コード例 #1
ファイル: EFormViewer.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        override protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (Request.QueryString["eformId"] != null)
                int _eformId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["eformId"].ToString());

                EFormController ctr = new EFormController();
                DataSet         eds = ctr.GetRecord(_eformId);

                if (eds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    // display report html from database
                    if (eds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormReport].ToString().Length > 0)
                        theReport.InnerHtml = eds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormReport].ToString();

            string pageTitle = "";

            if (Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName] != null && Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName].ToString().Length > 0)
                pageTitle += Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName].ToString();
            if (Session[SessionKey.PtLastName] != null && Session[SessionKey.PtLastName].ToString().Length > 0)
                pageTitle += " " + Session[SessionKey.PtLastName].ToString();

            eformTitle.Text = pageTitle + "<br/><br/><br/><br/>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: BaseEFormControl.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        ///  Get xml string from database and populate parent control
        /// </summary>
        protected void PopulateEform()
            EFormController ctr = new EFormController();

            //DataSet ds = ctr.GetOpenRecordByName(_patientId, _eformName);
            DataSet ds = ctr.GetRecord(_eformId);

            // get xml string from db
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                string s = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormXML].ToString();                 // should replace col name w/ reference to BizO
                // put string in xml doc

                if (xmlDoc.InnerXml.Length > 0)
                    TraverseEformControls(this.Controls, xmlDoc);
            else if (disableEformHiddenControls)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets status of eform on page load. Stores the step COMPLETED in the process.
        /// User is directed to the step AFTER one completed.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual string SetEFormStatus()
            EFormController ect = new EFormController();

            string page = Request.Path;
            string status;

                status = ect.GetEFormStatus(this.EFormId);
                status = "";

            // get status from the db
            string nextstatus = EformStatusManager.GetNextStatus(status, Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery, Request.Path);

            // only updates status when one of the above pages is loaded AND eform has not been already approved (concurrency)
            if (nextstatus != "" && !status.Equals(EformStatusManager.Status_Approved) && !status.Equals(EformStatusManager.Status_Deleted))
                ect.UpdateEFormStatus(this.EFormId, nextstatus, this.EFormUserName);

                status = nextstatus;

コード例 #4
        protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);             // disables view state

            // existing eforms use eform id to load components
            if (Request.QueryString["eformId"] != null && !Request.QueryString["eformId"].Equals("") && !Request.QueryString["eformId"].Equals("0"))
                this.EFormId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["eformId"]);

                // TODO: this query may be redundant
                EFormController ctr = new EFormController();

                DataSet ds = ctr.GetRecord(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["eformId"]));

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                    this.EFormName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][EForm.EFormName].ToString();

                    isNewEForm = false;
            // new eform passes eform name in on url string when coming from list page
            else if (Request.QueryString["eform"] != null && !Request.QueryString["eform"].Equals(""))
                this.EFormName = Request.QueryString["eform"];

                if (Request.QueryString["status"] != null && Request.QueryString["status"].Equals("new"))
                    // TODO: BEFORE SETTING true we should see if this SAME eform has already been created today by the SAME physician; appears users click refresh
                    isNewEForm = true;

                    // do not check if user is allowed to enter multiple
                    if (!EFormController.CanAllowMultiple(this.EFormName))
                        Caisis.DataAccess.EFormsDa da = new EFormsDa();

                        DataRowView rv = da.GetPatientRecentEForm(this.EFormPatientId, Request.QueryString["eform"]);
                        if (rv != null)
                            isNewEForm     = false;
                            this.EFormId   = (int)rv["EFormId"];
                            this.EFormName = rv["EFormName"].ToString();

                _status = this.SetEFormStatus();
            catch (ClientException ex)
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get eform status and fire client side script back to calling page
        /// </summary>
        private void GetEFormStatus()
            EFormController ect = new EFormController();

            string status = ect.GetEFormStatus(_eformId);

            string jsScript = "<script language=javascript>parent.setEFormStatus('" + status + "')</script>";

