public override ResponseModel Insert(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary item) { UserModel model = new UserModel(); //setting the client_id before inserting record if client_id field exists. if(model.GetType().GetProperty("client_id") != null) { if (item.GetValueAsInt("client_id") == null) { item.Add("client_id", SessionData.client_id); } else { item.Add("client_id", item.GetValueAsInt("client_id")); } } string new_file_name = item.GetValueAsString("new_file_name"); if (new_file_name != "") { string reltive_path = "temp/"; item.SetValue("photo_path", reltive_path + new_file_name); } ResponseModel resp = base.Insert(con, item); if (resp.success) { int user_id = (int)((DynamicDictionary)"id"); = user_id; return(resp); } return(resp); }
public static object ToObject(DataRow row) { dynamic obj = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (DataColumn c in row.Table.Columns) { obj.SetValue(c.ColumnName, row[c.ColumnName]); //obj.// } return((object)obj); //foreach (PropertyInfo prop in this.GetType().GetProperties()) //{ // if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(prop.Name)) // { // if (dr[prop.Name].GetType() == typeof(DBNull)) // { // prop.SetValue(this, null); // } // else // { // dynamic // prop.SetValue(this, ChangeType(dr[prop.Name], prop.PropertyType)); // prop.SetValue(this, Convert.ChangeType(dr[prop.Name], prop.PropertyType)); // } // } //} }
public static DynamicDictionary PushValidationErros(DynamicDictionary soruce, DynamicDictionary destination) { foreach (string s in soruce.KeyList) { if (destination.ContainsKey(s)) { List <string> msgs = new List <string>(); if (destination.GetValue(s).GetType() == typeof(List <string>)) { msgs = (List <string>)destination.GetValue(s); //soruce } else { msgs.Add(destination.GetValue(s).ToString()); } if (soruce.GetValue(s).GetType() == typeof(List <string>)) { List <string> n = (List <string>)soruce.GetValue(s); msgs.AddRange(n); } else { msgs.Add(soruce.GetValue(s).ToString()); } destination.SetValue(s, msgs); } else { destination.Add(s, soruce.GetValue(s)); } } return(destination); }
public virtual ResponseBase DeleteChildItems(DbConnect con, string parentColumnName, TKey id) { DynamicDictionary filter = new DynamicDictionary(); filter.SetValue(parentColumnName, id); filter.SetValue("client_id", SessionData.client_id); //TODO : by shakti // need to make a function that will only list the less fields for quickly processing. IEnumerable <dynamic> tt = Service.SearchRepo.GetSearchItems(filter, -1, 20, null); foreach (dynamic i in tt) { TKey del_id = Conversion.ToDynamicDictionary(i).GetValue <TKey>("id"); ResponseBase r = Service.Delete(con, del_id); if (!r.success) { return(r); } } return(new ResponseBase(true, "Records Deleted Successfully.")); }
//public override MyroCommand AfterBindingParameter(SearchScenario searchFor, DbConnect con, MyroCommand cmd, DynamicDictionary data_param, bool count = false, string tableAlias = null) //{ // //Myro.Base.List.DynamicDictionary sessionData = MyApp.LoadSessionDataForClient(); // //string role_id = sessionData.GetValueAsString("assigned_role_ids").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(@"""", ""); // User.UserService srvc = new User.UserService(); // string role_id = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(srvc.LoadAssignedRoles(con, (int)SessionData.user_id)); ; // role_id = role_id.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(@"""", ""); // string[] lst_rols = role_id.Split(','); // bool rol_exists = lst_rols.Contains("1"); //not "Administrator" // if (rol_exists==false) //not "Administrator" // { // if (role_id.Trim().Length > 0) // data_param.Add("id", role_id); // } // MyroCommand cmd1 = cmd; // if (data_param.ContainsKey("id")) // { // MyroCommand test = new MyroCommand(MyroCommandTypes.SqlBuilder); // cmd1.Template = test.SqlBuilder.AddTemplate(string.Format(@" // {0} // AND IN (WITH RECURSIVE roles(role_id) as ( // SELECT assigned_role_id role_id // FROM RBAC_USER_ROLES // where is_deleted = false AND status = true AND user_id = {1} // UNION ALL // SELECT c.assigned_role_id