void Initialize() { var su = SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem; var nf = SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat; var nff = SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.FractionNumberFormat; s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(container, "Dynamic Properties Editor"); s.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(container, "Property values are updated/stored as they are changed/edited. There's no need to press ENTER to commit the changes."); switch (SimObject.GraphicObject.ObjectType) { case ObjectType.MaterialStream: container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Dynamic Specification", SimObject.DynamicsSpec.GetEnumNames(), (int)SimObject.DynamicsSpec, (dd, e) => { SimObject.DynamicsSpec = dd.SelectedIndex.ToEnum <Interfaces.Enums.Dynamics.DynamicsSpecType>(); SimObject.GetFlowsheet().UpdateInterface(); }); break; } var col1 = (IDictionary <string, object>)SimObject.ExtraProperties; var col2 = (IDictionary <string, object>)SimObject.ExtraPropertiesDescriptions; var col3 = (IDictionary <string, object>)SimObject.ExtraPropertiesUnitTypes; foreach (var p in col1) { if (col2.ContainsKey(p.Key) && col3.ContainsKey(p.Key)) { string unitsstring = ""; try { var utype = col3[p.Key]; Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure eval = (Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure)System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure), utype); unitsstring = su.GetCurrentUnits(eval); } catch { } container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G", unitsstring != "" ? p.Key + " (" + unitsstring + ")" : p.Key, p.Value.ToString().ToDoubleFromCurrent(), (tb, e) => { try { col1[p.Key] = tb.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent(); tb.TextColor = Colors.Blue; } catch { tb.TextColor = Colors.Red; } }); container.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow(col2[p.Key].ToString()); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); } } s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(container); s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(container); }
void Initialize() { var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem; var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat; if (section.TipoSegmento == "Tubulaosimples") { section.TipoSegmento = "Straight Tube Section"; } var lblseg = container.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow("Segment", section.Indice.ToString()); container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Type", sectypes, Array.IndexOf(sectypes.ToArray(), section.TipoSegmento), (sender, e) => section.TipoSegmento = sectypes[sender.SelectedIndex]); var cbm = container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Material", materials, Array.IndexOf(materials.ToArray(), section.Material), (sender, e) => section.Material = materials[sender.SelectedIndex]); var tbr = container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G8", "Rugosity " + " (" + su.distance + ") *", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.distance, section.PipeWallRugosity), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.PipeWallRugosity = cv.ConvertToSI(su.distance, sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); var tbtc = container.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow("Thermal Conductivity " + " (" + su.thermalConductivity + ") *", section.PipeWallThermalConductivityExpression, (sender, e) => { section.PipeWallThermalConductivityExpression = sender.Text.ToString(); }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("N0", "Increments", section.Incrementos, (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Incrementos = int.Parse(sender.Text.ToString()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("N0", "Quantity", section.Quantidade, (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Quantidade = int.Parse(sender.Text.ToString()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Length" + " (" + su.distance + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.distance, section.Comprimento), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Comprimento = cv.ConvertToSI(su.distance, sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Elevation" + " (" + su.distance + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.distance, section.Elevacao), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Elevacao = cv.ConvertToSI(su.distance, sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "External Diameter" + " (" + su.diameter + ")", cv.Convert("in", su.diameter, section.DE), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.DE = cv.Convert(su.diameter, "in", sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Internal Diameter" + " (" + su.diameter + ")", cv.Convert("in", su.diameter, section.DI), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.DI = cv.Convert(su.diameter, "in", sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); container.