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates over control collection and puts values in Xml. Inserts/Updates DB with Xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>eform Id</returns>
        protected int WriteEform()
            if (_status.Equals(EformStatusManager.Status_Approved))
                // get user outta here if this form was already approved by someone else!
                Response.Redirect("ApproveEFormContainer.aspx?eformId=" + this.EFormId, true);
                // fill in the values to the eform template loaded above
                XmlDocument eformXml = this.LoadEformXml();

                this.AddInputValue(this, eformXml);

                // Eform Default Values

                // put xml doc in the database
                //string s = eformXml.InnerXml;

                EFormController ctr = new EFormController();

                // insert on first save of eform
                if (this.EFormId == 0)
                    DataTable table = ctr.ValidateSessionAppointmentData(Session[SessionKey.PtMRN], Session[SessionKey.CurrentListCrit], Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate]);

                    object apptDate      = null;
                    string apptPhysician = "";

                    if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                        DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
                        apptPhysician = row["ApptPhysician"].ToString();
                        apptDate      = row["ApptTime"];

                    int userId = this.GetAccountableUserId(apptPhysician);                     // returns 0 if can not match apptPhysician with a username

                    // insert
                    this.EFormId = ctr.InsertRecord(userId, EFormPatientId, EFormName, eformXml, _status, apptDate, apptPhysician);
                else                 // update
                    // sets narrative equal to empty string so xsl is reapplied
                    ctr.UpdateEFormRecord(this.EFormId, eformXml, "", _status);

コード例 #7
ファイル: EFormDelete.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        protected void DeleteOnBtnClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            if (base.EFormId > 0)
                EFormController ect = new EFormController();

                ect.UpdateEFormStatus(base.EFormId, EformStatusManager.Status_Deleted, base.EFormUserName);

                CancelBtn.Visible = false;

                DeleteBtn.Visible = false;

                UserMsg.Text = "The EForm has been deleted.<br><br>Click <a href=\"EFormList.aspx\">here</a> to select or start another eform from the list of clinic patients.";
コード例 #8
        protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);

            EFormController ctr = new EFormController();

            int eformId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["eformId"]);

            // get record using eform id because both approved and reviewed eforms may be displayed
            DataSet eds = ctr.GetRecord(eformId);

            //DataSet eds = ctr.GetOpenRecordByName(base.EFormPatientId, base.EFormName);

            if (eds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //int eformId = Convert.ToInt32(eds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormId]);

                // display html from database,status must be "Previewed"
                if (eds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormReport].ToString().Length > 0)
                    theNarrative.InnerHtml = eds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormReport].ToString();
                    Exception ex = new Exception("No narrative present when attempting to view an approved EForm.");

                    // TODO: add our "You have not created a narrative, would you like to do so?" html
                    string html =
                        // enter free-from html below:
								<div style=""margin-top: 50px; padding-left: 20px;"">
									You have not created a narrative. If you would like to do so, please
									click the Review Data button above.
						"                        ;
                    theNarrative.InnerHtml = String.Format(html, this.EFormId);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildRecentEforms()
            string          datasetSql = CacheManager.GetDatasetSQL(Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]);
            UserController  uc         = new UserController();
            EFormController ec         = new EFormController();
            EFormsDa        da         = new EFormsDa();
            int             userId     = uc.GetUserId();

            System.Data.DataTable dt = da.GetUserRecentEforms(userId, datasetSql, null, null);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                UserEformsRpt.DataSource = dt;
                NoEformsMessage.Visible = false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Index.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes status of eform and returns appropriate aspx page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentEformStatus">eform status</param>
        /// <returns>aspx page</returns>
        private string GetNextPageBasedOnStatus(string currentEformStatus)
            if (currentEformStatus == "new")
                // check for current eform
                string eformName   = Request.QueryString["eform"];
                object o_patientId = Session[SessionKey.PatientId];

                int patientId = 0;
                // if ptId in query string, use as patient in session
                if (Request.QueryString["ptId"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ptId"].ToString()))
                    patientId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ptId"].ToString());
                    // put patient in session
                    PatientController ptController = new PatientController();
                    ptController.PutPatientInSession(Page, patientId);
                else if (o_patientId != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(o_patientId.ToString()))
                    patientId = (int)o_patientId;

                if (patientId != 0)
                    //int patientId = (int) o_patientId;

