public XArea BeginXArea(string id,GUIStyle style, float minHeight,EArea type,SerializedProperty bobj, float offset) { GUIStyle buttonStyle = EffectLayerCustom.Xbutton; if (!XAreas.ContainsKey(id)) { XAreas.Add(id,new XArea()); } //find my area. XArea m = XAreas[id]; style.stretchWidth = true; Rect gotLastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (new GUIContent (),style,GUILayout.Height (m.LastRect.height)); GUILayout.BeginArea (m.LastRect,style); Rect newRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); //head bar EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (type == EArea.CheckBox || type == EArea.AlwaysToggle) { if (type == EArea.CheckBox) { //little trick. m.Enable = bobj.boolValue; m.Enable = GUILayout.Toggle(m.Enable,GUIContent.none,EffectLayerCustom.Xtoggle, GUILayout.Width(18f),GUILayout.Height(18f)); bobj.boolValue = m.Enable; } else { m.Open = GUILayout.Toggle(m.Open,GUIContent.none,EffectLayerCustom.XToggle2, GUILayout.Width(18f),GUILayout.Height(18f)); m.Enable = true; } if (GUILayout.Button (id,buttonStyle,GUILayout.Height(20f))) m.Open = !m.Open; } else if(type == EArea.Texture) { Texture tex = null; string mname = "no material"; if (MyEditor.Script.Material != null) { tex = MyEditor.Script.Material.mainTexture; mname =; } GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(tex),EffectLayerCustom.XTexture,GUILayout.Width(25f),GUILayout.Height(25f)); if (GUILayout.Button (mname,buttonStyle,GUILayout.Height(24f))) m.Open = !m.Open; m.Enable = true; } //increase a bit, need to do this. newRect.height += 3f; newRect.height += offset; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = m.Enable; if (!m.Open) { newRect.height = minHeight; } //calculate area size. if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint || Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { newRect.x = gotLastRect.x; newRect.y = gotLastRect.y; newRect.width = gotLastRect.width; newRect.height += style.padding.bottom; if (m.LastRect != newRect) { m.LastRect = newRect; MyEditor.Repaint (); } } return m; }
private ListView GetListView(EArea columnArea) { switch(columnArea) { case EArea.Left: return this.PART_ListViewLeft; case EArea.Center: return this.PART_ListViewCenter; case EArea.Right: return this.PART_ListViewRight; } return null; }
public XArea BeginXArea(string id,GUIStyle style, float minHeight,EArea type,SerializedProperty bobj) { return BeginXArea(id,style,minHeight,type,bobj,0f); }
protected void tablaCursos_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { GridViewRow fila = e.Row; if (fila.Cells.Count > 1) { TableCell celdaNombreCurso = fila.Cells[0]; TableCell celdaArea = fila.Cells[1]; TableCell celdaCalificacion = fila.Cells[5]; TableCell celdaEditar = fila.Cells[6]; TableCell celdaEditarTema = fila.Cells[7]; TableCell celdaExpulsar = fila.Cells[8]; TableCell celdaCalificar = fila.Cells[9]; TableCell celdaChat = fila.Cells[10]; string nombreArea = celdaArea.Text; Image iconoArea = new Image(); ImageButton botonEditarCurso = new ImageButton(); ImageButton botonEditarTema = new ImageButton(); ImageButton botonExpulsar = new ImageButton(); ImageButton botonCalificar = new ImageButton(); ImageButton botonChat = new ImageButton(); botonEditarCurso.ImageUrl = "~/Recursos/GestionCursos/Editar Curso.png"; botonExpulsar.ImageUrl = "~/Recursos/GestionCursos/Expulsar Usuarios.png"; botonEditarTema.ImageUrl = "~/Recursos/GestionCursos/Crear y Editar Temas.png"; botonCalificar.ImageUrl = "~/Recursos/GestionCursos/Calificar Exámenes.png"; botonChat.ImageUrl = "~/Recursos/GestionCursos/Chat.png"; iconoArea.Width = 32; iconoArea.Height = 32; botonEditarCurso.Width = 32; botonEditarCurso.Height = 32; botonExpulsar.Width = 32; botonExpulsar.Height = 32; botonEditarTema.Width = 32; botonEditarTema.Height = 32; botonCalificar.Width = 32; botonCalificar.Height = 32; botonChat.Width = 32; botonChat.Height = 32; botonEditarCurso.