コード例 #1
ファイル: FormGear.cs プロジェクト: matthewloverton/a1-eftapp
        private void dgv_ammunition_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btn_save.Enabled = true;
            if (dgv_gear.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
                Gear gear = new Gear();
                currentID = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_gear.CurrentRow.Cells["col_gearId"].Value);
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    gear = context.Gears.Where(g => g.GearID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();

                    txt_name.Text                     = gear.Name;
                    cbox_type.SelectedIndex           = cbox_type.FindStringExact(gear.Type);
                    cbox_slot.SelectedIndex           = cbox_slot.FindStringExact(gear.Slot);
                    txt_weight.Text                   = gear.Weight.ToString();
                    txt_material.Text                 = gear.Material;
                    cbox_class.SelectedIndex          = cbox_class.FindStringExact(gear.Class.ToString());
                    txt_durability.Text               = gear.Durability.ToString();
                    txt_slots.Text                    = gear.Slots.ToString();
                    txt_movementSpeed.Text            = gear.MovementSpeed.ToString();
                    txt_turnSpeed.Text                = gear.TurnSpeed.ToString();
                    txt_ergonomics.Text               = gear.Ergonomics.ToString();
                    txt_ricochetChance.Text           = gear.RicochetChance.ToString();
                    cbox_soundReduction.SelectedIndex = cbox_soundReduction.FindStringExact(gear.SoundReduction);
                    chk_blocksEarpiece.Checked        = (bool)gear.BlocksEarpiece;
                    chk_blocksEyewear.Checked         = (bool)gear.BlocksEyewear;
                    chk_blocksFaceCover.Checked       = (bool)gear.BlocksFaceCover;
                    chk_blocksHeadwear.Checked        = (bool)gear.BlocksHeadwear;
                    chk_blocksArmour.Checked          = (bool)gear.BlocksArmour;
                btn_delete.Enabled = true;
                btn_add.Enabled    = false;
コード例 #2
        // Perform some validation on the fields then send an UPDATE query to the database with Entity Framework.
        // Send a message to the user with the result.
        private void btn_resetPassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txt_password.Text == "" || txt_passwordRepeat.Text == "")
                lbl_errorMessage.Text = "Password cannot be empty.";
                panel_error.Visible   = true;
            else if (txt_password.Text != txt_passwordRepeat.Text)
                lbl_errorMessage.Text = "Passwords do not match.";
                panel_error.Visible   = true;
            using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                User user = new User()
                    UserID   = currentUser.UserID,
                    Username = currentUser.Username,
                    Password = txt_password.Text,
                    Email    = currentUser.Email,
                    Admin    = currentUser.Admin

                context.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
            mainMenu.Logout("Password changed successfully, please log in.");
コード例 #3
        // If the data is valid, create a new instance of the appropriate entity and input the data. Change the entity state to Modified in the context
        // When the changes are saved the database will update the row using a standard UPDATE query.
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateData())
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    Loadout loadout = new Loadout()
                        LoadoutID         = currentID,
                        Name              = txt_name.Text,
                        UserID            = currentUser.UserID,
                        EarpieceID        = context.Gears.Where(earpiece => earpiece.Name == cbox_earpiece.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                        HeadwearID        = context.Gears.Where(headwear => headwear.Name == cbox_headwear.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                        BodyArmourID      = context.Gears.Where(bodyArmour => bodyArmour.Name == cbox_bodyArmour.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                        PrimaryWeaponID   = context.Weapons.Where(primaryWeapon => primaryWeapon.Name == cbox_primaryWeapon.Text).FirstOrDefault().WeaponID,
                        SecondaryWeaponID = context.Weapons.Where(secondaryWeapon => secondaryWeapon.Name == cbox_secondaryWeapon.Text).FirstOrDefault().WeaponID,
                        HolsterWeaponID   = context.Weapons.Where(holsterWeapon => holsterWeapon.Name == cbox_holsterWeapon.Text).FirstOrDefault().WeaponID,
                        RigID             = context.Gears.Where(rig => rig.Name == cbox_rig.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                        BackpackID        = context.Gears.Where(backpack => backpack.Name == cbox_backpack.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,

