コード例 #1
        public Curve GetAsCurve()
            if (this is Curve)

            EPoint pt    = ((Line)this).Offset;
            EPoint ptNew = pt / 2;

            return(new Curve(ptNew.Copy(), ptNew));
コード例 #2
        public static void Assemble(string definition, string savePathWithPrefix, EPoint firstTryTextureSize)
            Hashtable passNumberToTexture = GenerateFileLists(definition, null);

            bool usingPasses = passNumberToTexture.Count > 1 ? true : false;

            //usingPasses = generate several bitmaps, based on different sequences

            foreach (DictionaryEntry dePass in passNumberToTexture)
                int       passNum = (int)dePass.Key;
                Hashtable textureNamesToFramesets = (Hashtable)dePass.Value;

                foreach (DictionaryEntry deTexture in textureNamesToFramesets)
                    string    textureName = (string)deTexture.Key;
                    Hashtable framesets   = (Hashtable)deTexture.Value;

                    XmlDocument doc     = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode     xmlNode = doc.CreateElement("Animations");
                    XmlNode      xmlFramesetNode;
                    XmlAttribute xmlAttr;

                    ArrayList allFiles = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry deAnim in framesets)
                        string   framesetName = (string)deAnim.Key;
                        string[] filenames    = (string[])deAnim.Value;

                        if (filenames.Length > 0)
                            //frameset can have same name as others (other characters etc)
                            //so it must be uniquely identifiable - add
                            xmlFramesetNode = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(framesetName);

                            string sAnimFrames = "0";
                            //								Create animation frame list: <Animations> tag
                            //if (usingPasses)
                            int startFrame = allFiles.Count;
                            sAnimFrames = startFrame.ToString();
                            sAnimFrames += " 0-" + (filenames.Length - 1).ToString();
                            //for (int i=0; i<filenames.Length;i++)
                            //	sAnimFrames+=i.ToString()+",";
                            //sAnimFrames = sAnimFrames.Remove(sAnimFrames.Length-1,1);

                            xmlAttr = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("value");
                            xmlAttr.InnerText = sAnimFrames;

                        foreach (string filename in filenames)

                    string[] all = new string[allFiles.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Count; i++)
                        all[i] = (string)allFiles[i];

                    string saveFilename = textureName;
                    if (usingPasses)
                        saveFilename += "_" + passNum.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

                    saveFilename = savePathWithPrefix + saveFilename;

                    //TODO: find texture size to start trying with.
                    //TODO: doesn't really matter in which texture the individual frames are... (in some cases at least)
                    EPoint trySize = firstTryTextureSize.Copy();
                    for (int tryNum = 0; tryNum < 3; tryNum++)
                                new System.Drawing.Size(trySize.X, trySize.Y), all, saveFilename);
                            if (trySize.X <= trySize.Y)
                                trySize.X *= 2;
                                trySize.Y *= 2;

                    //load the auto-created resource fork and add the animations to it:
                    string      xmlFilename = saveFilename + ".xml";
                    XmlDocument resDoc      = new XmlDocument();
                    if (resDoc["root"]["Animations"] == null)
                        Endogine.Serialization.XmlHelper.CreateAndAddElement(resDoc["root"], "Animations");
                    resDoc["root"]["Animations"].InnerXml = doc["Animations"].InnerXml;
                    //Endogine.Serialization.XmlHelper.Merge(resDoc["root"]["Animations"], doc["Animations"]);
コード例 #3
        public ArrayList CreateMorphedShape(float ratio)
            ArrayList morphedCommands = new ArrayList();
            int       targetIndex     = -1;
            EPoint    ptCurrent       = new EPoint();

            foreach (ShapeCommand.Base cmd in this.CommandList)
                if (!(cmd is ShapeCommand.Style))