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(EditarCurso); botonEditarTema.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(CrearYEditarTemas); botonExpulsar.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ExpulsarAlumnos); botonCalificar.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(CalificarExamenes); botonChat.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(VerChat); if (fila.RowIndex > -1) { LinkButton hiperEnlaceInfoCurso = new LinkButton(); hiperEnlaceInfoCurso.Text = celdaNombreCurso.Text; hiperEnlaceInfoCurso.Click += new EventHandler(VerInformacionCurso); celdaNombreCurso.Controls.Add(hiperEnlaceInfoCurso); int calificacion = Int32.Parse(celdaCalificacion.Text); ASP.controles_estrellas_estrellas_ascx estrellasMostradas = new ASP.controles_estrellas_estrellas_ascx(); estrellasMostradas.Calificacion = calificacion; celdaCalificacion.Controls.Add(estrellasMostradas); celdaCalificacion.Enabled = false; Buscador buscador = new Buscador(); EArea area = buscador.GetAreasSrc().Where(x => x.Area == nombreArea).FirstOrDefault(); iconoArea.ImageUrl = area.Icono; celdaArea.Controls.Add(iconoArea); celdaEditar.Controls.Add(botonEditarCurso); celdaExpulsar.Controls.Add(botonExpulsar); celdaEditarTema.Controls.Add(botonEditarTema); celdaCalificar.Controls.Add(botonCalificar); celdaChat.Controls.Add(botonChat); } } }
/// <summary> /// EArea lastChipEArea = EArea.Count means : para lastChipEArea is null /// </summary> /// <param name="eGameStage"></param> /// <param name="lastChipEArea"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <EArea> GetValidAreaList(EGameStage eGameStage, EArea lastChipEArea = EArea.Count) { if (lastChipEArea == EArea.Count) { List <EArea> currentChipsTableAreaList = CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentAllChipsTableAreaList; List <EArea> resAreaList = new List <EArea>(); if (CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentGameStage == EGameStage.PointOff_ComePointOff || CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentGameStage == EGameStage.PointOff_ComePointOn) { if (currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.PassLine) || currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.DontPassH) || currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.DontPassV)) { resAreaList.AddRange(basicPassAreaList); resAreaList.AddRange(singleRollAreaList); resAreaList.AddRange(multiRollAreaList); } else { resAreaList.AddRange(basicPassAreaList); } return(resAreaList); } if (CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentGameStage == EGameStage.PointOn_ComePointOff) { resAreaList.AddRange(basicComeAreaList); resAreaList.AddRange(singleRollAreaList); resAreaList.AddRange(multiRollAreaList); if (currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.PassLine)) { resAreaList.Add(EArea.PassOdds); } if (currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.DontPassH) || currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.DontPassV)) { resAreaList.Add(EArea.DontPassOdds); } return(resAreaList); } if (CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentGameStage == EGameStage.PointOn_ComePointOn) { resAreaList.AddRange(basicComeAreaList); resAreaList.AddRange(singleRollAreaList); resAreaList.AddRange(multiRollAreaList); if (currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.PassLine)) { resAreaList.Add(EArea.PassOdds); } if (currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.DontPassH) || currentChipsTableAreaList.Contains(EArea.DontPassV)) { resAreaList.Add(EArea.DontPassOdds); } foreach (EArea eArea in currentChipsTableAreaList) { if (allComeOddsAreaList.Contains(eArea) || allDontComeOddsAreaList.Contains(eArea)) { resAreaList.Add(eArea); } } return(resAreaList); } } return(null); }