                    // do not check if user is allowed to enter multiple
                    if (!EFormController.CanAllowMultiple(eformName))
                        Caisis.DataAccess.EFormsDa da = new Caisis.DataAccess.EFormsDa();
                        DataRowView rv = da.GetPatientRecentEForm(patientId, eformName);
                        if (rv != null)
                            string status = rv["CurrentStatus"].ToString();
                            string page   = GetNextPageNameBasedOnStatus(status);
                            return(GetNextPageQueryString(page, status, rv["EFormId"].ToString(), rv["EFormName"].ToString()));

            string pagename = GetNextPageNameBasedOnStatus(currentEformStatus);

            return(GetNextPageQueryString(pagename, currentEformStatus, Request.QueryString["eformId"], Request.QueryString["eform"]));
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// when eform has already been approved redirects user to the clinic list
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckEFormApproval()
            EFormController ect = new EFormController();

            string status = ect.GetEFormStatus(_eformId);

            if (status.Equals(EformStatusManager.Status_Approved))
                string approvedBy   = "";
                string approvedTime = "";
                string userRealName = "";

                // get the user who approved form and date
                EFormsDa da = new EFormsDa();

                DataSet ds = da.GetEformsRecord(_eformId);

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                    approvedBy   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][EForm.UpdatedBy].ToString();
                    approvedTime = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][EForm.UpdatedTime].ToString();

                    UserDa  userda = new UserDa();
                    DataSet userds = userda.GetByUserName(approvedBy);

                    userRealName = userds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserFirstName"].ToString() + " " + userds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserLastName"].ToString();

                string jsScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('This eform was approved by " + userRealName + " on " + approvedTime + " and can no longer be updated.\\n\\n You will now be redirected to the clinic list'); top.location.href = 'Index.aspx?status=home';</script>";

            // submit parent frame with data
                // js script from parent page passes in url var when it should submit
                if (Request.QueryString["submitMe"] != null && Request.QueryString["submitMe"].ToString().ToLower().Equals("true"))
                    string jsScript = "<script language=javascript>parent.submitMe();</script>";

コード例 #12
        // Should never be on this page unless the form is approved
        protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);


            EFormTitle.Text = base.EFormTitle;

            // form should be approved when reaching this page
            EFormController ct     = new EFormController();
            string          status = ct.GetEFormStatus(base.EFormId);

            if (status.Equals(EformStatusManager.Status_Approved))
                if (this.PromptForPrint() && !(this.ViewFromReferral())) // Make page autoPrint if defined in EForm Registry
                    PrintPageOnLoadScript.Visible = true;
                PrintBtn.Visible = true;

                DoubleSidedPrintEnabled = false;

                System.Xml.XmlDocument xDoc = XmlUtil.GetModulesConfigXml();
                string DSPrintConfig        = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("/modules//module[@name='EForms']/configuration/allowDoubleSided") != null?xDoc.SelectSingleNode("/modules//module[@name='EForms']/configuration/allowDoubleSided").InnerText : string.Empty;

                if (DSPrintConfig.Length > 0 && bool.TryParse(DSPrintConfig, out DoubleSidedPrintEnabled))
                    if (DoubleSidedPrintEnabled)
                        DoubleSidedPrintPreference = UserPrefDoubleSided();
                        DoubleSidedPrintPreference = false;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ValidateEForm.aspx.cs プロジェクト: aomiit/caisis
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if eform xml is valid based on Xml Required attributes and/or an .xsd document.
        /// Note .xsd logic is currently commented out. If range validation is needed use .xsd as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Return true/false if xml is valid</returns>
        private bool ValidateXml()
            isValidXml = true;
            // get xml from database
            EFormController ctr = new EFormController();

            //DataSet ds = ctr.GetOpenRecordByName(_patientId, _eformName);
            DataSet ds = ctr.GetRecord(base.EFormId);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string xmlString = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EFormXml"].ToString();                 // should replace col name w/ reference to BizO

                // first check Xml doc for required fields

            // no record in db yet, should display msg
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the state of the default navigation (opened or collapsed)
        /// </summary>
        protected void SetEFormNavigationState()
            // default: use configuration value
            bool setShown = EFormController.ShownNavigation(base.EFormName);
            // check POSTed value to persist in navigation
            string POSTshowEformNav = Request.Form["ShowEformNav"];
            string QSshowEformNav   = Request.QueryString["showNav"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(POSTshowEformNav))
                setShown = bool.Parse(POSTshowEformNav);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QSshowEformNav))
                setShown = bool.Parse(QSshowEformNav);
            // register script
            string setShownString = setShown.ToString().ToLower();

            ShowEformNav.Value = setShownString;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildRecentEforms()
//            string datasetSql = CacheManager.GetDatasetSQL(Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]);
            UserController  uc     = new UserController();
            EFormController ec     = new EFormController();
            EFormsDa        da     = new EFormsDa();
            int             userId = uc.GetUserId();
//            System.Data.DataTable dt = da.GetUserRecentEforms(userId, datasetSql, null, null);

            string msgType = "'" + EformStatusManager.Status_DataEntryInProgress
                             + "','" + EformStatusManager.Status_DataEntryComplete
                             + "','" + EformStatusManager.Status_Narrated
                             + "'";

            System.Data.DataSet iDs = da.GetEformsInbox(userId, msgType);

            if (iDs != null && iDs.Tables.Count > 0 && iDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                UserEformsRpt.DataSource = iDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                NoEformsMessage.Visible = false;
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the xml document from the eformname.xml template when starting a new eform.
        /// Gets xml from the database when eform has already been initiated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patientId"></param>
        /// <param name="eformName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected XmlDocument LoadEformXml()
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            EFormController ctr = new EFormController();

            // DONT use this anymore
            //int returnVal = ctr.IsNewEForm(this.EFormPatientId, this.EFormName);

            //if first time loaded use eform xml template
            if (isNewEForm)
                string disease = Caisis.UI.Core.Classes.XmlUtil.GetParentModuleDirectory(this.EFormFileName + ".xml", "EForms");
                xmlDoc = XmlUtil.GetXmlDoc("~\\Modules\\" + disease + "\\Eforms\\" + this.EFormFileName + ".xml");
            else             // get xml from database column
                DataSet ds = ctr.GetRecord(this.EFormId);
                string  s  = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][Caisis.BOL.EForm.EFormXML].ToString();               // should replace col name w/ reference to BizO

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays navigation from xml. XML file MUST be the same name as EFORM without whitespaces;
        /// ie the Prostate New Patient EForm should have a corresponding Xml file ProstateNewPatientEForm.xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eformName"></param>
        private void LoadEFormNavigationFromXml()
            if (base.EFormName != null && !base.EFormName.Equals(""))
                string eformName = base.EFormName;

                string eformFileName = base.EFormFileName;

                // authorize user for edit
                bool canEdit = EFormController.CanEditEForm();

                // gets the directory name where the file exists; removes dependency on the current view mode
                string disease = Caisis.UI.Core.Classes.XmlUtil.GetParentModuleDirectory(eformFileName + ".xml", "EForms");

                // get Xml
                XmlDocument eformsXml = XmlUtil.GetXmlDoc("~\\Modules\\" + disease + "\\EForms\\" + eformFileName + ".xml");

                EFormNavTitle.Text = "Enter Data ";

                if (Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName] != null && Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName].ToString().Length > 0)
                    EFormNavTitle.Text += " for " + Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName].ToString();

                if (Session[SessionKey.PtLastName] != null && Session[SessionKey.PtLastName].ToString().Length > 0)
                    EFormNavTitle.Text += " " + Session[SessionKey.PtLastName].ToString();