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("* Fields required/used only for User-Defined materials"); tbr.ReadOnly = section.Material != flowsheet.GetTranslatedString("UserDefined"); tbtc.ReadOnly = tbr.ReadOnly; if (tbr.ReadOnly) { tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; } else { tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; } cbm.SelectedValueChanged += (sender, e) => { if (cbm.SelectedValue.ToString() == flowsheet.GetTranslatedString("UserDefined")) { tbr.ReadOnly = false; tbtc.ReadOnly = false; tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; tbr.Text = section.PipeWallRugosity.ConvertFromSI(su.distance).ToString(nf); tbtc.Text = section.PipeWallThermalConductivityExpression; tbtc.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; } else { tbr.ReadOnly = true; tbtc.ReadOnly = true; tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; tbr.Text = pipe.rugosidade(cbm.SelectedValue.ToString(), section).ConvertFromSI(su.distance).ToString(nf); if (pipe.GraphicObject.InputConnectors[0].IsAttached) { var stream = (MaterialStream)flowsheet.SimulationObjects[pipe.GraphicObject.InputConnectors[0].AttachedConnector.AttachedFrom.Name]; tbtc.Text = pipe.k_parede(cbm.SelectedValue.ToString(), stream.GetTemperature(), section).ConvertFromSI(su.thermalConductivity).ToString(nf); } else { tbtc.Text = pipe.k_parede(cbm.SelectedValue.ToString(), 298.15, section).ConvertFromSI(su.thermalConductivity).ToString(nf); } tbtc.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right; } }; }
public void Init() { int w = (int)(sf * 640); int h = (int)(sf * 480); var center = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Center; center.X -= w / 2; center.Y -= h / 2; Location = new Point(center); ClientSize = new Size(w, h); Maximizable = false; Minimizable = false; Resizable = false; ShowInTaskbar = false; AddComponentInfo(); AddComponentInfoN(); string imgprefix = "DWSIM.UI.Forms.Resources.Icons."; Title = "AboutDWSIM".Localize(); Icon = Eto.Drawing.Icon.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.ico"); var layout = new PixelLayout(); string vtext = "Version".Localize() + " " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Major.ToString() + "." + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Minor.ToString() + "." + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Build.ToString(); #if DEBUG vtext += "-" + File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).ToString(); #endif string crtext = Shared.AssemblyCopyright; layout.Add(new ImageView { Size = new Size((int)(sf * 100), (int)(sf * 100)), Image = new Bitmap(Eto.Drawing.Bitmap.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.png")) }, 0, 0); layout.Add(new Label { Text = "DWSIM Simulator (Cross-Platform User Interface)", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left, Font = SystemFonts.Bold(null, FontDecoration.None) }, (int)(sf * 110), 0); layout.Add(new Label { Text = vtext, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left }, (int)(sf * 110), (int)(sf * 20)); layout.Add(new Label { Text = crtext, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left }, (int)(sf * 110), (int)(sf * 40)); string osinfo = "", clrinfo = "", meminfo = ""; if (Application.Instance.Platform.IsMac) { var osversion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString(); switch (osversion) { case "": osinfo = "Mac OS X Lion (v10.7.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "Mac OS X Lion (v10.7.5)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X Mavericks (v10.9.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X Mavericks (v10.9.5)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X Yosemite (v10.10.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X Yosemite (v10.10.5)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X El Captain (v10.11.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "OS X El Captain (v10.11.6)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.1)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.2)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.3)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.4)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.5)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Sierra (v10.12.6)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS High Sierra (v10.13.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS High Sierra (v10.13.3)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Mojave (v10.14.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Mojave (v10.14.1-3)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Mojave (v10.14.4)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Mojave (v10.14.5)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Mojave (v10.14.6)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Catalina (v10.15)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Catalina (v10.15.2)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Catalina (v10.15.3)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Catalina (v10.15.4)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Catalina (v10.15.5)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Catalina (v10.15.7)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Big Sur (v11.0.0)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Big Sur (v11.0.1)"; break; case "": osinfo = "macOS Big Sur (v11.1.0)"; break; default: osinfo = "macOS (v" + osversion + ")"; break; } } else { osinfo = Environment.OSVersion.ToString(); } clrinfo = SharedClasses.Utility.GetRuntimeVersion(); meminfo = (GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024 / 1024).ToString("#") + " MB managed, " + (Environment.WorkingSet / 1024 / 1024).ToString("#") + " MB total"; var container1 = new DynamicLayout() { Padding = new Padding(10) }; container1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("DWSIM is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3."); container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("OS Info:", osinfo); container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("CLR Info:", clrinfo); container1.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow2("Memory Usage:", meminfo); var listcontainer = new GridView { DataStore = components, RowHeight = (int)(sf * 20) }; var listcontainern = new GridView { DataStore = componentsn, RowHeight = (int)(sf * 20) }; var col1 = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Name) }, HeaderText = "Name" }; col1.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1); var col1a = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Version) }, HeaderText = "Version" }; col1a.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1a); var col1b = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Year) }, HeaderText = "Year" }; col1b.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1b); var col1c = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Copyright) }, HeaderText = "Copyright" }; col1c.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1c); var col1d = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Website) }, HeaderText = "Website" }; col1d.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1d); var col1e = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.License) }, HeaderText = "License" }; col1e.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1e); var col1f = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.LicenseText) }, HeaderText = "License Text" }; col1f.AutoSize = true; listcontainer.Columns.Add(col1f); var col1n = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Name) }, HeaderText = "Name" }; col1n.AutoSize = true; listcontainern.Columns.Add(col1n); var col1an = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.Version) }, HeaderText = "Version" }; col1an.AutoSize = true; listcontainern.Columns.Add(col1an); var col1fn = new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell { Binding = Binding.Property <ComponentInfo, string>(r => r.LicenseText) }, HeaderText = "License Text" }; col1fn.AutoSize = true; listcontainern.Columns.Add(col1fn); string gpltext; using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("DWSIM.UI.Forms.Resources.TextFiles.gpl-3.0.txt")) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { gpltext = reader.ReadToEnd(); } var txt1 = new TextArea { Text = gpltext, ReadOnly = true, Font = Fonts.Monospace(10.0f) }; var t1 = new TableLayout(new TableRow(txt1)); var tab1 = new TabPage { Content = container1, Text = "General Information" }; var tab2 = new TabPage { Content = new Scrollable { Content = t1 }, Text = "GPLv3 License" }; var tab3 = new TabPage { Content = new Scrollable { Content = listcontainer }, Text = "External Components" }; var tab4 = new TabPage { Content = new Scrollable { Content = listcontainern }, Text = "NuGet Packages" }; var tabc = new TabControl(); tabc.Pages.Add(tab1); tabc.Pages.Add(tab2); tabc.Pages.Add(tab3); tabc.Pages.Add(tab4); var tablecontainer = new TableLayout { Padding = new Padding(10), Spacing = new Size(5, 5) }; tablecontainer.Rows.Add(new TableRow(layout)); tablecontainer.Rows.Add(new TableRow(tabc)); Content = tablecontainer; }
void Initialize() { container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction ID"); container.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2("Name", "", rx.Name, (sender, e) => { rx.Name = sender.Text; }); container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Compounds and Stoichiometry (Include / Name / Heat of Formation (kJ/kg) / Stoich. Coeff.)"); var compcontainer = new DynamicLayout(); //compcontainer.BackgroundColor = Colors.White; Double val; foreach (ICompoundConstantProperties comp in flowsheet.SelectedCompounds.Values) { var chk = new CheckBox() { Text = comp.Name, Checked = (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name) ? true : false) }; chk.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) => { if (!rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name)) { rx.Components.Add(comp.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.ReactionStoichBase(comp.Name, 0, false, 0, 0)); } else { rx.Components.Remove(comp.Name); } UpdateEquation(); }; var sc = new TextBox() { Width = (int)(sf * 50), Text = (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name) ? rx.Components[comp.Name].StoichCoeff.ToString() : 0.0f.ToString()) }; sc.TextChanged += (sender, e) => { if (Double.TryParse(sc.Text.ToString(), out val)) { sc.TextColor = SystemColors.ControlText; if (!rx.Components.ContainsKey(comp.Name)) { rx.Components.Add(comp.