public long GetOdds(Chip chip, EArea eArea, DiceState diceState) { if (areaOddsDictionary.ContainsKey(eArea)) { float value = areaOddsDictionary[eArea]; if (value > 0) { return((long)((value + 1) * chip.Value)); } else if (value < 0) { return((long)((-value + 1) * chip.Value - chip.Value * 0.05f)); } else { if (eArea == EArea.Field) { if (diceState.Sum == 3 || diceState.Sum == 4 || diceState.Sum == 9 || diceState.Sum == 10 || diceState.Sum == 11) { return(2L * chip.Value); } else if (diceState.Sum == 2 || diceState.Sum == 12) { return(3L * chip.Value); } } else if (eArea == EArea.PassOdds) { if (diceState.Sum == 4 || diceState.Sum == 10) { return((long)((2.0f / 1.0f + 1) * chip.Value)); } else if (diceState.Sum == 5 || diceState.Sum == 9) { return((long)((3.0f / 2.0f + 1) * chip.Value)); } else if (diceState.Sum == 6 || diceState.Sum == 8) { return((long)((6.0f / 5.0f + 1) * chip.Value)); } } else if (eArea == EArea.DontPassOdds) { if (CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentCrapsPointValue == 4 || CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentCrapsPointValue == 10) { return((long)((1.0f / 2.0f + 1) * chip.Value)); } else if (CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentCrapsPointValue == 5 || CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentCrapsPointValue == 9) { return((long)((2.0f / 3.0f + 1) * chip.Value)); } else if (CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentCrapsPointValue == 6 || CanvasControl.Instance.gameCrap.CurrentCrapsPointValue == 8) { return((long)((5.0f / 6.0f + 1) * chip.Value)); } } } } return(0L); }
public XArea BeginXArea(string id, GUIStyle style, float minHeight, EArea type, SerializedProperty bobj, float offset) { GUIStyle buttonStyle = EffectLayerCustom.Xbutton; if (!XAreas.ContainsKey(id)) { XAreas.Add(id, new XArea()); } //find my area. XArea m = XAreas[id]; style.stretchWidth = true; Rect gotLastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(), style, GUILayout.Height(m.LastRect.height)); GUILayout.BeginArea(m.LastRect, style); Rect newRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); //head bar EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (type == EArea.CheckBox || type == EArea.AlwaysToggle) { if (type == EArea.CheckBox) { //little trick. m.Enable = bobj.boolValue; m.Enable = GUILayout.Toggle(m.Enable, GUIContent.none, EffectLayerCustom.Xtoggle, GUILayout.Width(18f), GUILayout.Height(18f)); bobj.boolValue = m.Enable; } else { m.Open = GUILayout.Toggle(m.Open, GUIContent.none, EffectLayerCustom.XToggle2, GUILayout.Width(18f), GUILayout.Height(18f)); m.Enable = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(id, buttonStyle, GUILayout.Height(20f))) { m.Open = !m.Open; } } else if (type == EArea.Texture) { Texture tex = null; string mname = "no material"; if (MyEditor.Script.Material != null) { tex = MyEditor.Script.Material.mainTexture; mname =; } GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(tex), EffectLayerCustom.XTexture, GUILayout.Width(25f), GUILayout.Height(25f)); if (GUILayout.Button(mname, buttonStyle, GUILayout.Height(24f))) { m.Open = !m.Open; } m.Enable = true; } //increase a bit, need to do this. newRect.height += 3f; newRect.height += offset; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = m.Enable; if (!m.Open) { newRect.height = minHeight; } //calculate area size. if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint || Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { newRect.x = gotLastRect.x; newRect.y = gotLastRect.y; newRect.width = gotLastRect.width; newRect.height += + style.padding.bottom; if (m.LastRect != newRect) { m.LastRect = newRect; MyEditor.Repaint(); } } return(m); }
public XArea BeginXArea(string id, GUIStyle style, float minHeight, EArea type, SerializedProperty bobj) { return(BeginXArea(id, style, minHeight, type, bobj, 0f)); }