//Madan 09/29/03 - This method will be used to write the Error Logs to a XML file on disk public static void AddWebErrors(string AppName, string ComponentName, string MethodName, string ErrDesc) { DataSet dsXML = new ERRORS(); string dstPath = ""; dstPath = Utilities.getDrivePathByLetter("ERRORLOG:"); dstPath += "\\WebErrorLog.xml"; try { // Create a file permission set indicating all of this method's intentions. FileIOPermission fp = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.AllAccess, Path.GetFullPath(dstPath)); fp.AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write | FileIOPermissionAccess.Append, Path.GetFullPath(dstPath)); // Verify that we can be granted all the permissions we'll need. fp.Demand(); // Assert the desired permissions here. fp.Assert(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(dstPath)) { dsXML.ReadXml(dstPath); } DataRow Row = dsXML.Tables["ErrorHistory"].NewRow(); object[] myRowArray = new object[6]; myRowArray[0] = System.Environment.MachineName; myRowArray[1] = AppName.Trim(); myRowArray[2] = MethodName.Trim(); myRowArray[3] = ComponentName.Trim(); myRowArray[4] = ErrDesc.Trim(); myRowArray[5] = System.DateTime.Now; Row.ItemArray = myRowArray; dsXML.Tables["ErrorHistory"].Rows.Add(Row); dsXML.AcceptChanges(); dsXML.WriteXml(dstPath); } catch (System.Exception Excp) { Console.Write(Excp.Message); } finally { dsXML.Dispose(); } }
//Madan Saini 09/26/2006 - This Method will be used for Logging the successful Logins from Notes Login Screen. //Starting with - PegOiReview. public static void RecordLogin(string Username, string Email, string IPAddress, string WebsiteName) { DataSet dsXML = new ERRORS(); string dstPath = ""; dstPath = Utilities.getDrivePathByLetter("ERRORLOG:"); dstPath += "\\UserHistory.xml"; try { // Create a file permission set indicating all of this method's intentions. FileIOPermission fp = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.AllAccess, Path.GetFullPath(dstPath)); fp.AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write | FileIOPermissionAccess.Append, Path.GetFullPath(dstPath)); // Verify that we can be granted all the permissions we'll need. fp.Demand(); // Assert the desired permissions here. fp.Assert(); //Now add the record to xml table for History if (System.IO.File.Exists(dstPath)) { dsXML.ReadXml(dstPath); DataRow Row = dsXML.Tables["UserLogins"].NewRow(); object[] myRowArray = new object[5]; myRowArray[0] = Username.Trim().ToUpper(); myRowArray[1] = Email.Trim().ToLower(); myRowArray[2] = IPAddress.Trim(); myRowArray[3] = System.DateTime.Now; myRowArray[4] = WebsiteName.Trim(); Row.ItemArray = myRowArray; dsXML.Tables["UserLogins"].Rows.Add(Row); dsXML.AcceptChanges(); dsXML.WriteXml(dstPath); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { GSA.R7BD.Utility.EventLog.WriteEntry("EventLog.cs", "GSA.R7BD.POIRBiz", "RecordLogin", "Error Occurred in RecordLogin procedure for User :"******" email: " + Email + ". The exception is: " + ex.Source + ex.Message, GSA.R7BD.Utility.EventLog.LogType.XMLFile); } }//end of this method