コード例 #1
        public async void Search_TestRequestSetup(Terms_Search_Request_Base data)
            JObject actualRequest = null;

            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.SearchResponse <GlossaryTerm> >((req, res) =>
                // We don't really care about the ES response for this test.
                res.Stream     = MockEmptyResponse;
                res.StatusCode = 200;
                actualRequest  = conn.GetRequestPost(req);

            // While this has a URI, it does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests
            // from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

                var results = await termsClient.Search(data.Dictionary, data.Audience, data.LangCode, data.SearchTerm, data.MatchType, data.Size, data.From, data.IncludeAdditionalInfo);
            catch (Exception) { }

            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer());
コード例 #2
        public async void GetCount_InvalidResponse()
            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.CountResponse>((req, res) =>
                string partial   = @"{
                    ""count"": 8458,
                    ""_shards"": {";
                byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(partial);
                res.Stream       = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
                res.StatusCode   = 200;

            // The URI does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> clientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService query = new ESTermsQueryService(client, clientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            // We don't care about the inputs, only in the error response.
            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => query.GetCount("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "es")

            Assert.Equal(500, ex.HttpStatusCode);
コード例 #3
        public async void Search_TestAPIConnectionFailure()
            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.SearchResponse <GlossaryTerm> >((req, res) =>
                res.StatusCode = 500;

            // While this has a URI, it does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests
            // from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => termsClient.Search("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "chicken", MatchType.Begins, 10, 0, false));

            Assert.Equal(500, ex.HttpStatusCode);
コード例 #4
        public async void GetByName_DataLoading(GetByNameTermsQueryTestData data)
            IElasticClient client = GetByName_GetElasticClientWithData(data.PrettyUrlName);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            GlossaryTerm glossaryTerm = await termsClient.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-1");

            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData, glossaryTerm, new GlossaryTermComparer());
コード例 #5
        public async void GetByName_TestNoOrIncorrectResults(string file, int expectedStatusCode, string expectedMessage)
            IElasticClient client = GetByName_GetElasticClientWithData(file);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => termsClient.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-1"));

            Assert.Equal(expectedStatusCode, ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMessage, ex.Message);
コード例 #6
        public async void Search_DataLoading(SearchTermsQueryTestData data)
            IElasticClient client = Search_GetElasticClientWithData(data.SearchTestType);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            GlossaryTermResults glossaryTermResults = await termsClient.Search("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "chicken", MatchType.Begins, 5, 0, false);

            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData.Results, glossaryTermResults.Results, new GlossaryTermComparer());
            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData.Meta.TotalResults, glossaryTermResults.Meta.TotalResults);
            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData.Meta.From, glossaryTermResults.Meta.From);
コード例 #7
        public async void GetCount_Request(BaseTermsQueryCountTestData data)
            Uri        esURI         = null;
            string     esContentType = String.Empty;
            HttpMethod esMethod      = HttpMethod.DELETE; // Basically, something other than the expected value.

            JObject requestBody = null;

            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.CountResponse>((req, res) =>
                // We don't really care about the response for this test.
                res.Stream     = GetMockCountResponse();
                res.StatusCode = 200;

                esURI         = req.Uri;
                esContentType = req.ContentType;
                esMethod      = req.Method;
                requestBody   = conn.GetRequestPost(req);

            // The URI does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> clientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService query = new ESTermsQueryService(client, clientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            // We don't really care that this returns anything (for this test), only that the intercepting connection
            // sets up the request correctly.
            long result = await query.GetCount(data.DictionaryName, data.Audience, data.Language);

            Assert.Equal("/glossaryv1/terms/_count", esURI.AbsolutePath);
            Assert.Equal("application/json", esContentType);
            Assert.Equal(HttpMethod.POST, esMethod);
            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData, requestBody, new JTokenEqualityComparer());
コード例 #8
        public async void GetById_TestUriSetup(BaseTermsQueryTestData data)
            Uri esURI = null;

            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.GetResponse <GlossaryTerm> >((req, res) =>
                //Get the file name for this round
                res.Stream = TestingTools.GetTestFileAsStream("ESTermsQueryData/GetById/" + data.ESTermID + ".json");

                res.StatusCode = 200;

                esURI = req.Uri;

            // While this has a URI, it does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests
            // from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            // We don't actually care that this returns anything - only that the intercepting connection
            // sets up the request URI correctly.
            GlossaryTerm actDisplay = await termsClient.GetById(

            Assert.Equal($"/glossaryv1/terms/{data.ESTermID}", esURI.AbsolutePath);
コード例 #9
        public async void GetCount_Response(BaseTermsCountResponseData data)
            Uri        esURI         = null;
            string     esContentType = String.Empty;
            HttpMethod esMethod      = HttpMethod.DELETE; // Basically, something other than the expected value.

            JObject requestBody = null;

            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.CountResponse>((req, res) =>
                res.Stream     = TestingTools.GetTestFileAsStream("ESTermsQueryData/GetCount/" + data.TestFilename);
                res.StatusCode = 200;

                esURI         = req.Uri;
                esContentType = req.ContentType;
                esMethod      = req.Method;
                requestBody   = conn.GetRequestPost(req);

            // The URI does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> clientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService query = new ESTermsQueryService(client, clientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

            // We don't really care about the inputs. What matters is the return, which is controlled by the mock ES connection.
            long result = await query.GetCount("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "es");

            Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedCount, result);
コード例 #10
        public async void GetByName_TestRequestSetup()
            JObject actualRequest   = null;
            JObject expectedRequest = JObject.Parse(@"
                    ""sort"": [
                            ""term_name"": {}
                    ""query"": {
                        ""bool"": {
                            ""must"": [
                                    ""term"": {
                                        ""language"": {
                                            ""value"": ""en""
                                    ""term"": {
                                        ""audience"": {
                                            ""value"": ""Patient""
                                    ""term"": {
                                        ""dictionary"": {
                                            ""value"": ""Cancer.gov""
                                    ""term"": {
                                        ""pretty_url_name"": {
                                            ""value"": ""s-1""

            ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection();

            conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.SearchResponse <GlossaryTerm> >((req, res) =>
                res.Stream = TestingTools.GetTestFileAsStream("ESTermsQueryData/GetByName/s-1.json");

                res.StatusCode = 200;

                actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req);

            // While this has a URI, it does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests
            // from the server.
            var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

            var            connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn);
            IElasticClient client             = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

            // Setup the mocked Options
            IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions();

            ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>());

                var results = await termsClient.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-1");
            catch (Exception) { }

            Assert.Equal(expectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer());