コード例 #1
        private static int fnNewSuggestedOrderItemID()
            using (var db = new MvcPhoenix.EF.CMCSQL03Entities())
                var newrec = new EF.tblSuggestedBulk();

                return newrec.id;
コード例 #2
        public static int fnGenerateSuggestedOrder(int clientid, int divisionid)
            // return the number of items created
            int itemscount = 0;

            string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                string s;
                string fnTempTable = "tblSuggestedBulk";

                // Clear the work table of my records
                s = String.Format("Delete from {0} where UserName='******'", fnTempTable, username);

                // Build a list of ProductMasters to analyze
                var q1 = (from pd in db.tblProductDetail
                          join pm in db.tblProductMaster on pd.ProductMasterID equals pm.ProductMasterID
                          where pm.ClientID == clientid
                          select new

                // Restrict list to a PD.DivisionID if user requested
                if (divisionid > 0)
                    q1 = (from t in q1
                          where t.DivisionID == divisionid
                          select t).ToList();

                // Insert new records into the work table
                foreach (var row in q1)
                    var newrec = new EF.tblSuggestedBulk();
                    newrec.ClientID = row.ClientID;
                    newrec.UserName = username;
                    newrec.ProductMasterID = row.ProductMasterID;
                    newrec.SupplyID = row.SUPPLYID;
                    newrec.ShelfLife = row.ShlfLife;
                    newrec.ProductSetupDate = row.ProductSetupDate;
                    newrec.DivisionID = row.DivisionID;
                    newrec.BulkCurrentAvailable = 0;
                    newrec.ShelfCurrentAvailable = 0;
                    newrec.BulkShippedPastYear = 0;
                    newrec.BulkShippedPerDay = 0;
                    newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear = 0;
                    newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay = 0;
                    newrec.UseThisExpirationDate = null;
                    newrec.AverageLeadTime = 0;
                    newrec.ReorderThis = false;
                    newrec.ReorderWeight = 0;

                    newrec.BulkOnOrder = false;

                    newrec.ProductMasterAge = (System.DateTime.Now.Date - row.ProductSetupDate.Value).Days;

                    // get the bulk containers and setup critieria
                    string[] sBulkStatus = { "QC", "TEST", "WASTE" };

                    var qBulk = (from t in db.tblBulk
                                 where t.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID
                                 select t).ToList();

                    newrec.BulkCurrentAvailable = (from t in qBulk
                                                   where !sBulkStatus.Contains(t.BulkStatus)
                                                   select ((t.Qty == null ? 1 : t.Qty) * t.CurrentWeight)).Sum();

                    string[] sStockStatus = { "QC", "TEST", "WASTE" };

                    var qStock = (from t in db.tblStock
                                  join sm in db.tblShelfMaster on t.ShelfID equals sm.ShelfID
                                  join pd in db.tblProductDetail on sm.ProductDetailID equals pd.ProductDetailID
                                  join pm in db.tblProductMaster on pd.ProductMasterID equals pm.ProductMasterID
                                  where pm.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID
                                  select new { t.ShelfStatus, t.QtyOnHand, sm.UnitWeight }).ToList();

                    newrec.ShelfCurrentAvailable = (from t in qStock
                                                    where !sStockStatus.Contains(t.ShelfStatus)
                                                    select (t.QtyOnHand * t.UnitWeight)).Sum();

                    newrec.CurrentAvailable = newrec.BulkCurrentAvailable + newrec.ShelfCurrentAvailable;

                    // Set BulkShippedPastYear=(Select sum(LogQty*LogAmount) from vwBulkTransForReplenishment where logdate>DateAdd(day,-365,getdate()) and ProductMasterID={0}.ProductMasterID)
                    // may not be working because missing BulkIDs in log
                    var qBulkLog = (from t in db.tblInvLog
                                    join bl in db.tblBulk on t.BulkID equals bl.BulkID
                                    where (bl.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID) && (t.LogType == "BS-SHP")
                                    select new { t.LogType, t.LogDate, t.LogQty, t.LogAmount, bl.BulkID, bl.BulkStatus, }).ToList();

                    qBulkLog = (from t in qBulkLog
                                where !sBulkStatus.Contains(t.BulkStatus)
                                select t).ToList();

                    qBulkLog = (from t in qBulkLog
                                where t.LogDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365)
                                select t).ToList();

                    newrec.BulkShippedPastYear = (from t in qBulkLog
                                                  select (t.LogQty * t.LogAmount)).Sum();

                    if (newrec.BulkShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge > 365)
                        newrec.BulkShippedPerDay = newrec.BulkShippedPastYear / 365;

