コード例 #1
        public static void MoveToNewLocation()
            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var fae = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.BotId == AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId);

            IJewdewfaeEncounterRepository faeRepo = new EFJewdewfaeEncounterRepository();

            IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
            var directive = aiRepo.AIDirectives.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == fae.Id);

            // add fae's current location to the list of places visited
            directive.sVar2 += fae.dbLocationName + ";";

            var fairyLocations = faeRepo.JewdewfaeEncounters.Where(f => f.IsLive).Select(f => f.dbLocationName).ToList();

            var visitedFairyLocations = directive.sVar2.Split(';').Where(f => f.Length > 1).ToList();

            var possibleLocations = fairyLocations.Except(visitedFairyLocations).ToList();

            // if there are no locations left to visit, reset
            if (!possibleLocations.Any())
                possibleLocations = fairyLocations;
                directive.sVar2   = "";

            double max  = possibleLocations.Count();
            var    rand = new Random();
            var    num  = rand.NextDouble();

            var index       = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(num * max));
            var newLocation = possibleLocations.ElementAt(index);

            directive.Var1  = 0;
            directive.Var2  = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber();
            directive.sVar1 = ";";


            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(fae.dbLocationName, "<b>Jewdewfae got bored and flew away from here.</b>");

            fae.dbLocationName = newLocation;

            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(fae.dbLocationName, "<b>Jewdewfae flew here.  She looks bored and wants to play with someone.</b>");
コード例 #2
        public static JewdewfaeEncounter GetFairyChallengeInfoAtLocation(string location)
            IJewdewfaeEncounterRepository repo = new EFJewdewfaeEncounterRepository();

            return(repo.JewdewfaeEncounters.FirstOrDefault(e => e.dbLocationName == location));