                    context.Entry(loadout).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    MessageBox.Show($"Updated {loadout.Name} successfully!");
                btn_save.Enabled   = false;
                btn_add.Enabled    = true;
                btn_delete.Enabled = false;
コード例 #4
        // When a row in the datagridview is clicked, check to make sure it's not the header then store the row's itemID in the currentID variable
        // Query the database to find the appropriate item and populate the fields with it's data. In the case of comboboxes match the Index with the name.
        private void dgv_weapons_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btn_save.Enabled = true;
            if (dgv_loadouts.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
                Loadout loadout = new Loadout();
                currentID = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_loadouts.CurrentRow.Cells["col_loadoutID"].Value);
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    loadout = context.Loadouts.Where(l => l.LoadoutID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();

                    txt_name.Text = loadout.Name;
                    // Search the database for the row with the corresponding ItemID, find the combobox index which matches the name of the Item.
                    cbox_earpiece.SelectedIndex        = cbox_earpiece.FindStringExact(context.Gears.Where(earpiece => earpiece.GearID == loadout.EarpieceID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_headwear.SelectedIndex        = cbox_headwear.FindStringExact(context.Gears.Where(headwear => headwear.GearID == loadout.HeadwearID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_bodyArmour.SelectedIndex      = cbox_bodyArmour.FindStringExact(context.Gears.Where(bodyArmour => bodyArmour.GearID == loadout.BodyArmourID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_primaryWeapon.SelectedIndex   = cbox_primaryWeapon.FindStringExact(context.Weapons.Where(primaryWeapon => primaryWeapon.WeaponID == loadout.PrimaryWeaponID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_secondaryWeapon.SelectedIndex = cbox_secondaryWeapon.FindStringExact(context.Weapons.Where(secondaryWeapon => secondaryWeapon.WeaponID == loadout.SecondaryWeaponID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_holsterWeapon.SelectedIndex   = cbox_holsterWeapon.FindStringExact(context.Weapons.Where(holsterWeapon => holsterWeapon.WeaponID == loadout.HolsterWeaponID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_rig.SelectedIndex             = cbox_rig.FindStringExact(context.Gears.Where(rig => rig.GearID == loadout.RigID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                    cbox_backpack.SelectedIndex        = cbox_backpack.FindStringExact(context.Gears.Where(backpack => backpack.GearID == loadout.BackpackID).FirstOrDefault().Name);
                btn_delete.Enabled = true;
                btn_add.Enabled    = false;
コード例 #5
 // If the data is valid create a new instance of the DBContext and add the entity.
 // When the changes are saved the database will insert the row using a standard INSERT query.
 private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ValidateData())
         using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
             Loadout loadout = new Loadout()
                 Name   = txt_name.Text,
                 UserID = currentUser.UserID,
                 // Get the ID of the appropriate gear using a lambda expression LINQ to Entity query.
                 EarpieceID        = context.Gears.Where(earpiece => earpiece.Name == cbox_earpiece.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                 HeadwearID        = context.Gears.Where(headwear => headwear.Name == cbox_headwear.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                 BodyArmourID      = context.Gears.Where(bodyArmour => bodyArmour.Name == cbox_bodyArmour.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                 PrimaryWeaponID   = context.Weapons.Where(primaryWeapon => primaryWeapon.Name == cbox_primaryWeapon.Text).FirstOrDefault().WeaponID,
                 SecondaryWeaponID = context.Weapons.Where(secondaryWeapon => secondaryWeapon.Name == cbox_secondaryWeapon.Text).FirstOrDefault().WeaponID,
                 HolsterWeaponID   = context.Weapons.Where(holsterWeapon => holsterWeapon.Name == cbox_holsterWeapon.Text).FirstOrDefault().WeaponID,
                 RigID             = context.Gears.Where(rig => rig.Name == cbox_rig.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID,
                 BackpackID        = context.Gears.Where(backpack => backpack.Name == cbox_backpack.Text).FirstOrDefault().GearID
             MessageBox.Show($"Loadout '{loadout.Name}' added successfully!");
コード例 #6
 // Check if the user is sure about deleting, then get the itemID from the currentID and change the entity state to Deleted in the context.
 // When the changes are saved the database will delete the row using a standard DELETE query.
 private void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (MessageBox.Show($"Are you sure you want to Delete {txt_name.Text}?", "SQL deletion operation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
         Loadout loadout = new Loadout();
         using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
             loadout = context.Loadouts.Where(l => l.LoadoutID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();
             var entry = context.Entry(loadout);
             // Make sure the entity is being tracked by the context.
             if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
             // Change the entities state to deleted.
             // Save changes made to the context (removing the deleted entity) to the database.
             // Reload the datasources.
     // Enable/Disable appropriate buttons.
     btn_delete.Enabled = false;
     btn_save.Enabled   = false;
     btn_add.Enabled    = true;
コード例 #7
        // When a row in the datagridview is clicked, check to make sure it's not the header then store the row's itemID in the currentID variable
        // Query the database to find the appropriate item and populate the fields with it's data. In the case of comboboxes match the Index with the name.
        private void dgv_ammunition_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btn_save.Enabled = true;
            if (dgv_ammunition.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
                Ammunition ammunition = new Ammunition();
                currentID = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_ammunition.CurrentRow.Cells["col_ammunitionID"].Value);
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    ammunition = context.Ammunitions.Where(a => a.AmmunitionID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();
                    string caliberName = context.Calibers.Where(c => c.CaliberID == ammunition.CaliberID).FirstOrDefault().Name;

