コード例 #1
        public override void CalculateFinalVelocity(FP deltaTime, bool bSkipBoids = false)
            FP   fDtSecond      = deltaTime;
            bool bReachedTarget = false;    //(_targetPos - _behaviour.position).sqrMagnitude < GridMap.GetNodeSize();

            if (!bReachedTarget)
                TSVector pos = _behaviour.position;  // ((GridMap)(_map)).GetGridFloatCoord(_behaviour.position);

                TSVector realAcc = TSVector.zero;    //real acceleration

                if (PathFindingManager.c_useAvoidUnit)
                    int preBoidsType = _activeBoids;
                    _activeBoids = (int)EBoidsActiveType.seperation;    // (int)EBoidsActiveType.collisionAvoidance |

                    TSVector velocity = _behaviour.velocity;

                    TSVector desiredV;
                    FP       dFactor;
                    FP       maxTime;
                    FP       obstacleMaxTime = FP.Zero;
                    TSVector dA = DesiredAcc(_targetPos, out desiredV, out dFactor, out maxTime); //_targetPos
                    obstacleMaxTime = FP.One;                                                     // TSMath.Min(maxTime, FP.One);
                    maxTime         = FP.One;                                                     // TSMath.Min(maxTime, FP.One);

                    if (dA != TSVector.zero || desiredV != TSVector.zero)
                        //check dA dir is clear or not
                        TSVector tryV          = desiredV;//.normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                        bool     bStatic       = false;
                        FP       ttcTry        = -1;
                        bool     isCollidering = false;
                        TSVector try_a         = TSVector.zero;

                            try_a = CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(ForceBasedAgent.computeForces
                                                               (_behaviour, null, tryV, false, maxTime, obstacleMaxTime
                                                               , out bStatic, out ttcTry, ref isCollidering, true))
                                    * _behaviour.baseData.invMass;

                        bool     dDirClear         = ttcTry < 0;// desired direction is clear or not
                        bool     isRealAccZero     = true;
                        bool     isTminStaticAgent = false;
                        bool     isNearStaticAgent = false;
                        TSVector sepA = TSVector.zero;

                        if (!dDirClear)    //
                            isTminStaticAgent = false;
                            FP   ttc        = -1;
                            bool newMoveing = velocity == TSVector.zero;
                            if (newMoveing)
                                int count = _behaviour.neighbours.Count;
                                realAcc = CustomMath.perpendicular(desiredV);
                                realAcc = CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(ForceBasedAgent.computeForces(_behaviour, null, velocity, false,
                                                                                               1, 1, out isTminStaticAgent, out ttc, ref isCollidering, true))
                                          * _behaviour.baseData.invMass;

                                if (ttc > 0 && (realAcc * _behaviour.baseData.mass).sqrMagnitude > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                                    realAcc = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * _behaviour.baseData.invMass * realAcc.normalized;

                            TSVector preA = realAcc;
                            isRealAccZero = realAcc == TSVector.zero;
                            if (!isRealAccZero && isTminStaticAgent)    //current dir is not clear,blocked by static object
                                //current direction is not clear,
                                //then turn to perpendicular direction of avoid direction
                                if (ttc > 0)
                                    realAcc = CustomMath.perpendicular(realAcc);
                                bool changeA = false;
                                if (realAcc * _behaviour.velocity < 0)    // * desiredV
                                    TSVector pos2          = _behaviour.position + realAcc.normalized * GridMap.blockDirDst;
                                    bool     hashNeighbour = _behaviour.baseData.pfm.HasNeighboursBetween2Point(_behaviour.proxyId, _behaviour.position
                                                                                                                , pos2, _behaviour.pathManager._queryStack);
                                    if (!hashNeighbour)
                                        changeA = true;
                                if (changeA)
                                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("change real acc dir");
                                    realAcc = TSVector.zero - realAcc;
                            isNearStaticAgent = ttc < FP.EN1 * 2 && isTminStaticAgent;
                            // otherwise,take boids force into consideration
                            if (isCollidering)
                                sepA = ApplyForce(deltaTime, TSVector.zero, velocity, pos,
                                                  _behaviour.neighbours, bSkipBoids, false);//
                                realAcc = realAcc + sepA;
                            isRealAccZero = realAcc == TSVector.zero;