                ShapeCommand.Base cmdTo = (ShapeCommand.Base) this._morphCommandList[targetIndex];

                if (cmd is ShapeCommand.Move)
                    EPoint pt1 = ((ShapeCommand.Move)cmd).Target;
                    EPoint pt2 = ((ShapeCommand.Move)cmdTo).Target;
                    ptCurrent = this.GetPointBetween(pt1, pt2, ratio);
                    morphedCommands.Add(new ShapeCommand.Move(ptCurrent));
                else if ((cmd is ShapeCommand.Line) || (cmd is ShapeCommand.Curve))
                    ShapeCommand.Draw  draw  = (ShapeCommand.Draw)cmd;
                    ShapeCommand.Curve curve = draw.GetAsCurve();

                    if ((cmdTo is ShapeCommand.Line) || (cmdTo is ShapeCommand.Curve))
                        draw = (ShapeCommand.Draw)cmdTo;
                        ShapeCommand.Curve curveTo = draw.GetAsCurve();

                        EPoint ptControl = this.GetPointBetween(curve.Control, curveTo.Control, ratio);
                        EPoint ptAnchor  = this.GetPointBetween(curve.Anchor, curveTo.Anchor, ratio);

                        morphedCommands.Add(new ShapeCommand.Curve(ptControl, ptAnchor));
                        ptCurrent += ptControl + ptAnchor;
                        ShapeCommand.Move move = (ShapeCommand.Move)cmdTo;

                        EPoint ptFrom = ptCurrent + curve.Control + curve.Anchor;
                        EPoint ptTo   = move.Target;

                        ptCurrent = this.GetPointBetween(ptFrom, ptTo, ratio);
                        morphedCommands.Add(new ShapeCommand.Move(ptCurrent.Copy()));
                else if (cmd is ShapeCommand.LineStyle)
                    ShapeCommand.LineStyle ls = (ShapeCommand.LineStyle)cmd;
                    if (ls.StyleId > 0)
                        Style.LineStyle style = (Style.LineStyle) this.LineStyles[ls.StyleId - 1];
                        style.MorphPosition = ratio;
                        morphedCommands.Add(ls);                         //.GetMorphed(ratio));
                else if (cmd is ShapeCommand.FillStyle)
                    ShapeCommand.FillStyle fs = (ShapeCommand.FillStyle)cmd;
                    if (fs.StyleId > 0)
                        Style.FillStyle style = (Style.FillStyle) this.FillStyles[fs.StyleId - 1];
                        style.MorphPosition = ratio;
                        morphedCommands.Add(fs);                         //.GetMorphed(ratio));
コード例 #4
        public static void Assemble(string definition, string savePathWithPrefix, EPoint firstTryTextureSize)
            Hashtable passNumberToTexture = GenerateFileLists(definition, null);

            bool usingPasses = passNumberToTexture.Count > 1 ? true : false;
            //usingPasses = generate several bitmaps, based on different sequences

            foreach (DictionaryEntry dePass in passNumberToTexture)
                int passNum = (int)dePass.Key;
                Hashtable textureNamesToFramesets = (Hashtable)dePass.Value;

                foreach (DictionaryEntry deTexture in textureNamesToFramesets)
                    string textureName = (string)deTexture.Key;
                    Hashtable framesets = (Hashtable)deTexture.Value;

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode xmlNode = doc.CreateElement("Animations");
                    XmlNode xmlFramesetNode;
                    XmlAttribute xmlAttr;

                    ArrayList allFiles = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry deAnim in framesets)
                        string framesetName = (string)deAnim.Key;
                        string[] filenames = (string[])deAnim.Value;

                        if (filenames.Length > 0)
                            //frameset can have same name as others (other characters etc)
                            //so it must be uniquely identifiable - add
                            xmlFramesetNode = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(framesetName);

                            string sAnimFrames = "0";
                            //								Create animation frame list: <Animations> tag
                            //if (usingPasses)
                            int startFrame = allFiles.Count;
                            sAnimFrames = startFrame.ToString();
                            sAnimFrames += " 0-" + (filenames.Length - 1).ToString();
                            //for (int i=0; i<filenames.Length;i++)
                            //	sAnimFrames+=i.ToString()+",";
                            //sAnimFrames = sAnimFrames.Remove(sAnimFrames.Length-1,1);

                            xmlAttr = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("value");
                            xmlAttr.InnerText = sAnimFrames;

