public ES2EditorProperty(PropertyInfo info) { = info.Name; this.isSelected = false; this.type = info.PropertyType; this.isComponent = typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(this.type); this.collectionType = ES2EditorReflection.GetSupportedCollectionType(this.type); this.isCollection = (collectionType != ""); this.collectionContentTypes = ES2EditorReflection.GetSupportedCollectionTypes(type); bool hasGetter = (info.GetGetMethod() != null); bool hasSetter = (info.GetSetMethod() != null); // Determine if property can be saved. if (info.GetGetMethod().IsStatic) { isSupported = false; unsupportedDescription = "Static properties should not be saved from an ES2Type."; } else if (!hasSetter || !hasGetter) { isSupported = false; unsupportedDescription = "This property needs a getter and a setter to be able to save it."; } else { this.unsupportedDescription = ES2EditorManageTypes.TypeIsSupported(this.type); isSupported = (unsupportedDescription == ""); } }
public ES2EditorProperty(FieldInfo info) { = info.Name; this.isSelected = false; this.type = info.FieldType; this.isComponent = typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(this.type); this.collectionType = ES2EditorReflection.GetSupportedCollectionType(this.type); this.isCollection = (collectionType != ""); this.collectionContentTypes = ES2EditorReflection.GetSupportedCollectionTypes(type); // Determine if property can be saved. if (info.IsStatic) { isSupported = false; unsupportedDescription = "Static properties should not be saved from an ES2Type."; } else if (info.IsInitOnly) { isSupported = false; unsupportedDescription = "This field needs to be writable and readable to be able to save it."; } else { this.unsupportedDescription = ES2EditorManageTypes.TypeIsSupported(this.type); isSupported = (unsupportedDescription == ""); } }
public static void OpenWindow() { // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one: ES2EditorManageTypes window = (ES2EditorManageTypes)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ES2EditorManageTypes)); window.minSize = new Vector2(720f, 512f); }