                        if (isRealAccZero)    //current diretion is clear
                            if (!dDirClear)    //disired diretion is not clear
                                //check perpendicular of velocity is clear or not,1,5
                                if (_behaviour.velocity == TSVector.zero)
                                    _behaviour.preVelocity = CustomMath.perpendicular(desiredV);
                                    velocity = _behaviour.velocity;
                                tryV = (desiredV * _behaviour.invMaxSpeed + _behaviour.preVelocity.normalized * _currentVelFactor).normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;     //CustomMath.perpendicular(velocity);
                                                                                                                                                                         //  tryV = (TSVector.Dot(tryV, desiredV) >= 0 ? tryV : (TSVector.zero - tryV)).normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;// velocity.magnitude
                                bStatic = false;
                                ttcTry  = -1;
                                try_a   = CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(ForceBasedAgent.computeForces
                                                                     (_behaviour, null, tryV, false, 1, 1, out bStatic, out ttcTry, ref isCollidering, true)) * _behaviour.baseData.invMass;
                                if (ttcTry > 0)    //not clear,use pre velocity  ttcTry < FP.EN1*2 &&
                                    _currentVelFactor      = Max_Vel_Factor;
                                    _behaviour.preVelocity = velocity.normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("use pre velocity :" + CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(_behaviour.preVelocity));
                                        TSVector dirPos = _behaviour.position + _behaviour.preVelocity.normalized * 2;
                                                                   CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(dirPos), UnityEngine.Color.magenta, 0.1f);
                                    //   _nextCalDesiredVelTime = _behaviour.baseData.pfm.CurTime
                                    //+ PathFindingAgentBehaviour.C_DESIRED_DELTATIME * 2;
                                else    // test dir is clear then turn to test dir
                                    _currentVelFactor     *= 7 * FP.EN1;
                                    _behaviour.preVelocity = tryV;    //
                                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("turn to test dir:" + CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(_behaviour.preVelocity));
                                        TSVector dirPos = _behaviour.position + _behaviour.preVelocity.normalized * 2;
                                                                   CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(dirPos), UnityEngine.Color.cyan, 0.1f);
                                    //dA = tryV;
                            else    //turn to desired direction
                                _behaviour.preVelocity = CustomMath.Normalize(desiredV) * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                                if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("turn to desired direction:" + CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(_behaviour.preVelocity));
                        }                                        //current diretion is not clear,go on
                             //has static block nearby,try to find clear dir
                        if (isNearStaticAgent && !isCollidering) //8 directions  isTminStaticAgent
                            TSVector dNormlDir      = desiredV * _behaviour.invMaxSpeed;
                            TSVector perpendicular1 = CustomMath.perpendicular(dNormlDir);
                            TSVector perpendicular2 = TSVector.zero - perpendicular1;

                            //45 from disired direction
                            TSVector test45Dir1 = (perpendicular1 + dNormlDir).normalized;

                            TSVector minAngleTestDir = perpendicular1;
                            FP       maxDot          = FP.MinValue;
                            bool     bOk             = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                                ECheckDirStatus status = CheckDir(i, dNormlDir, perpendicular1, perpendicular2, test45Dir1
                                                                  , ref maxDot, ref minAngleTestDir, true);
                                if (status == ECheckDirStatus.ok)
                                    bOk = true;
                                else if (status == ECheckDirStatus.delay)
                                    bOk = true;
                            if (maxDot != FP.MinValue)    //status = ECheckDirStatus.delay
                                _behaviour.preVelocity = minAngleTestDir * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                                if (minAngleTestDir == perpendicular1)    //??????????
                                    _preTestOKVec = perpendicular1;
                                else if (minAngleTestDir == perpendicular2)
                                    _preTestOKVec = perpendicular2;
                            if (bOk)