                    txt_name.Text                = ammunition.Name;
                    txt_damage.Text              = ammunition.Damage.ToString();
                    txt_penetration.Text         = ammunition.Penetration.ToString();
                    txt_armourDamage.Text        = ammunition.ArmourDamage.ToString();
                    txt_accuracy.Text            = ammunition.Accuracy.ToString();
                    txt_recoil.Text              = ammunition.Recoil.ToString();
                    txt_fragmentationChance.Text = ammunition.FragmentationChance.ToString();
                    txt_ricochetChance.Text      = ammunition.RicochetChance.ToString();
                    txt_speed.Text               = ammunition.Speed.ToString();
                    cbox_caliberID.SelectedIndex = cbox_caliberID.FindStringExact(caliberName);
                btn_delete.Enabled = true;
                btn_add.Enabled    = false;
コード例 #8
        // Check if the user is already in the database and if the passwords match. Show errors if appropriate.
        private void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                User user = context.Users.Where(u => u.Username == txt_username.Text).FirstOrDefault <User>();
                if (user == null)
                    lbl_errorMessage.Text = "User not found.";
                    panel_error.Visible   = true;

                else if (txt_password.Text != user.Password)
                    lbl_errorMessage.Text = "Incorrect username or password.";
                    panel_error.Visible   = true;

                    // Call the login function on the main menu form.
コード例 #9
        // If the data is valid, create a new instance of the appropriate entity and input the data. Change the entity state to Modified in the context
        // When the changes are saved the database will update the row using a standard UPDATE query.
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateData())
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    int        caliberID  = context.Calibers.Where(c => c.Name == cbox_caliberID.Text).FirstOrDefault().CaliberID;
                    Ammunition ammunition = new Ammunition()
                        AmmunitionID        = currentID,
                        Name                = txt_name.Text,
                        Damage              = int.Parse(txt_damage.Text),
                        Penetration         = int.Parse(txt_penetration.Text),
                        ArmourDamage        = int.Parse(txt_armourDamage.Text),
                        Accuracy            = int.Parse(txt_accuracy.Text),
                        Recoil              = int.Parse(txt_recoil.Text),
                        FragmentationChance = decimal.Parse(txt_fragmentationChance.Text),
                        RicochetChance      = decimal.Parse(txt_ricochetChance.Text),
                        Speed               = int.Parse(txt_speed.Text),
                        CaliberID           = caliberID

                    context.Entry(ammunition).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    MessageBox.Show($"Updated {ammunition.Name} successfully!");
                btn_save.Enabled   = false;
                btn_add.Enabled    = true;
                btn_delete.Enabled = false;
コード例 #10
        // If the data is valid create a new instance of the DBContext and add the entity.
        // When the changes are saved the database will insert the row using a standard INSERT query.
        private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateData())
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    // Fetch the corresponding caliberID from the database by using a LINQ to Entity query, returning the first row or null.
                    int        caliberID  = context.Calibers.Where(c => c.Name == cbox_caliberID.Text).FirstOrDefault().CaliberID;
                    Ammunition ammunition = new Ammunition()
                        Name                = txt_name.Text,
                        Damage              = int.Parse(txt_damage.Text),
                        Penetration         = int.Parse(txt_penetration.Text),
                        ArmourDamage        = int.Parse(txt_armourDamage.Text),
                        Accuracy            = int.Parse(txt_accuracy.Text),
                        Recoil              = int.Parse(txt_recoil.Text),
                        FragmentationChance = decimal.Parse(txt_fragmentationChance.Text),
                        RicochetChance      = decimal.Parse(txt_ricochetChance.Text),
                        Speed               = int.Parse(txt_speed.Text),
                        CaliberID           = caliberID