role_id // FROM rbac_role_roles as c // JOIN roles nd ON c.role_id = nd.role_id // AND c.is_deleted = false AND c.status = true // ) // SELECT DISTINCT role_id FROM roles ) ", cmd.FinalSql.Replace("@status", "true"), SessionData.user_id )); // } // //Todo:Pending Task 01 Jun 2016 Shivashwor ... // //cmd1 = DbServiceUtility.BindParameter(cmd, _model.GetType().GetProperty("id"), data_param, "c", SearchTypes.IN_Search); //IS NOT NULL // return cmd1; //} public override BangoCommand AfterBindingParameter(SearchScenario searchFor, DbConnect con, BangoCommand cmd, DynamicDictionary data_param, bool count = false, string tableAlias = null) { //Myro.Base.List.DynamicDictionary sessionData = MyApp.LoadSessionDataForClient(); //string role_id = sessionData.GetValueAsString("assigned_role_ids").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(@"""", ""); User.UserService srvc = new User.UserService(); string role_id = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(srvc.LoadAssignedRoles(con, (int)SessionData.user_id));; role_id = role_id.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(@"""", ""); string[] lst_rols = role_id.Split(','); bool rol_exists = lst_rols.Contains("1"); //not "Administrator" if (rol_exists == false) //not "Administrator" { if (role_id.Trim().Length > 0) { data_param.SetValue("id", role_id); } } BangoCommand cmd1 = cmd; if (data_param.ContainsKey("id")) { // data_param.Remove("id"); BangoCommand test = new BangoCommand(MyroCommandTypes.SqlBuilder); cmd1.Template = cmd1.SqlBuilder.AddTemplate(string.Format(@" {0} AND >= (WITH RECURSIVE roles(role_id) as ( SELECT assigned_role_id role_id FROM RBAC_USER_ROLES where is_deleted = false AND status = true AND user_id = {1} UNION ALL SELECT c.assigned_role_id role_id FROM rbac_role_roles as c JOIN roles nd ON c.role_id = nd.role_id AND c.is_deleted = false AND c.status = true ) SELECT DISTINCT role_id FROM roles ) ", cmd.FinalSql.Replace("@status", "true"), SessionData.user_id)); /// cmd1.FinalParameters.AddDynamicParams(cmd.FinalParameters.ParameterNames); } //Todo:Pending Task 01 Jun 2016 Shivashwor ... //cmd1 = DbServiceUtility.BindParameter(cmd, _model.GetType().GetProperty("id"), data_param, "c", SearchTypes.IN_Search); //IS NOT NULL return(cmd1); }
public static List <DynamicDictionary> ToDictionaryArray(DataTable dt) { List <DynamicDictionary> rows = new List <DynamicDictionary>(); DynamicDictionary row; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { row = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { row.SetValue(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), dr[col]); } rows.Add(row); } return(rows); }
DynamicDictionary set_json_Data(JToken data) { DynamicDictionary item = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (var r in data) { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty pp = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty)r; if (pp.Count > 1) { set_json_Data((JToken)pp); } else { item.SetValue(pp.Name, pp.Value); } } return(item); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostFile() { // Check if the request contains multipart/form-data. if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); } string temp_root = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot() + "temp\\" + SessionData.client_id + "\\"; string temp_url = "//temp//" + SessionData.client_id + "//"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(temp_root)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(temp_root); } MultipartFormDataStreamProvider provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(temp_root); DynamicDictionary data = new DynamicDictionary(); ResponseModel resp = new ResponseModel(false, data); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Holds the response body // Read the form data and return an async task. var bodyparts = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider); //rename the file to proper-name // This illustrates how to get the form data. foreach (var key in provider.FormData.AllKeys) { foreach (var val in provider.FormData.GetValues(key)) { data.Add(key, val); } } //for logo upload string logo_name = data.GetValueAsString("logo_name"); string extension = string.Empty; if (logo_name != "") { #region for logo upload string basePath = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot() + "filebox\\CommonInput\\logo\\" + SessionData.client_id + "\\"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(basePath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(basePath); } //check if file already exist and delete if exist string[] Logo_path = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, logo_name + ".