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.ReactionStoichBase(comp.Name, Double.Parse(sc.Text), false, 0, 0)); } else { rx.Components[comp.Name].StoichCoeff = double.Parse(sc.Text); } UpdateEquation(); } else { sc.TextColor = Colors.Red; } }; var hf = new TextBox() { Enabled = false, Width = (int)(sf * 100), Text = comp.IG_Enthalpy_of_Formation_25C.ToString("N2") }; compcontainer.Add(new TableRow(chk, null, hf, sc)); } container.CreateAndAddControlRow(compcontainer); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); var comps = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds.Values.Select((x) => x.Name).ToList(); comps.Insert(0, ""); container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Base Compound"); var basecompselector = container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Base Compound", comps, 0, null); var basecomp = rx.Components.Values.Where((x) => x.IsBaseReactant).FirstOrDefault(); if (basecomp != null) { basecompselector.SelectedIndex = comps.IndexOf(basecomp.CompName); } else { basecompselector.SelectedIndex = 0; } basecompselector.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => { if (rx.Components.ContainsKey(comps[basecompselector.SelectedIndex])) { foreach (var rxc in rx.Components.Values) { rxc.IsBaseReactant = false; } rx.Components[comps[basecompselector.SelectedIndex]].IsBaseReactant = true; rx.BaseReactant = comps[basecompselector.SelectedIndex]; } }; container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction Balance"); txtEquation = container.CreateAndAddLabelRow2(""); container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction Phase"); var rxphaseselector = container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Reaction Phase", Shared.StringArrays.reactionphase().ToList(), 0, null); switch (rx.ReactionPhase) { case Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Mixture: rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Vapor: rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Liquid: rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex = 2; break; } rxphaseselector.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => { switch (rxphaseselector.SelectedIndex) { case 0: rx.ReactionPhase = Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Mixture; break; case 1: rx.ReactionPhase = Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Vapor; break; case 2: rx.ReactionPhase = Interfaces.Enums.PhaseName.Liquid; break; } }; container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Reaction Basis"); var rxbasisselector = container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Reaction Basis", Shared.StringArrays.reactionbasis().ToList(), 0, null); switch (rx.ReactionBasis) { case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Activity: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (0); break; case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Fugacity: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (1); break; case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassConc: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (2); break; case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassFrac: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (3); break; case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarConc: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (4); break; case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarFrac: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (5); break; case Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.PartialPress: rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex = (6); break; } rxbasisselector.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => { switch (rxbasisselector.SelectedIndex) { case 0: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Activity; break; case 1: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.Fugacity; break; case 2: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassConc; break; case 3: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MassFrac; break; case 4: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarConc; break; case 5: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.MolarFrac; break; case 6: rx.ReactionBasis = Interfaces.Enums.ReactionBasis.PartialPress; break; } }; container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Rate Expressions"); container.CreateAndAddLabelRow2("Reaction Rate Numerator Expression:"); container.CreateAndAddMultilineTextBoxRow(rx.RateEquationNumerator, false, false, (sender, e) => rx.RateEquationNumerator = sender.Text); container.CreateAndAddLabelRow2("Reaction Rate Denominator Expression:"); container.CreateAndAddMultilineTextBoxRow(rx.RateEquationDenominator, false, false, (sender, e) => rx.RateEquationDenominator = sender.Text); container.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Reaction Rate (r) = f(T, Ri, Pi) = Numerator / Denominator"); container.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Expression Variables: Temperature (T) in K, reactant amounts (R1, R2, ..., Rn) and product amounts (P1, P2, ..., Pn in the selected amount units, Reaction Rate (r) in the selected velocity units."); container.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Units"); var us = new DWSIM.SharedClasses.SystemsOfUnits.Units(); var units = us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.molar_conc); units.AddRange(us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.mass_conc)); units.AddRange(us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.pressure)); units.Insert(0, ""); container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Amount Units", units, units.IndexOf(rx.ConcUnit), (sender, e) => rx.ConcUnit = sender.SelectedValue.ToString()); var units2 = us.GetUnitSet(Interfaces.Enums.UnitOfMeasure.reac_rate_heterog); units2.Insert(0, ""); container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Velocity Units", units2, units2.IndexOf(rx.VelUnit), (sender, e) => rx.VelUnit = sender.SelectedValue.ToString()); UpdateEquation(); }