                    // Add the new entity to the context with the Added state.
                    // Save changes made to the context to the database.
                    // Reload the datasources.
                    MessageBox.Show($"Added {ammunition.Name} successfully!");
コード例 #11
        // When a row in the datagridview is clicked, check to make sure it's not the header then store the row's itemID in the currentID variable
        // Query the database to find the appropriate item and populate the fields with it's data. In the case of comboboxes match the Index with the name.
        private void dgv_weapons_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btn_save.Enabled = true;
            if (dgv_weapons.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
                Weapon weapon = new Weapon();
                currentID = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_weapons.CurrentRow.Cells["col_weaponID"].Value);
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    weapon = context.Weapons.Where(w => w.WeaponID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();
                    string caliberName = context.Calibers.Where(c => c.CaliberID == weapon.CaliberID).FirstOrDefault().Name;

                    txt_name.Text                = weapon.Name;
                    cbox_type.SelectedIndex      = cbox_type.FindStringExact(weapon.Type);
                    cbox_slot.SelectedIndex      = cbox_slot.FindStringExact(weapon.Slot);
                    txt_weight.Text              = weapon.Weight.ToString();
                    txt_verticalRecoil.Text      = weapon.VerticalRecoil.ToString();
                    txt_horizontalRecoil.Text    = weapon.HorizontalRecoil.ToString();
                    txt_range.Text               = weapon.Range.ToString();
                    txt_ergonomics.Text          = weapon.Ergonomics.ToString();
                    txt_fireRate.Text            = weapon.FireRate.ToString();
                    chk_single.Checked           = (bool)weapon.Single;
                    chk_burst.Checked            = (bool)weapon.Burst;
                    chk_auto.Checked             = (bool)weapon.Auto;
                    cbox_caliberID.SelectedIndex = cbox_caliberID.FindStringExact(caliberName);
                btn_delete.Enabled = true;
                btn_add.Enabled    = false;
コード例 #12
        // If the data is valid, create a new instance of the appropriate entity and input the data. Change the entity state to Modified in the context
        // When the changes are saved the database will update the row using a standard UPDATE query.
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateData())
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    User currentUser = context.Users.AsNoTracking().Where(cu => cu.UserID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();
                    User user        = new User()
                        UserID   = currentID,
                        Username = txt_username.Text,
                        Password = currentUser.Password,
                        Email    = txt_email.Text,
                        Admin    = chk_admin.Checked

                    context.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    MessageBox.Show($"Updated {user.Username} successfully!");
                btn_save.Enabled   = false;
                btn_delete.Enabled = false;
コード例 #13
 // If the data is valid create a new instance of the DBContext and add the entity.
 // When the changes are saved the database will insert the row using a standard INSERT query.
 private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ValidateData())
         using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
             int    caliberID = context.Calibers.Where(c => c.Name == cbox_caliberID.Text).FirstOrDefault().CaliberID;
             Weapon weapon    = new Weapon()
                 Name             = txt_name.Text,
                 Type             = cbox_type.Text,
                 Slot             = cbox_slot.Text,
                 Weight           = decimal.Parse(txt_weight.Text),
                 VerticalRecoil   = int.Parse(txt_verticalRecoil.Text),
                 HorizontalRecoil = int.Parse(txt_horizontalRecoil.Text),
                 Range            = int.Parse(txt_range.Text),
                 Ergonomics       = int.Parse(txt_ergonomics.Text),
                 FireRate         = int.Parse(txt_fireRate.Text),
                 Single           = chk_single.Checked,
                 Burst            = chk_burst.Checked,
                 Auto             = chk_auto.Checked,
                 CaliberID        = caliberID
             // Add the new entity to the context with the Added state.
             // Save changes made to the context to the database.
             // Reload the datasources.
             MessageBox.Show($"Added {weapon.Name} successfully!");
コード例 #14
ファイル: FormGear.cs プロジェクト: matthewloverton/a1-eftapp
 private void LoadData()
     using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
         gearBindingSource.DataSource           = context.Gears.Local.ToBindingList();
         dgv_gear.Columns["col_gearId"].Visible = false;
コード例 #15
 // Load the data into the DbContext and bind it to the appropriate dataSources for use in the datagridview and comboboxes.
 private void LoadData()
     using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
         // Query the appropriate tables and store the results in the DBContext.
         // Bind the data to the DataSource.
         userBindingSource.DataSource = context.Users.Local.ToBindingList();
コード例 #16
        // Load the data into the DbContext and bind it to the appropriate dataSources for use in the datagridview and comboboxes.
        private void LoadData()
            using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                // Query the appropriate tables and store the results in the DBContext.