                        foreach (string filename in filenames)

                    string[] all = new string[allFiles.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Count; i++)
                        all[i] = (string)allFiles[i];

                    string saveFilename = textureName;
                    if (usingPasses)
                        saveFilename += "_" + passNum.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

                    saveFilename = savePathWithPrefix + saveFilename;

                    //TODO: find texture size to start trying with.
                    //TODO: doesn't really matter in which texture the individual frames are... (in some cases at least)
                    EPoint trySize = firstTryTextureSize.Copy();
                    for (int tryNum = 0; tryNum < 3; tryNum++)
                                new System.Drawing.Size(trySize.X, trySize.Y), all, saveFilename);
                            if (trySize.X <= trySize.Y)
                                trySize.X *= 2;
                                trySize.Y *= 2;

                    //load the auto-created resource fork and add the animations to it:
                    string xmlFilename = saveFilename + ".xml";
                    XmlDocument resDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    if (resDoc["root"]["Animations"] == null)
                        Endogine.Serialization.XmlHelper.CreateAndAddElement(resDoc["root"], "Animations");
                    resDoc["root"]["Animations"].InnerXml = doc["Animations"].InnerXml;
                    //Endogine.Serialization.XmlHelper.Merge(resDoc["root"]["Animations"], doc["Animations"]);
コード例 #5
ファイル: MorphShape.cs プロジェクト: timdetering/Endogine
        public ArrayList CreateMorphedShape(float ratio)
            ArrayList morphedCommands = new ArrayList();
            int targetIndex=-1;
            EPoint ptCurrent = new EPoint();
            foreach (ShapeCommand.Base cmd in this.CommandList)
                if (!(cmd is ShapeCommand.Style))

                ShapeCommand.Base cmdTo = (ShapeCommand.Base)this._morphCommandList[targetIndex];

                if (cmd is ShapeCommand.Move)
                    EPoint pt1 = ((ShapeCommand.Move)cmd).Target;
                    EPoint pt2 = ((ShapeCommand.Move)cmdTo).Target;
                    ptCurrent = this.GetPointBetween(pt1,pt2,ratio);
                    morphedCommands.Add(new ShapeCommand.Move(ptCurrent));
                else if ((cmd is ShapeCommand.Line) || (cmd is ShapeCommand.Curve))
                    ShapeCommand.Draw draw = (ShapeCommand.Draw)cmd;
                    ShapeCommand.Curve curve = draw.GetAsCurve();

                    if ((cmdTo is ShapeCommand.Line) || (cmdTo is ShapeCommand.Curve))
                        draw = (ShapeCommand.Draw)cmdTo;
                        ShapeCommand.Curve curveTo = draw.GetAsCurve();

                        EPoint ptControl = this.GetPointBetween(curve.Control,curveTo.Control,ratio);
                        EPoint ptAnchor = this.GetPointBetween(curve.Anchor,curveTo.Anchor,ratio);

                        morphedCommands.Add(new ShapeCommand.Curve(ptControl, ptAnchor));
                        ptCurrent+= ptControl + ptAnchor;
                        ShapeCommand.Move move = (ShapeCommand.Move)cmdTo;

                        EPoint ptFrom = ptCurrent+curve.Control+curve.Anchor;
                        EPoint ptTo = move.Target;

                        ptCurrent = this.GetPointBetween(ptFrom, ptTo, ratio);
                        morphedCommands.Add(new ShapeCommand.Move(ptCurrent.Copy()));
                else if (cmd is ShapeCommand.LineStyle)
                    ShapeCommand.LineStyle ls = (ShapeCommand.LineStyle)cmd;
                    if (ls.StyleId > 0)
                        Style.LineStyle style = (Style.LineStyle)this.LineStyles[ls.StyleId-1];
                        style.MorphPosition = ratio;
                        morphedCommands.Add(ls); //.GetMorphed(ratio));
                else if (cmd is ShapeCommand.FillStyle)
                    ShapeCommand.FillStyle fs = (ShapeCommand.FillStyle)cmd;
                    if (fs.StyleId > 0)
                        Style.FillStyle style = (Style.FillStyle)this.FillStyles[fs.StyleId-1];
                        style.MorphPosition = ratio;
                        morphedCommands.Add(fs); //.GetMorphed(ratio));
            return morphedCommands;