void Initialize() { var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem; var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat; if (section.TipoSegmento == "Tubulaosimples") { section.TipoSegmento = "Straight Tube Section"; } var lblseg = container.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow("Segment", section.Indice.ToString()); container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Type", sectypes, Array.IndexOf(sectypes.ToArray(), section.TipoSegmento), (sender, e) => section.TipoSegmento = sectypes[sender.SelectedIndex]); var cbm = container.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Material", materials, Array.IndexOf(materials.ToArray(), section.Material), (sender, e) => section.Material = materials[sender.SelectedIndex]); var tbr = container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G8", "Rugosity " + " (" + su.distance + ") *", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.distance, section.PipeWallRugosity), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.PipeWallRugosity = cv.ConvertToSI(su.distance, sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); var tbtc = container.CreateAndAddStringEditorRow("Thermal Conductivity " + " (" + su.thermalConductivity + ") *", section.PipeWallThermalConductivityExpression, (sender, e) => { section.PipeWallThermalConductivityExpression = sender.Text.ToString(); }); container.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("* Fields required/used only for User-Defined materials"); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("N0", "Increments", section.Incrementos, (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Incrementos = int.Parse(sender.Text.ToString()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("N0", "Quantity", section.Quantidade, (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Quantidade = int.Parse(sender.Text.ToString()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Length" + " (" + su.distance + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.distance, section.Comprimento), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Comprimento = cv.ConvertToSI(su.distance, sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Elevation" + " (" + su.distance + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.distance, section.Elevacao), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.Elevacao = cv.ConvertToSI(su.distance, sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); var edtb = container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "External Diameter" + " (" + su.diameter + ")", cv.Convert("in", su.diameter, section.DE), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.DE = cv.Convert(su.diameter, "in", sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); var idtb = container.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Internal Diameter" + " (" + su.diameter + ")", cv.Convert("in", su.diameter, section.DI), (sender, e) => { if (sender.Text.IsValidDoubleExpression()) { section.DI = cv.Convert(su.diameter, "in", sender.Text.ParseExpressionToDouble()); } }); var ssizes = Pipe.GetStandardPipeSizes(); var cmenussizes = new ContextMenu(); foreach (var key in ssizes.Keys) { var mi = new ButtonMenuItem { Text = key }; foreach (var item in ssizes[key]) { var mi2 = new ButtonMenuItem { Text = item.StandardSizeDescription + " (OD = " + item.ExternalDiameter_Inches + " in., ID = " + item.InternalDiameter_Inches + " in.)" }; mi2.Click += (s, e) => { flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() => { edtb.Text = item.ExternalDiameter_Inches.ConvertUnits("in", su.diameter).ToString(nf); idtb.Text = item.InternalDiameter_Inches.ConvertUnits("in", su.diameter).ToString(nf); }); }; mi.Items.Add(mi2); } cmenussizes.Items.Add(mi); } container.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Standard Pipe Sizes...", null, (btn, ev) => { cmenussizes.Show(btn); }); tbr.ReadOnly = section.Material != flowsheet.GetTranslatedString("UserDefined"); tbtc.ReadOnly = tbr.ReadOnly; if (tbr.ReadOnly) { tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; } else { tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; } cbm.SelectedValueChanged += (sender, e) => { if (cbm.SelectedValue.ToString() == flowsheet.GetTranslatedString("UserDefined")) { tbr.ReadOnly = false; tbtc.ReadOnly = false; tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlBackground; tbr.Text = section.PipeWallRugosity.ConvertFromSI(su.distance).ToString(nf); tbtc.Text = section.PipeWallThermalConductivityExpression; tbtc.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left; } else { tbr.ReadOnly = true; tbtc.ReadOnly = true; tbr.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; tbtc.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey; tbr.Text = pipe.GetRugosity(cbm.SelectedValue.ToString(), section).ConvertFromSI(su.distance).ToString(nf); if (pipe.GraphicObject != null && pipe.GraphicObject.InputConnectors[0].IsAttached) { var stream = (MaterialStream)flowsheet.SimulationObjects[pipe.GraphicObject.InputConnectors[0].AttachedConnector.AttachedFrom.Name]; tbtc.Text = pipe.k_parede(cbm.SelectedValue.ToString(), stream.GetTemperature(), section).ConvertFromSI(su.thermalConductivity).ToString(nf); } else { tbtc.Text = pipe.k_parede(cbm.SelectedValue.ToString(), 298.15, section).ConvertFromSI(su.thermalConductivity).ToString(nf); } tbtc.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right; } }; }
