コード例 #1
    private void Instantiate(int hashkey, GameObject prefab, Transform parent, int gridCellDivisions)
        int x, y, z;

        GetReverseHashKey(hashkey, out x, out y, out z);
        meshingCube = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
        meshingCube.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
        meshingCube.transform.parent   = parent;
        grid = meshingCube.GetComponent <DynamicMeshVolume> ();
        grid.Key = hashkey;
コード例 #2
    private float InsertPoint(int hashkey, Vector3 p, Vector3 n, float weight, GameObject prefab, Transform parent, int cellDivisions)
        if (key == hashkey)
            if (meshingCube == null)
                Instantiate(hashkey, prefab, parent, cellDivisions);

            if (grid == null)
                grid = meshingCube.GetComponent <DynamicMeshVolume> ();

            //adjust weight of mutiple voxels along observation ray
            float   result       = grid.InsertPoint(p, n, weight, ref cellIndex);
            Vector3 closerPoint  = p - n * grid.GridCellSize.x;
            Vector3 furtherPoint = p + n * grid.GridCellSize.x;
            //voxel was inside the surface, back out one, and insert in the next closest voxel
            if (result > 0)
                grid.InsertPoint(closerPoint, p, n, weight);
                grid.InsertPoint(furtherPoint, p, n, weight);

            if (cellIndex[0] == 0)
                int neighborHashKey = hashkey - 1;
                result = root.InsertPoint(neighborHashKey, p, n, weight, prefab, parent, cellDivisions);
            if (cellIndex[1] == 0)
                int neighborHashKey = hashkey - dimension;
                result = root.InsertPoint(neighborHashKey, p, n, weight, prefab, parent, cellDivisions);
            if (cellIndex[2] == 0)
                int neighborHashKey = hashkey - dimension * dimension;
                result = root.InsertPoint(neighborHashKey, p, n, weight, prefab, parent, cellDivisions);


        if (hashkey < key)
            if (leftHashTree == null)
                leftHashTree = new VolumetricHashStorage(root, hashkey);
            return(leftHashTree.InsertPoint(hashkey, p, n, weight, prefab, parent, cellDivisions));
            if (rightHashTree == null)
                rightHashTree = new VolumetricHashStorage(root, hashkey);
            return(rightHashTree.InsertPoint(hashkey, p, n, weight, prefab, parent, cellDivisions));