                // Bind the data to the DataSource.
                loadoutBindingSource.DataSource = context.Loadouts.Where(l => l.UserID == currentUser.UserID).ToList();
                gearBindingSource.DataSource    = context.Gears.Local.ToBindingList();
                weaponBindingSource.DataSource  = context.Weapons.Local.ToBindingList();

                // Create new datasources for each loadoout slot, use lambda expressions to query the database and save the rows that match.
                BindingSource backpacks = new BindingSource();
                backpacks.DataSource = context.Gears.Where(b => b.Slot == "Backpack").ToList();
                // Attach the datasource to the correct combobox. The combobox DisplayMember is set to display the Item.Name.
                cbox_backpack.DataSource = backpacks;

                BindingSource bodyArmour = new BindingSource();
                bodyArmour.DataSource      = context.Gears.Where(ba => ba.Slot == "Body armour").ToList();
                cbox_bodyArmour.DataSource = bodyArmour;

                BindingSource earpiece = new BindingSource();
                earpiece.DataSource      = context.Gears.Where(e => e.Slot == "Earpiece").ToList();
                cbox_earpiece.DataSource = earpiece;

                BindingSource chestRig = new BindingSource();
                chestRig.DataSource = context.Gears.Where(cr => cr.Slot == "Chest rig").ToList();
                cbox_rig.DataSource = chestRig;

                BindingSource headwear = new BindingSource();
                headwear.DataSource      = context.Gears.Where(h => h.Slot == "Headwear").ToList();
                cbox_headwear.DataSource = headwear;

                BindingSource primaryWeapon = new BindingSource();
                primaryWeapon.DataSource      = context.Weapons.Where(pw => pw.Slot == "Primary").ToList();
                cbox_primaryWeapon.DataSource = primaryWeapon;

                BindingSource secondaryWeapon = new BindingSource();
                secondaryWeapon.DataSource      = context.Weapons.Where(sw => sw.Slot == "Primary").ToList();
                cbox_secondaryWeapon.DataSource = secondaryWeapon;

                BindingSource holsterWeapon = new BindingSource();
                holsterWeapon.DataSource      = context.Weapons.Where(hw => hw.Slot == "Secondary").ToList();
                cbox_holsterWeapon.DataSource = holsterWeapon;

                dgv_loadouts.Columns["col_loadoutID"].Visible = false;
コード例 #17
 // Load the data into the DbContext and bind it to the appropriate dataSources for use in the datagridview and comboboxes.
 private void LoadData()
     using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
         // Query the appropriate tables and store the results in the DBContext.
         // Bind the data to the DataSource.
         ammunitionBindingSource.DataSource = context.Ammunitions.Local.ToBindingList();
         caliberBindingSource.DataSource    = context.Calibers.Local.ToBindingList();
         // Manually hide columns (for some reason just setting the column.visible to false in the designer doesn't work).
         dgv_ammunition.Columns["col_ammunitionID"].Visible = false;
         dgv_ammunition.Columns["col_caliberId"].Visible    = false;
コード例 #18
        // Perform some validation, check the database for a user with the same username.
        // If validation succeeds add the new user to the database using an INSERT query from Entity Framework.
        private void btn_register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                if (txt_username.Text == "Username" || txt_username.Text == "" ||
                    txt_password.Text == "Password" || txt_password.Text == "Password" ||
                    txt_passwordRepeat.Text == "Password Repeat" || txt_passwordRepeat.Text == "" ||
                    txt_email.Text == "Email" || txt_email.Text == "")
                    lbl_errorMessage.Text = "Please make sure all fields are filled.";
                    panel_error.Visible   = true;


                User user = context.Users.Where(u => u.Username == txt_username.Text).FirstOrDefault <User>();
                if (user != null)
                    lbl_errorMessage.Text = "There's already an account with that username. Try logging in.";
                    panel_error.Visible   = true;

                else if (txt_password.Text != txt_passwordRepeat.Text)
                    lbl_errorMessage.Text = "Passwords do not match.";
                    panel_error.Visible   = true;