                // get list of sections
                XmlNodeList eformSectionNames = eformsXml.SelectNodes("/eform/eformSection");

                navigation.Text = "";

                bool isFirstSection = true;

                // if section name is not defined yet- show the first section of eform!
                if (_sectionName.Equals(""))
                        XmlNode firstSection = eformSectionNames[0];
                        _sectionName = firstSection.Attributes["name"].Value;
                    catch (NullReferenceException)
                        throw new ClientException("EForm with this name does not appear to exist. The eform name attribute must be exactly the name of the file WITH spaces. For example: <eform name=\"Uro Pros FU\" displayName=\"Urology Prostate Follow Up\"> when the file name is UroProsFU.xml.");

                // put together navigation string
                foreach (XmlNode node in eformSectionNames)
                    string sectionName = "";

                    if (node.Attributes["name"] != null)
                        sectionName = node.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        //string filename = node.Attributes["fileName"].Value;
                        string linkCssClass = "eformNavigationHeading";

                        if (_sectionName.Equals(sectionName))
                            linkCssClass = "eformNavigationHeadingOn";
                        if (!isFirstSection)
                            navigation.Text += "<tr><td height=\"20\">&nbsp;</td></tr>";
                            isFirstSection = false;
                        if (canEdit)
                            navigation.Text += "<tr><td id=\"" + sectionName + "\" onclick=\"saveAndLoad('" + base.EFormId.ToString() + "', '" + eformName + "', '" + sectionName + "');\" class=\"" + linkCssClass + "\">" + sectionName + "</td></tr>";
                            navigation.Text += "<tr><td class=\"" + linkCssClass + "\">" + sectionName + "</td></tr>";
                    //foreach(XmlNode innerNode in node)
                    //    // attribute [0] is display name, attribute [1] is file name
                    //    if(innerNode.Attributes["displayName"] != null)
                    //    {
                    //        if ( _sectionName.Equals(sectionName) )
                    //        {
                    //            navigation.Text += "<tr><td class=\"eformNavigationLinkOn\" onclick=\"document.location='#" + innerNode.Attributes["controlName"].Value + "';\">" + innerNode.Attributes["displayName"].Value  + "</td></tr>";
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    // v6 - select nodes by name and attributes (ac)
                    XmlNodeList eformSectionItems = node.SelectNodes("eformItem[@displayName and @controlName]");
                    foreach (XmlNode sectionItem in eformSectionItems)
                        string displayName = sectionItem.Attributes["displayName"].Value;
                        string controlName = sectionItem.Attributes["controlName"].Value;
                        if (_sectionName.Equals(sectionName))
                            navigation.Text += "<tr><td class=\"eformNavigationLinkOn\" onclick=\"document.location='#" + controlName + "';\">" + displayName + "</td></tr>";
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// For the given eform docuemnt, build client scripts for handling client sider EFromDefaultValue logic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eformsXml">The Eform document containing EFromDefaultValue mappings</param>
        protected void BuildDefaultValuesScript(XmlDocument eformsXml)
            var eFields = EFormController.GetEformDefaultValues(eformsXml);

