コード例 #1
         * @param jsonObject : json object
         * @param parent : parent viewGroup
         * @return the view that created
        //public static View createView(Context context, JSONObject jsonObject, ViewGroup parent)
        //    return createView(context, jsonObject, parent, null);

        // * @param jsonObject : json object
        // * @return the view that created
        // */
        //public static View createView(Context context, JSONObject jsonObject)
        //    return createView(context, jsonObject, null, null);

         * use internal to parse the json as a tree to create View
         * @param jsonObject : json object
         * @param ids : the hashMap where we keep ids as string from json to ids as int in the layout
         * @return the view that created
        private static View createViewInternal(Context context, JSONObject jsonObject, ViewGroup parent, JavaDictionary <string, int> ids)
            View view = null;

            JavaList <DynamicProperty> properties;

                /* Create the View Object. If not full package is available try to create a view from android.widget */
                string widget = jsonObject.GetString("widget");
                if (!widget.Contains("."))
                    widget = "android.widget." + widget;
                Class viewClass = Class.ForName(widget);
                /* create the actual view object */
                view = (View)viewClass.GetConstructor(Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(Context))).NewInstance(new Java.Lang.Object[] { context });
            catch (JSONException e)
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
            catch (InvocationTargetException e)
            catch (InstantiationException e)
            catch (IllegalAccessException e)

            if (view == null)

                /* default Layout in case the user not set it */
                ViewGroup.LayoutParams paramss = DynamicHelper.createLayoutParams(parent);
                view.LayoutParameters = (paramss);

                /* iterrate json and get all properties in array */
                properties = new JavaList <DynamicProperty>();
                JSONArray jArray = jsonObject.GetJSONArray("properties");
                if (jArray != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < jArray.Length(); i++)
                        DynamicProperty p = new DynamicProperty(jArray.GetJSONObject(i));
                        if (p.isValid())

                /* keep properties obj as a tag */
                view.SetTag(INTERNAL_TAG_ID, properties);

                /* add and integer as a universal id  and keep it in a hashmap */
                string id = DynamicHelper.applyStyleProperties(view, properties);
                if (!TextUtils.IsEmpty(id))
                    /* to target older versions we cannot use View.generateViewId();  */
                    ids.Add(id, mCurrentId);//.Put(id, mCurrentId);
                    view.Id = (mCurrentId);

                /* if view is type of ViewGroup check for its children view in json */
                if (view.GetType().BaseType == typeof(ViewGroup))
                    ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup)view;

                    /* parse the aray to get the children views */
                    JavaList <View> views  = new JavaList <View>();
                    JSONArray       jViews = jsonObject.OptJSONArray("views");
                    if (jViews != null)
                        int count = jViews.Length();
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            /* create every child add it in viewGroup and set its tag with its properties */
                            View dynamicChildView = DynamicView.createViewInternal(context, jViews.GetJSONObject(i), parent, ids);
                            if (dynamicChildView != null)

                    /* after create all the children apply layout properties
                     * we need to do this after al children creation to have create all possible ids */
                    foreach (View v in views)
                        DynamicHelper.applyLayoutProperties(v, (JavaList <DynamicProperty>)v.GetTag(INTERNAL_TAG_ID), viewGroup, ids);
                        /* clear tag from properties */
                        v.SetTag(INTERNAL_TAG_ID, null);
            catch (JSONException e) {