                    User newUser = new User()
                        Username = txt_username.Text,
                        Password = txt_password.Text,
                        Email    = txt_email.Text,
                        Admin    = false
コード例 #19
        // When a row in the datagridview is clicked, check to make sure it's not the header then store the row's itemID in the currentID variable
        // Query the database to find the appropriate item and populate the fields with it's data. In the case of comboboxes match the Index with the name.
        private void dgv_weapons_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btn_save.Enabled = true;
            if (dgv_users.CurrentRow.Index != -1)
                User user = new User();
                currentID = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_users.CurrentRow.Cells["col_userID"].Value);
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    user = context.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();

                    txt_username.Text = user.Username;
                    txt_email.Text    = user.Email;
                    chk_admin.Checked = user.Admin;
                btn_delete.Enabled = true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: FormGear.cs プロジェクト: matthewloverton/a1-eftapp
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateData())
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    Gear gear = new Gear()
                        GearID          = currentID,
                        Name            = txt_name.Text,
                        Type            = cbox_type.Text,
                        Slot            = cbox_slot.Text,
                        Weight          = decimal.Parse(txt_weight.Text),
                        Material        = txt_material.Text,
                        Class           = int.Parse(cbox_class.Text),
                        Durability      = int.Parse(txt_durability.Text),
                        Slots           = int.Parse(txt_slots.Text),
                        MovementSpeed   = int.Parse(txt_movementSpeed.Text),
                        TurnSpeed       = int.Parse(txt_turnSpeed.Text),
                        Ergonomics      = int.Parse(txt_ergonomics.Text),
                        RicochetChance  = float.Parse(txt_ricochetChance.Text),
                        SoundReduction  = cbox_soundReduction.Text,
                        BlocksEarpiece  = chk_blocksEarpiece.Checked,
                        BlocksEyewear   = chk_blocksEyewear.Checked,
                        BlocksFaceCover = chk_blocksFaceCover.Checked,
                        BlocksHeadwear  = chk_blocksHeadwear.Checked,
                        BlocksArmour    = chk_blocksArmour.Checked

                    context.Entry(gear).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    MessageBox.Show($"Updated {gear.Name} successfully!");
                btn_save.Enabled   = false;
                btn_add.Enabled    = true;
                btn_delete.Enabled = false;
コード例 #21
 // Check if the user is sure about deleting, then get the itemID from the currentID and change the entity state to Deleted in the context.
 // When the changes are saved the database will delete the row using a standard DELETE query.
 private void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (MessageBox.Show($"Are you sure you want to Delete {txt_username.Text}?", "SQL deletion operation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
         User user = new User();
         using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
             user = context.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == currentID).FirstOrDefault();
             var entry = context.Entry(user);
             if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
     btn_delete.Enabled = false;
     btn_save.Enabled   = false;
コード例 #22
        // If the data is valid, create a new instance of the appropriate entity and input the data. Change the entity state to Modified in the context
        // When the changes are saved the database will update the row using a standard UPDATE query.
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateData())
                using (EFTDBEntities context = new EFTDBEntities())
                    int    caliberID = context.Calibers.Where(c => c.Name == cbox_caliberID.Text).FirstOrDefault().CaliberID;
                    Weapon weapon    = new Weapon()
                        WeaponID         = currentID,
                        Name             = txt_name.Text,
                        Type             = cbox_type.Text,
                        Slot             = cbox_slot.Text,
                        Weight           = decimal.Parse(txt_weight.Text),
                        VerticalRecoil   = int.Parse(txt_verticalRecoil.Text),
                        HorizontalRecoil = int.Parse(txt_horizontalRecoil.Text),
                        Range            = int.Parse(txt_range.Text),
                        Ergonomics       = int.Parse(txt_ergonomics.Text),
                        FireRate         = int.Parse(txt_fireRate.Text),
                        Single           = chk_single.Checked,
                        Burst            = chk_burst.Checked,
                        Auto             = chk_auto.Checked,
                        CaliberID        = caliberID

                    context.Entry(weapon).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    MessageBox.Show($"Updated {weapon.Name} successfully!");
                btn_save.Enabled   = false;
                btn_add.Enabled    = true;
                btn_delete.Enabled = false;