            if (eFields.Count() > 0)
                // list of all eform inputs
                IEnumerable <IEformInputField> inputs = PageUtil.GetControls <IEformInputField>(Page);
                // list of eform labels
                IEnumerable <EformDefaultLabel> labels = PageUtil.GetControls <EformDefaultLabel>(Page);
                // create JSON Serialier and list of output objects
                System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
                // list of client JSON objects
                List <string> _clientConfigs = new List <string>();
                // temp: fix to empty RecordId's
                Func <string, string, bool> matchRecordIds = (r1, r2) =>
                    return((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r1) ? r1 : "1") == (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r2) ? r2 : "1"));
                foreach (var eField in eFields)
                    // FIND INPUTS
                    // i.e., Table=Encounters, RecordId=1
                    var inputsByTableRecordId = inputs.Where(input => input.Table == eField.TargetTable && matchRecordIds(input.RecordId, eField.TargetRecordId));
                    // i.e., Table=Encounters, Field=EncDate, RecordId=1
                    var targetInput = inputsByTableRecordId.Where(input => input.Field == eField.TargetField);
                    // i.e., Table=Encounters, Field!=EncDate, RecordId=1
                    var targetInputSiblings = inputsByTableRecordId.Except(targetInput);
                    // get type of default
                    EFormController.EformDefaultType type = eField.GetDefaultType();
                    if (targetInput.Count() > 0)
                        // get eform input field
                        IEformInputField targetInputField = targetInput.First();
                        // i.e., find sources by table and record (will be reduced by field, if needed)
                        var sourceInputs = from input in inputs
                                           // validate table
                                           where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eField.TargetTable)
                                           where input.Table == eField.SourceTable && matchRecordIds(input.RecordId, eField.SourceRecordId)
                                           select input;

                        // get child input fields of target
                        if (eField.TriggeredByChildren)
                            // i.e. target=Survey.SurveyType,1, children=SurveyItems where ParentRecordId = 1
                            var targetChildInputs = from childTable in BOL.BusinessObject.GetChildTableNames(eField.TargetTable)
                                                    from input in inputs
                                                    where input.Table == childTable && matchRecordIds(input.ParentRecordId, targetInputField.RecordId)
                                                    select input;
                            if (targetChildInputs.Count() > 0)
                                // TODO: do we just combine sibling and children and rely on side effect ???
                                targetInputSiblings = targetInputSiblings.Concat(targetChildInputs).Distinct();

                        // FILTER and VALIDATE
                        bool hasClientFields = true;
                        switch (type)
                        case EFormController.EformDefaultType.Default:
                            // no source
                            sourceInputs = sourceInputs.Take(0);

                        case EFormController.EformDefaultType.SourceDefaultValue:
                            // validate: 1+ source
                            if (sourceInputs.Count() == 0)
                                hasClientFields = false;

                        case EFormController.EformDefaultType.SourceValue:
                            // validate: only 1 source (match exact Field)
                            sourceInputs = sourceInputs.Where(i => i.Field == eField.SourceField).Take(1);
                            if (sourceInputs.Count() == 0)
                                hasClientFields = false;

                        // never gets called
                            hasClientFields = false;

                        // BUILD: client scripts

                        if (hasClientFields)
                            // get fields as Control to get client id
                            Control targetInputControl = targetInputField as Control;
                            IEnumerable <Control> targetInputSiblingControls = targetInputSiblings.OfType <Control>();
                            IEnumerable <Control> sourceInputControls        = sourceInputs.OfType <Control>();

                            // BUILD: client JSON
                            var JSONConfig = new
                                DefaultType     = type.ToString(),
                                DefaultValue    = eField.DefaultValue,
                                Target          = new { Type = targetInputControl.GetType().Name, Id = targetInputControl.ClientID },
                                TargetSiblings  = targetInputSiblingControls.Select(s => new { Type = s.GetType().Name, Id = s.ClientID }),
                                Sources         = sourceInputControls.Select(t => new { Type = t.GetType().Name, Id = t.ClientID }),
                                RequireSiblings = eField.RequireSiblings,
                                TriggerSiblings = eField.TriggeredBySiblings
                            // serialize object
                            string JSONConfigString = serializer.Serialize(JSONConfig);

                    // BUILD: default labels
                    if (type == EFormController.EformDefaultType.Default)
                        foreach (var label in labels)
                            // parse via id
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.DefaultField))
                                string labelTable    = "";
                                string labelField    = "";
                                string labelRecordId = "";
                                EFormController.EformDefaultValueField.ParseDefaultField(label.DefaultField, ref labelTable, ref labelField, ref labelRecordId);
                                if (eField.TargetTable == labelTable && eField.TargetField == labelField && eField.TargetRecordId == labelRecordId)
                                    label.Text = eField.DefaultValue;
                // CLIENT SCRIPT: build and register client script
                if (_clientConfigs.Count() > 0)
                    // serialize list of objects into JSON array for client scripts
                    string configJSONArray = "[" + string.Join(",", _clientConfigs.ToArray()) + "]";

                    // register start up script: validate functions exists
                    string _script = "if(window.initEformDefaultValues) { window.initEformDefaultValues(" + configJSONArray + "); }";
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "initEformDefaultValues_" + this.ClientID, _script, true);
コード例 #19
        private void BuildEformPreview(string eformName)
            Caisis.Security.SecurityController sc = new Caisis.Security.SecurityController();
            string          disease         = sc.GetViewMode();
            EFormController ec              = new EFormController();
            var             eFormComponents = GetEformComponents(Page, disease, eformName);

            // DEBUG INFO

            // get all input controls across eform
            var map = from entry in eFormComponents
                      select new
                SectionName                          = entry.Key,
                Components                           = from component in entry.Value
                                          let inputs = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(component).OfType <IEformInputField>()
                                                       let inputTypes = from i in inputs
                                                                        group i by i.GetType().Name into g
                                                                        select g.Key + ": " + g.Count()
                                                                        select new
                    Component          = component,
                    Title              = component.Title,
                    InputControls      = inputs,
                    InputControlsCount = inputs.Count(),
                    InputControlsStats = string.Join(" | ", inputTypes.ToArray())
            var allEformInputControls = map.SelectMany(a => a.Components.SelectMany(b => b.InputControls));

            foreach (var inputControl in allEformInputControls)
                var debugInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                // add standard debug
                debugInfo.Add("Table", inputControl.Table);
                debugInfo.Add("Field", inputControl.Field);
                debugInfo.Add("Record Id", inputControl.RecordId);
                debugInfo.Add("Parent Record Id", inputControl.ParentRecordId);
                // only show required if field is actually required
                if (inputControl.Required)
                    debugInfo.Add("Required", inputControl.Required.ToString());
                // type info
                debugInfo.Add("Control Type", inputControl.GetType().Name);
                // lookup code fix
                if (inputControl is ICaisisLookupControl)
                    var    lkpControl  = inputControl as ICaisisLookupControl;
                    string lkpCode     = lkpControl.LookupCode;
                    string lkpDistinct = lkpControl.LookupDistinct;
                    debugInfo.Add("Lookup Code", lkpCode);
                    debugInfo.Add("Lookup Distinct", lkpDistinct);
                    // supress @PatientId lookup
                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lkpCode) && lkpCode.Contains("@PatientId")) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lkpDistinct) && lkpDistinct.Contains("@PatientId")))
                        lkpControl.LookupCode     = string.Empty;
                        lkpControl.LookupDistinct = string.Empty;

                // set debug info
                if (inputControl is WebControl)
                    WebControl iWebControl = inputControl as WebControl;
                    // cleanup attributes ( no need to show empty attributes)
                    var tooltipInfo = from info in debugInfo
                                      where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Value)
                                      select string.Format("{0}: {1}", info.Key, info.Value);

                    // set tooltip
                    iWebControl.Attributes["title"] = string.Join(" | ", tooltipInfo.ToArray());

            // build navigation
            EformSectionNaviation.DataSource = map;

            // build UI
            EformSectionRptr.DataSource = map;