                    if (newrec.BulkShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge <= 365)
                        newrec.BulkShippedPerDay = newrec.BulkShippedPastYear / newrec.ProductMasterAge;

                    var qShelfLog = (from t in db.tblInvLog
                                     join st in db.tblStock on t.StockID equals st.StockID
                                     join sm in db.tblShelfMaster on st.ShelfID equals sm.ShelfID
                                     join pd in db.tblProductDetail on sm.ProductDetailID equals pd.ProductDetailID
                                     where (pd.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID) && (t.LogType == "SS-SHP")
                                     select new { t.LogType, t.LogDate, t.LogQty, t.LogAmount, t.Status }).ToList();

                    qShelfLog = (from t in qShelfLog
                                 where !sStockStatus.Contains(t.Status)
                                 select t).ToList();

                    qShelfLog = (from t in qShelfLog
                                 where t.LogDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365)
                                 select t).ToList();

                    newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear = (from t in qShelfLog
                                                   select (t.LogQty * t.LogAmount)).Sum();

                    if (newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge > 365)
                        newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay = newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear / 365;

                    if (newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge <= 365)
                        newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay = newrec.ProductMasterAge / 365;

                    // Set BulkLatestExpirationDate=(Select top 1 ExpirationDate from tblBulk where ProductMasterID={0}.ProductMasterID order by ExpirationDate Desc)
                    // assumes always at least one bulk container
                    var qBulkExpiration = (from t in db.tblBulk
                                           where t.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID
                                           orderby t.CeaseShipDate descending
                                           select t).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

                    // set initial value to null, then try to update it, if cannot update set to a future date (below)
                    if (qBulkExpiration != null && qBulkExpiration.CeaseShipDate != null)
                        newrec.BulkLatestExpirationDate = qBulkExpiration.CeaseShipDate;
                        newrec.BulkDaysTilExpiration = (newrec.BulkLatestExpirationDate.Value - System.DateTime.Now.Date).Days;

                        newrec.ShelfLatestExpirationDate = qBulkExpiration.CeaseShipDate;
                        newrec.ShelfDaysTilExpiration = (newrec.ShelfLatestExpirationDate.Value - System.DateTime.Now.Date).Days;

                        newrec.UseThisExpirationDate = newrec.BulkLatestExpirationDate;

                    if (newrec.UseThisExpirationDate == null)
                        newrec.UseThisExpirationDate = new DateTime(2099, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0);

                    newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration = (newrec.UseThisExpirationDate.Value - System.DateTime.Now.Date).Days;

                    if (newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration > 998)
                        newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration = 999;

                    // Set DaysSupplyLeft= CurrentAvailable / (ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay) Where (ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay>0)
                    if ((newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay) > 0)
                        newrec.DaysSupplyLeft = Convert.ToInt32(newrec.CurrentAvailable / (newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay));

                    // Set DaysSupplyLeft=0 Where DaysSupplyLeft Is Null
                    if (newrec.DaysSupplyLeft == null)
                        newrec.DaysSupplyLeft = 0;

                    var qBulkOrders = (from t in db.tblBulkOrderItem
                                       where t.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID && (t.Status == "OP" || t.Status == "OPEN")
                                       select t.BulkOrderItemID).ToList();

                    if (qBulkOrders.Count() > 0)
                        newrec.BulkOnOrder = true;
                        newrec.BulkOnOrder = false;

                    if (newrec.DaysSupplyLeft < 65)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = true;

                    if (newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration < 65)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = true;

                    if (newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay == 0)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = false;

                    if (newrec.BulkOnOrder == true)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = false;

                    // Set ReorderWeight=Round((ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay) * 120,0) Where ShelfLife<13 and ReorderThis=1
                    if (newrec.ShelfLife < 13 && newrec.ReorderThis == true)
                        newrec.ReorderWeight = Convert.ToInt32((newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay) * 120);

                    // Set ReorderWeight=Round((ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay) * 180,0) Where (ShelfLife>=13 or ShelfLife is null) and (ReorderThis=1)
                    if (newrec.ShelfLife >= 13 || newrec.ShelfLife == null)
                        newrec.ReorderWeight = Convert.ToInt32((newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay)) * 180;

                    // Set ReorderWeight=1 Where (ReorderWeight<1) and (ReorderThis=1)
                    if (newrec.ReorderWeight < 1 && newrec.ReorderThis == true)
                        newrec.ReorderWeight = 1;


                s = String.Format("Delete from {0} where ReorderThis=0 and Username='******'", fnTempTable, username);


                itemscount = (from t in db.tblSuggestedBulk
                              where t.UserName == username
                              select t).Count();

                return itemscount;