                        TSVector validA = dA + realAcc;
                        // FP accFactor = 1;
                        FP   validTime = deltaTime;
                        bool ignoreDA  = (!isRealAccZero) &&
                                         (isTminStaticAgent || sepA != TSVector.zero);
                        //not calculating desired velocity and (near static block or boids force influences )
                        if (ignoreDA)    // && _nextCalDesiredVelTime > _behaviour.baseData.pfm.CurTime
                            validA = realAcc;
                            // accFactor = 1;
                            if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("validA:a:" + CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(realAcc)
                                                      + ",isTminStaticAgent:" + isTminStaticAgent + ",sepA:" + CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(sepA)
                                                      + ",isNearStaticAgent" + isNearStaticAgent);
                            if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("calculating desired velocity or not static blocked");
                        if (((validA) * _behaviour.baseData.mass).sqrMagnitude > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                            validA = validA.normalized * _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * _behaviour.baseData.invMass;
                        _behaviour.preVelocity = velocity + (validA) * validTime;    //

                        if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                            TSVector forcePos = _behaviour.position + validA.normalized * 2;
                                                       CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(forcePos), UnityEngine.Color.yellow, 0.1f);

                        if (_behaviour.preVelocity.sqrMagnitude > _behaviour.maxSpeed * _behaviour.maxSpeed)//|| TSVector.Dot(_behaviour.velocity, a) > 0
                            _behaviour.preVelocity = CustomMath.Normalize(_behaviour.preVelocity) * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                        if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log(" _behaviour.preVelocity:" + CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(_behaviour.preVelocity));
                        // _preForceAcc = a;
                    else if (desiredV == TSVector.zero)
                        _behaviour.preVelocity = TSVector.zero;
                    _activeBoids = preBoidsType;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AgentBase.cs プロジェクト: weiou063374/path_finding
        public ECheckDirStatus CheckDir(int dirIdx, TSVector dNormlDir, TSVector perpendicular1,
                                        TSVector perpendicular2, TSVector test45Dir1, ref FP maxDot, ref TSVector minAngleTestDir, bool bIgnoreObstacle)
            FP              dirDst      = GridMap.blockDirDst;
            TSVector        testDir     = TSVector.zero;
            bool            bExtraCheck = true;
            ECheckDirStatus status      = ECheckDirStatus.fail;

            switch (dirIdx)
            case 0:                   //45 from disired direction
                testDir = test45Dir1; //45 to disired direction

            case 1:    //45 to disired direction
                TSVector test45Dir2 = CustomMath.perpendicular(test45Dir1);
                testDir = test45Dir2 * dNormlDir > 0 ? test45Dir2 : (TSVector.zero - test45Dir2);

            case 2:     //perpendicular direction 1
                testDir = perpendicular1;
                //   |      handle this situation  ,>5 degree from previous test ok direction
                bExtraCheck = _preTestOKVec * perpendicular2 < 996 * FP.EN3;

            case 3:      //perpendicular direction 2
                testDir     = perpendicular2;
                bExtraCheck = _preTestOKVec * perpendicular1 < 996 * FP.EN3;

            case 4:    //135 from disired direction 1
                testDir = TSVector.zero - test45Dir1;

            case 5:    //135 to disired direction
                testDir = CustomMath.perpendicular(test45Dir1);
                testDir = testDir * dNormlDir < 0 ? testDir : (TSVector.zero - testDir);

            case 6:     //opposite direction
                testDir = TSVector.zero - dNormlDir;
            TSVector pos2 = _behaviour.position + testDir * dirDst;

            if (bExtraCheck && !IsBlockedBetween2Point(_behaviour.position, pos2
                                                       , _behaviour.pathManager._queryStack, bIgnoreObstacle))
                bool bOk = dirIdx < 2;
                if (dirIdx >= 2)
                    FP dot = _behaviour.velocity * testDir;
                    if (dot < 0)
                        if (dot > maxDot)
                            maxDot          = dot;
                            minAngleTestDir = testDir;
                        status = ECheckDirStatus.delay;
                        status = ECheckDirStatus.ok;
                    status = ECheckDirStatus.ok;
                if (status == ECheckDirStatus.ok)
                    _behaviour.preVelocity = testDir * _behaviour.maxSpeed;