secs, uint tsize, ushort windowsize, bool out_of_order)
            // save the passed variables
            this.m_filename        = filename;
            this.m_mode            = mode;
            this.m_block_size      = block_size;
            this.m_total_size      = tsize;
            this.m_timeout_in_secs = timeout_in_secs;
            this.m_window_size     = windowsize;
            this.m_out_of_order    = out_of_order;

            // allocate the buffer space...estimate the size needed based on length of the filename
            // plus room for opcode, mode, blocksize, timeout, extra padding
            // since this is a one time packet we can "over pad" it without much detriment
            // the actual final length will be calculated at the end to store in m_buffer_length
            this.m_buffer = new byte[filename.Length + 256];

            // create the buffer for this message and put all the data in it
            int    buffer_index = 0;
            string temp         = "";

            // set the opcode
            ushort opcode = Utilities.htons((ushort)(this.Opcode));

            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(opcode), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, 2);
            buffer_index += 2;

            // set the filename
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(this.m_filename), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, this.m_filename.Length);
            buffer_index += filename.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // set the mode
            temp = Utilities.tftp_mode_to_string(mode);
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // terminate it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // set a block size
            // the string blksize
            temp = "blksize";
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // now the value
            temp = block_size.ToString();
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // tsize option
            temp = "tsize";
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // now the value
            temp = this.m_total_size.ToString();
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // timeout value
            temp = "timeout";
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;
            // now the value
            temp = timeout_in_secs.ToString();
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // windowsize value
            temp = "windowsize";
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;
            // now the value
            temp = this.m_window_size.ToString();
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // buckets value
            temp = "outoforder";
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;
            // now the value
            if (out_of_order == true)
                temp = "1";
                temp = "0";
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp), 0, this.m_buffer, buffer_index, temp.Length);
            buffer_index += temp.Length;
            // termiante it with 0
            this.m_buffer[buffer_index] = 0;
            buffer_index += 1;

            // now save the buffer length
            this.m_buffer_length = buffer_index;
コード例 #6
ファイル: FTPSClient.cs プロジェクト: jcaillon/3P
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the representation type according to the given parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transferMode"></param>
 public void SetTransferMode(ETransferMode transferMode)
     TypeCmd(transferMode == ETransferMode.Ascii ? ERepType.A : ERepType.I, null);
     _transferMode = transferMode;