コード例 #1
        private void BackgroundWorkerThread()
            // check first and download items

            string desigmapfile = Path.Combine(EDDOptions.Instance.AppDataDirectory, "bodydesignations.csv");

            if (!File.Exists(desigmapfile))
                desigmapfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath), "bodydesignations.csv");


            Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems");

            bool checkGithub = EDDOptions.Instance.CheckGithubFiles;

            if (checkGithub)      // not normal in debug, due to git hub choking
                DateTime lastdownloadtime = UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingDate("DownloadFilesLastTime", DateTime.MinValue);

                if (DateTime.UtcNow - lastdownloadtime >= new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0))       // only update once per day
                    // Expedition data
                    DownloadExpeditions(() => PendingClose);

                    // and Help files
                    DownloadHelp(() => PendingClose);

                    UserDatabase.Instance.PutSettingDate("DownloadFilesLastTime", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // if we have a gmo file, but its out of date, refresh it for next time, do it in background thread since not critical.
            string gmofile = Path.Combine(EDDOptions.Instance.AppDataDirectory, "galacticmapping.json");

            if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && File.Exists(gmofile) && DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(SystemsDatabase.Instance.GetEDSMGalMapLast()).TotalDays > 14)
                LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM.".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_EDSM));
                if (EDSMClass.DownloadGMOFileFromEDSM(gmofile))

            Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems complete");


            LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping.".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_LN));

            if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad)        // here in this thread, we do a refresh of history.
                LogLine("Reading travel history".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_RTH));

                if (EDDOptions.Instance.Commander != null)
                    EDCommander switchto = EDCommander.GetCommander(EDDOptions.Instance.Commander);
                    if (switchto != null)
                        EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID = switchto.Id;

                DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs {
                    CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID
                });                                                                                            // load history the first time in this thread

            CheckForSync();     // see if any EDSM sync is needed - this just sets some variables up

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Background worker setting up refresh worker");

            backgroundRefreshWorker = new Thread(BackgroundHistoryRefreshWorkerThread)
                Name = "Background Refresh Worker", IsBackground = true
            backgroundRefreshWorker.Start();        // start the refresh worker, another thread which does subsequenct (not the primary one) refresh work in the background..

                if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad)
                    DoPerformSync();        // this is done after the initial history load..

                while (!PendingClose)
                    int wh = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { closeRequested, resyncRequestedEvent });

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Background worker kicked by " + wh);

                    if (PendingClose)

                    if (wh == 1)
                        if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMDownload)      // if no system off, and EDSM download on
            catch (OperationCanceledException)

            backgroundRefreshWorker.Join();     // this should terminate due to closeRequested..

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BW Refresh joined closing down background worker");

            // Now we have been ordered to close down, so go thru the process


            InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() =>
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Call Final close");