public PIDTuningTool(Shared.Flowsheet fs, DynamicsIntegratorControl intcontrol) : base() { Flowsheet = fs; intc = intcontrol; Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5); Spacing = new Size(5, 5); Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(5); Spacing = new Size(10, 10); var leftcontainer = new DynamicLayout { Width = 300 }; leftcontainer.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Schedule"); var schlist = Flowsheet.DynamicsManager.ScheduleList.Values.ToList(); var cbSchedule = leftcontainer.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Schedule", schlist.Select((x) => x.Description).ToList(), 0, (dd, e) => schedule = schlist[dd.SelectedIndex]); leftcontainer.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Controllers"); leftcontainer.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Select the PID Controllers to tune."); var listb = new CheckBoxList() { Height = 200 }; foreach (var obj in Flowsheet.SimulationObjects.Values.Where((x) => x.ObjectClass == Interfaces.Enums.SimulationObjectClass.Controllers)) { listb.Items.Add(obj.GraphicObject.Tag, obj.Name); } leftcontainer.CreateAndAddControlRow(listb); leftcontainer.CreateAndAddNumericEditorRow("Maximum Iterations", iterations, 5, 100, 0, (ns, e) => { iterations = (int)ns.Value; }); var btnRun = leftcontainer.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Begin Tuning", null, null); var btnCancel = leftcontainer.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Cancel", null, (btn, e) => Abort = true); txtResults = new TextArea { ReadOnly = true, Wrap = true }; Rows.Add(new TableRow(leftcontainer, new Scrollable { Content = txtResults })); btnRun.Click += (s, e) => { Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() => { txtResults.Text = ""; if (!Flowsheet.DynamicMode) { txtResults.Text += "Error: Dynamic Mode is not activated. Activate Dynamic Mode and try again."; return; } intc.cbsc.SelectedIndex = cbSchedule.SelectedIndex; var schedule = Flowsheet.DynamicsManager.ScheduleList[Flowsheet.DynamicsManager.CurrentSchedule]; List <OptSimplexBoundVariable> vars = new List <OptSimplexBoundVariable>(); List <PIDController> controllers = new List <PIDController>(); foreach (var item in listb.SelectedKeys) { var controller = (PIDController)Flowsheet.SimulationObjects[item]; controllers.Add(controller); vars.Add(new OptSimplexBoundVariable(controller.Kp, 0.0, controller.Kp * 10)); vars.Add(new OptSimplexBoundVariable(controller.Ki, 0.0, 100.0)); vars.Add(new OptSimplexBoundVariable(controller.Kd, 0.0, 100.0)); } btnRun.Enabled = false; btnCancel.Enabled = true; Simplex simplex = new Simplex(); simplex.MaxFunEvaluations = iterations; Abort = false; int counter = 1; if (schedule.InitialFlowsheetStateID == "" | schedule.UseCurrentStateAsInitial) { txtResults.Text += "The selected schedule must have a valid initial state to start from."; btnRun.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Enabled = false; return; } var result = simplex.ComputeMin(x => { if (Abort) { return(0.0); } Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() => { txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Beginning Iteration #{0}...\n", counter)); }); intc.RestoreState(schedule.InitialFlowsheetStateID); var i = 0; foreach (var controller in controllers) { controller.Kp = x[i]; controller.Ki = x[i + 1]; controller.Kd = x[i + 2]; Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() => { txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Controller: {0} - Kp = {1}, Ki = {2}, Kd = {3}\n", controller.GraphicObject.Tag, controller.Kp, controller.Ki, controller.Kd)); }); i += 3; } intc.RunIntegrator(false, true); var totalerror = controllers.Select(c => c.CumulativeError).ToArray().AbsSumY(); Flowsheet.RunCodeOnUIThread(() => { txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Total Error: {0}\n", totalerror)); txtResults.CaretIndex = txtResults.Text.Length - 1; }); Application.Instance.RunIteration(); counter += 1; return(totalerror); }, vars.ToArray()); if (Abort) { txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Tuning aborted by the user. Results:\n")); } else { txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Tuning finished successfully. Results:\n")); } var j = 0; foreach (var controller in controllers) { controller.Kp = result[j]; controller.Ki = result[j + 1]; controller.Kd = result[j + 2]; txtResults.Text += (string.Format("Controller: {0} - Kp = {1}, Ki = {2}, Kd = {3}\n", controller.GraphicObject.Tag, controller.Kp, controller.Ki, controller.Kd)); j += 3; } btnRun.Enabled = true; btnCancel.Enabled = false; Flowsheet.UpdateInterface(); }); }; }