            // debug XML
            EformConfig config = EformConfig.GetByName(eformName);

            var elements = from eControl in allEformInputControls
                           let table = eControl.Table + ""
                                       let recordId = eControl.RecordId + ""
                                                      let parentRecordId                         = eControl.ParentRecordId + ""
                                                                                       let depth = BOL.BusinessObjectFactory.CanBuildBusinessObject(table) ? BOL.BusinessObject.GetTableDepth(table) : int.MaxValue
                                                                                                   group eControl by new { Table = table, RecordId = recordId, ParentRecordId = parentRecordId, Depth = depth } into g
            let recordSort = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(g.Key.RecordId) ? int.Parse(g.Key.RecordId) : 0
                             orderby g.Key.Depth ascending, g.Key.Table ascending, recordSort ascending
                select new
                Table          = g.Key.Table,
                Depth          = g.Key.Depth,
                RecordId       = g.Key.RecordId,
                ParentRecordId = g.Key.ParentRecordId,
                Fields         = (from e in g
                                  orderby e.Field ascending
                                  select new
                    Field = e.Field.Trim()

            var nodesWithChildren = from child in elements
                                    let childTableName = child.Table
                                                         where BusinessObjectFactory.CanBuildBusinessObject(childTableName)
                                                         let childParentTableName = BusinessObject.GetParentTablename(childTableName)
                                                                                    join parent in elements on new { table = childParentTableName, b = child.ParentRecordId } equals new { table = parent.Table, b = parent.RecordId } into results
            let p = results.FirstOrDefault()
                    where p != null
                    select new
                Parent = p,
                Child  = child
            var nodesWithoutChildren = elements.Except(nodesWithChildren.Select(a => a.Parent));
            // init a list of top level nodes, with those w/o child records
            List <XElement> topLevelNodes = new List <XElement>(from element in nodesWithoutChildren
                                                                select new XElement(element.Table,
                                                                                    new XAttribute("Depth", element.Depth),
                                                                                    new XAttribute("RecordId", element.RecordId),
                                                                                    new XAttribute("ParentRecordId", element.ParentRecordId),
                                                                                    from e in element.Fields
                                                                                    orderby e.Field ascending
                                                                                    select new XElement(e.Field.Trim())
            // create a lookup for finding parent node
            var lookup = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <string, string>, XElement>();

            foreach (var a in nodesWithChildren)
                var      child        = a.Child;
                var      parent       = a.Parent;
                var      testKey      = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(parent.Table, parent.RecordId);
                var      testChildKey = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(child.Table, child.ParentRecordId + "_" + child.RecordId);
                XElement parentNode   = null;
                XElement childNode    = null;
                if (lookup.ContainsKey(testKey))
                    parentNode = lookup[testKey];
                    parentNode = new XElement(parent.Table,
                                              new XAttribute("Depth", parent.Depth),
                                              new XAttribute("RecordId", parent.RecordId),
                                              new XAttribute("ParentRecordId", parent.ParentRecordId),
                                              from e in parent.Fields
                                              orderby e.Field ascending
                                              select new XElement(e.Field.Trim())
                    // add lookup entry
                    lookup.Add(testKey, parentNode);
                // add child
                if (lookup.ContainsKey(testChildKey))
                    childNode = lookup[testChildKey];
                    childNode = new XElement(child.Table,
                                             new XAttribute("Depth", child.Depth),
                                             new XAttribute("RecordId", child.RecordId),
                                             new XAttribute("ParentRecordId", child.ParentRecordId),
                                             from e in child.Fields
                                             orderby e.Field ascending
                                             select new XElement(e.Field.Trim())
                    // add lookup entry
                    lookup.Add(testChildKey, childNode);

            // order all top level nodes
            var orderedContent = from element in topLevelNodes
                                 let recordSort = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Attribute("RecordId").Value) ? int.Parse(element.Attribute("RecordId").Value) : 0
                                                  orderby int.Parse(element.Attribute("Depth").Value) ascending, element.Name.LocalName ascending, recordSort ascending
                select new XElement(element.Name.LocalName,
                                    element.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName != "Depth" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Value)),

            // finally build XML document
            var debugXML = new XDocument(
                // declaration
                new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                // root with attributes
                new XElement("eform",
                             new XAttribute("name", eformName), new XAttribute("displayName", config.DisplayName),
                             // eform content

            // write to text box (for some reason, no declaration outpout by default)
            var outputWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();

            EformDebug.Text = outputWriter.ToString();

            // cleanup