*"); string[] filepath = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.*"); if (Logo_path.Length > 0) { System.IO.File.Delete(Logo_path[0]); } //check if file already exist and delete if exist foreach (var file in provider.FileData) { string[] arr = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('"').Split('.'); if (arr.Length >= 1) { extension = "." + arr[arr.Length - 1]; } System.IO.File.Move(file.LocalFileName, basePath + logo_name + extension); data.Add("temp_file_url", basePath + logo_name + extension); } #endregion } else { string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().Substring(0, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("/api/")); // This illustrates how to get the file names for uploaded files. string new_file_name = ""; // System.DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyymmddhhmmss") + "_" + getRandomID() + "_" + SessionData.user_id; foreach (var file in provider.FileData) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.LocalFileName); string[] arr = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('"').Split('.'); if (arr.Length >= 1) { extension = "." + arr[arr.Length - 1]; } new_file_name = fileInfo.Name; if (data.ContainsKey("temp_file_path")) { data.SetValue("temp_file_path", temp_root + new_file_name + extension); } else { data.Add("temp_file_path", temp_root + new_file_name + extension); } if (data.ContainsKey("file_name")) { data.SetValue("file_name", new_file_name + extension); } else { data.Add("file_name", new_file_name + extension); } //mime_type_id if (data.ContainsKey("mime_type_id")) { data.SetValue("mime_type_id", extension); } else { data.Add("mime_type_id", extension); } if (data.ContainsKey("file_size_bytes")) { data.SetValue("file_size_bytes", fileInfo.Length); } else { data.Add("file_size_bytes", fileInfo.Length); } data.Add("temp_file_url", url + temp_url + new_file_name + extension); data.Add("temp_file_url", temp_url + new_file_name + extension); System.IO.File.Move(file.LocalFileName, temp_root + new_file_name + extension); } } resp.success = true; resp.message = "File uploaded successfully"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp)) }); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e)); } }
public override ResponseModel Update(int?id, DynamicDictionary item) { string message = string.Empty; bool success = false; object data = item; ResponseModel resp = new ResponseModel(); UserModel Model = new UserModel(); LoadItemAfterSave = true; using (DbConnect con = new DbConnect()) { con.DB.BeginTransaction(); try { string new_file_name = item.GetValueAsString("new_file_name"); string user_file_name = item.GetValueAsString("userfilename"); string relative_path = "temp/"; if (user_file_name == null) { if (new_file_name != null) { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } } else { if (new_file_name != "") { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } else { item.SetValue("photo_path", ""); string filePath = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath + user_file_name)) //if file exists than delete. { System.IO.File.Delete(filePath + user_file_name); } } } if (SessionData.client_id == 1) { CheckClientID = false; } resp = base.Update(id, item); #region User Profile Window if (resp.success && item.GetValueAsString("userProfile") == "true") { string file_name = item.GetValueAsString("new_file_name"); string filePath = FileBox.GetWebAppRoot() + "temp/"; int? photo_id = item.GetValueAsInt("photo_id"); if (file_name == "") { var photoPath = item.GetValueAsString("user_file_name"); if (photoPath == "") { return(null); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath + new_file_name)) //if file exists than delete. { System.IO.File.Delete(filePath + new_file_name); } int?tax_photo_id = item.GetValueAsInt("photo_id"); item.SetValue("photo_path", ""); resp = base.Update(id, item); } else { if (photo_id == 0) { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } else { item.SetValue("photo_path", relative_path + new_file_name); } resp = base.Update(id, item); } } #endregion else { } if (resp.success) { con.DB.CommitTransaction(); message = "Data added successfully."; success = true; if (resp.success) { DynamicDictionary respdata = (DynamicDictionary); string confirmpassword = respdata.GetValueAsString("confirmpassword"); if (item.GetValueAsString("userProfile") == "" || item.GetValueAsString("userProfile") == null) { if (confirmpassword == "" || confirmpassword == null) { int user_id = (int)((DynamicDictionary)"id"); = user_id; return(resp); } } } return(resp); } else { con.DB.RollbackTransaction(); if (resp.validation_errors.GetCount() > 0) { message = string.Join(",", resp.error_code); } else { message = "Data add failed, please try again later."; } } } catch (Exception) { con.DB.RollbackTransaction(); message = "Data add failed, Rollback Transaction."; } } return(new ResponseModel(success, item.GetValue("photo_id"), message)); }
public virtual bool Update(DbConnect con, TKey id, DynamicDictionary data) { //pull old data TModel oldData = new TModel(); ITable <TModel, TKey> tbl = con.GetModelTable <TModel, TKey>(); oldData = tbl.Get(id); //checking if the data is editable by current login or not if (CheckClientID) { if (ValidateForClientData(oldData) == false) { return(false); } } ChangeHistoryHelper <TModel> chngHlpr = null; chngHlpr = new ChangeHistoryHelper <TModel>(AuditActivityTypes.UPDATE); //if CREATED_BY, CREATED_on field exists then update those fields PropertyInfo by = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("updated_by"); if (by != null) { data.SetValue("updated_by", SessionData.user_id); } PropertyInfo on = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("updated_on"); if (on != null) { data.SetValue("updated_on", DateTime.Now); } dynamic cloned = data.Clone(); chngHlpr.CheckChangeChanges(oldData, data); //if no changes then return true if (chngHlpr.Diff.ParameterNames.Count() == 0) { return(true); } int?savedId = null; //chngHlpr.Diff.Add("id", id, DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input); DynamicParameters where = new DynamicParameters(); where.Add("id", id, DbServiceUtility.GetDbType(typeof(TKey))); if (CheckClientID) { PropertyInfo client_id = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("client_id"); if (client_id != null) { where.Add("client_id", SessionData.client_id, DbServiceUtility.GetDbType(client_id.PropertyType)); } } try { savedId = tbl.Update(where, chngHlpr.Diff); if (TrackChanges) { //save the changes chngHlpr.LogChanges(con); } } catch (Npgsql.NpgsqlException ex) { LogTrace.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); LogTrace.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("SQL which gave exception:\r{0}", ex.Routine)); throw ex; } if (savedId > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public virtual bool SoftDelete(DbConnect con, TKey id) { Is_Child_Records_Exists = false; //Default child record off //pull old data TModel oldData = new TModel(); ITable <TModel, TKey> tbl = con.GetModelTable <TModel, TKey>(); oldData = tbl.Get(id); //checking if the data is editable by current login or not if (CheckClientID) { if (ValidateForClientData(oldData) == false) { return(false); } } TableDetailAttribute tableDatail = oldData.GetTableDetail(); //09 feb 2016 Foreign key refrence table data exists or not checke.. #region todo:shivahwor StringBuilder Sql = new StringBuilder(); Sql.AppendFormat(@" SELECT --tc.table_schema, tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name --,ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND ccu.table_name='{0}' ", tableDatail.Name); IEnumerable <DynamicDictionary> foreignkey_Table = DbServiceUtility.ExecuteList(con, Sql.ToString()); Sql.Length = 0; DynamicDictionary rec = null; if (foreignkey_Table != null) { foreach (DynamicDictionary item in foreignkey_Table) { object tbl_Name = item.GetValue("table_name"); object col_name = item.GetValue("column_name"); if (Sql.Length > 0) { Sql.AppendLine("\n\t UNION ALL "); } Sql.AppendFormat(" SELECT 1 from {0} Where {1}={2} AND is_deleted ='F' ", tbl_Name.ToString(), col_name.ToString(), id); } rec = DbServiceUtility.ExecuteItem(con, Sql.ToString()); } if (rec != null) { if (rec.KeyList.Count > 0) { Is_Child_Records_Exists = true; //if child records exists than do not remove... return(false); } } #endregion //data = new TModel(); DynamicDictionary data_param = new DynamicDictionary(); ChangeHistoryHelper <TModel> chngHlpr = null; chngHlpr = new ChangeHistoryHelper <TModel>(AuditActivityTypes.SOFTDELETE); //if CREATED_BY, CREATED_on field exists then update those fields PropertyInfo by = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("deleted_by"); if (by != null) { data_param.SetValue("deleted_by", SessionData.user_id); //by.SetValue(data, Bango.GetCurrentUserId()); } PropertyInfo on = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("deleted_on"); if (on != null) { //on.SetValue(data, DateTime.Now); data_param.SetValue("deleted_on", DateTime.Now); } PropertyInfo uq_code = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("deleted_uq_code"); if (on != null) { //on.SetValue(data, DateTime.Now); data_param.SetValue("deleted_uq_code", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddHHmmss")); } PropertyInfo is_deleted = oldData.GetType().GetProperty(tableDatail.DeleteFlagField); if (is_deleted != null) { //is_deleted.SetValue(data, true); data_param.SetValue(tableDatail.DeleteFlagField, true); } chngHlpr.CheckChangeChanges(oldData, data_param); //chngHlpr.Diff.Add("id", id, DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input); DynamicParameters where = new DynamicParameters(); where.Add("id", id); if (CheckClientID) { PropertyInfo client_id = oldData.GetType().GetProperty("client_id"); if (client_id != null) { where.Add("client_id", SessionData.client_id); } } try { int?savedId = tbl.Update(where, chngHlpr.Diff); if (TrackChanges) { //save the changes chngHlpr.LogChanges(con); } } catch (Npgsql.NpgsqlException ex) { LogTrace.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); LogTrace.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("SQL which gave exception:\r{0}", ex.Routine)); throw ex; } return(true); }
public virtual bool Insert(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary data) { //create empty object TModel empty = new TModel(); ChangeHistoryHelper <TModel> chngHlpr = null; chngHlpr = new ChangeHistoryHelper <TModel>(AuditActivityTypes.INSERT); PropertyInfo key = Models.ModelService.GetKeyPropertyInfo(empty); if (data.ContainsKey(key.Name)) { data.Remove(key.Name); } //if CREATED_BY, CREATED_on field exists then update those fields PropertyInfo by = empty.GetType().GetProperty("created_by"); if (by != null) { data.SetValue("created_by", SessionData.user_id); } PropertyInfo on = empty.GetType().GetProperty("created_on"); if (on != null) { data.SetValue("created_on", DateTime.Now); } if (CheckClientID) { PropertyInfo client_id = empty.GetType().GetProperty("client_id"); if (client_id != null) { if (!data.ContainsKey("client_id")) { data.SetValue("client_id", SessionData.client_id); } } } chngHlpr.CheckChangeChanges(new TModel(), data); ITable <TModel, int?> tbl = con.GetModelTable <TModel>(); int?id = null; try { id = tbl.Insert(chngHlpr.Diff); //set the primary key in the object if (key != null) { data.SetValue(key.Name, id); } if (TrackChanges) { // chngHlpr.Changes.pkey_value = Convert.ToString(id); //save the changes chngHlpr.LogChanges(con); } } catch (Npgsql.NpgsqlException ex) { LogTrace.WriteErrorLog(ex.ToString()); LogTrace.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("sql which gave exception:\r{0}", ex.Routine)); throw ex; } if (id > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }