/// <summary> /// Example using event socket in "Inbound" mode /// </summary> /// <param name="stateInfo">Object state info</param> static void InboundMode(Object stateInfo) { //Initializes a new instance of ESLconnection, and connects to the host $host on the port $port, and supplies $password to freeswitch ESLconnection eslConnection = new ESLconnection("localhost", "8021", "ClueCon"); if (eslConnection.Connected() != ESL_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Error connecting to FreeSwitch"); return; } //Set log level //ESL.eslSetLogLevel((int)enLogLevel.DEBUG); // Subscribe to all events ESLevent eslEvent = eslConnection.SendRecv("event plain ALL"); if (eslEvent == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error subscribing to all events"); return; } //Turns an event into colon-separated 'name: value' pairs. The format parameter isn't used Console.WriteLine(eslEvent.Serialize(String.Empty)); // Grab Events until process is killed while (eslConnection.Connected() == ESL_SUCCESS) { eslEvent = eslConnection.RecvEvent(); Console.WriteLine(eslEvent.Serialize(String.Empty)); } }
/// <summary> /// Example using event socket in "Outbound" mode asynchronic /// </summary> /// <param name="stateInfo">Object state info</param> static void OutboundModeAsync(Object stateInfo) { /* add next line to a dialplan * <action application="socket" data="localhost:8022 async full" /> */ TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8022); try { tcpListener.Start(); Console.WriteLine("OutboundModeAsync, waiting for connections..."); while (true) { tcpListener.BeginAcceptSocket((asyncCallback) => { TcpListener tcpListened = (TcpListener)asyncCallback.AsyncState; Socket sckClient = tcpListened.EndAcceptSocket(asyncCallback); //Initializes a new instance of ESLconnection, and connects to the host $host on the port $port, and supplies $password to freeswitch ESLconnection eslConnection = new ESLconnection(sckClient.Handle.ToInt32()); ESLevent eslEvent = eslConnection.GetInfo(); string strUuid = eslEvent.GetHeader("UNIQUE-ID", -1); eslConnection.SendRecv("myevents"); eslConnection.SendRecv("divert_events on"); eslConnection.Execute("answer", String.Empty, String.Empty); eslConnection.Execute("playback", "music/8000/suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav", String.Empty); while (eslConnection.Connected() == ESL_SUCCESS) { eslEvent = eslConnection.RecvEvent(); Console.WriteLine(eslEvent.Serialize(String.Empty)); } sckClient.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Connection closed uuid:{0}", strUuid); }, tcpListener); Thread.Sleep(50); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } finally { tcpListener.Stop(); } }